News of the Week: News of the Week Announcements en-us Sun, 09 Feb 2025 10:23:44 -0800 SyncAll RSS 1.0 4264:37001 <![CDATA[Restrain Yourself]]> By Terry Swenson When you go out to dinner with an influential person, mind your manners: Don’t gobble your food, don’t talk with your mouth full. And don’t stuff yourself; bridle your appetite.

Proverbs 23:1-3 The Message (MSG)

I don’t remember just what the occasion was, but I do remember that my family was meeting some people for dinner who seemed to be very important to my mom and dad. It was going to be at the kind of restaurant to which we, as children, were never invited — one of those fancy establishments where everyone is dressed up, the waiter speaks with an air of superiority and half a drawer of silverware is set around your plate.

My mom’s speech to me sounded very much like this week’s Proverbs. All I knew was that I was to be on my absolute best behavior. I was to restrain myself. That is the gist of what the author of our passage is saying: restrain yourself. How foreign that thought is in the world in which we live. All too often, it appears that people are only mindful of themselves. We live amidst an epidemic of self-focus. Customers in restaurants and stores treat servers as if they were invisible at best or an annoyance at worst. They let loose with barrages of bad behavior no matter who is around them. Asking someone to use restraint is viewed as trampling on their rights.

It is as if society has reverted into juveniles that try to justify their actions by claiming that “everybody does it.” Loma Linda University Health’s focus is “to continue the teaching and healing ministry of Christ.” Living that mission means that we don’t seek the lowest denominator of social interaction; we are to seek the highest. We aren’t to be on our best behavior with only the top-ranking administrators, or our bosses, or influential customers. We are not to restrain ourselves just to curry favor. Jesus calls us to restrain ourselves out of respect and care and love. Jesus invites us to live like Him: Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from His love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate? 

Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose. Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.

Philippians 2:2-5 (NLT) 

Terry Swenson, DMin, is director of University Spiritual Care at Loma Linda University.

Thu, 21 Feb 2019 10:15:50 -0800
4264:37003 <![CDATA[Five heart health tips for the working woman]]> By Heather Jackson Heart disease is the number one killer in women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Stress is one of the major risk factors responsible for cardiovascular disease. According to the American Institute of Stress, work is the major stress source for American adults. 

Purvi Parwani, MD, a Loma Linda University International Heart Institute cardiovascular disease specialist who focuses on women’s cardiovascular disease, says high mortality due to cardiovascular disease in women can only be changed if women put their heart health first.

“We as women we have to take ownership of heart health,” Parwani says. “Women still remain underserved in healthcare when it comes to cardiovascular disease prevention and survival due to their unique symptoms.”

Parwani says part of taking ownership over women’s heart health is about making it work and taking small steps in one of the most stressful places: the workplace. Here are her five tips for reducing stress at work: 

  1. Try facial stress-relief techniques. If you are in a stressful situation at work, Parwani advises to use havening relaxation techniques, such as rubbing your cheeks or forehead. She also says to take a break from the stressful environment by practicing deep breathing with a straight posture and closed eyes. This additional technique may help you calm down if you are having a stressful conversation with a co-worker or are upset about something on the job. 
  2. Snack on exercising. Parwani says some exercise is better than no exercise, and having a busy schedule or not enough time to exercise because of work should not be the reason for you to be inactive. She keeps a miniature stationary bike under her desk and peddles on it while working at her desk. She says other things that will help increase your heart rate at work include doing push-ups, parking far from your office, standing up every hour, taking stairs instead of the elevator or going for a 10-minute walk after lunch. 
  3. Stay hydrated. Always have a water bottle handy. Our bodies are mostly water, and staying hydrated is important to keep our systems functioning. 
  4. If you are a leader, be an activity leader. If you are a leader within your organization, use exercise for team building. Organize an optional exercise hour in the office gym or a stress relief activity such as yoga or a meditation class — after all, you're the boss. 
  5. Plan your meals. When you plan your meals for the week, you can avoid using up mental energy with food choices during your workday. Be sure to think of healthy foods and healthy portions. Remember to avoid meat and include lots of vegetables and fruits.

In addition to these work-related tips, Parwani urges women to never forget the top three risk factors that also require personal discipline — quit smoking if you smoke, avoid use of alcohol and make sure you check your family history. If you are interested in knowing your cardiovascular risk assessment feel free to visit the test online or if you would like to talk with a cardiologist about any concerns feel free to call 1-800-468-5432

Thu, 21 Feb 2019 10:19:28 -0800
4264:37005 <![CDATA[Wellness Live — Primary Care and the Need for Greater Access and Continuity in the Delivery of Healthcare]]> Janelle Ringer A free webinar, titled “Primary Care and the Need for Greater Access and Continuity in the Delivery of Healthcare,” will be live-streamed on Wednesday, Feb. 27, from 5:30–6 p.m.

Viewers will be able to ask questions and interact live with featured speaker Daniel Reichert, MD, vice chair Department of Family Medicine. The presentation will be hosted by Olivia Moses, DrPH, CWHC, director of Corporate Health and Wellness.

The webinar will be available at

For more information, call 909-651-4007.

Thu, 21 Feb 2019 10:21:59 -0800
4264:37006 <![CDATA[Have a (pickle)ball ]]> Employees one and all are invited to join the Mission Possible-themed Homecoming weekend at Loma Linda University Health. The full event runs Feb. 28–March 4. Family friendly and general-interest programming is scheduled Friday night through Sunday. 

The events are designed to foster unity across generations, disciplines, cultures and faiths through the shared heritage at Loma Linda University Health. Peruse the lineup for Friday night through Sunday morning:

Friday evening, March 1

  • Mission Possible: Alumni Feature Stories — 7 p.m. at Loma Linda University Church. 

Saturday, March 2

  • Prayer Walk — 8 to 9 a.m. at the Mission Globe on Centennial Pathway.
  • Parade of Flags/Sabbath school — 9 a.m. in Drayson Center.
  • Church service — 10:30 a.m. in Drayson Center.
  • Homecoming haystacks — following the Sabbath services, in the tent at Drayson Center superfield.
  • Mission Vespers — 4:30 p.m. at Loma Linda University Church.
  • Loma Linda’s Got Talent— 7 p.m. at Drayson Center. Featuring some of Loma Linda University Health’s finest alumni and student talent. Guest artists: Lyndon Johnston Taylor, violin, and Jinhyang Park, piano.

Sunday, March 3

  • Pancake feed — 8 to 11 a.m. in the tent at Drayson Center superfield.
  • Pickleball tournament — 8 a.m. at Drayson Center pickleball courts.

Interested in volunteering?
There are multiple opportunities to volunteer through the Feb. 28–March 4 Homecoming. Learn more and register.

For further details or information on registration for one or more events please visit

Thu, 21 Feb 2019 10:24:17 -0800
4264:37008 <![CDATA[Help when you need it — Employee & Student Assistance Program]]> Since its inception in 1990, Loma Linda University Health’s Employee & Student Assistance Program has provided employees, students and their families with the highest quality of caring assessments and psychotherapy for a wide variety of issues. This includes personal, work and academic concerns. All of our services are free of charge and completely confidential.

Provided resources include:

  • Assessment & Referral
  • Crisis Intervention
  • In-Services
  • LGBT+ Resources
  • LGBT+ Support Groups
  • Phone Consultations
  • Short Term Counseling

We all face challenges that can affect work, academics or personal relationships. The purpose of the program is to assist employees, students and their families in developing and implementing a plan to discover personal goals and move toward a healthy transformation. 

If you are struggling with any issues that are impacting your ability to live your life to its fullest, let us partner with you as you navigate your personal journey. Set up an appointment by calling call 909-558-6050. Our offices are located at 11360 Mountain View Avenue, Hartford Building, Suite A in Loma Linda, CA 92354. 

Thu, 21 Feb 2019 10:25:35 -0800
4264:36968 <![CDATA[In matters big and small]]> By Kathy McMillan Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings.
–Proverbs 22:29

With a brand new work permit in hand, I arrived for my first day of work at age 14. I had been hired by an older couple who lived a block from my school to “help out” around the house and to prune suckers on the tomatoes in their greenhouses. I was dismayed to discover that my first assignment was ironing a mountain of Mr. Peterson’s dress shirts. Having never mastered the art of ironing, I was mortified when Mrs. Peterson came in to check my work and asked me to start over. She patiently showed me how to begin with the collar and yoke, then move to the sleeves before ironing the front and back of the shirt.  

It was an embarrassing but helpful lesson in excellence.

The Statue of Liberty was dedicated in 1886, 17 years before the Wright brothers took their first flight. Yet if you see an aerial photograph showing the top of Lady Liberty’s head, you will notice that the artist went to painstaking effort to create detail in her hairstyle. The only beings that Frédéric Bartholdi could have possibly thought would see the hairdo were the seagulls flying overhead. But he valued excellence enough to finish the job beautifully. Now passengers in helicopters and airplanes see his work on a daily basis.

This day in February — Valentine’s Day — often turns our thoughts to how someone will show us love. Will there be flowers … chocolate … a sparkling gift? Perhaps our energy would be better spent by asking, “Do I love with excellence?” 

The way we demonstrate love to our families, those with whom we work, and those we serve and who serve us will make it clear whether or not we have grasped “the most excellent way” that Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians 12:31.

Do you value excellence? Are you honing your skills so you can offer the world your best? Are you committed to excellence, even when it may seem unimportant? 

I still find beauty in a freshly ironed shirt!

—Kathy McMillan is director of Employee Spiritual Care at Loma Linda University Medical Center.

Thu, 14 Feb 2019 11:40:53 -0800
4264:36963 <![CDATA[Making Tracs ]]> Trac Nguyen has worked as a parking enforcement officer at Loma Linda University Health for eight years, and he has seen it all — the good, the bad and the urgent.   

Calm and focused, he describes his job as purpose-driven and sat down with News of the Week to share his perspective about the world of parking at an academic health sciences organization. 

Three takeaways from Trac

1. Understandably, nobody wants to receive a parking citation. On the other hand, nobody wants to need treatment at a hospital, or need to visit a sick loved one.

“The least we can do is let them park where they need to,” Trac said. 

 2. There are no goals or quotas for giving out a certain number of parking violation tickets.   

“It’s better to educate than to issue a citation,” he said. “Approach us with a good manner. If you do get a ticket, learn from it and spread the knowledge.”

3. Following a few directions pretty much guarantees a parking spot. Arrive early; know your designated lot; know your backup options. If need be, contact the parking office for advice.

“We will help you!” Trac said.

Thu, 14 Feb 2019 09:22:57 -0800
4264:36965 <![CDATA['March Madness' — parking permit style]]> If you fall into one of these categories — employee, faculty, staff, student, volunteer, vendor, or contractor/contract employee — you must register for a parking permit and renew it annually. For most of Loma Linda University Health, including the Murrieta campus, permit renewal is due each March. (Exception: University renewals take place in October.)

You should have already received a courtesy email notification from “OPS System Administrator” with this subject line: [EXTERNAL] Online Parking System - Permit Expiration Notification. The email contains detailed instructions for renewing permit registration. You may also access the Online Parking System directly from any computer or mobile device.

When you renew your permit, you agree to read, understand and comply with Loma Linda University Health’s Parking Regulations document. Loma Linda University Health policy requires that all employees, faculty, staff, students, volunteers, vendors and contractors/contract employees comply with its parking regulations.

Obtaining permits

Access the Online Parking System to perform the following actions:

• Create an account
• Update account information
• Update vehicle information
• Apply for/renew permit
• Pay or appeal a citation

Learn more:

Parking permit Q&A
Map of parking lots

Parking One Portal page

Thu, 14 Feb 2019 09:23:09 -0800
4264:36967 <![CDATA[Presenting a parking-focused edition]]> Like many medical and academic campuses, Loma Linda University Health deals with a limited amount of space for parking lots and garages. Compounding the issue is the construction of a new hospital complex. Thousands of construction workers have joined the mix of patients, employees, students and guests who drive to campus.

Paramount concerns are campus safety, patient access to services and treatments, passage for emergency vehicles, and handicapped-accessible parking. To meet such needs, parking is regulated by administration-set policies codified in the “Parking Regulations” document (also found in the Online Parking System). 

Every employee and student must obtain and renew an annual parking permit, which sets forth that individual’s only designated parking area(s). When creating or renewing their annual permit, all employees and students agree each year to abide by the Parking Regulations.

To help you do that, the Feb. 14 issue of News of the Week is dedicated to all matters parking. The stories are designed to help you understand the issues and learn helpful tips. However, definitive information can only be found in the Parking Regulations. 

Learn more

Rideshare, Parking & Traffic Services

Thu, 14 Feb 2019 09:23:28 -0800
4264:36961 <![CDATA[MetroLink commuter benefits — coming soon]]> Loma Linda University Health is excited to announce it has joined the MetroLink Corporate Partner Program as a benefit to full- and part-time employees. The program will take effect in April. 

Significant savings will be possible for employees who ride MetroLink to work. You will be able to pay a large portion of your fares with pre-tax dollars of up to $265 monthly. This applies to purchase of monthly passes, seven-day passes, and roundtrip tickets.

Beyond tax savings and reduced personal vehicle expenses, employees will have access to the Rail 2 Rail ® Program and be eligible for a 25 percent fare discount for the first six months after the program goes live.

For purchases of monthly passes, a $25 subsidy will be granted each month; this is not applicable to seven-day or roundtrip tickets.

The nearest MetroLink station is in downtown San Bernardino, with access to Loma Linda via OmniTrans. If employee participation is high, Loma Linda University Health may offer a direct shuttle in the future. 

Interested in joining this program? Contact Rideshare at ext. 53033 or

Thu, 14 Feb 2019 09:22:44 -0800
4264:36962 <![CDATA[Vanpools — more customizable than you knew]]> The Rideshare department at Loma Linda University Health helps coordinate vanpools for employees with similar commutes. Members of each vanpool group share the cost of gasoline and the monthly vehicle lease amount. 

Interested? The team at Rideshare may be able to match you with one of several existing vanpools, or new vanpools may be formed if at least five employees with similar need agree to begin one. The new group members agree on vehicle selection (wifi and HD radio options may be available) and daily meeting points and times. 

Benefits of vanpooling may include financial savings, time in your day, and a little bit of fun.

Other commuting choices available to employees of Loma Linda University Health — often with financial or other incentives — include carpools or a commitment to biking, walking, or taking public transportation. 

Learn more: ext. 53033 or

Thu, 14 Feb 2019 09:22:52 -0800
4264:36966 <![CDATA[Find that parking spot — here's how]]> While the fact may be true, no employee wants to hear that their employer isn’t under obligation to provide parking. So the experts in Parking & Traffic at Loma Linda University Health are here to help employees and students find a space.

Here are their tips.

  1. Arrive on campus at least 15-20 minutes prior to the beginning of your shift.
  2. Know your designated parking lot and any backup options. View your individual permit for details.
  3. Recognize times of high demand for parking. Employees who arrive to campus after 7:30–8 a.m. may be best served by going directly to parking lot SP on Shepardson Drive at the corner with Benton Street.
  4. Seriously, the Shepardson lot is awesome, boasting more than 500 parking spots — most of which are currently going unfilled. It may seem far, but …
  5. A shuttle runs all day long (from 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.) on this circular route:

Shepardson lot SP → Drayson Center → University Court (the cul-de-sac between the library and School of Dentistry) → VA Loma Linda Healthcare System → Shepardson lot

                 Learn more about shuttles.

6. After 5 p.m., parking lots not designated for patients are open for general employee and student parking (as well as attendees of campus events/church programs).

7. Still finding yourself out of luck? Call Parking & Traffic. They want to help. 909-651-3025 (ext. 53025)

 Some don’ts

The following methods to avoid parking regulations won’t work.

  1. Leaving a note on your dashboard to explain why you had to park in an area you’re unauthorized for.
  2. Putting on your hazard lights in a fire lane or other off-limits area while you dash inside, even just for 30 seconds.

Never park in a fire lane — or behind any ambulances outside the emergency department — or block a driveway. You will receive a citation.

Ordering lunch in? Please inform delivery drivers not to park in fire lanes or emergency department/ambulance parking — they, too, will receive a citation.

Patient parking areas and handicapped parking spaces are monitored 24/7/365.

One more tip: employee drop-offs and pick-ups are not allowed in front of the Medical Center. This entrance is for patients only.


Thu, 14 Feb 2019 09:23:15 -0800
4264:36964 <![CDATA[Changes coming to parking ]]> Loma Linda University Health administrators, and the staff of the Department of Parking & Traffic, are always looking for ways to better serve employees in their pursuit of getting to work.

Two big enhancements are upcoming. 

Gate for P2 garage

The gates at the entrance of parking garage P2 will be lowered beginning in March. This change will allow more employees who work in the Medical Center and Children’s Hospital to get spots in this primo real estate.

Here’s how it will work. A license plate reader will scan the plates of vehicles entering P2. Vehicles that aren’t tied to an appropriate employee permit will be advised to turn around. Vehicles linked to an employee with the right permit will be allowed to enter — but not more than one vehicle per account at a time will be granted access. Make sure you have your own account today.

This change should ease congestion in P2 by preventing unauthorized family members of an employee parking in the garage.

Parking for Centennial Complex event guests

Another revision designed to ensure more parking for employees (and students) stipulates that attendees to events held at Centennial Complex may no longer park in lox X. Event guests must now park at lot SP on Shepardson Drive at the corner of Benton Street. From there, shuttles will drive guests to the venue. (There will be exceptions to this policy; requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.)

More about event parking


Thu, 14 Feb 2019 09:23:03 -0800
4264:36890 <![CDATA[Blood donation drives — local need is critical]]> By Heather Reifsnyder The local supply of donated blood is currently too low to support the community,  according to LifeStream Blood Bank. The organization is holding two blood drives in Loma Linda to boost availability of blood for area patients and in case of a community emergency.

            • Friday, Feb. 8, from 2–6 p.m. at Ronald McDonald House

-In conjunction with Health & Wellness Mixer hosted by Inland Empire Regional Chamber of Commerce and other local chambers

            • Monday, Feb. 11, from 12–5 p.m. at LLU Drayson Center.

                        –Hosted by LLU School of Medicine

 More information 

 Call the San Bernardino LifeStream office at 909-885-6503.

Thu, 07 Feb 2019 12:39:09 -0800
4264:36880 <![CDATA[Business office closures for Presidents Day]]> Administrative and support departments at Loma Linda University Health will close for observance of Presidents Day on Monday, Feb. 18. This includes departments such as Risk Management, Human Resource Management, Payroll, Marketing & Communications, administrative offices, and more. 

Employee Health Services, at both the Loma Linda and Murrieta locations, will be closed that day, impacting the schedule for TB tests as follows:

Loma Linda office: The last day to have a TB test placed prior to Presidents Day will be Wednesday, Feb. 13. Walk-in appointments that day will be available from 7–11:15 a.m., and appointments will be available beginning at 12:30 p.m. 

Murrieta office: The last day to have a TB test placed prior to Presidents Day will be Tuesday, Feb. 12. Please call 951-290-4571 to schedule an appointment.

Reminder: On-location TB test clinics will be offered at Children’s Hospital (Feb.19 placement/Feb. 21 read) and Murrieta hospital (Feb. 11 placement/Feb. 13 read). Details.

Payroll will not be able to process off-cycle checks Feb. 18–20. Additionally, please note the following information:

Holiday paid leave (not applicable to Loma Linda–Inland Empire Consortium for Healthcare Education)

Hourly employees

Any overtime accrued during a pay period with a holiday will automatically reduce the amount of holiday paid owed to the employee. This allows employees to preserve more of their paid leave balance. Should an employee wish to be paid overtime and the full amount of holiday paid leave, the employee needs to enter a manual Holiday PDL calendar request for their daily/scheduled hours (not to exceed daily or weekly approved hours).

Salaried employees (not applicable to LLU)

Salaried employees who work on a holiday are entitled to have their holiday paid leave returned to their paid leave bank. Employees must enter a calendar request using the date of the holiday, “Cancel Holiday” pay code, and hours = 8 to request this action. 

Loma Linda University and LLU Healthcare

Approvers will have until Tuesday, Feb. 19, at 10 a.m. to finalize and approve employee timecards.

The deadline for receipt of payroll adjustment forms is Wednesday, Feb. 13, at 5 p.m.

Questions? Contact Payroll at ext. 14004 or

Drayson Center will remain open for normal business. 

Thu, 07 Feb 2019 09:05:00 -0800
4264:36878 <![CDATA[Special parking edition of <em>News of the Week</em>]]> Heather Reifsnyder News of the Week will publish a special edition on Thursday, Feb. 14, devoted to all things parking at Loma Linda University Health. Learn about:

• New MetroLink benefit coming soon
• Tips for finding a parking space
• Vanpools are awesome — what you may have never known
• Updated parking policy document
• Why it is so important to only park in your assigned lot(s)
• Gate coming to P2 garage
• Impact to campus parking during Homecoming weekend (Feb. 28–March 4)
• And more …

Be sure to read News of the Week for all the details. 

Thu, 07 Feb 2019 09:04:51 -0800
4264:36879 <![CDATA[Oak Glen Fellowship: Tales of a Mission-Minded Family — Feb. 9]]> Dr. Richard and Judy Hart invite employees, students and friends to their home in Oak Glen this Saturday, Feb. 9, at 10:30 a.m. for “Oak Glen Fellowship.” 

Special guests Drs. Jason and Belen Lohr, and their four children, will present “Tales of a Mission-Minded Family.”

The Lohr family will share their personal journey, featuring challenges and triumphs during their many years of international mission service. They have served in medical missions in Nigeria and Honduras and provided medical lectures in Cuba. Jason Lohr is chief executive officer at SAC Health System, and Belen Lohr is a family medicine clinician.

The Harts host Oak Glen Fellowship on the second Saturday morning of each month from October through May. Get to know other employees and students outside of campus, and enjoy a vegetarian potluck; drinks are provided. Dress casually and bring a jacket or wear layered clothing. After-lunch hiking is available if weather permits.


Thu, 07 Feb 2019 09:04:56 -0800
4264:36881 <![CDATA[Does your department have a safety coordinator?]]> The Safety Coordinator Program trains and empowers Loma Linda University Health employees to work in collaboration with Environmental Health & Safety to provide the safest possible environment for staff, patients and visitors.

Environmental Health & Safety provides an online safety training course. If your department doesn’t have a designated safety coordinator, assign one today. Designees can register online and then sign up for training on the OWL Portal

For more information, call 909-651-4018 or email

Thu, 07 Feb 2019 09:05:05 -0800
4264:36877 <![CDATA[Moving Margins]]> By Carl Ricketts Do not move the ancient boundary
Which your fathers have set.
                         –Proverbs 22:28

Have you ever played a game as the “new person”?

It is a time in which you are trying to learn the rules, relying on those who have played the game before you for guidance and instruction, all while trusting that those who know the game will not take advantage of your ignorance and vulnerabilities. 

Recently, I picked up the game of pickleball and was fortunate to learn from the most wonderful group of seasoned players who taught me the rules of the game. These lovers of the game taught me when to hit the ball, where to hit the ball and where the boundaries were that allowed me to be in compliance with the rules of the game. Those who knew more about the game knew that we would all have the best experience in the game if the rules and boundaries of the game were known and applicable to all. 

Sadly, in real-life there are moments when people who feel like the “new person” — experiencing grief, loss, voicelessness, financial inequity, and innumerable disparities — are taken advantage of by people who prey on their lack of knowledge, lack of resources and lack of advocacy.

This proverb, “Do not move the ancient boundary which your fathers have set,” was an imperative against taking advantage of widows and orphans by seizing their property, especially through illegal means. One who lost a spouse or parents was vulnerable because those who cared for their well-being socially, physically and economically were no longer around. Some would recognize this point of vulnerability, and, in predatory fashion, move the stone boundaries that marked the margins of their properties to increase their claim of land — believing no one would stand up for the vulnerable.

Yet, God is the advocate who stands up for His people. He is concerned about us to the point that He will stand up for us legally. Still going beyond legality, He demonstrates His care for us relationally. Many will state that your treatment is unjust or unfair, yet Christ doesn’t just talk about the plight of the oppressed, He does something about it, coming closer by relating with the marginalized and broken-hearted. Their Redeemer is strong, the Lord of Hosts is His name; He will vigorously plead their case … (Jeremiah 50:34).

May we resolve in our lives never to move the margins on people, boxing them into corners where we reduce their potential for abundant life. If I dismiss the gift given by God to His child, I dismiss the gift that is God’s child. And if I dismiss the gift that is God’s child, I dismiss The Gift Giver, who is God.

—Carl Ricketts Jr., MDiv, BCC, is director of Chaplain Services for Loma Linda University Medical Center.


Thu, 07 Feb 2019 09:04:47 -0800
4264:36872 <![CDATA[Notes from the President — Revisiting your history]]> By Dr. Richard Hart   February 2019
Revisiting your history

Homecoming 2019 offers education, spiritual renewal and fellowship

Dr. Richard Hart portrait

Alex Haley’s Roots: The Saga of an American Family, and the television miniseries that followed in 1977, electrified the United States with its incredible story of a man tracing his roots seven generations back to Kunta Kinte, a young man seized in The Gambia in western Africa and brought to America as a slave. The story, part history and part novel, highlights the beauty in the quest of finding your roots that signal who you are and where you came from. 

Fascination with our own roots has become easier today with the option of tracking the wandering of our DNA through history. You hear many stories of both gratification and surprise when we discover more about ourselves. The family roots on my father’s side came from an undocumented immigrant about five generations back when a British sailor jumped ship in Nova Scotia, Canada, and started his new life on this continent.  

Stories such as these become part of a bigger, shared history when we study and develop our professional skills and identities through education. For many of us alumni, Loma Linda University is the place where we gained the confidence to truly become ourselves and to dream our plans for the future. This identity is often wrapped up in the people, professors and staff who treated us with respect — they applauded our success and occasionally held our hands through some rough spots. It also rests in buildings and places that bring back memories of the past that established a place in our minds.

Homecomings are special because they reconnect us to our roots here — teachers and friends who walked that moment in history with us. 

This year’s Homecoming weekend begins on Thursday, Feb. 28, with a full day of continuing education courses, including an interdisciplinary day, offered free to all, on topics of concern such as opioid addictions, suicide risk, and ways to identify and counter these dreadful epidemics. Friday will continue with more CE courses focused on discipline-specific topics. 

The weekend program, which we are calling Mission Possible, begins Friday night at 7 p.m. in the Loma Linda University Church with incredible stories and videos of our alumni and the impact they have had around the world. Saturday morning will shift to the Drayson Center for our traditional Parade of Flags, followed by more stories and class recognitions. The church service will include the full University Church Orchestra and Choir, followed by Randy Roberts’ message, and end with one of my favorites, our faculty and students signing the Lord’s Prayer while sung by Jeje Noval. 

The big tent will again host what might be the world’s largest haystack feed, followed by various groups meeting during the afternoon. I would encourage you to gather again in the University Church at 4:30 p.m. for our Mission Vespers, which will feature people and stories from Angola, Malawi and Haiti.  

Saturday night activities are back at the Drayson Center, presenting Loma Linda’s Got Talent, with both classic and cultural music and stories. A highlight this year will be a special performance by Lyndon Taylor, an accomplished violinist with the Los Angeles Philharmonic. Sunday morning brings a pickleball tournament at the Drayson Center, a pancake feed and more CE courses. 

Homecoming weekend has become a major event on this campus, when alumni from all our schools can meet, swap stories and hear updates on the campus. I encourage you to join us for this annual gathering, where you can revisit your roots, relive your stories from the past and rekindle longtime friendships. See you soon!





Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH
Loma Linda University Health


Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow

Thu, 07 Feb 2019 08:56:28 -0800
4264:36796 <![CDATA[February's TB test clinic dates]]> Employee Health Services is offering two TB test clinics on the main campus during February for staff whose jobs require an annual health screening clearance.

Additionally, LLU Medical Center – Murrieta will have its own employee TB test clinic.

All TB tests must be read within 48-72 hours after placement. Failure to have the TB test read will necessitate another test at the employee’s own expense. 

Main campus

Feb. 4 and 6
Placement: Feb 4, 1:30–4:30 p.m. in Children’s Hospital room 1830
Reading: Feb. 6, 1:30–3:30 p.m. in Children’s Hospital room 1830

Feb. 19 and 21
Placement: Feb 19, 1:30–4:30 p.m. in Children’s Hospital room 1832
Reading: Feb. 21, 1:30–3:30 p.m. in Children’s Hospital room 1830

All tests must be read within 48-72 hours after placement, either at the return clinic dates above or at Employee Health Services (main campus).

Murrieta campus

Feb. 11 and 13
Placement: Feb. 11, 1:30–3:30 p.m. in Menifee Room (fourth floor)
Reading: Feb. 13, 1:30–3:30 p.m. in Menifee Room (fourth floor)

Tests must be read within 48-72 hours after placement, either at the return clinic date above or at Employee Health Services’ Murrieta location.

New timeline for annual employee health clearances

As of 2019, Loma Linda University Health — including Murrieta campus — is changing the deadline for annual employee health clearances to each employee’s birth month. More information is available in this story from News of the Week: Date for annual employee health clearances to change

Thu, 31 Jan 2019 09:18:37 -0800
4264:36790 <![CDATA[Bed Snatchers — a devotional]]> By Carla Park Do not be one who shakes hands in pledge
or puts up security for debts;
if you lack the means to pay,
your very bed will be snatched from under you.
                               –Proverbs 22:26-27 (NIV)

Credit card debt has reached its highest ever, with the average credit card debt amounting to over $6,000. This news is not surprising to us anymore. In fact, it is an essay-stopper — a first line that causes the reader to quit reading. So why would I write it?

Because that’s where everyone expects a writer to go with this text in Proverbs:

Do not be one who shakes hands in pledge
or puts up security for debts;
if you lack the means to pay,
your very bed will be snatched from under you.

But let’s go deeper.

In this text, the author is concerned about our very beds being “snatched from under” us. This metaphor is deeply personal. Our beds are places of safety and comfort. They are places where we spend a third of our time — the most important time, essential for memory, health and wellbeing. 

“Shall we take our pillows?” My husband asks this question before every car trip. He knows my answer will be yes because I want my bed away from home to be more like home. We are “tucked in” as children by parents who love us, and we “snuggle under the blankets” to shelter from cold. We “sleep in” as an extravagant way to spend time. Wanting to “sleep in my own bed” means “I want to be home.” 

A bed matters. 

There are all kinds of horror films about bodysnatchers, but our two verses from Proverbs warn against the bed snatcher. “Your very bed” isn’t a metaphor for your most precious possession; it signifies to your most basic, fundamental possession. The possession you cannot do without, the one that grounds you, connects you to the foundation of who you are. 

Once you lose that, you are “bedless,” or, more accurately, homeless. You have nothing.

What takes us to that place? When we make promises that are not easy to keep, we must spend an inordinate amount of time and energy trying to catch up. If in debt, we work extra to make more money. If we overcommit, we stay up late or work extended hours to accommodate. 

We fling the doors wide open for bed snatchers.

We can’t see them, of course. They ease in ever so gently and quietly. We are “fine” until we are not. That’s the problem. The line between “fine” and “not fine” is as invisible as the line running through my property separating Redlands and Yucaipa. It is as real as the legal system. People fight over these lines, but if you are standing on the property, all you see is dry ground and a few weed sprigs. 

There is no line visible where a very real line exists. A person can step over it without realizing that it is even there. Once you step over it, you step into another territory, a less predictable and reliable world. You find yourself looking back, even as you race forward. There are no signs warning “No way back!” and yet they litter the road in front.

Why live anywhere close to this line? There are so many lines that we can’t avoid — aging, death, disappointment. But this line — the one that appears when we overspend and overcommit — is one we draw with our own hands and then cross with our own choices. “Live beneath your means” is a whisper emerging from old people who appear like they are out of touch. “You are not measured by how much you do” is usually said only by people who are retired. Let’s listen. Now.

What kind of life do we want to live? I want one with my own bed. I have been at risk of losing it, and it was a frightening place to be. No, I’ll spend less, do less, promise less … in order to sleep in my own bed.

—Carla Park, PhD, is assistant vice president for Spiritual Life and Mission at Loma Linda University Health.

Thu, 31 Jan 2019 09:17:57 -0800
4264:36791 <![CDATA[Vetoed California legislation, addressing health through housing, and more]]> News of the Week presents the January 2019 monthly roundup of resources from the Institute for Health Policy and Leadership at Loma Linda University Health. 

The Institute for Health Policy and Leadership is an active player in analyzing current issues, bills and laws dealing with health; curating coverage of key national news regarding healthcare, public health and science; and assessing implications for Seventh-day Adventist health systems.

January 2019 policy resources 

Healthcare News at a Glance weekly briefs

• Jan. 3 issue
• Jan. 9 issue
• Jan. 16 issue
• Jan. 23 issue

Issue at a Glance monthly brief       

• “Suicidal Behavior in Youth

Policy at a Glance monthly brief

        • “2018 Vetoed Health Legislation in California

Health Policy Connection blog posts

        • Hospitals Address the Social Determinants of Health through Housing

• “‘See2See Road Trip’ — Finding New Ways to Learn for Health Policy Professionals

Learn more: or ext. 87022

Thu, 31 Jan 2019 09:18:02 -0800
4264:36792 <![CDATA[Code Gray drill to involve every hospital department]]> Wednesday, May 1 will see all six hospital campuses participating in a safety drill for Code Gray emergencies — specifically threats posed by a combative individual. To reach all employees, a mini drill will be conducted in every unit/department with area-specific teams. The participating locations are Medical Center, East Campus, Surgical Hospital, Children’s Hospital, Behavioral Medicine Center and Murrieta. 

Department heads must select a point person who will be responsible for facilitating that department’s mini drill. This person could be a safety coordinator, educator, charge nurse or another capable individual. Please submit your department's designee information no later than Thursday, Feb. 7.

Learn more

The goal of this drill is to help employees better understand Code Gray situations and support offered for potential situations of workplace violence.

More information, including a description of the facilitators’ roles and responsibilities, is available in the full news story on One Portal.

Thu, 31 Jan 2019 09:18:08 -0800
4264:36794 <![CDATA[IRS increases dollar limit for retirement contributions]]> Good news for retirement planning: Eligible employees can put away an additional $500 in 2019 for their future.

The Internal Revenue Service increased the 2019 limit for employee deferrals to approved retirement plans — 403(b) tax-sheltered annuities — from $18,500 to $19,000. The catch-up contribution limit for employees age 50 and above will remain at $6,000. Thus, employees age 50 and over can contribute up to $25,000 in 2019 to retirement funds.

Loma Linda University Health encourages benefit-eligible employees to take advantage of the retirement plans offered to them. Employees who contribute to their plan can increase financial security for the future while receiving a tax break on pre-taxed contributions.

Furthermore, benefit-eligible employees of these entities — Loma Linda University (staff only), Medical Center, Children’s Hospital, Behavioral Medicine Center, Murrieta and Shared Services — may also receive employer matching on qualified employee contributions. 

Improve your future

It’s never too soon or too late to start planning for retirement.

For more information about retirement plans at Loma Linda University Health, visit the Human Resource Management benefits page on One Portal. Additionally, employees are encouraged to utilize the free online financial planning tools available through the SmartDollar employee benefit. 

Learn more by contacting Human Resource Management at ext. 14001 or

Thu, 31 Jan 2019 09:18:18 -0800
4264:36793 <![CDATA[Meet your financial goals with SmartDollar]]> Are you ready to face your finances after the holidays?

The Living Whole Wellness Program wants to help. The Loma Linda University Health program provides all employees, and their spouses, the free opportunity to join Dave Ramsey’s SmartDollar program.

SmartDollar is an online program that strives to help employees get out of debt, create and follow a spending plan, and save for future needs such as retirement. The program’s budgeting tools, expert advice and motivating content help you reach your financial goals. 

If you have not yet signed up for the SmartDollar program, you are missing out on more than a $100 value budgeting tool.

Sign up today.

Thu, 31 Jan 2019 09:18:12 -0800
4264:36795 <![CDATA[Homecoming awaits — one month from today]]> The 2019 Homecoming weekend at Loma Linda University Health is all about the theme of “Mission Possible.” The event’s five-day programming will offer something for everyone — including employees. The weekend runs from Thursday, Feb. 28, through Monday, March 4. 

Events will center around learning, worshiping and enjoying time together. Highlights of the weekend include:


Interprofessional Education Day — a free continuing education conference on “Today’s Healthcare Challenges: An interprofessional approach to suicide, behavioral health and the opioid crisis.” 8 a.m.–5 p.m. at Centennial Complex. Learn more.

All School Research Poster Presentations — showcasing student research from all eight schools. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Centennial Complex’s fourth floor. (Also Friday 8 a.m.–1 p.m.)


Mission Possible: Alumni Feature Stories — vespers service. 7 p.m. at Loma Linda University Church.

Sabbath morning

Prayer Walk  A guided prayer experience. 8–9 a.m. at the Mission Globe on the campus quad.

Sabbath School/Parade of Flags — 9–10:30 a.m. at Drayson Center. 

Church  10:30 a.m. at Drayson Center with guest speaker Randy Roberts, DMin.

Saturday afternoon

Haystack feed  Food, fellowship, fun. 12:15 p.m. at Drayson Center superfield.

Saturday night

Loma Linda’s Got Talent — A family event showcasing the talents of the Loma Linda University Health family. 7 p.m. at Drayson Center.


Pancake feed A delicious pancake breakfast. 8–11 a.m. at Drayson Center’s superfield.

Pickleball Tournament  the second-annual tradition-in-the-making. 7 a.m. registration, 8 a.m. start at Drayson Center’s pickleball courts. 

For full programming description of the five-day weekend, check the online Homecoming schedule. Additional helpful links include the schedule by school and a list of continuing education courses by profession.

Last but not least, don't forget to register.


Thu, 31 Jan 2019 09:18:23 -0800
4264:36723 <![CDATA[Contagious Anger, Contagious Peace — a devotional]]> By Randy Roberts The late Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase of the Bible is called The Message. Here is how The Message renders Proverbs 22:24–25:

Don’t hang out with angry people;
    don’t keep company with hotheads.
Bad temper is contagious—
    don’t get infected.

While I appreciate the sentiment, I do wonder whether these verses from Proverbs are just the overstated ramblings of an aging man from a long, long time ago. I mean, don’t have to be affected by the emotions of others, do I? After all, I believe in the concept of the solid self, a concept that says that when a person is solid at the core, then that person knows and stands for their beliefs, convictions, principles and opinions. They maintain their individuality. They have strength. They are solid.

But then along comes the wise man and says, “Don’t keep company with hotheads, because anger is contagious.” Does the wise man have a point?

Some time ago, a friend of mine introduced me to a concept called “emotional contagion.” According to the (trusty?!) annals of Wikipedia, emotional contagion “is the phenomenon of having one person’s emotions and related behaviors directly trigger similar emotions and behaviors in other people.” It’s the experience of “catching” a given emotion from another person, just like catching the flu. Interestingly, there’s a significant amount of research to back up the concept’s validity. 

Curiously, it isn’t even limited just to emotions. Yawning has been observed to be contagious in humans as well as numerous animal species, such as chimpanzees, cats, birds, and reptiles.

You’ve had that experience, haven’t you? Perhaps you’re in a faculty meeting — the kind of meeting of which I heard one person say: “When I die, I hope it’s in a faculty meeting, because the transition from life to death will be so subtle!” — and someone y-a-w-n-s… What are you doing ten seconds later?

Emotional contagion seems to be a valid reality. So, now we go back to the words of the wise man in Proverbs 22:24–25, this time from the New International Version:

Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person,
         do not associate with one easily angered,
or you may learn their ways
         and get yourself ensnared.

Do you know what I notice about today’s public dialogue, recorded on the news, on websites, and through social media? It seems that so many people are yelling. The world is angry. One side shouts and the other screams back. One group accuses and the other responds in kind. One person condemns and another retaliates. Our current cultural reality is one of emotional contagion run amok. 

I think the wise man was right!

And then I think of the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:8):

Blessed are the peacemakers
     for they will be called children of God. 

Do you know what I long for? I long for peace to spread through emotional contagion. I long for peace  to be caught by one person and then another. I long for peace to spread around our campus, then our city, then our world.

But it has to start with someone. Somebody has to be “patient zero.” Someone has to be the one who spreads it. I’m willing. Are you?

—Randy Roberts, DMin, is vice president for Spiritual Life and Mission at Loma Linda University Health.

Wed, 23 Jan 2019 18:02:47 -0800
4264:36724 <![CDATA[Wellness Live — creating family fun with food prep]]> The Living Whole Wellness Program will host a free live-streamed presentation on Wednesday, Jan. 30, from 5:30–6 p.m., featuring speaker and program dietitian Esmerelda Valluru, MS, RD.

Viewers will be able to ask questions and interact live with Valluru about ways to make family meals fun with food prep. The presentation will be hosted by Olivia Moses, DrPH, director of corporate health and wellness at Loma Linda University Health.    

Watch the livestream on Loma Linda University Health’s Facebook page or via the Wellness Live webpage. For more information, call 909-651-4007.

Did you miss last month’s live broadcast on “The Gift of Gratitude” by Carl Ricketts Jr., MDiv? View it on demand, along with numerous past presentations, in the Wellness Live archive.

Wed, 23 Jan 2019 18:02:53 -0800
4264:36725 <![CDATA[Plain exterior of new building hides super abilities]]> By Heather Reifsnyder The newest building to open at Loma Linda University Health makes for a safer campus and community through safely storing hazardous waste materials in a self-contained system with built-in backup measures. It went into use earlier this month and is located on Parkland Street.

Should a chemical spill occur in the new structure, the building’s design will keep in any and all noxious solids, liquids or gases, preventing campus evacuation, mass exposure, or worse.

Hazardous substances generated by the organization’s various clinical labs and research laboratories are collected daily and transported to the building, where they are stored in an appropriate container as per chemical type. Every 90 days, a contracted company collects the materials for disposal. 

Though unlikely, if any materials spilled while in-house — or if an earthquake were to occur — the building is ready. Its foundation is solid enough to support thousands of pounds of hazardous substances and much more. This super solid foundation safely houses four chemically sealed containment pits to which any spillage would run through drainage grates. 

Nor can gas fumes escape the building, in which every surface — including lightbulbs and paint — is built to rebuff sparks and withstand fire. Interior ceiling sprinklers add a further layer of protection, and the walls are composed of block walls reinforced with rebar and filled with concrete.

All this is wired into the campus’ fire alarm system and monitored 24/7 by video surveillance. 

Several years in the planning, the Hazardous Material Storage Building is one of the ways Loma Linda University Health carries out its commitment to a safe environment for students, employees, patients and community members. The Office of Environmental Health & Safety is grateful for funding and support from Loma Linda University to get the project lifted, noted Brett McPherson, director. 

Wed, 23 Jan 2019 18:03:01 -0800
4264:36726 <![CDATA[Would you want to know? New York Times medicine and science reporter to speak on genetic testing]]> By Heather Reifsnyder The Center for Christian Bioethics invites the campus and community to come hear Gina Kolata, a bestselling author and medical reporter, speak about a difficult decision faced by individuals who may be carriers for deadly genetic diseases. Do they want to find out? 

The Saturday, Feb. 2, talk will take place at 3 p.m. in the Centennial Complex’s Damazo Amphitheater. Kolata will discuss the topic of her most recent book, Mercies in Disguise: A Story of Hope, a Family's Genetic Destiny, and The Science That Rescued Them. 

Kolata writes to demystify the science of health. Through her six books, speaking engagements and reporting for The New York Times, she illuminates topics such as stem cell research, pandemic illness, obesity, exercise and genetic cloning.

Kolata’s talk is free and open to the public. For more information, email or call 909-558-4956.

Wed, 23 Jan 2019 18:03:19 -0800
4264:36727 <![CDATA[Free continuing education: suicide, behavioral health and the opioid crisis]]> Employees and students are invited to take advantage of a free day of interprofessional continuing education on Thursday, Feb. 28, that will examine “Today’s Healthcare Challenges: An interprofessional approach to suicide, behavioral health and the opioid crisis.”

The program will feature morning presentations followed by two highlyinteractive, multidisciplinary panels in the afternoon. The event will begin at 8 a.m. and conclude at 5 p.m., located in the Centennial Complex’s Damazo Amphitheater.

Register now for this day of free interprofessional education. It will kick off the 2019 Homecoming weekend at Loma Linda University Health.

Wed, 23 Jan 2019 18:03:19 -0800
4264:36728 <![CDATA[Employee benefits update enriches two key benefits]]> The Department of Human Resource Management announced employee benefit updates that went into effect this month, bringing changes to the professional certification and jury service policies.

The jury service policy (1-27) has been modified to eliminate the daily 8-hour limit. This allows 12-hour shift employees to cover the full shift missed due to jury service.

The professional certification benefit has been increased from $300 to $500 for full-time employees, and from $150 to $250 for part-time employees. This change comes as a part of the Educational Benefits policy (K-24). Remember that educational benefits also include, where applicable, financial assistance for college/graduate courses, textbooks and continuing education units. 

Since 2016, the Human Resource Management team has proactively sought feedback on how the employee experience might be improved or enhanced. The initiative is called “You talked, we listened … together we value.” Employees are invited to submit suggestions and ideas.

To learn more about the benefits available to you, please visit the Human Resource Management One Portal page. For any questions, please contact Human Resource Management at ext. 14001 or

Wed, 23 Jan 2019 18:03:27 -0800
4264:36668 <![CDATA[Not On Our Watch!]]> By Dilys Brooks Have you ever been on the receiving end of mistreatment or witnessed someone else being victimized? Mistreatment, whether directly received or observed, precipitates a mix of emotions that weigh heavily on our souls. I would surmise that these emotions are not feelings of love, acceptance, belonging. Perhaps the experience left you feeling inundated by fear, uncertainty, anger, anxiety or hopelessness. If so, you are not alone.

We are living in a time where bullying, oppression, and discourtesy often reign unchecked. Half-truths, misrepresentation, selfishness, and self-centeredness appear to be the relational currency of our day. What are we to do? We could remain silent. We could ignore it. We could hide. Or, we could just keep our heads down and try to escape from the environment. But are these really the best plan of action for us?

One of the things that I have learned over the course of my personal and professional life is that injustice wreaks havoc in the lives of people — regardless of their age, ethnicity, religion, culture or class standing. Our wisdom saying for this week, Proverbs 22:22-23, provides counsel, as well as perspective about oppression. 

Don’t rob the poor just because you can,

or exploit the needy in court.

For the Lord is their defender.

He will ruin anyone who ruins them.

–Proverbs 22:22–23 (NLT)

The guidance being offered to us shows that God sees, knows, and will act. In the midst of our most difficult experiences, or when we find ourselves on the receiving end of injustice, we all desire the intervention of a champion. For some individuals reading this, it may be disappointing to learn that God has observed their hardships and did not act quickly. Yet, I would encourage all to explore the precious promise in verse 23. It may appear that the perpetrators of injustice go unpunished until we take a closer look. God defends. God vindicates. God restores! I have personally experienced the healing, transforming power of God despite cruelty, unkindness and pain that I’ve experienced in my lifetime. If I am going to be even more transparent, I will say that the very occurrences that had me in tears and despair have ultimately helped me to become the person I am today. These lived experiences have both exposed and mobilized me to become an advocate against injustice.

In advocating against injustice, we must first be responsible that we are doing our part by not being the perpetrator of pain in the lives of others? Our responsibilities as employees of Loma Linda University Health go beyond that and include speaking up for the oppressed, defending those who are being bullied, and caring for the broken and hurting among us. As we continue to explore ways to live and lead others through the provision of healthcare, I pray we will each take to heart the admonition to be kind and trust God to defend us. Let us commit — employees and students alike — to make every effort to resist taking advantage of others, as well as advocating justice for the oppressed.  

—Dilys Brooks, MDiv, is campus chaplain for Loma Linda University.


Thu, 17 Jan 2019 09:31:34 -0800
4264:36670 <![CDATA[Week of Renewal to finish strong with three Friday programs]]> January is often a time filled with reflection of the past and hope for the future, with a desire to renew our commitment to live our best lives. We hope the music, messages, promises, activities and connection with others has provided you with inspiration and vision for your new year.

Week of Renewal will conclude its exploration of living, loving, learning and leading tomorrow, Friday, Jan.18 with: 

8:30-9 a.m. Morning Renewal* | 1830/32, Children's Hospital
Arwyn Wild – Leading from the Back - Light breakfast served 

11-11:50 a.m. University at Worship* | University Church
Lola Moore Johnston

12-12:30 p.m. Space for Stillness | Main Lobby, Murrieta Hospital
Jared Horricks - Grace and Gratitude 

*The 8:30 a.m., and 11 a.m., programs may be viewed live at or on channel 40.2.

In addition to Friday’s services -

  • The sock drive continues through Friday 9 a.m. All donations of NEW socks for children and adults benefit SACHS in San Bernardino. Everyone deserves warm feet.
  • You can brighten someone’s day by sending an iAppÜ – A note of appreciation.
  • Send a prayer request to
  • Explore Faith: This is a great time to find a friend or colleague with whom to have a discussion about faith. If you are looking for a conversation partner, call Employee Spiritual Care at ext. 48406, University Spiritual Care at ext. 88348 or LLU Medical Center Chaplains Services at ext. 44367.

SAVE THE DATE: The next opportunity for employee Renewal will be at OASIS – A day of Renewal – Thursday, April 18, at the Redlands FOX Theatre. Details to come.

Thank you to University Spiritual Care, Employee Spiritual Care and Chaplain’s Services for organizing and providing this week’s programming. Thank you to the many Values Ambassadors on campus that helped promote the week’s opportunities. We appreciate each person who shared in word, in music, or service and pray that each individual was inspired to EXPLORE living, loving, learning and leading as we embrace 2019.


Thu, 17 Jan 2019 09:34:53 -0800
4264:36681 <![CDATA[Hospital Incident Command System training — and you ]]> Government and Joint Commission policies require many healthcare-related job roles to have training for emergencies and disasters in accordance with standard processes called the Hospital Incident Command System — or HICS. Loma Linda University Health will offer this training six times in 2019.

HICS training is a four-hour course and certification is valid for life. The first training is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 24, from 1–5 p.m. Individuals who may be required to take this training include:

            • Administrators, directors, managers

            • Employees who respond to the Command Center

            • Employees who could be involved in disaster response

The other training dates for 2019 are:

            • March 14, 1–5 p.m.

            • May 16, 1–5 p.m.

            • July 24, 8 a.m.–12 p.m.

            • Sept. 19, 1–5 p.m.

            • Nov. 13, 8 a.m.–12 p.m.

Register for the HICS training course in the OWL Portal, keyword “HICS.” Sign up here. To learn more, call ext. 58444 or email

Thu, 17 Jan 2019 09:54:03 -0800
4264:36666 <![CDATA[Notes from the President — Remembering James Slater]]> By Dr. Richard Hart   January 2019
Special Edition
Remembering James M. Slater, 1929 – 2018

Slater and Hart pose together

In retrospect, it is often difficult to tell when a spark ignites a person’s passion and commitment into a dream. In Dr. James Slater’s case, it was an evolutionary process, probably beginning with his mother’s commitment to education and the biographies read by his third grade teacher. From that beginning in Utah, his passion for science, machines, and teaching others took root. 

When James Slater died the day after this past Christmas, at age 89, he left an indelible mark on Loma Linda and its place in history. But his journey was a somewhat convoluted one. Growing up in Utah, he found jobs in the usual places young men worked back then— mining and driving heavy equipment— while putting himself through a degree in physics at the University of Utah. After he moved his growing family to Fontana, California, to take a teaching job, someone suggested he become a doctor. He applied to Loma Linda and graduated in 1963. The emerging discipline of radiation medicine was a natural for him with his background in physics and his inquisitive mind. It was during a fellowship at MD Anderson Hospital in Texas that the challenges of radiation therapy really hit him. 

Jim noted how the impreciseness of radiation mapping and the collateral damage caused to surrounding tissues was devastating to many patients. Then and there, Jim decided there must be a better way. He returned to Loma Linda in 1970 with a growing passion in his heart for finding better radiation options. It would take him 20 years of talking, researching, searching for partners, and finding both political and financial support before proton therapy would become a reality. Others needed to take the gamble with him. Dr. David Hinshaw, with his far-reaching vision and risk taking tendency, believed in Jim and gave the approval to move ahead. I will never forget watching the two of them reconnect a few years ago on campus, two seasoned warriors recalling the challenges encountered and now sharing the sweet taste of victory. 

As is usually the case when developing new technology, the original budget was far exceeded. Generous support from the federal government helped. I was privileged to participate in some of Jim’s “Hill” visits in Washington, making the rounds of various offices. Jerry Lewis, our local congressman, was incredibly helpful in this process, sharing a commitment to Jim’s dream. I will never forget our visits to Jerry’s office in the Rayburn building. We were joined by Steven Jacobs and Elliott Fiedler, our Washington consultants, and Jerry’s wife Arlene, while their “office” dog Bruin made the rounds to each, looking for a friendly pat. To listen to those political veterans recall legislative victories and defeats as they strategized their way to success was a great lesson in Washington politics.

When what was later named the James M. Slater, MD Proton Treatment and Research Center opened in 1990, both praise and criticism intensified. Concerns about the effectiveness and cost of proton therapy rippled across the country for years. Jim patiently explained to numerous groups the benefits of this new type of radiation. Eventually the loudest voices came from thousands of patients themselves, particularly those with prostate cancer, who came to Loma Linda from around the world and claimed success for this unique new approach to cancer treatment. Coalesced into the Brotherhood of the Balloon by a patient, Bob Marckini, this network grew to include thousands of advocates who gave personal testimonies and recommendations to anyone who asked. 

Alongside the parallel breakthrough of infant heart transplantation in 1984 by Len Bailey, this was truly a coming of age for Loma Linda. It gave those of us at Loma Linda, and the many alumni and others who believed in this place, a point of pride and accomplishment as our name became regular fare in the press. We were not just a unique faith based campus stuck in a corner of California. We had contributed to scientific advances in the greatest of ways, bringing new techniques that would impact the world forever.

On this campus, Jim remained a quiet and humble dreamer of dreams. His mind never stopped thinking of new ways to improve and expand radiation therapy, moving beyond cancer to many other diseases. Yet he was always willing to believe in and support others. A personal memory was when this “young buck” was asked to develop a Department of Preventive Medicine and needed several faculty to join our practice group board. Dr. Hinshaw suggested that I approach Jim, but I was hesitant to engage this esteemed senior in a minor departmental duty. But he was both gracious and enthusiastic and attended meetings faithfully. 

I miss Jim’s occasional visits to my office, explaining the intricacies of a federal grant, or suggesting a new disease to treat. His wavy white hair, always calm demeanor, and never ending smile was a welcome addition to any day. Thank you Jim, for what you have given to Loma Linda and future generations.




Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH
Loma Linda University Health


Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow

Wed, 16 Jan 2019 17:52:24 -0800
4264:36607 <![CDATA[Healthy Lifestyle Walkway inspires employees and pedestrians]]> By Heather Reifsnyder Employees and neighborhood residents alike can catch a little inspiration from a new series of signs along a portion of Barton Road sidewalk that features impactful photography and compelling quotations.

Called the Healthy Lifestyle Walkway, the art installation stretches the journey on Barton Road between the East Campus of Loma Linda University Medical Center and employee parking lot J (in front of Ronald McDonald House). 

East Campus administration intend the signs to encourage employees who traverse the sidewalk to work. Sages quoted on the signs include Maya Angelou, Mother Theresa and Socrates, with their words against a backdrop of uplifting photographs.

The project was a joint effort between East Campus administration, the Living Whole Wellness Program and the Aesthetics Committee at Loma Linda University Health.

Thu, 10 Jan 2019 10:43:53 -0800
4264:36606 <![CDATA[Truth Lies in Trusting]]> By Terry Swenson Listen to the words of the wise;
apply your heart to my instruction.
For it is good to keep these sayings in your heart
and always ready on your lips.
I am teaching you today — yes, you —
so you will trust in the Lord.
I have written thirty sayingsfor you,
filled with advice and knowledge.
In this way, you may know the truth
and take an accurate report to those who sent you.

–Proverbs 22:17-21 (New Living Translation)

It doesn’t take a doctoral degree to discern that we live in a polarized and contentious age. Politics, science, social causes, you name it! One side disagrees with the other vehemently. There is precious, if any, discourse and conversation. Compromise is a dirty word. It is like the world has turned into everyone shouting at each other at the top of their lungs, but no one is listening to the other. We can see each other, but we don’t really SEE each other. One person’s facts are another person’s false news. Even clear and evident truths are questioned. And, why not?! We live in a time where many adhere to the adage that there is no absolute truth. 

The author in our scriptural text above states that they want us to know truth so that we can be wise, discerning, and live honorable and effective lives. Sigh … how in the world do we accomplish that if there is no foundational truth to agree upon? There is another deep concern that we face. Connectedness is part and parcel of living in the postmodern world. We are connected in a plethora of ways — population proximity, instantaneous media, technology. Just look at your smart phone. How many ways can we be in touch with each other? Texting, email, FaceTime, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Notion, Zoom, etc., etc., etc. Why, you can even call each other (though who does that anymore?). 

Yet, along with connectedness, our culture experiences a plague of loneliness, depression and lack of deep, intimate relationships. How can that be? 

Is it possible that having no basis of truth and lack of trust causes disconnection and an absence of deep relationships? Yes. As you read Proverbs 22:17-21, did you see how trust and truth are inextricably bound together? 

Truth comes from trust. Knowing comes from experiencing. Fact is established by results. Our dearth of deep relationship comes from not trusting the other. Trust comes from the repeated realization that our experience with another is truthful. Without truth there is no trust. But truth cannot be established unless we try it out, test it and experience it. 

That’s what Jesus is talking about in John 14:1,6: “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. … I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Jesus is saying:

“Try me out! See if you can’t trust me fully! Explore and see if it isn’t true that loving God and loving yourself — which empowers you to love others — is the way to change your life, your relationships, your work and your world!” 

Exploring requires us to leave the tried-and-known of our life and step out on a journey of discovery. How about it? Who knows what you might discover? Then again, maybe we do. 

Terry Swenson, DMin, is director of University Spiritual Care at Loma Linda University.

Thu, 10 Jan 2019 10:43:45 -0800
4264:36609 <![CDATA[Steam shutdown to Medical Center and Children's Hospital]]> The main steam lines for the Medical Center and Children’s Hospital facilities will shut down at 11 a.m. this Sunday, Jan. 13, for about eight hours. This closure will allow the Central Utility Plant to repair a leak in the high-pressure steam line during this time.

The shutdown will affect heating and hot water, as well as sterile processing, for both hospitals. During the interruption, employees may address concerns to the following:

• Unit leadership
• Facilities Management — ext. 44318 option 1
• Mark Brito, manager of Facilities Management — 909-255-5903
• Security Services — ext. 44320

Thu, 10 Jan 2019 10:44:05 -0800
4264:36608 <![CDATA[Employees recognized for modeling Living Whole]]> By Heather Reifsnyder

The Living Whole Wellness Program recognized an inspired group of individuals in 2018 as Living Whole Honors recipients. The Honors program celebrates employees who are dedicated to making healthy lifestyle choices and motivating others through their passion for promoting wellness. 

See the list of 2018 honorees below.

An annual nomination process encourages employees to nominate colleagues who contribute to a culture of wellness at Loma Linda University Health.

Get inspired for healthy changes in 2019. If you are interested in free employee wellness programs, contact the Living Whole Wellness Program at 909-651-4007 or

2018 Living Whole Honors recipients

Dorcas Alao

Ivonne Aritonang

William Backy

Stan Baldwin

Kathryn Barker

Joanne Baumach

Juan Carlos Belliard

Sharon Blinci

Kenneth Bradford

Mario Castrejon

Leslee Cook

Beronica Dones

Marina Dos Santos

Karina Driver

Kelly Flood

Christina Franks

Jennifer Grant

Melanie Hanson

Wendi Hayes

Tiffany Hoekstra

Nellie Killion

Robin Lyman

Maribel Macrum

Ernie Medina

Jamie Meert

Jan Michaelis

Shelly Moore

Jessica Mosher

Patricia Munoz 

Anna Nelson

Jim Pinder

Michele Ragsdale

Kelly Reader-Dover

Daniel Sarmiento

Ayesha Sherzai

Eli O. Smith

Toni Tallman

Dolly Ukpong

Pramod Valluru

Deborah Yoder-Rodman

Thu, 10 Jan 2019 10:43:59 -0800
4264:36610 <![CDATA[Week of Renewal to center around 'Explore' theme]]> Loma Linda University Health’s annual organization-wide Week of Renewal takes place Jan. 14–18, offering spiritual inspiration to students, faculty and employees.

Daily programming, both in-person and online, will center on a theme of “Explore: Live |Love | Learn | Lead.” 

President Richard Hart, MD, DrPH, will kick off the week with a message on the “Joy of Service” for Monday’s morning devotional. Get full details at, where all 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. services will also be broadcast live (and on hospital channel 40.2). The website will also host video recordings of the "Morning Renewal" programs soon afterward for viewing at your convenience.

Two additional components of the week are a sock drive and iAppU messaging. The messaging system, hosted on One Portal, provides an easy way to express appreciation to colleagues, students and leaders. 

The sock drive will collect new socks for SAC Health System to give to patients and clients. Collection bins will be located in the Drayson Center lobby, Behavioral Medicine Center gym, the Medical Center lobby and East Campus staff lounge.

Learn more and download the schedule at the Week of Renewal website.

Thu, 10 Jan 2019 10:44:11 -0800
4264:36507 <![CDATA[How Rich Are You?]]> By Kathy McMillan One who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth and
one who gives gifts to the rich — both come to poverty.
                                                         –Proverbs 22:16

  • He hates his life, but Jay feels trapped by the circumstances. Maybe next week it will get better. He’s been hoping to land the big account, but it seems he has never done quite enough. Even the vacation he put together for the CEO didn’t seal the deal. If he could just get the account, he is certain he would be happy!
  • It’s Jessica’s birthday. After opening her fourth present, the 9-year-old seems bored, but her mother insists she open another. Grandpa and Grandma watch eagerly as she tears the wrapping off the gift from them — an iPhone! She pulls it out of the box and, with little emotion, begins to push buttons. “Say thank you,” her mother prods, inwardly praying the girl will show some form of appreciation. 
  • The barefoot children squeal with glee while playing kickball. There is no Xbox in their home and they share a bicycle, but their laughter fills their home with joy.
  • Jill sits at her desk pouring over the budget numbers once again. It’s 6 p.m. and she longs to be home with her family, but she has to create a budget that is workable. She returned to work last year when she and Jeff decided it would be nice to have some vacation money, but the hours have been grueling and she hates the commute. She doesn’t have time to play with her kids anymore and she is short-tempered a good deal of the time.
  • It’s nearly freezing outside when Luke pulls into the driveway. After being laid off two weeks ago, he has spent nearly every waking hour searching for some way to provide for his family. His wife, Emily, has been so patient — and frugal. They have eaten some kind of beans every night for the past week, but she manages to find ways to season them differently so it seems like a different meal — the kids haven’t even seemed to notice. As he opens the door, he is greeted by three bouncing children, all eager to get the first hug.

Sometimes wealth has little to do with money … How rich are you? 

—Kathy McMillan is director of Employee Spiritual Care for Loma Linda University Medical Center.

Thu, 03 Jan 2019 09:40:20 -0800
4264:36510 <![CDATA[January's TB test clinic dates]]> Employee Health Services is offering a TB test clinic during the second week of January for staff whose jobs require an annual health screening clearance.

Test placement
Monday, Jan. 7, from 7–9:30 a.m. in Children’s Hospital room 1830

Test reading
Wednesday, Jan. 9, from 9:30–11:30 a.m. in Children’s Hospital room 1832

All TB tests must be read within 48-72 hours after placement, either at the return clinic date above or in Employee Health Services (Faculty Medical Offices suite 1250). Failure to have the TB test read will necessitate another TB test at the employee’s own expense. 

Learn more about TB test options:
• Employee Health Services — Loma Linda campus
• Employee Health Services — LLU Medical Center – Murrieta

New timeline for annual employee health clearances

As of 2019, Loma Linda University Health — including Murrieta campus — is changing the deadline for annual employee health clearances to each employee’s birthdate. More information is available in this story from News of the Week: Date for annual employee health clearances to change

Thu, 03 Jan 2019 09:40:41 -0800
4264:36509 <![CDATA[CNO Connect goes live]]> January 8, 2019, update

Note from the editor: CNO Connect has been put on pause for the time being. 

Thu, 03 Jan 2019 09:40:33 -0800
4264:36508 <![CDATA[You're invited — University @ Worship winter 2019]]> University @ Worship will continue with this school year’s theme of “Explore: Live. Love. Learn. Lead.” for the winter academic quarter, beginning Wednesday, Jan. 9, with a musical program presented by Sivasa Laupati. 

Throughout the quarter, the chapel service will meet weekly on Wednesdays from 11–11:50 a.m. at Loma Linda University Church. A special Week of Renewal will take place Jan. 14–18, offering a daily 11 a.m. program. Here is the complete schedule for winter 2019:

Jan. 9— music program with Sivasa Laupati

Jan. 14–18 — Week of Renewal — speaker Lola Johnston, worship leader Elia King

Jan. 23 — Zane Yi, speaker

Jan. 30 — Rebecca Davis, speaker

Feb. 6 — Erik Carter, speaker

Feb. 13 — LLU chaplains

Feb. 20 — Filip Milosavljevic, speaker

Feb. 27 — Samantha Peralta, speaker

March 6 — Miguel Mendez, speaker

March 13 — music program with Dilys Brooks and friends

Learn about the presenters and more at  

Thu, 03 Jan 2019 09:40:27 -0800
4264:36511 <![CDATA[In Memoriam: James M. Slater, pioneer of proton therapy]]> Loma Linda University Health’s pioneer of proton therapy and noted champion for improving quality of life for cancer patients, James M. Slater, MD, died Dec. 26. He was 89.

Slater’s determination to reduce the suffering associated with cancer treatment led to the creation of the world’s first hospital-based proton treatment center, which opened in 1990 at Loma Linda University Health. The James M. Slater, MD Proton Treatment and Research Center has since treated more than 18,000 patients from around the world, including celebrities and foreign royalty.

Read the full obituary honoring Slater. A service is scheduled to be held in Salt Lake City. Tribute gifts may be made on a memorial page for Slater.

Thu, 03 Jan 2019 09:40:49 -0800
4264:36512 <![CDATA[Notes from the President — Remembering Ellsworth Wareham]]> By Richard Hart, MD, DrPH   January 2019
Remembering Ellsworth Wareham, 1914 – 2018

Dr. Richard Hart portrait

While growing up in a small country school in northern Idaho, before technology overwhelmed all that we do, books were our friends. I devoured every story of the pioneers — from George Washington, Paul Revere, and Thomas Jefferson to Daniel Boone, Kit Carson and Jedediah Smith. Imagine my delight and wonder years later to discover one of Kit Carson’s regular stops was Fort San Bernardino, now next door to Loma Linda.

With that reverence for history and the people who shaped it, it was easy for me to admire the life and impact of heart surgeon Ellsworth Wareham, long before I met the man. During the 1960s, while my generation was considering med school and Loma Linda University in particular, Dr. Wareham stood tall as one who carried the best of Loma Linda’s traditions of teaching and healing around the world. We marveled at the adventures of the Overseas Heart Surgery Team (which he co-founded) and their ability to enter strange countries and places, as well as their accolades from high government officials — all heady stuff for a little university tucked away in a corner of California!

We have now lost most principals from that early team — Wilfred Huse, Lavaun Sutton, Roy Jutzy, Joan Coggin, and now Ellsworth Wareham. Ironic that Joan and Ellsworth passed away within a few weeks of each other after co-leading such a remarkable group for so many years. But stories and reputations linger, and Loma Linda University Health is still remembered as the place that fixes hearts. We are indebted to another School of Medicine alum, artist Wesley Kime, who captured the character of Dr. Wareham and so many of these illustrious faculty in his paintings, soon to be displayed in the Alumni Hall for Basic Sciences.

As the death of Dr. Wareham, at 104 years and 2 months, has sunk in, many memories come back. Still assisting at surgery until he was well into his 90s, he always downplayed his accomplishments and gave credit to others for both his longevity and his influence. One story I recall was when he was 94 and noticed the fence in his backyard needed some repairs. He went to Home Depot for supplies and fixed his fence. The next day he ended up in the hospital — doing heart surgery! Over the past few decades he became a national celebrity associated with Loma Linda’s “Blue Zone” halo. He credited his vegan diet and continued physical activity, along with his faith in a personal God, for being able to function so well for so long.

Wareham led the heart team to 14 different countries, always with one proviso — they were not going to come until there was a heart team there, ready to be taught heart surgery and all its necessary support functions. They wanted to leave something behind that could continue to bless others. His centennial birthday celebration four years ago brought together many from around the world who learned the intricacies of heart surgery from him and then went on to help untold thousands of others.  

Even to the end, he belied the stereotype of surgeons, with a quiet demeanor and humble spirit, full of humor and self-deprecation. His wife of 68 years, Barbara, complemented him well. They lived simply, enjoying their five children, eight grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Their previous home in Oak Glen was a favorite gathering destination for medical school classes for many years.

One of my favorite patient stories was the search by a Vietnamese lady to find the team who successfully performed surgery on her at age 14 in Saigon in 1974. After escaping the country and settling in British Columbia, Canada, she started wondering years later about the unknown doctors who came to her country and saved her life. A few years ago, on the suggestion of a friend, she wrote a “To Whom it May Concern” letter to Loma Linda University Health, asking if anyone there had been in Vietnam in 1974 doing heart surgery. When the pictures and stories matched, she offered to cut Dr. Wareham’s and School of Medicine Dean Roger Hadley’s hair as a thank you, since Roger was a senior medical student on that trip. So they let their hair grow long, then flew to her beauty salon in Victoria, BC, for a joyous reunion and haircut. See that incredible video here.

So what is remembered when life is done and others reflect on the impact of an individual? Surely there will be many and varied memories of Dr. Wareham that will be told and cherished. I am honored to say that I knew and admired the man for his life devoted to helping others, for his determined approach to any new challenge, and his free acknowledgement of the role that many played in support of his accomplishments. Loma Linda has lost one of its great exemplars of all that we stand for. Though our mission statement came long after his landmark work, he was certainly the embodiment of “Continuing the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ.”




Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH
Loma Linda University Health


Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow

Thu, 03 Jan 2019 09:40:55 -0800
4264:36456 <![CDATA[Moving closer to God's corrective wisdom, and farther from the heart's foolishness]]> By Carl A. Ricketts Jr. Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child;

The rod of discipline will remove it far from him.

–Proverbs 22:15

Back in college, I had a friend who seemingly always commentated after viewing a gaffe, error or life-altering experience of someone close to him. He would observe what a person was going through, wait until the moment had passed and then inquire if they were aware of the mistake. He would speak up after various life experiences, ranging from relationship struggles to sports blunders or financial crisis. I recall he once asked me, in a calm tone, “You know you ran through that red light, right?”

I responded, “No, I didn’t even see it!” I went on to ask, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

He peered into my eyes, speaking in a slow, deliberate, rhythmic tone and said, “You must learn — from your — foolishness!” Everyone in the car laughed. Although we should have been startled after running through a red light, we were laughing uncontrollably as our friend found another moment to remind us of our foolishness. 

We don’t always get to learn from our foolishness in this manner. In fact, there may even be moments when we are corrected in the midst of our foolishness. Whether in the middle of our folly or after the act, this correction may not feel good, and it definitely may not evoke laughter. But one thing that correction can do is put us on the right path. 

This wisdom text (Proverbs 22:15) speaks to an individual who is arrested — mentally or spiritually — but gains an advantage because another took the time to share discipline. 

Experiences and behavior shape the moral development of a child. While children learn many lessons in morality, they sometimes choose to settle on landing spots — almost waiting to see if they will be challenged to move forward by a new lesson of correction. Some may find ways of avoiding correction, placing themselves in environments where they are not challenged to do what is right. And some may encircle themselves with peers who think like they do, avoiding opportunities to see and hear a different perspective on a matter.

If a parent can pay attention to the foolishness in the heart of a child and intervene consistently, with discipline rooted in love, that child will see that having their way cannot compare to the wisdom gained; in turn, that will get them through life’s most difficult moments. 

The challenge is for us adults as well. We should be open to receiving the discipline of our Heavenly Father and those He places on our paths, which removes the foolishness that is bound up in our hearts.

As we prepare for the new year, let us be willing to leave the cozy confines of our homogenous environments and explore right living. Let us be willing to speak and listen to people outside of our comfort zones of dialogue and model right living.

We all might be surprised; the more we get closer to others through God’s corrective wisdom, the farther we move from the foolishness of our own heart.

—Carl Ricketts Jr., MDiv, is director of Chaplain Services for Loma Linda University Medical Center.

Thu, 20 Dec 2018 10:09:13 -0800
4264:36472 <![CDATA[Exciting changes coming to cafeteria at Councilors Student Pavilion]]> 2019 will bring a new cafeteria experience for diners at the Councilors Student Pavilion at Loma Linda University. The changes will allow more customers to be served more quickly while offering them a greater variety of choices and more seating.

More details will be coming, but here is what to expect while the work rolls out:

• The cafeteria will be closed Dec 21. through Jan. 2.
• From Jan. 2–4, service will be limited.
• The new menu will “softly” roll out in the second week of January through March 15 as an evaluation period. Additional changes may occur after spring break.

Thu, 20 Dec 2018 11:13:51 -0800
4264:36457 <![CDATA[Discovering health policy: a summary from the Institute for Health Policy and Leadership]]> News of the Week presents the December 2018 monthly roundup of resources from the Institute for Health Policy and Leadership at Loma Linda University Health. 

In addition, previewed below is the next Spotlight on Health Policy event, taking place Wednesday, Jan. 30.

The Institute for Health Policy and Leadership is an active player in analyzing current issues, bills and laws dealing with health; curating coverage of key national news regarding healthcare, public health and science; and assessing implications for Seventh-day Adventist health systems.

December 2018 policy resources 

Healthcare News at a Glance weekly briefs

• Dec. 19 issue
Dec. 12 issue
Dec. 5 issue

Issue at a Glance monthly brief 

“Barriers to Healthcare Access for Immigrants in the US”

Policy at a Glance monthly briefs (November and December)

 Health Policy Connection blog posts

 Event: Spotlight on Health Policy

The next Spotlight on Health Policy event will take place Wednesday, Jan. 30, from noon to 1 p.m. at Loma Linda University Medical Center’s A-level Amphitheater.

An expert panel will lead an informative conversation on emergency visits by the homeless population in “Chronic Homelessness: Hospitals, Streets, or Homes?”

Learn more: or ext. 87022


Thu, 20 Dec 2018 10:11:14 -0800
4264:36459 <![CDATA[Season 4 of 'Life on the Line' premieres on PBS]]> The documentary TV series Life on the Line began airing its fourth season Dec. 19 on PBS affiliate Empire Network (KVCR TV 24) and will play each Wednesday at 7 p.m. through Jan. 23. 

Narrated by celebrity journalist Lisa Ling, Life on the Line season four features six half-hour episodes sharing stories of strength and resilience from around the world and locally, including stories from Loma Linda University Health.

Life on the Line will be launched to all PBS stations in the nation in January 2019. For the full schedule, episode previews and more information about the show, visit

Patricia Kelikani, producer of Life on the Line, said the show hopes to inspire viewers across the nation to celebrate the good in people and their resilience. “It’s an honor to bring real stories of hope and courage to television,” she said.

Visit to read a full story on the program’s release.

Thu, 20 Dec 2018 10:43:22 -0800
4264:36460 <![CDATA[A new online look debuts for Children's Health and Medical Center – Murrieta]]> There is a new online experience for Loma Linda University Children’s Health and Loma Linda University Medical Center – Murrieta. The new websites are found at and, helping patients and families find what they’re looking for as quickly and conveniently as possible.

The redesigned websites offer a user-focused experience with a fresh look. The design offers streamlined menus, user-focused navigation and optimized layouts for mobile platforms and more.

The new Murrieta and Children’s Health websites come just months after Loma Linda University Health launched its new organization-wide site at The websites are designed for the busy consumer who uses multiple digital technologies to search for and access healthcare.

Thu, 20 Dec 2018 10:44:24 -0800
4264:36461 <![CDATA[In Memoriam: Celebrating the lives of two heart pioneers ]]> Loma Linda University Health lost two of its pioneering physicians recently. Joan Coggin, MD, passed away at age 90 on November 29 (read her obituary here). Ellsworth Wareham, MD, died just 16 days later at age 104 (read his obituary here).

These two trailblazers co-founded the Loma Linda University Overseas Heart Surgery Team in 1963. Established at a time when few hospitals performed open-heart surgery, the Overseas Heart Surgery Team was founded at the request of the John F. Kennedy administration to help build goodwill overseas, first in Pakistan. From those first surgeries in Pakistan, these two innovators went on to visit dozens of countries, with the team performing more open-heart surgeries than any similar organization.

Through their passion for helping others, their service established a legacy of healing around the world — a legacy Loma Linda University Health strives to live up to each day. They were both willing to take on large tasks, trusting in God’s leading, and unafraid of failure. We will miss them.

Thu, 20 Dec 2018 10:45:58 -0800
4264:36470 <![CDATA[Loma Linda University Health 2018 year in pictures]]> By Sheann Brandon As the year of 2018 comes to a close, relive some of Loma Linda University Health's best moments through the year in pictures.

Thu, 20 Dec 2018 11:11:30 -0800
4264:36462 <![CDATA[Video report — final steel beam raised for new Medical Center tower]]> By Sheann Brandon Loma Linda University Medical Center celebrated the Topping Off Ceremony for its new hospital tower on Dec. 11 with several hundred administrators, employees, construction workers and community members watching as the ceremonial final steel beam was put in place. 

The topping-off of the tower is the latest milestone toward completion of the new Loma Linda University Medical Center and Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital facilities.

“We’ve planned for a new Loma Linda University Medical Center and Children’s Hospital tower for many years,” Kerry Heinrich, CEO of Loma Linda University Medical Center, said in an address to attendees at the ceremony. “While there is still much to do before this project is complete, this Topping Off Ceremony brings us one giant leap closer to that reality.”

Event video:

Thu, 20 Dec 2018 10:46:31 -0800
4264:36401 <![CDATA[Employee kindness overflows]]> By Heather Reifsnyder The Season of Gratitude at Loma Linda University Health gave employees concrete ways to express thankfulness and appreciation. 

Gratitude helps both giver and receiver, says director of chaplain services for Loma Linda University Medical Center, Carl Ricketts Jr., MDiv, BCC. “Gratitude allows you to feel good, but it also enables you to do good,” he noted.

There were several parts to Season of Gratitude:

Food drive for SAC Health System

Employees were asked to donate non-perishable foods and drop them off at any of 15 locations across Loma Linda University Health.

They responded generously, making this year’s food drive the most successful to date. A number of departments held friendly competitions to gather the most items. Together, the departments of Risk Management and Health Information Management donated the most: 174 boxes full. Adding their own flair, Loma Linda University Health Care clinics had a contest for the best decorated collection boxes. Photos.

The bounty was given to SAC Health System, which distributes food through its Community Resource Center to families struggling to provide good nutrition for their children. The community resource team sends heartfelt appreciation to all at Loma Linda University Health who contributed to this important project.

Notes of appreciation — iAppU

Loma Linda University Health also marked the Thanksgiving Season of Gratitude by offering an easy way to express appreciation for fellow employees, students and leaders — iAppU notes. 

Employees sent 1,148 messages to each other through the app!

Visible expressions of thanks

Six Season of Gratitude banners were placed through Loma Linda University Health hospitals, and another 14 were displayed in university areas of campus. Employees expressed their reasons for thankfulness in colorful ink (above).

Thu, 13 Dec 2018 10:29:04 -0800
4264:36402 <![CDATA[A Loose Woman and a Pit]]> By Carla Park The mouth of a loose woman is a deep pit;
he with whom the Lord is angry falls into it.

–Proverbs 22:14 

Nobody wants to fall into a hole. Several examples come to mind: Alice’s fall into the rabbit hole, Jessica McClure’s fall into a backyard well (1987), and the more recent fall of a baby onto train tracks in India. We fear falling into the unknown dangerous place. And if we happen to escape falling in the real world, we encounter it in dreams, nightmares or imagination. Who, after all, has not feared their plane falling out of the sky? Falling into the unknown is frightening, whether real or imagined. 

Once I bungee jumped. Once. Up to that point I had never encountered the fear I felt that day — of jumping into the rope that was attached for my safety. The logic was mind-bending. It seemed the rope should extend upwards, to some firmly established location above my head. To see the rope dangling from my waist was mind-blowing. To jump into it came close to being the most courageous (and dumbest) thing I have ever done.

We guard against this type of fall. We establish precautions, rules, guards, covers. We reroute, put up guardrails, and refuse entrance at certain times of year in relation to holes we don’t want to fall into — unless of course it is the Grand Canyon, and then we plan ahead for the long trip down, measured and slow. 

Many years ago I met a young man who piloted a two-seater plane with a red nose. It looked like a cartoon version of a puppy. “Want to fly the length of the Grand Canyon under the rim with me?” Today that would be impossible, but then it wasn’t. Today I would be scared. Then I wasn’t. We took off like two adventurers, completely oblivious to the potential danger, holding our breath at the colored veins and wonder of the canyon.

Proverbs 22:14 tells us that “The mouth of a loose woman is a deep pit” — two strong metaphors linked together. Both are deceptively beautiful and dangerous. We discount the loose woman metaphor because she seems far away from us — “across the tracks,” so to speak. But she isn’t. 

She is as close as our own thoughts and misplaced intentions. We embody her anytime we dress something up to look like something other than it is. We embody her when we flatter for personal gain or invite others to places or behaviors that are not life-giving. And the hole this leads to is dark and dangerous, although at first glance it is filled with wonder and beauty. Anyone who has fallen into one knows.

The loose woman is not “over there.” She is in our own hearts, tempting us to hide around the corner, speak with ear-tickling words, and “dress for success.” We are the holes that others fall into. Proverbs is describing a truth about a loose woman and a pit. 

It could apply to anybody. Everybody. Staying clear of the loose woman or the pit is not as easy as one would think. 

—Carla Park, PhD, is assistant vice president for Spiritual Life and Mission at Loma Linda University Health.

Thu, 13 Dec 2018 10:29:16 -0800
4264:36408 <![CDATA[Business schedule changes for Christmas and New Year's ]]> Administrative and support departments at Loma Linda University Health will reduce their business days during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. Christmas will be celebrated as a five-day weekend (Friday through Tuesday, Dec. 21– 25), and observance of New Year’s Eve and Day will create office closures on Dec. 31 and Jan. 1.

This applies to departments such as Risk Management, Human Resource Management, Payroll, Employee Health Services (main campus and Murrieta), Marketing & Communications, administrative offices, and more. However, all clinical departments will retain their normal holiday schedules and staffing.

Employees who have any questions about how this schedule change will impact them or their department may contact their supervisor or call Human Resource Management at ext. 14001.

The following specific changes will result from holiday schedules; the list is not exhaustive.

Paid leave policy  

Normal holiday pay procedures will apply for Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. 

For the additional vacation days in offices that will be closed — Dec. 21, 24 and 31 — the following pay procedures are in place:

Benefit-eligible hourly employees may either use paid leave or unpaid “budget hours” (benefits will still accrue). Budget time does not apply to salaried employees. 

Salaried employees are expected to use paid leave to cover the additional vacation days. If a salaried employee does not have enough paid leave for the extra days off, the payroll system will automatically allow the paid leave balance to go in the negative. If a salaried employee is needed at work on these days, their time should be reported as a day of work.

Questions? Please contact your supervisor or call Human Resource Management at ext. 14001.

Department of Payroll — hours and year-end deadlines

Payroll will have the following reduced business hours:

Dec. 14: close early at 11 a.m. (reopening 8 a.m. on the 27th)
Dec. 21–25: fully closed
Dec. 31: fully closed
Jan. 1: fully closed

Payroll deadlines will be as follows: 

Loma Linda University and LLU Health Care — pay period ending Dec. 22, 2018

• Payroll adjustment forms are due by Wednesday, Dec. 19, at 5 p.m.
• Approvers must sign-off on employee timecards by Sunday, Dec. 23, at 9 a.m.
• Employees must enter calendar and clocking requests by Sunday, Dec. 23, at 8 a.m.

LLU Medical Center, Medical Center – Murrieta, Children’s Hospital, Behavioral Medicine Center and Loma Linda University Health Education Consortium — pay period ending Dec. 29, 2018

• Payroll adjustment forms are due by Wednesday, Dec. 26, at 5 p.m.
• Approvers must sign-off on employee timecards by Sunday, Dec. 30, at 9 a.m.
• Employees must enter calendar and clocking requests by Sunday, Dec. 30, at 8 a.m.

Off-cycle checks:

Due to the above schedule as well as year-end projects, off-cycle checks will not be processed on the following days: 

            • Friday, Dec. 14
            • Friday, Dec. 21
            • Monday, Dec. 24
            • Tuesday, Dec. 25
            • Wednesday, Dec. 26
            • Friday, Dec. 28
            • Monday, Dec. 31
            • Tuesday, Jan. 1
            • Wednesday, Jan. 2

Questions? Contact Payroll at ext. 14004 or

Employee Health Services — influenza vaccinations and TB tests

Employee Health Services, at both the Loma Linda and Murrieta locations, will be closed Dec. 21–25 and Dec. 29–Jan 1.

Flu vaccinations and TB tests are affected as follows:

• The last day to have a TB test placed prior to Christmas will be Tuesday, Dec. 18, at both locations.
• The last day to have a TB test placed prior to New Year’s will be Wednesday, Dec. 26, at both locations.

• At the Loma Linda campus, influenza vaccinations will be available by paging the House Supervisor at 2005 as follows: 

Dec. 21–25 and Dec. 31–Jan. 1
     - Overnight: 6 p.m.–6 a.m. Monday through Friday
     - 24 hours/day on Saturdays and Sundays

• Influenza vaccinations will not be available at the Murrieta campus during the holidays.

Drayson Center

The Drayson Center’s holiday hours are as follows:     

• Friday, Dec. 21: Open 5:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. for exercising
      Admin offices/membership services closed

• Sunday, Dec. 23: Open 5:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. for exercising
      Membership services closed

• Monday–Tuesday, Dec. 24–25: Entire facility closed for Christmas

• Friday, Dec. 28: Open 5:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. for exercising
      Admin offices/membership services closed

• Sunday, Dec. 30: Open 5:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. for exercising 
      Membership services closed

• Monday–Tuesday, Dec. 31–Jan. 1: Entire facility closed for New Year’s

Return to business

All normal business hours and services will resume campus-wide on Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2019.

Happy Holidays from Loma Linda University Health!

Thu, 13 Dec 2018 10:51:08 -0800
4264:36406 <![CDATA[Hospital visiting restrictions enacted for influenza season]]> Effective Dec. 17, Loma Linda University Health will be implementing visitor limitations within the hospitals due to influenza season. While these temporary policies might cause inconveniences, the goal is the overall health and well-being of our patients, visitors and hospital staff.

Visitors will be limited to individuals 18 years of age and older who are without the following symptoms:

            • Fever
            • Chills
            • Cough
            • Sore throat
            • Runny or stuffy nose
            • Body aches
            • Headache

Signage and handouts with this information will be going up at different entry locations throughout the Loma Linda University Health hospital campuses.

Thu, 13 Dec 2018 10:44:46 -0800
4264:36403 <![CDATA[Policy for cashing out paid leave to change in 2019]]> Last week Loma Linda University Health announced a significant change to the policy for cashing out paid leave. The policy update was made to align with Internal Revenue Service guidelines.  

The new policy stipulates that employees who wish to cash out a portion of their paid leave hours that accrue in 2019 will now need to submit a one-time, irrevocable electronic request by Dec. 31, 2018. Up to 80 hours earned in 2019 may be cashed out — if the employee maintains at least 80 hours of paid leave in their bank at the time the cash-out is processed (up to 40 hours in July 2019 and up to 40 hours in December 2019).

Note: LLU Medical Center – Murrieta has a separate paid-leave policy; this change does not apply to Murrieta campus.

Updates to initial announcement

In response to concerns expressed by employees who were planning to cash out paid leave in early 2019 and employees who are nearing their maximum allowed accrual of paid leave, two changes are being implemented.

(1) The maximum paid leave accrual limit is being increased to 400 hours, effective with the first pay period of 2019. 

(2) All employees will be allowed to cash out up to 80 hours of paid leave before 2018 year’s end — in addition to any hours previously cashed out in 2018. This can be done in API. Instructions. The deadlines to do so are as follows:

• Pay period ending Dec. 15, 2018, for LLU Medical Center, Children’s Hospital, Behavioral Medicine Center and Shared Services

• Pay period ending Dec. 22, 2018, for Loma Linda University and LLU Health Care 

Full details are found in the memo attached below. To ask questions, contact the Payroll department at or ext. 14004.


Thu, 13 Dec 2018 10:29:22 -0800
4264:36405 <![CDATA[Cancer Center appoints research directors]]> The Loma Linda University Cancer Center has designated directors for three of the research programs that will be instrumental in the organization’s drive to become a National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center. 

“These three directors are leading important initiatives and setting up key collaborations with researchers across campus,” said Mark E. Reeves, MD, PhD, director of the Cancer Center.

Kim Payne, PhD, will serve as the director of the Pediatric Leukemia Research Program. She is an associate professor at the School of Medicine and CEO of Elf Zone, a company of Loma Linda University Health’s business incubator. She is also the director of Translational Research in both the School of Medicine and the Cancer Center.

Frankis Almaguel, MD, PhD, will serve as the director of the Molecular Imaging and Therapeutics Research Program. He is an assistant professor at the School of Medicine and is a member of both the Cancer Center and the Center for Health Disparities and Molecular Medicine.

Pramil Singh, DrPH, will serve as the director of the Tobacco Cessation Research Program. He is an associate professor at the School of Public Health and program director of the school’s Center for Health Research.

Thu, 13 Dec 2018 10:41:19 -0800
4264:36404 <![CDATA[Fanfare as final steel beam — signed by employees — installed for new Medical Center tower]]> A crowd of several hundred administrators, employees, construction workers and community members watched during a Dec. 11 Topping Off Ceremony as the ceremonial final steel beam was put in place on top of the future Medical Center tower at Loma Linda University Health.  

Illuminated with hundreds of colorful signatures added by employees Dec. 6 and 7, the beam was lifted and lowered into place by a crane to become part of the tower’s helipad ramp. The beam was also traditionally adorned with an evergreen tree on one side and the American flag on the other. 

To find out why, see photos of the Topping Off, and learn more about the future home of Loma Linda University Medical Center and a new Children’s Hospital tower, read the full story at

Thu, 13 Dec 2018 10:29:28 -0800
4264:36326 <![CDATA[Video report — Loma Linda University Health hospitals receive recognition for top quality]]> Briana Pastorino and Heather Jackson Highlighting its nationally recognized achievements in patient safety and quality, Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital was named a Top Children’s Hospital for the second year in a row, and Loma Linda University Medical Center – East Campus received its inaugural recognition as a Top Teaching Hospital by The Leapfrog Group, an independent hospital watchdog organization. The Leapfrog Top Hospital awards are widely acknowledged as one of the most competitive honors American hospitals can receive.

Representatives from Loma Linda University Health accepted the Leapfrog Top Hospital Awards in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, Dec. 4.

Capturing more is this video report from the nation’s capital.

Thu, 06 Dec 2018 11:19:15 -0800
4264:36312 <![CDATA[Don't let the lions keep you indoors ]]> Randy Roberts Have you run across any of these bumper stickers?

• Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow?

• National Procrastination Week has been postponed till next week.

• I put the “pro” in procrastination!

• I’m taking care of my procrastination issues — just you wait and see!

• Procrastinate now. Don’t put it off!

• From a procrastination standpoint, today has been wildly successful!

• I’m not a procrastinator. I just prefer doing my work in a deadline-induced panic!

What do you think when you read those? I can remember one of my procrastination experiences in seminary. I was at Andrews University in Michigan. Regarding the study required and the expectations given, the seminary was more challenging than undergraduate college had been. Significantly more reading and writing were required. College papers had been in the 5-10 pages; seminary papers were in the 20–25 pages. Professors might require a certain number of hours of reading rather than a certain number of pages. The problem was that you couldn’t skim read. And the hours didn’t get any shorter toward the end of the quarter.

I should have known not to procrastinate. But when spring quarter came, the snow melted, the flowers bloomed, the grass turned green, and the air felt warm, everyone wanted to be outside — including me. Trips to nearby Warren Dunes at Lake Michigan were popular. It was so easy to procrastinate, and that’s what I did until I had to do it in a last-minute panic.

You’ve been there. And so, apparently, have others deep in the dim past of our biblical heritage, because the wise man who wrote the wisdom of the book of Proverbs wrote quite often about procrastination, about putting things off, and about simple laziness.

Consider, for example, Proverbs 22:13. Here’s how the New Living Translation renders it:

The lazy person claims, “There’s a lion out there!

If I go outside, I might be killed!”

And so that person stays inside, stays safe, stays in bed, and leaves the work for another “safer” day. What are the “lions” in your life? What are the things that cause you to put off what needs to be done today? What are your personal reasons for procrastination? There are many options, you know. Such as:

• If I don’t do it now, it will be easier when I do have to do it.

• If I wait till later, maybe I won’t have to do it at all!

• I have too many other things I’d rather do — need to do — at the moment.

• I can’t do it perfectly, so I just won’t do it. At least not until I get things all perfectly lined up to do it.

• I just don’t have the energy right now.

Some live in a lion-infested world.

So what can help? Consider these simple suggestions.

The courage it requires to act right now turns into that wonderful feeling that comes when the task is done. So, remember how you’ll feel when it’s done, and remember how you’ll feel if you don’t do it.

Further, it probably takes more energy to avoid the task than just simply to do it. Then ask God for strength to face the unlikeable right now.

Don’t forget: Jesus is the ultimate lion-tamer.

Randy Roberts, DMin, is vice president for spiritual life and mission at Loma Linda University Health. 

Thu, 06 Dec 2018 10:14:16 -0800
4264:36315 <![CDATA[Living Whole Wellness Program presents Wellness Live — The Gift of Gratitude]]> The Living Whole Wellness Program will host a free live-streamed presentation on Wednesday, December 12 from 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Viewers will be able to ask questions and interact live with featured speaker Carl Ricketts, Jr., MDiv, director of Chaplain Services, about gratitude. 

The live presentation will be hosted by Olivia Moses, DrPH, CWHC, director of corporate health and wellness at Loma Linda University Health.

The live stream will be available at LLUH’s Facebook page or on

For more information, call 909-651-4007.

Viewers, who missed last month’s live broadcast on Men’s Health, can view it on demand, along with numerous past presentations, in the Wellness Live archive.  

Thu, 06 Dec 2018 10:17:24 -0800
4264:36313 <![CDATA[Fighting cancer in the kitchen: A free cooking demonstration]]> A free cooking demonstration offered by the Living Whole Wellness Program and Loma Linda University Cancer Center will feature Chef Esmerelda Valluru, MS, RD, demonstrating a holiday meal featuring cancer-fighting foods and Andy Woodward, MS, RD, CSO teaching about cancer-fighting foods. 

The demonstration will follow with a discussion of nutrient content and taste-testing. Attendees will enjoy samples and leave with take-home recipes.   

The free event takes place from 6 – 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 12, in the kitchen at Nichol Hall. Seating is limited. Please RSVP by calling ext. 14007.

This event is part of the 2018 series of cancer-fighting foods demonstrations. 

Thu, 06 Dec 2018 10:14:36 -0800
4264:36317 <![CDATA[Learning to Lead — Supporting our millennials ]]> The Learning to Lead (L2L) program will host a Christmas Mixer on Dec. 19 designed for millennials. The mixer is scheduled for should be 6-7:30 p.m. at LLUH 101 East Redlands Blvd, San Bernardino, 92408. The featured speaker will be Kerry Heinrich, JD, CEO for Loma Linda University Medical Center, who will talk about the lessons he’s learned in his career.

The Learning to Lead initiative serves to provide networking and growth opportunities for the organization’s millennial-aged professionals, who make up approximately half of the employees at Loma Linda University Health, according to Human Resource Management.

Departments are encouraged to support their employees of this age group in taking time during work hours to participate in Learning to Lead programs and activities. RSVP by Dec. 19.

Learning to Lead is a grassroots program helmed by millennial employees.

“These employees are the future of our organization,” said David Conkerite II, MBA, director of management residency and business internship programs.  

Opportunities to learn and be mentored

Learning to Lead will offer a variety of opportunities for career development for millennials, such as:

• Leadership conversations—lunch & learns, development seminars, panel discussions.

• Small groups and clubs—public speaking, book clubs, cooking clubs, think tanks and more. 

• Networking and socializing—mixers, vespers, interactive events.

Mentors and speakers for future L2L programs are needed; leaders and subject matter experts of all ages are welcome to sign-up to participate and share ideas.

To discover more about Learning to Lead, please email or contact Katie Heinrich at 909-651-4001 (or ext. 14001).

Thu, 06 Dec 2018 10:18:44 -0800
4264:36316 <![CDATA[The Living Whole Wellness Program — helping you get unstuck]]> The New Year is a great time to get Unstuck. If you have encountered difficulties following through with your goals, resolve to make 2019 different. Join the Unstuck Program and learn how to make your New Year’s resolutions stick.

The Unstuck Program is provided by the Living Whole Wellness Program and serves as a cognitive educational program for people struggling to make healthy changes. It will help you set goals, create an action plan and stay motivated.

The eight-week program is open to Loma Linda University Health employees and covered spouses; the program is free when attendance and program requirements are met.

The program starts Tuesday, January 15, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. Register by Friday, January 11, 2019. To register and receive additional information, call the Living Whole Wellness Program at ext. 14007. 

Classes are held at 101 E. Redlands Blvd., San Bernardino, CA 92408.

This program offers personalized services; therefore, a one-on-one appointment with your facilitator is required before the program start date. For more information, visit

Thu, 06 Dec 2018 10:17:56 -0800
4264:36314 <![CDATA[Date for annual employee health clearances to change]]> Beginning next year, Employee Health Services will be changing the annual health clearance requirements from the annual clearance date to the birthdate.

This change was approved by the Human Resource Management Hospital Committee in October 2018.

The goal for transitioning from the hire date to the birthdate is:

  • Improve compliance for the annual health clearance, as birthdates are easier for employees to remember
  • Simplify transitions between entities
  • Provide accurate and reliable reports

The transition is expected to take one year.

Transition process

In the 2019 transition year, employees must visit one of the Employee Health Services locations below — either on their hire date or birthdate, whichever comes first — to ensure compliance with their clearance requirements.

Most employees will need two TB skin tests to maintain annual compliance as we transition to a birthdate clearance deadline. Employee Health Services will accept a TB skin test from an outside location — as long as the test is within the employee’s birth month.

For healthcare and Shared Service employees, annual TB tests and clearances are available at monthly clinics located in the Medical Center or Children’s Hospital. Clinic dates are posted on PeoplePortal or the Employee Health Services website.

Monday-Friday walk-in appointments are available at Employee Health Services located at the FMO Suite 1250 from 7 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. or by appointment beginning at 12:30 p.m. TB tests and clearances can also be done at off-site mobile clinic locations that are pre-scheduled monthly at the specific locations. Please check with your department for dates and times.

*This excludes Thursdays due to the read time of 48-72 hours. The department is closed on weekends.

A monthly TB compliance report, along with the report of the employees who will be due in the following 30 days, will be sent out to all department heads and vice presidents on or around the 10th of each month.

More info: 909-558-8797, option 3

For Murrieta locations, employees are welcome to schedule an appointment in Murrieta's Employee Health Services at the following times:

  • Monday-Thursday 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Employee Health Services located at the Professional Office Building Suite 220B           
  • Please call 951-290-4571 for an appointment.

For general information on Employee Health Services, please visit their website.

Thu, 06 Dec 2018 10:15:06 -0800
4264:36324 <![CDATA['Top Workplace' recognition goes to 6 Loma Linda University Health entities]]> By Sheann Brandon Loma Linda University Health and six of its entities have been recognized as a 2018 Top Workplace by the Inland News Group, exemplifying employees’ belief in the mission and values of the organization and their engagement in the workplace.

The entities recognized were Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital, Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center, Loma Linda University Shared Services, Loma Linda University Health Care, and Loma Linda University.

“Our 17,000 employees choose to work here for the opportunity to make a difference in this community,” said Richard Hart, MD, DrPH, president of Loma Linda University Health.

Read the full story at

Thu, 06 Dec 2018 11:09:01 -0800
4264:36247 <![CDATA[The Drive-By Homeless Helper]]> By Carla Park The eyes of the Lord keep watch over knowledge,
but he overthrows the words of the faithless.

–Proverbs 22:12

A small Honda Civic screeches to a stop in front of me. I step back in fear as I stand in an empty parking lot on Thanksgiving evening. The driver rolls down his window. “I’m not from around here,” he says excitedly, “Can you tell me where the homeless are?”

“The homeless?!” 

“Yeah, I hear they hang around this mall, but I only found one.” The young man talks as if he is looking for birds or Easter eggs or something, but seems sincere.

I feel a mixture of anger and pity. “If you go west about 5 miles, you will find some homeless people there,” I explain.

“Well, I am headed east and I’ve got bags of warm turkey sandwiches getting cold. I want to deliver them while they’re hot. Any chance there are some who live that direction?” We both stare at each other: me judging him for offering “drive-by help for the homeless,” and him judging me for my judgmental silence.

Proverbs 22:12 compares two types of people: [those who hath] knowledge versus those who speak “the words of the faithless.” 

Which of us in this story “has knowledge”? The young driver has warm turkey sandwiches to share with people, but he does not know where they are. My husband and I ate our “turkey” sandwiches (vegan, though they be) at a large table filled with friends. We know where the homeless are but have no turkey sandwiches.

God promises to watch over knowledge, or [those who hath] knowledge. I suspect that neither I nor the driver has it quite right. We each have pieces that are correct. The exchange of glances judges us both correctly. I direct the driver to an area close by where he will, in fact, find people who are homeless. The Drive-By Homeless Helper speeds off in that direction.

And leaves me in a cloud of thoughts. 

Will he find them? Will they appreciate the hot turkey sandwiches? What will they do the next day and the next? What can we each do to help answer that question? What can we do together?

There in the middle of the parking lot, in the light of a streetlamp, I pray that God will bless the Drive-By Homeless Helper who speeds off to find the homeless and feed them hot turkey sandwiches. And I pray for myself, that God will increase my own knowledge about how to best help others, even if it is one hot turkey sandwich at a time.


—Carla Park, PhD, is assistant vice president for spiritual life and mission at Loma Linda University Health. 

Thu, 29 Nov 2018 08:24:54 -0800
4264:36248 <![CDATA[Adolescent e-cigarette use, new healthcare & nutrition laws for 2019, and more]]> News of the Week presents the November 2018 monthly roundup of resources from the Institute for Health Policy and Leadership at Loma Linda University Health. 

The Institute for Health Policy and Leadership is an active player in analyzing current issues, bills and laws dealing with health; curating coverage of key national news regarding healthcare, public health and science; and assessing implications for Seventh-day Adventist health systems.

November 2018 policy resources 

Healthcare News at a Glance weekly briefs

•  Nov. 7 issue
•  Nov. 14 issue
•  Nov. 28 issue

Issue at a Glance monthly brief       

•  “Oral Health for California Seniors”

Policy at a Glance monthly briefs

Health Policy Connection blog — November 2018

“Exploring the Use of E-Cigarettes Amongst the Adolescent Population”

Thu, 29 Nov 2018 08:25:01 -0800
4264:36249 <![CDATA[Meet four 'Ancient Faiths in a New Land' on Dec. 1]]> By Heather Reifsnyder The William Johnsson Center for Understanding World Religions presents “Ancient Faiths in a New Land” this Saturday afternoon, Dec. 1, in a program featuring the Jain, Sikh, Zoroastrian and Ashanti Adventist faiths.

The event is open to all and takes place from 3–5 p.m. at the Damazo Amphitheater in Centennial Complex, 24760 Stewart St., Loma Linda, CA 92350.

The program will feature perspectives shared by:

• Maneck Bhujwala, MA, a Zoroastrian priest and interfaith community leader.
•  Janice De-Whyte, PhD, assistant professor of religion at Loma Linda University and a scholar of Ashanti Adventism.
• Nitin Shah, MD, professor of anesthesiology and critical care at Loma Linda University Health and former president of the Jain Center of Southern California.
• Harpreet Singh, a Sikh community leader.

A panel discussion will follow, facilitated by Jon Paulien, PhD, dean of Loma Linda University School of Religion and director of the school’s Center for Understanding World Religions. Audience members will be able to ask questions of the panelists following the discussion.

According to Paulien, this program will be special in several ways. “The four faiths we are highlighting are virtually unknown to many people in the United States,” he said, “yet there are many more practitioners than people realize, including some who work, study or seek medical care at Loma Linda University Health.”

Additionally, it makes for a special occasion to simply bring together representatives of these faiths, Paulien noted.

The program will begin with an introduction from Paulien and then words and an interfaith prayer from the center’s namesake, William Johnsson, PhD, MA.

Call 909-558-7478 for more information.

About the William Johnsson Center for Understanding World Religions

The Board of Trustees at Loma Linda University Health approved the center in 2016, and its inaugural event took place in January 2017.

The center’s name recognizes William Johnsson and his contributions to promoting interreligious understanding in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Johnsson served as assistant for interfaith relations for former General Conference President Jan Paulsen for a number of years following a prolific career in publishing and scholarship in the Adventist Church. Johnsson retired to Loma Linda in 2014, where he teaches courses for the School of Religion and still writes books.

Thu, 29 Nov 2018 08:25:07 -0800
4264:36251 <![CDATA[American Heart Association presents silver awards to Medical Center and Children's Hospital ]]> By Janelle Ringer Representatives from Loma Linda University Medical Center and Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital accepted the 2018 Get With The Guidelines® — Resuscitation Silver Awards from the American Heart Association on Nov. 15. The presentation was held at Children’s Hospital, where a representative from the American Heart Association presented the awards.

Both the Medical Center and Children’s Hospital received the silver awards in July for their high-quality treatment of patients who suffer cardiac arrests in the hospital. The American Heart Association recognizes hospitals based on their protocols for patient safety, medical emergency team response, effective and timely resuscitation (CPR) and post-resuscitation care.

Loma Linda University Medical Center received the award for meeting specific measures in treating adult patients who suffer in-hospital cardiac arrests in the hospital, and Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital received three awards for meeting specific measures in treating pediatric, neonate/infant and newly born patients.

Get With The Guidelines®— Resuscitation builds on the work of the American Heart Association’s National Registry of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, originally launched in 1999. The registry has collected in-hospital cardiac arrest data from more than 500 hospitals. Data from the registry and the quality program give participating hospitals feedback on their resuscitation practice and patient outcomes. The data also help improve research-based guidelines for in-hospital resuscitation.

Please watch the video below to see more about the event.

Thu, 29 Nov 2018 08:25:20 -0800
4264:36252 <![CDATA['Give to a Giver' this Christmas]]> By DonaJayne Potts The sixth annual “Give to a Giver” project is an opportunity for individuals, departments or groups to spread holiday cheer around the world by sending a little reminder of home to Loma Linda University Health overseas missionaries and their families.

These missionaries are Loma Linda University alumni, global service awardeesdeferred mission appointees, or Adventist Health International long-term volunteers. They serve at Loma Linda University Health strategic partner sites as physicians, dentists, hospital administrators, nurses and public health educators. 

Care packages are collected and shipped by Loma Linda University Health’s Global Health Institute in collaboration with Students for International Mission Service and the National Association of Seventh-day Adventist Dentists.

Want to sponsor a Christmas care package? Here’s how it works:

  1. Choose a missionary/missionary family and pick up a shipping box from the Global Health Institute, 24888 Prospect Ave.  
  2. Fill it — up to 20 pounds.
  3. Return it, unsealed, by Friday, Dec. 14.
  4. Feel warm fuzzies!

To learn more about this project and see a list of suggested gifts, please visit or contact Angeli Yutuc, program manager of international service, at 909-558-4876 or

Thu, 29 Nov 2018 08:25:27 -0800
4264:36253 <![CDATA[Sign the final steel beam of new hospital]]> A milestone is in the making this December for the construction of Loma Linda University’s Health new hospital complex, and employees can be part of it. 

On Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 5 and 6, you can sign what will be the ceremonial final beam of the 16-story steel frame of the future Medical Center. The beam will be placed outside the current Medical Center and Children’s Hospital main entrances, and volunteers will be on site from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. to facilitate individuals who’d like to add their signature. 

“I hope many of you will take the time to sign the beam and be a part of this important moment in our history,” said Kerry Heinrich, JD, CEO of Loma Linda University Medical Center.

The following week, on Tuesday, Dec. 11, this ceremonial final beam will be placed during a Topping Off ceremony, a traditional event during the construction of high-rise buildings. It marks the moment the building’s top structural height has been reached. 

The new building will also feature a nine-story tower to expand Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital. The steel frame for the children’s tower was completed in September.

Thu, 29 Nov 2018 08:25:35 -0800
4264:36254 <![CDATA[Notes from the President — Topping Off]]> By Richard Hart, MD, DrPH   December 2018
Topping Off

A major construction highpoint

Even the name has lofty overtones. Topping Off has come to mean the ceremony when the last steel beam is lifted into place in large building projects.


The top has been reached, the height is confirmed, and it is a time to celebrate this first major phase of construction.

And we are there! Our Campus Transformation Project is ready for Topping Off. This means our new hospital structure, all 16 stories, has now reached the top floor — a milestone for us to celebrate. 

This has been a long journey, stimulated not by a desire to grow larger or have a fancy new building, but by a state mandate to prepare California hospitals for the expected major earthquakes of the future. We talked and planned, and planned again, before our current design and strategy emerged. Now we are on our way. The 1 million-square-foot facility is scheduled for completion in the fall of 2020, with occupancy coming in the spring of 2021.  

While there are always many people who make large projects like this possible, I want to acknowledge three individuals who have been absolutely critical to the Campus Transformation Project.  

Kerry Heinrich, our Executive Vice President for Hospital Affairs, has taken the clear leadership role in conceptualizing what the future of healthcare will look like and, therefore, what features and services should be in a building for the next 50 years or more. We needed to anticipate new inventions, changing patient care patterns and all the major forces impacting healthcare today and into the future. Thank you, Kerry, for an incredible job well done. 

The second person is Angela Lalas, who is a force to be reckoned with. As our Chief Financial Officer, she is a master at running formulas, preparing documents and conducting analyses from all angles. This has been absolutely essential as we have developed budgets for the bond market, state controllers, philanthropy and our own strategies.  

And finally, Eric Schilt, our Assistant Vice President of Construction. Eric has been the primary interface with our various contractors, government agencies, inspection teams, and our own campus family. His mastery of detail to identify what can and cannot be done and why, as well as its financial impact, is essential to keep us on target and within budget.

So what will this new facility mean to Loma Linda University Health? While we have recognized for some time that we had to build a new facility, the various planning stages have been invaluable in re-examining Loma Linda University Health’s purpose, its future and the changing face of academic medicine. We struggled not only with what clinical services will be needed, but how we will best educate students and residents to provide those services. We are, after all, first and foremost an academic institution committed to preparing generations of health professionals. We do this by embedding that education, for all healthcare disciplines, in the real world of patient and community care. So the building’s design needed to serve those goals. 

We also needed to encourage philanthropy by identifying various parts of the building that may be of interest to donors. Naming opportunities for rooms, floors, operating suites, lobbies, dining areas, halls, and towers are all being offered to prospective supporters of Loma Linda University Health who want to be part of this incredible step into the future. While much has been raised, there are still many opportunities to leave a lasting impact on this institution. To make a gift or to learn more, please visit or call 909-651-2020.

We will celebrate the Topping Off ceremony on December 11 at 4 p.m., watching as the ceremonial final steel beam is lifted into place by the huge cranes and skillful handlers who have been assembling the building. We will watch from the top of P4 — our new parking structure by the Faculty Medical Offices, across Barton Road south from the hospital. The public is welcome to become part of Loma Linda University Health’s history at that event. The ceremony will be streamed live via Facebook on the Loma Linda University Health page and the Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital page, as well as available to employees through One Portal.

This is a transformative time for us. It will set the stage for the long-term future of our beloved institution. My hopes and prayers are that we have planned well. May our God continue to watch after this place for generations to come.




Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH
Loma Linda University Health


Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow

Thu, 29 Nov 2018 08:25:41 -0800
4264:36158 <![CDATA[Exploring Wisdom: Gracious Speech]]> By Terry Swenson The biblical book of Proverbs is a collection of wisdom. It is filled with guidance, direction and sayings gathered and treasured by the people of God over centuries. It’s a good place to explore and learn how to inculcate values and morals into our daily lives.

Some are readily recognized. Some are challenging. And some, like our passage in Proverbs 22:11, cause us to sigh and shake our heads. If only it were possible to find “gracious speech” in our society as we know it today! Just perusing media — TV, social, movies, written — reveals that we live in a black hole of anger, strife and anything but gracious speech. 

It seems as if most of the conversations in our circles of life lack just that — conversation. Too often, it is opposing viewpoints speaking to the other to see if they agree. If they don’t, the other tries to convince them. If that fails, it becomes just one point of view shouting at the other point of view. Or, at worst, just erasing the other person from existence in their world. 

Whatever happened to discourse? Whatever happened to working together to find compromise? These words of Proverbs 22:11 sound so beautiful, but so farfetched. How could we make them come to reality in our workplace, our neighborhoods, our families and relationships? Well, Proverbs states that it’s a two-step process.

The first step is to love a pure heart. The apostle Paul speaks on this topic in 1 Timothy 1:5: “The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.” 

We love a pure heart when our hearts are pure. What does that mean? Simply put, when we have a heart like Jesus. When we seek the best in others. When we empathize with others. When we see ourselves in others — that they are humans with the same dreams, feelings, traumas and joys just like us.

That empowers us to take the second step. When our hearts are “pure,” that is, when our hearts are filled with and focused on love, the words we speak will be “gracious.” Graciousness means that our words will be filled with grace. That will result in us looking at and listening to others from a grace-centered focus — just like Jesus does with us every minute of every day. 

Despite our divergent views, despite our brokenness, we can glue our hearts together through the medium of grace. And when we do that, Proverbs proclaims that we will have the King as our friend. And, when we do this, we can change our society and our world! 

Jesus promises, “I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one — as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.” –John 17:21.

—Terry Swenson, DMin, is director of University Spiritual Care.


Thu, 15 Nov 2018 09:52:18 -0800
4264:36159 <![CDATA[Survive the holidays healthfully]]> By Sheann Brandon Many people during the upcoming holiday season are likely to have stressors in their lives, which include keeping bank accounts steady, stress levels low and waistlines under control. 

Weight gain begins to rise in the United States throughout October and November, peaking approximately 10 days after Christmas, according to a study in the The New England Journal of Medicine. On average, a person’s weight increases nearly a pound and a half during the holiday season. 

While the average weight gain numbers aren’t large, Olivia Moses, DrPH, director of Corporate Health and Wellness at Loma Linda University Health, says the issue is gradual long-term weight gain from unhealthy holiday binging. 

“During the holidays, we’re in celebration mode, making it very easy to gain a few pounds,” Moses says. “The problem is we often never lose the excess weight, and year after year, we continue with the same routine.” 

The goal for the holidays is to celebrate AND keep your health in mind, Moses says. One of her tips: Only eat your favorite things. 

For Moses’ full list of holiday Do’s and Don’ts, read the complete story at 

Thu, 15 Nov 2018 09:52:24 -0800
4264:36160 <![CDATA[Plans in place for upgrading main electrical transformer ]]> The Department of Construction and Architectural Services has scheduled work to upgrade the main campus electrical transformer in preparation for increased power needs for the new hospital and our growing campus.

The work is scheduled for:

• A one-hour period on Friday, Nov. 16, from 10–11 p.m.

• The 5-day period of Wednesday, Nov. 21, at 10 p.m. through Monday, Nov. 26, at 5 p.m.

The work will require temporarily disconnecting from Southern California Edison and supplying full power from the co-generation turbine engines at Loma Linda University Health’s Central Utility Plant. 

No impact to normal power is expected, as the co-generators are fully able to sustain to the campus. However, due to shutting off the feed from Southern California Edison, there is an increased risk of unexpected loss of normal power.

The bulk of the work has thus been specifically scheduled for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, when energy demand for the campus will be reduced. 

Proactively, the proton accelerator will be shut down to further reduce power demands. 

Further contingency planning lays out the following procedures in the event of co-generation failure:

• Four backup generators will be on site to provide power. Priority fuel delivery has been coordinated for these generators. 

• Power for the Medical Center and Children’s Hospital will take priority during this time. Should the backup generators fail, emergency power will take over. 

• Backup generators will also be in place for several of university buildings. 

The work has been coordinated in advance with the appropriate departments, including Medical Center Facilities Management, LLU Campus Engineering, Medical Center Construction, the Proton Treatment & Research Center, and administration.

Questions? Contact David Moore at or ext. 43883.

Thu, 15 Nov 2018 09:52:31 -0800
4264:36161 <![CDATA[An act of kindness for Season of Gratitude, in about 60 seconds or less]]> By Heather Reifsnyder Loma Linda University Health is embracing the Thanksgiving holiday with a Season of Gratitude and has created an easy way to express appreciation for your fellow employees, students and leaders — iAppU notes. 

Gratitude helps both giver and receiver, says our director of chaplain services for LLU Medical Center, Carl Ricketts Jr., MDiv, BCC. “Gratitude allows you to feel good, but it also enables you to do good,” he noted.


• Visit the iAppU page on One Portal and search for your recipient’s name.

• Share your thanks. Write a personal note, and/or check one of these choices:

• You helped me get through my day today.
• Your attitude and work ethic makes a big difference!
• It is fun to work with you.
• My day would not be complete without you here.

• Sign and send!

For inspiration about gratitude, catch the spirit of thanks with this message from Chaplain Ricketts:


Thu, 15 Nov 2018 09:52:37 -0800
4264:36162 <![CDATA[Make your mark — deadline extended for Community Public Art Project]]> By Heather Reifsnyder A grace period is being offered for submissions of original digital art or photography for the Loma Linda Community Public Art Project. The new deadline to submit entries is Thursday, Dec. 6.

Entries should evoke the theme of wellness. Chosen workswill be prominently displayed on Loma Linda University Health signage, to be installed in spring 2019. The signs will help alleviate congestion and promote public safety.

Entries are welcomed from individuals age 18 and above who live, work or go to school in the city of Loma Linda. The chosen artists/photographers will receive $500.

Along with directions for motorists, the signs will have large panels for displaying the selected images.

To submit your artwork, or to learn the full rules and requirements, visit The downloadable flyer below also contains more details.

Thu, 15 Nov 2018 09:52:42 -0800
4264:36163 <![CDATA[Schedule information to know for Thanksgiving week]]> During Thanksgiving week, most administrative and support departments at Loma Linda University Health will be closed Wednesday through Sunday, Nov. 21–25. 

This includes departments such as Human Resource Management, Payroll, Employee Health Services (main campus and Murrieta), Marketing & Communications, administrative offices, and more.

The closure of administrative and support departments on Wednesday of Thanksgiving week — in addition to the normally scheduled Thursday and Friday holiday — reflects the many vacation requests over the past few years from employees wishing to begin their festivities a day earlier. (All clinical departments will retain their normal holiday schedules and staffing.)

Paid leave policy for Wednesday, Nov. 21

For Wednesday the 21st, benefit-eligible hourly employees may either use paid leave or unpaid “budget hours” (benefits will still accrue for the day). Budget time does not apply to salaried employees. 

Salaried employees are expected to use paid leave to cover the Wednesday off. If a salaried employee does not have enough paid leave for the three-day period of Wednesday–Friday, the payroll system will automatically allow the paid leave balance to go in the negative. If a salaried employee is needed at work on these days, their time should be reported as a day of work.

If you have any questions about how this schedule change will impact you or your department, please contact your supervisor or call Human Resource Management at ext. 14001.


Additional changes during Thanksgiving week

The following services for employees will be impacted.

Payroll (off-cycle checks)

The Payroll department will be unable to process off-cycle checks (i.e. cash advances, terminations, and stop payments) on Tuesday, Nov. 20. 

The department will be closed Nov. 21 through 25.

Call ext. 14004 or email for more information.

Employee Health Services (influenza vaccinations and TB tests)

Employee Health Services, at both the main campus and Murrieta locations, will be closed Nov. 21–25.

For main campus:

The last day to visit Employee Health Services to have a TB test placed prior to Thanksgiving is Friday, Nov. 16.

Influenza vaccinations for nights/weekends will be available by paging the House Supervisor at 2005. The supervisors are available Nov. 21–25 from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., and 24 hours on Nov. 24 and 25.

For Murrieta campus:

Influenza vaccinations will be on hold starting Nov. 21 until the Employee Health Services office reopens Nov. 26. The last date to have a TB test placed before Thanksgiving has already passed for Murrieta employees. 


All normal business hours and services will resume campus-wide on Monday, Nov. 26.

Thu, 15 Nov 2018 09:52:53 -0800
4264:36164 <![CDATA['Living wage' pay increase deploying this month]]> Loma Linda University Health will increase its minimum living wage from $13.50 per hour to $14 per hour by the end of November.  

The organization committed to a living-wage initiative in November 2015, adopting a new minimum hourly pay rate of $13 per hour with plans to increase that to $15 per hour over time. 

The current increase to $14 hourly will appear in employee paychecks for the pay periods that begin:

• Nov. 18 for LLU Medical Center, Children’s Hospital, Behavioral Medicine Center, Medical Center – Murrieta, and Shared Services

• Nov. 25 for Loma Linda University and LLU Health Care 

Loma Linda University Health is committed to providing a living wage that is higher than the current federal and California minimum wage rates, according to Mark Hubbard, senior vice president for Risk Management and Human Resource Management.

“Our living wage recognizes the hard work done by all of our employees and affirms the fact that every job in our organization is important and contributes to our mission,” Hubbard said. “As one of the largest private employers in our region, we are proud of our workforce and we believe that paying a living wage is the right thing to do.”   

The living wage excludes a limited number of job roles, such as student and intern positions. 

California wage increase

Employees in the limited number of jobs at Loma Linda University Health that are not included in the living-wage policy will also soon see a pay raise, reflecting an increase in the California minimum wage. This will apply to hourly jobs as well as salaried/exempt jobs that have a pay rate based on minimum wage.

The state minimum wage will increase from $11 per hour to $12 per hour beginning in January 2019. 

This increasewill show up in employee paychecks for the pay periods that begin:

• Dec. 23 for Loma Linda University and LLU Health Care

• Dec. 30 for LLU Medical Center, Children’s Hospital, Behavioral Medicine Center, Medical Center – Murrieta, and Shared Services

For more information, email or call ext. 14001.

Thu, 15 Nov 2018 09:52:59 -0800
4264:36165 <![CDATA[Special Edition: Notes from the President — Tragedies in California]]> By Richard Hart, MD, DrPH   Nov. 15, 2018
Special Edition
Tragedies in California

Prayer, support — and generosity 

Like many of you, I’ve been greatly concerned by the recent disasters that have dominated the news here in California. Last week we woke up to the shocking reports of a mass shooting in Thousand Oaks, a community that for years has defined what a safe, suburban community looks like. And as reports verified that 12 innocent people died that night, we were reminded once again of how fragile life is.

The next day, exploding seemingly within hours, two of the largest fires in California’s history were raging in the northern and southern parts of the state. I cringe any time I see images of smoke clouds accompanied by the unmistakable burnt-orange glow in the sky, whether those images are shown by the media or seen in the sky overhead. Unfortunately those images are happening with increasing frequency!

Northern California’s Camp Fire has already become the deadliest and most destructive fire in state history. At the time I write this, nearly 50 lives have been lost and several hundred residents are still missing. In the town of Paradise, most businesses and hundreds of homes have been destroyed. There are nearly 300 Loma Linda University Health alumni with their family members living in the area. Many of them work for Adventist Health Feather River hospital, operated by our sister organization Adventist Health. 

Stories continue to emerge about heroic actions taken by Feather River employees to save their patients. I am simply in awe as I hear these accounts. These brave men and women personally evacuated 67 patients when seconds were critical. These resourceful employees used any means at their disposal to move their patients to safety, including their own personal vehicles. Their efforts not only saved lives, they personified compassion and bravery at a time when it would have been safer and easier to evacuate themselves. They cared for their patients at their own personal risk, and that type of bravery and faith is moving.

Several of the hospital’s outer buildings were lost, but the main hospital building still stands. The Adventist school in Paradise lost its K-4 classroom building, and the Paradise Seventh-day Adventist Church was completely destroyed. At this time, many of our alumni are still trying to determine the status of their homes, though it’s certain many have lost virtually everything.

Imagine a day where you lose your home, your child’s school, your place of employment and your house of worship in just hours. The residents of Paradise will be dealing with that reality for weeks and months to come. 

Additionally, extreme Santa Ana winds have pushed the Woolsey Fire from southern Simi Valley through the rugged canyons of the Santa Monica mountains down to the beaches of Malibu. We have about 340 alumni and their families living in this region. Undoubtedly many were faced with evacuating their homes for several days while the fire jumped freeways and mountain ridges. While the Seventh-day Adventist regional headquarters building in Westlake Village was not directly threatened, a number of meetings scheduled to be held there were relocated to other places in Southern California.

The spirit of prayer, support and generosity is an integral part of the Loma Linda University Health community. I urge each of you to join me in prayer for the Thousand Oaks shooting victims and their families, and for those whose lives and futures have been shaken by the two massive wildfires. 

Here are some ways you can give direct financial help for fire relief:

• Adventist Health has established a Fire Assistance Fund at

• The American Red Cross is collecting funds to aid California wildfire victims at its website.

• The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Northern California Conference has a disaster response fund at





Richard Hart, MD, DrPH
Loma Linda University Health



Office of the President, Loma Linda University Health, Loma Linda, CA 92354

Copyright © 2018 by Loma Linda University Health

Thu, 15 Nov 2018 09:53:05 -0800
4264:36088 <![CDATA[Open enrollment for 2019 employee benefits — through Nov. 15]]> Loma Linda University Health’s annual open enrollment period began Nov. 1 and closes Nov. 15. This is the time of year for employees to make choices and enroll/reenroll for health plan coverage, life insurance and Flexible Spending Accounts.

Employees should visit PeoplePortal to review their past selections and make any desired changes for calendar year 2019.

Health plans

Reenrollment is not required* unless you want to add or delete a family member or change plans. The plan choices are the Wholeness Health Plan (requirements apply) or the Base Plan.

*Exception: LLU Medical Center – Murrieta employees must re-enroll if they wish to maintain coverage beyond Dec. 31, 2018.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

Employees who desire a Flexible Spending Account must enroll each yearduring open enrollment, or within 30 days of a qualifying life event.           

Life insurance

All employees with an active life insurance plan should ensure their beneficiary information is updated at this time and review options for coverage changes.

Demographic data

When you enroll in medical and dental benefits, your demographic data from PeoplePortal is transferred into LLEAP, the electronic medical record system.  

It is critical this data is correct and current, because it not only affects your Human Resource Management records, but also affects information for your health providers, medical record, health plan claims, etc.  

Learn more

For more information, employees may refer to the letter they received in the mail (dated Oct. 30) or an email from dated Nov. 1.

Additional questions about benefits enrollment can be directed to

Questions specifically regarding medical/dental coverage or Flexible Spending Accounts can be directed to Risk Management at 909-651-4010.

Thu, 08 Nov 2018 09:15:50 -0800
4264:36085 <![CDATA[Building Bridges — a devotional]]> By Kathy McMillan Drive out a scoffer, and strife goes out; quarreling and abuse will cease.
–Proverbs 22:10

Some relationships seem to feed on conflict. It’s exhausting to be around. Early in life, we figure out who will encourage us and who will tear us down. We all know people whose primary goal seems to be pointing out others’ faults. 

In his famous study on marriage, John Gottman found four predictors of divorce. These traits are applicable to other relationships as well. The first is criticism or finding fault with your partner. The second is defensiveness, which means defending oneself or whining rather than taking some responsibility. Next is contempt: putting oneself on higher ground than the other person; this can happen verbally or nonverbally. Last, stonewalling is withdrawing from the conversation, either physically or emotionally. Gottman found that couples who engaged in these behaviors had a much higher chance of divorce.

The writer of Proverbs seems to have understood these principles. “Drive out a scoffer and strife goes out; quarreling and abuse will cease” (22:10). Somehow, scoffing seems to be one of the most insidious of all the negative relational habits. Most of us wither when we are the focus of a scoffer. 

Many of us have suffered from the pain caused by hurtful words. Often, we don’t know how to respond. In the broad scheme of life, realizing that we are God’s beloved son or daughter is helpful. We are not defined by someone else’s opinion of us, but our value comes from being loved by our Creator.  

In the immediate moment of receiving harsh words, there is a suggestion offered in Proverbs 15:1, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” 

Maybe the key is not developing skills to survive the attacks of others*. Perhaps our goal is to “counterattack” or “preemptively strike” with kindness. As we look at the life of Jesus, He consistently displayed compassion, grace, kindness and respect. He is the example that we follow.  

With a harsh election fresh in our memories, let us resolve to sow peace. Let us be healers and seek to understand others. Let’s reach across the divide and build bridges. 

—Kathy McMillan is director of Employee Spiritual Care at Loma Linda University Medical Center. 

*The exception to this is an abusive relationship, where it is more important to be safe and remove yourself from the relationship rather than try to keep peace. If you are in an abusive relationship and need help considering your options, please call the Employee & Student Assistance Program at ext. 66050.

Thu, 08 Nov 2018 09:15:36 -0800
4264:36086 <![CDATA[Wellness Live: 'Men's Health']]> The Living Whole Wellness Program will host a free live-streamed presentation on Wednesday, Nov. 14, from 5:30–6 p.m. about prostate, bladder, and testosterone concerns.

Viewers will be able to ask questions and interact live with featured speaker Roger Hadley, MD, dean of the School of Medicine, about men’s health.  

View the livestream at the Wellness Live webpage. It will be hosted by Olivia Moses, DrPH, CWHC, director of corporate health and wellness at Loma Linda University Health.   

For more information, call 909-651-4007.

Viewers who missed last month’s live broadcast on “Molecules Behind a Healthy Longevity” with Penelope Duerksen-Hughes, PhD, can view it on demand, along with numerous past presentations, in the Wellness Live on-demand archive.  


Thu, 08 Nov 2018 09:15:40 -0800
4264:36087 <![CDATA[Murrieta campus joins LLEAP and shared EMR platform]]> Loma Linda University Medical Center – Murrieta is now live on the shared electronic medical record system used across the rest of Loma Linda University Health, as well as the Connect organizations of Riverside University Health System and SAC Health System.

The changeover on Sunday, Nov. 4, closed the loop to create a fully integrated system-wide electronic medical record utilizing Epic, which is known here as Loma Linda Electronic Access Portal (LLEAP).

“Loma Linda University Medical Center – Murrieta is committed to providing high-quality care and improving the health of the community it serves,” said Peter Baker, JD, MBA, senior vice president and administrator of Murrieta campus. Baker also commented that it is very rewarding to see the physicians, nursing staff and all the supporting areas work so hard to make this integration happen. 

With more than 3.7 million unique patient records in LLEAP, the result is seamless patient care no matter which organization — Loma Linda University Health, Riverside University Health System, or SAC Health System — is visited. 

This supports coordination of regional patient care.

All physicians and clinicians have access to the same health data. Murrieta patients, too, have better access to their health information through MyChart.

Thu, 08 Nov 2018 09:15:45 -0800
4264:36089 <![CDATA[Are you signed up for LLUH Alerts?]]> Employees and students, please ensure you are signed up to receive LLUH Alerts, which allow Loma Linda University Health to notify you during critical events such as active threats, chemical plumes, or other large-scale threats impacting your safety. 

LLUH Alerts allows you to choose if you would like to be communicated to by text or voice message.

To sign up or update your preferred method of contact, please visit the LLUH Alerts website and select the appropriate box — either Employee or Student — and provide your cell phone number to receive notifications by text or voice message.

All Loma Linda University Health employees and students will also receive an email later today (Nov. 8) from “LLUH Alerts” via <>, which will provide links to download and activate the Everbridge emergency notification app. (Note: Individuals who have already activated the app will not receive this email.) 

While this is optional, the app provides an enhanced user interface and greater reliability.

Stay informed! Get started now at

Thu, 08 Nov 2018 09:15:54 -0800
4264:36090 <![CDATA[A congratulations from Kerry Heinrich]]> Loma Linda University Health has been on a multiyear journey of improving our patient satisfaction and quality of care. I appreciate the contributions that you and every member of this team have made to our progress. We recently received some nationally significant news regarding the patient safety scores for our Adult Hospital and East Campus. I know you will be as excited to hear this update as I am to share it with you. Please click the image or link below to hear this exciting news from the Leapfrog Group, which reaffirms the commitment you have all made to safety.

Video from Kerry Heinrich play button

Thu, 08 Nov 2018 09:16:02 -0800
4264:36031 <![CDATA[No Shave November starts today]]> Put away your razors, No Shave November kicks off today, Thursday, Nov. 1.

Loma Linda University Health is proud to partner with San Bernardino Police Department for the fourth year in a row for No Shave November — a month-long initiative where participants forgo shaving in order to raise awareness about cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

Loma Linda University Health employees and students are encouraged to participate in a variety of ways:

  • Donate $60 to enter No Shave November and allow your hair to grow wild and free. With this donation, you will also receive a commemorative coin and a No-Shave November 2018 t-shirt.
  • Purchase a No-Shave November 2018 T-shirt for $15 or a commemorative coin for $10. Both men’s and women’s size T-shirts are available.
  • Make a donation to Loma Linda University Health and help fight cancer in the community.

Sign up on the event website.

All proceeds benefit cancer care at Loma Linda University Health. All gifts are tax-deductible. 

A celebratory event at the conclusion of No Shave November will be held Friday, Nov. 30, at 10 a.m. at Loma Linda University Health – San Bernardino campus, 250 S. G. St., San Bernardino, CA 92410.

Prizes will be given in a variety of categories. For more information, please call 1-877-LLUMC-4U or visit the event website.

Thu, 01 Nov 2018 09:30:31 -0700
4264:36029 <![CDATA[Time change this weekend — be ready ]]> Daylight saving time will roll back this weekend at 2 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 4. Reset your clocks Saturday night and enjoy an extra hour of sleep the next morning.

Due to the time change, users will not have access to LLEAP on Sunday morning from 12:50 a.m. (daylight saving time) to 1:10 a.m. (new time). Users are asked to use downtime procedures and the “Supports Read Only (SRO)” screen to view patient data during that 80-minute period.

If you have any questions, please contact the Service Desk at ext. 48889.

Thu, 01 Nov 2018 09:30:21 -0700
4264:36032 <![CDATA[MyLeave goes mobile]]> MyLeave, the system Loma Linda University Health uses to manage employee leaves of absence, is now available as a mobile app for both Android and Apple devices. 

The mobile version allows employees to access and view leave status and history; request a new leave; report approved intermittent leave time; and upload leave documents. The MyLeave app is available for download from Google Play or the Apple App Store.

Please remember that Loma Linda University Health policy requires leave time to be reported within two business days of returning to work. If not, the time will be denied for late reporting.

When registering on the app:

• Include all zeros at the beginning of your employee ID number (do not enter your EID number).

• Use your email address. 

•When asked for the last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN) you can enter any four digits of your choosing; Loma Linda University Health does not provide MyLeave that information.

• You are also able to enter a personal email address, if desired, and choose security questions for use in password recovery.

Employee leaves from work are arranged through Employee Relations and Leave Administration in Human Resource Managementat Loma Linda University Health. 

If you need to miss time from work due to your own serious health condition or the serious health condition of a parent, child or spouse; for a pregnancy related-condition; to bond with a newborn or newly placed foster or adoptive child; or for any other legislatively protected reason, please contact Employee Relations and Leave Administration at ext. 14001.

Thu, 01 Nov 2018 09:30:37 -0700
4264:36030 <![CDATA[Hit the streets with the Lopers Club Holiday Classic, Dec. 2]]> The Living Whole Wellness Program wants employees and students to have fun and increase their physical activity. Signing up for the Loma Linda Lopers Holiday Classic could be just the thing to get you started.

The city of Loma Linda and the Lopers Club — whose members are known locally for Sunday morning walks/jogs in bright pink attire — will host the 29thannual Holiday Classic run/walk 5K, half marathon and Elves Trot on Sunday, Dec. 2. 

Registering early has its rewards. Register by Nov. 7 for your guaranteed event long-sleeved tech shirt and to avoid a $5 price increase beginning on Nov. 8. 

Additional savings for signing up early are available to students and employees of Loma Linda University Health, which helps sponsor the club through the Living Whole Wellness Program. Many Lopers members work and study at Loma Linda University Health.

Be among the first 250 employees and students of Loma Linda University Health to sign up for the Holiday Classic to receive a $20 discount on fees.

Act fast to secure your discount. Visit the Holiday Classic Race Information webpage and click LLUH: Save $20*. Enter your EID code to receive a coupon code. Apply the coupon code upon check-out when you register online.

Thu, 01 Nov 2018 09:30:26 -0700
4264:36028 <![CDATA[Living generously — a devotional]]> By Carl A. Ricketts Jr. He who is generous will be blessed …

–Proverbs 22:9 (New American Standard) 

Melvin Wax, 88, a retired accountant, was fatally shot while worshipping at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Oct. 27, 2018. According to The Associated Press, when asked to describe the life of his friend, Myron Snider briefed the world on Melvin’s significance by stating that Mel was unfailingly generous.

As Mr. Snider continued to elaborate on the wholesome life of his deceased friend Melvin, he recounted that while he himself was hospitalized, Melvin tracked down Snider’s hospital phone number so they could talk. 

What causes someone to demonstrate kindness to others, living generously as opposed to living miserly?

Proverbs 22:9 seems to hint at the secret to how some live generously and how some do not. 

The word generous in this text is derived from the Hebrew word ayin, a word meaning eye.

When we think of generosity we don’t generally think of sight. We are often prone to think of those who have abundance, from whom philanthropy can emanate.

Yet if we slow down for a moment, we may recall some people in our lives who have abundant resources and yet have not been generous.

Could it be that some do not see the needs of others? 

Could it be that some do not see their abundance to be relevant to addressing the needs of others? 

Could it be that some see reasons to justify forsaking the needs of others?

Sight plays an important part in being generous. In fact we can say that a generous person has a “generous eye.”

The generous person can sense — or see — the needs of others. They can see how their resources may give relief to present needs, and they can quite possibly see the complex reasons why others are in need. 

This generous individual does not let culture, peer pressure, or selfish ambition blind their eye to the challenge that is at hand and to the real solutions that can make significant impact.

The quantity of your generosity does not generally tell the bigger story. Jesus was once so moved that he called His disciples to observe the generosity of a woman who lost her husband — lost her standing in society — but still gave from her poverty. (Mark 12:44)

Life was in the widow’s giving because giving was her life. 

It’s not every day that we talk about generosity, but this week, even in the midst of tragedy, let us take notice. May we teach our children that a life that sees kindness and a life that gives kindness is a life that God will bless.

And no weapon formed against that life will prosper. 

Our hearts and prayers are toward the Tree of Life Synagogue victims.


—Carl Ricketts Jr., MDiv, BCC, is director of Chaplain Services for Loma Linda University Medical Center.


Thu, 01 Nov 2018 09:30:17 -0700
4264:36026 <![CDATA[Notes from the President: Creating a pathway toward understanding and inclusion]]> By Richard Hart, MD, DrPH   November 2018
Creating a pathway toward understanding and inclusion

Celebrating togetherness in faith 


We have a group of generous supporters of Loma Linda University Health we call the University Councilors. Numbering over 160 all together, they have been significant contributors to various projects on campus, including our Councilors Student Pavilion, and are currently committed to raising $10 million for the chapel in our new hospital. 

But even more significant than their financial contributions has been their support and advocacy for our organization in other ways. Each year they visit several places in the country for fellowship and camaraderie, holding get-acquainted events for alumni, patients, and friends of Loma Linda University Health. Judy and I try to join them for at least part of each trip and always enjoy these times together.

Several weeks ago we found ourselves in New York City for a weekend with the Councilors. As is our usual practice, Janya Mekelburg, our director of alumni and donor relations, looked for a local church in which to fellowship Saturday morning. She found one fairly close to our hotel in Manhattan and let them know we would be coming and would look forward to worshipping and sharing lunch together, followed by our usual presentation that we call “Loma Linda Comes to You.”  

When we arrived we found a fairly small church with an unusual name “Church of the Advent Hope.” We knew because the name was still engraved in German on the mantle above the entrance, reminding all of the initial development by the local German community, now largely gone. Located on a crowded side street with little parking, as much of New York seems to be, the church is now surrounded by much taller buildings. 

Church sign on building wall

But the real treat began when we stepped inside. The friendly and open greeting by young people was followed by vibrant discussions in small groups, and then the church service itself. It was completely integrated — not just racially, but across ages, economics, lifestyles, cultures and backgrounds. There was bountiful and easy fellowship among the members and with us. One could not help but be drawn into a special relationship with each other and with God. While we met a few old friends from Loma Linda, we made new friends and marveled at the spirit of the place and the feeling of comfort with complete strangers. This acceptance and trust seem to be lost in the larger world of today.

After a delightful lunch and fellowship, we boarded our busses to return to our hotel. But the feeling from that time together lingered with the Councilors. What would it take for all places of worship to be like that? What about our larger communities, or our country itself? We have gone from considering this country to be a “melting pot” to being a “tossed salad,” celebrating our togetherness while still recognizing our differences. But lately we seem to be pulling back into our own “tribes” — the “us vs. them” mentality that stifles communication and fellowship. Information and news are spun to polarize feelings rather than understand and accept.

I am left wondering what it would take to recapture this sense of acceptance and trust. Can it only come from a shared worship experience, or could we find common ground around other themes or goals or beliefs? I know election years accentuate these differences, but the arguments on either side for various candidates, or ballot measures, at least here in California, leave one wondering if they are even talking about the same person or proposition. Somehow the group in New York found a common denominator in the human experience that became a foundation for their acceptance of each other and their fellowship together.  

This desire for understanding each other is a major goal on our campus. While acceptance of our diversity seems to come much more naturally to the younger generation, we actively create settings that give opportunity for sharing and understanding. Various events on campus have this as a stated goal. Mission trips together provide many teachable moments.

With exposure and interaction come understanding and acceptance. My hope is that all of us can push toward this common pathway of understanding and inclusion of others.




Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH
Loma Linda University Health


Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow

Office of the President, Loma Linda University Health

Copyright © 2018 by Loma Linda University Health

Thu, 01 Nov 2018 09:18:44 -0700
4264:35927 <![CDATA['Molecules Behind a Healthy Longevity' — Wellness Live]]> The Living Whole Wellness Program will host a free live-streamed presentation on Wednesday, Oct. 31, from 5:30-6 p.m. in which viewers will be able to ask questions and interact live with featured speaker Penelope Duerksen-Hughes, PhD, about a healthy longevity.  

The live presentation will be hosted by Olivia Moses, DrPH, CWHC, director of corporate health and wellness at Loma Linda University Health.  

The livestream will be available at Loma Linda University Health’s Facebook page or at  

For more information, call 909-651-4007.

Viewers who missed last month’s live broadcast on the “ABCs of Vaccines” by Noreen Chan Tompkins, PharmD, can view it on demand, along with numerous past presentations, in the Wellness Live On Demand archive.

Thu, 25 Oct 2018 10:00:14 -0700
4264:35928 <![CDATA[Calling all healthy heroes to Family Health Fair and 5k]]> Loma Linda University Health’s Family Health Fair and 5K Walk/Run will be held Sunday, Oct. 28, at the Loma Linda University Drayson Center.

This event, “Calling All Healthy Heroes,” will offer free flu shots for all family members ages 3 and up, a variety of health screenings, a kid’s fun zone, food and even the chance to win a Disneyland family package.

Get the full details about attending or volunteering at

Thu, 25 Oct 2018 10:00:20 -0700
4264:35926 <![CDATA[It's time 'To Make Man Glow']]> The third-annual “To Make Man Glow” run — a play on words of the organizational motto “To Make Man Whole" — will light up the P2 parking garage at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 11. Registration and pre-race activities will begin at 5 p.m.

This 3.1-mile run/walk is filled with glow sticks, black lights, music, a photo booth, giveaways and more. It is not timed and is suitable for wheelchairs, strollers, families and people of all ages and athletic abilities. The start/finish line will be on the seventh floor of the P2 garage on Campus Street.

Help make the campus glow with your finest light-up gear. Prizes will be awarded to the “best dressed” participants at race end. 

Proceeds go to benefit the American Heart Association and Loma Linda University’s Student Activities department.

For pricing and to sign up, visit


Thu, 25 Oct 2018 10:00:09 -0700
4264:35924 <![CDATA[Humility's Spiritual Dimension]]> By Carla Gober-Park “The reward for humility and fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life.” –Proverbs 22: 4, RSV

Humility — who wants it?

Exploring this proverb is difficult. Humility is often interpreted to mean weakness, lack of strength, inability or failure. From the literal and more physical sense, humility does not bring earthly riches, nor does it always bring honor or life. To the contrary, humility (especially the kind that results from understanding and obeying God) can result in poverty, misunderstanding and “non-life” from an earthly perspective.

From an emotional perspective, there can be a gross misunderstanding of “humility,” where kindness or respect is misinterpreted and/or blatantly abused or trampled. Socially, an attitude of humility goes a long way in making friends, being collaborative, and working together as friends, families or communities. But what kind of humility brings riches and honor and life

What makes this proverb true? 

This is where the spiritual dimension comes into focus. This proverb is talking about a certain kind of humility — the kind of humility that comes from, and is associated with, a different kingdom. 

From God’s perspective, everything gets turned upside down.

The rich are poor and the poor are rich; those who serve are greatest and those who are first go to the back of the line. The “reward” for this kind of humility only makes sense from a spiritual perspective. These people win a different kind of jackpot. They develop inner strength, a richness of being and see the sacredness of ordinary moments. They enter a different way of seeing God, others and the world — one that rightly estimates and values.

They have riches — the kind that matter. They have honor — the kind that endures. They have life — period. 

Folks, this is a different kind of humility, originating from a different kind of kingdom. It results in riches, honor and life that is misunderstood and often undervalued on the roads where our feet get dirty.

Who wants this kind of humility? These riches? This honor? This life?

Do you?

—Carla Gober-Park, PhD, is assistant vice president of Spiritual Life and Mission at Loma Linda University Health.


Thu, 25 Oct 2018 10:00:00 -0700
4264:35925 <![CDATA[Discovering health policy: issues about food, and more]]> News of the Week presents the October 2018 monthly roundup of resources from the Institute for Health Policy and Leadership at Loma Linda University Health. 

The Institute for Health Policy and Leadership is an active player in analyzing current issues, bills and laws dealing with health; curating coverage of key national news regarding healthcare, public health and science; and assessing implications for Seventh-day Adventist health systems.

October 2018 policy resources 

Healthcare News at a Glance weekly briefs

Oct. 24 issue
Oct. 17 issue
Oct. 10 issue

Issue at a Glance monthly brief

            October 2018 – “Why Food Insecurity Occurs and How It Affects Children’s Mental Health

Policy at a Glance monthly brief

October 2018 – “Food Options: Plant-Based Meals (SB 1138)

Health Policy Connection blog postsOctober 2018

Oct 17Making Hospital Food Healthier

        Oct. 5: What To Do About the High Cost of Pharmaceuticals? Part 3

Thu, 25 Oct 2018 10:00:05 -0700
4264:35929 <![CDATA[TB test clinic dates — November and December]]> Employee Health Services is offering a TB test clinic once monthly in November and December for staff who require an annual tuberculosis clearance. For employee convenience, the clinics will take place in Children’s Hospital rooms 1830 and 1832.


Test placement: Tuesday, Nov. 6, from 7:30–10:30 a.m. in CH 1832

Test reading: Thursday, Nov. 8, from 9:30–11:30 a.m. in CH 1832


Test placement: Monday, Dec. 3, from 1:30–4:30 p.m. in CH 1830

Test reading: Wednesday, Dec. 5, from 1:30–3:30 p.m. in CH 1830

These dates are available for employees who are within 30 days of their test due date.  

All TB tests that are placed must be read within 48-72 hours, either at the return clinic date or in Employee Health Services (Faculty Medical Offices suite 1250). Failure to have the TB test read will necessitate another TB test at the employee’s own expense. 

These clinics are offered in addition to the regular office hours of Employee Health Services. For more information, call Employee Health Services at ext. 88797, option 3.

Thu, 25 Oct 2018 10:00:26 -0700
4264:35930 <![CDATA[Influenza vaccination clinics offered for employees ]]> All employees who enter clinical areas must be vaccinated or wear a mask beginning Nov. 1.)]]> Employee Health Services is still offering influenza immunizations for employees of Loma Linda University Health in preparation for the 2018-2019 flu season.

The schedule is attached for download below the story. Available dates are Oct. 26 & 29-31, and Nov. 1, 5, 8 & 20.Employee ID badge is required.


Employees must participate in the annual influenza vaccination campaign.

All employees who enter clinical areas must either receive the influenza immunization or provide a written declination, as required by California Senate Bill 739, if they work a single day from Oct. 1, 2018, through March 31, 2019. Employees who do not receive the immunization must wear a mask beginning Nov. 1 and continuing at least through March 2019, by order of the San Bernardino County Health Department. They must also complete their declination form by Dec. 31.

Staff members who receive the flu vaccine through Employee Health Services will be given an orange-and-white sticker for their badges. Employees may also receive their vaccination at another location and obtain the orange-and-white badge sticker by completing a “received elsewhere” form.


Find the “received elsewhere” and “declination” forms on One Portal.

Learn more

To learn more, visit the Employee Health Services page on One Portal, or call ext. 88797, or email

Thu, 25 Oct 2018 10:00:31 -0700
4264:35875 <![CDATA[Employee benefits fairs set for Oct. 24 – Nov. 1]]> Employees of several Linda University Health entities are invited to go "above and beyond" with their benefits during the 2018 benefits fairs for staff of Loma Linda University Medical Center, Shared Services, Health Care, Children’s Hospital, Medical Center – Murrieta and Behavioral Medicine Center (Loma Linda University will have its fair at a future date).

The fairs will take place Oct. 24–Nov. 1 according to the schedule below; employees will learn about the benefits they receive through their jobs. On each of these dates, there will also be an online virtual fair that employees of any scheduled entity can "attend."

The event also boasts a grand-prize package for one employee from each entity to win.

For more information, please contact Candace Ocampo at or ext. 33462.

This is also the time of year for employees of the above entities to review their health, FSA and life insurance benefits. Open enrollment runs Nov. 1–15.


Thu, 18 Oct 2018 11:06:15 -0700
4264:35860 <![CDATA[Wisdom Today Can Prevent Consequences Tomorrow]]> By Randy Roberts Proverbs 22:3 is simple. Here’s how the New International Version renders it:

The prudent see danger and take refuge

but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.

This is the kind of proverb your mother quoted to you. It’s one of those fundamental truths that I’m guessing most cultures around the world have immortalized in proverbial sayings appropriate to their cultural contexts.

It is easy to quickly think of situations where this proverb applies. I think, for example, of the times that my wife has said — as we are heading out on a trip across the desert — “Do we have plenty of extra drinking water? Because if we break down in the desert…”

In years past, the kids have usually rolled their eyes and said, “Mom, nothing is going to happen.” Then several years ago, traveling to a speaking engagement on a divided interstate through the Arizona desert, I passed a traffic accident on the oncoming side of the freeway. It blocked all traffic, and because it was in the middle of the desert, there were no off-ramps. There was no need for off-ramps! There was nowhere to go.

The cars were backed up at least ten miles. When we took our exit, we were coming to the end of the traffic jam just about 20 miles down the interstate from the accident. I was stunned. People just sitting in their cars, hour after hour, with nowhere to go. No escape, in the desert, in the daytime Arizona sun.

As I think about it now, I think of my wife’s advice to always have drinking water in the car. And I think of this proverb. The New Living Translation renders it:

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions

The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

I wonder how many prudent people waited hour after hour in their cars that day, and I wonder how many simpletons went to other cars, begging for a drink.

This proverb is true in many areas of life. So, some questions:

Do you have extra water and batteries and food for when “the big one” shakes us?

Do you have renter’s insurance for when the pipe breaks and spoils your furniture?

Did you fill up your gas tank for tomorrow’s early morning run to the airport?

Have you invested quality time in your relationships, so there’s goodwill in the emotional bank for when hard times come?

And maybe the most important question of all: Are you investing deeply in your relationship with God on a daily basis?

I ask because I can assure you that a time will come when you will need the strength that relationship can provide, and yet you’ll be in the midst of a situation that is not conducive to building it.

You see, when the storm breaks, it’s too late to fix the leaky roof. When the flood waters rise, it’s too late to reinforce the levee. When the fire burns, it’s too late to buy a fire alarm. And when the night grows dark, you’ll need the assurance of God’s presence to surround you. How much stronger you will be if that assurance is the familiar presence you’ve come to know every day of your life.

Thankfully, God answers our 911 calls. But God would rather you experience his friendship every day so that when the hard times come, you’re not calling a stranger.

Build your relationship with him now. Today. Every day. That’s what wise people do.

Randy Roberts, DMin, is vice president for spiritual life and mission at Loma Linda University Health. 

Thu, 18 Oct 2018 10:10:34 -0700
4264:35861 <![CDATA[Workshop — maximize your Social Security benefits]]> Employees can learn about Social Security benefits during “Social Security 101: everything you wanted to know,” a free workshop at Loma Linda University Health presented by the Social Security Administration.

Employees may choose from the following sessions:

• Tuesday, Oct. 23, from 8–10 a.m. at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital, room 1832

• Tuesday, Oct. 23, from 3:30–5 p.m. at Loma Linda University Medical Center, A-600 Medical Oncology Conference Room 

• Monday, Oct. 29, from 12–2 p.m. at LLUH 101 Building, lobby conference room

• Friday, Nov. 2, from 9–10:30 a.m. at LLU Medical Center East Campus, Meridian Conference Room

Learn about:

  • Age of eligibility for retirement benefits
  • The future of Social Security
  • How to maximize benefits
  • The impact of early retirement on benefits
  • Qualifications for disability, survivor, or spouse benefits
  • When to file for Medicare

Employees should create a My Social Security account and print out their Social Security Statement prior to attending.  

The workshops will be led by Teresa Campbell, California inland area public affairs specialist for the Social Security Administration. She has worked with the agency for more than 27 years in both technical and supervisory roles. Campbell has also published several articles.

Learn more about the workshops by emailing

Thu, 18 Oct 2018 10:11:42 -0700
4264:35862 <![CDATA[Annual Wil Alexander Wholeness Series begins Oct. 24]]> By Janelle Ringer The Wil Alexander Wholeness Series will kick off its 2018-2019 season with an Oct. 24 presentation by pulmonologist and sleep medicine physician Roger Seheult on improving sleep for optimal learning and better health.

The series offers eight free presentations throughout the year on a variety of topics relating to wholeness, wellness and spiritual values.

The Wil Alexander Wholeness Series carries the name of the late wholeness and spirituality pioneer whose groundbreaking work on whole person care spanned more than five decades at Loma Linda University Health. Alexander served as a professor at the School of Medicine, professor at the School of Religion, and founded the Center for Spiritual Life and Wholeness. He died in 2016 at the age of 95.

Workshops in the series are held on specified Wednesday evenings from 5 p.m. to 5:50 p.m. in Damazo Amphitheater at Centennial Complex on the campus of Loma Linda University Health. All are welcome and reservations are not required.

Dates and presentations in the series include:

  • Oct. 24: In his lecture “Sleep on it,” Dr. Seheult will discuss tips for improving sleep for optimal learning and better health.
  • Nov. 14: Executive Director of Patient Experience at Loma Linda University Jennifer McDonald will present on her framework for excellence in patient-centered care in “Connection, Compassion and Communication.”
  • Nov. 28: Sigve K. Tonstad, MD, theologian and author, will lead a discussion on taking a day of rest in a hectic week in “The Sabbath as meaning-maker in busy lives.”
  • Jan. 9: A backpacker for 50 years, author and traveler Barney Scout Mann will share stories from the Pacific Crest, Appalachian, and the Continental Divide trails in “Exploring America’s Wilderness.”
  • Jan. 23: In “Food for Thought,” Olivia Moses, DrPH, director of Corporate Health and Wellness at LLU, will discuss how the audience can build brain power through nutrition.
  • Feb. 27: Attendees will help select the winners of The Wil Alexander Wholeness Series Student Film Festival, featuring videos created around the theme of “Depictions of Love.”
    March 6: Alan Fadling, MDiv., president and founder of Unhurried Living, Inc., will present “Unhurried Living,” a discussion on how one can maintain healthy rhythms of work and rest to improve health, well-being and balance in one’s life.
  • April 10: Hyatt Moore, MA, Christian artist and owner of the Hyatt Moore Art Gallery, will discuss his inclusive interpretation of the Beatitudes in “Blessed are We.” His art pieces will be on display and prints of his work will be available for sale.

Workshops are sponsored by the schools of Allied Health Professions, Behavioral Health, Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health, Religion and the Loma Linda University Office of Student Affairs.

Additional information about the Wil Alexander Wholeness Series is available online at its website

Thu, 18 Oct 2018 10:12:21 -0700
4264:35863 <![CDATA[Experience the world through new online cultural database]]> Loma Linda University Health employees and students now have access to CultureGrams™, a leading reference for concise and reliable cultural information on the countries of the world.

Through this online cultural database made possible by the Del E. Webb Memorial Library in partnership with the Global Health Institute, users can view and download country reports that go beyond mere facts and figures to deliver a one-of-a-kind perspective on daily life and culture, including the background, customs and lifestyles of the world's people.

For further information about cultural sensitivity, visit the Global Health Institute’s cultural education resource page, or log on to the CultureGrams™ online database via an on-campus computer or secure VPN.

Thu, 18 Oct 2018 10:12:47 -0700
4264:35864 <![CDATA[Get moving with "Walk with a Doc"]]> The Living Whole Wellness Program and Loma Linda University Preventive Medicine Program have partnered with a national walking program initiative called Walk with a Doc for anyone interested in taking steps for a healthier lifestyle through physical activity.

Participants will be able to ask questions and interact with featured Loma Linda University Health doctors. Various doctors will be hosting walks in different locations each month along with a brief presentation on different health topics.

No registration necessary.     

The upcoming walks for the remainder of the year are below:   





October 18th

3:30 p.m.

Karen Studer

8599 Haven Ave., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

(Meet outside of building lobby)

October 21st

8:00 a.m.

Mike Orlich

San Timoteo Nature Sanctuary, Carriage Trail

(Meet in the parking lot off of Allesandro Road in Redlands)

November 6th

5:00 p.m.

Brenda Rea and Gina Henry

24785 Stewart St., Loma Linda, CA 92350

(meet at Mission Globe fountain on campus)

November 15th

3:30 p.m.

Karen Studer

8599 Haven Ave., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

(Meet outside of building lobby)

December 12th

5:15 p.m.

Ricardo Peverini

24760 Stewart St., Loma Linda, CA 92354

(Meet at north entrance to Centennial Complex)

December 20th

3:30 p.m.

Karen Studer

8599 Haven Ave., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

(Meet outside of building lobby)

 For more information visit:

Thu, 18 Oct 2018 10:14:54 -0700
4264:35865 <![CDATA[Food for our community]]> Janelle Ringer Food drive bins will be set in 15 locations Oct. 30 through Nov. 15 for employees, faculty and staff to donate. All are encouraged to drop off items at the various locations on campus listed below.

Please consider donating non-perishable food and toiletry items to be distributed to those in the local community in need.

Items gathered at Loma Linda University Health will be given to the nonprofit SAC Health System for distribution to patient families in need. The food drive is also taking place at the Murrieta location of Loma Linda University Medical Center; these items will be distributed in the Murrieta area.

Thu, 18 Oct 2018 10:15:29 -0700
4264:35866 <![CDATA[Seeking the eye-catching and thought-provoking — Community Public Art Project]]> The Loma Linda Community Public Art Project is seeking entries of digital art or photography that promote wellness themes. Submissions have the possibility to be prominently displayed on Loma Linda University Health signage to be installed in spring 2019.

Entries are welcomed through Nov. 15 from individuals age 18 and above who live, work or go to school in the city of Loma Linda.

The signs will aim to help alleviate congestion and promote public safety. In addition to helping motorists find major destinations, the signs will have large panels to feature the selected digital art, imagery and photography.

The chosen artists/photographers will receive $500 and have their artwork displayed as part of the Community Public Art Project.

To submit your artwork, or to learn the full rules and requirements, visit The downloadable flyer below also contains more details. 

Thu, 18 Oct 2018 10:16:31 -0700
4264:35780 <![CDATA[The Only Upgrade You Need — A Devotional]]> By Carl Ricketts Jr. A good name is to be more desired than great wealth,
Favor is better than silver and gold.
The rich and the poor have a common bond,
The Lord is the maker of them all.
Proverbs 22:1-2

Success is often measured by the attainment of wealth, the accumulation of what is rare or the ability to afford the expensive and exclusive. It might be a relief to know that success comes not from what you have, but from who has you.

We live in a time where we feel we are often divided. It can be a breath of fresh air to intentionally celebrate our bonds of commonality.

Our world is constantly promoting what is to be “desired” and what is “better.” Cars are upgraded each year, while the size of the lowest model inches closer to that of the mid-size and the mid-size becomes the size of the top model over time.

Everything is constantly being upgraded. It’s all happening so fast that if we don’t slow down, we may not notice that our world often tries to drive us apart by selling us on the things we believe we need — the need for more distinction, separation or security.

Yes, even separation and security from those who don’t have what I have. We have upgraded so much we are at the point where we are fearful of those who have not upgraded with us, and some of us may feel insecure and left behind if we have not upgraded at all.

When we pause from the ceaseless bombardment of upgrades in our lives, we are able to see the vast division: “the haves and the have-nots.”

And while we waste precious time trying to protect what we have from those who don’t have or trying to get what we don’t have from those who have, God is whispering a little message in our ears, saying He has you, He made you, He will provide for you and He cares for you.

For He is our maker. This is the common thread in us all: God is our Maker.

We may often define the success of people from our narrow and biased perspective, forgetting whose hands made them and whose hands keep them. But the entirety of God speaks to His knowledge of us before the womb — His care for us the first day we took breath and His faithful love towards us now, unaltered by what we own or lack.

Oh how I love Jesus, Oh how I love Jesus.
Oh how I love Jesus, because He first loved me.

We can all sing the words of this song. And if we could gauge the flow of love from the heart of God to every “me” within this chorus, the magnitude would be immeasurably equal to all.

With our Maker’s matchless love in mind, let us become consistent and constant in our promotion of His way by following the words of Micah 6:8, "Do what is right, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God."

This is the measure of Godly success. This is the upgrade we need.

A wise saying from Proverbs 14 reminds us — “He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.”

Take time to uplift the poor and to heal the brokenness that you witness. You will be honoring the Creator.

So, if you’re ever tempted to trade in God’s hands on you for your hands on the things of this world, remember, an upgrade with God is all the upgrade you’ll need.


—Carl Ricketts Jr., MDiv, is director of Chaplain Services for Loma Linda University Medical Center.

Thu, 11 Oct 2018 10:05:16 -0700
4264:35782 <![CDATA[Who are Seventh-day Adventists?]]> Loma Linda University Health is offering an informational session — titled “Who are Seventh-day Adventists?” — to give interested employees an overview of Adventist beliefs. 

Loma Linda University Health was founded by the Seventh-day Adventists and operates in connection with the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s headquarters, located in the Washington, D.C. metro area.

The session will be held Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2018 from noon–1:30 p.m. Lunch will be served at the free event, which will take place at Wong Kerlee International Conference Center’s Rock Room.

Questions will be welcomed and encouraged.  

To sign up or for more information, please call Employee Spiritual Care at ext. 87261.

Thu, 11 Oct 2018 10:06:10 -0700
4264:35783 <![CDATA[Epic upgrade begins today]]> The 2018 upgrade of the Epic electronic medical record system — known at Loma Linda University Health as LLEAP (Loma Linda Electronic Access Portal) — is almost here.

The key dates to know are as follows:

• Thursday, Oct. 11 – Saturday, Oct. 20 — workflow and tool limitations

·      Limitations will begin at 5 a.m. on Oct. 11 and will be lifted by 3 a.m. on Oct. 21 following the upgrade go-live. Tool limitations will include the ability to immediately correct duplicate encounters or admission errors and similar errors. Issues must be reported and will be corrected after the upgrade. While the system will remain available during the affected time, extra caution while executing certain activities is highly recommended. Please see the tip sheet for more information.

• Saturday, Oct. 20 — System downtime

·      LLEAP will be unavailable for four to six hours, beginning at 10 p.m.

• Sunday, Oct. 21 — Go-live  

·      Epic’s 2018 upgrade will go live across Loma Linda University Health.*

Education and support

Super Users will be the first line of troubleshooting support for staff. Super Users will work with the Service Desk on any issues they are unable to resolve. 

Employees can stay current on important updates in tools and workflows by reviewing documentation in their Learning Home Dashboard in LLEAP (see example) and in OWL Portal.

For further information, visit One Portal’s Epic 2018 upgrade page or email

* With the exception of LLU Medical Center – Murrieta, which will adopt LLEAP as its electronic medical record system on Nov. 4.

Thu, 11 Oct 2018 10:06:43 -0700
4264:35785 <![CDATA[Community Conversations presents — Alzheimer's: A Community Approach to the Brain Health Crisis with Dean and Ayesha Sherzai]]> Loma Linda University Health will host a Community Conversation on the topic of Alzheimer’s on Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 5:30 p.m. in the Centennial Complex’s Damazo Amphitheater.

During the event, the co-directors of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Program at Loma Linda University Health and co-authors of The Alzheimer’s Solution will engage with leaders from a cross-section of public and non-profit organizations and will address the following questions:

  • How will society support the number of cases to arise in the coming months and years?
  • What do we need to know to reduce brain risk at an individual level?
  • How do we access resources that are not systematically connected?

Alzheimer’s is one of the most feared diseases among men and women over the age of 65 and is expected to double by the year 2050, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Though many doctors say the degenerative disease is incurable, neurologists Ayesha and Dean Sherzai believe 90 percent of Alzheimer’s cases can be prevented through lifestyle factors.

Team Sherzai has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post, Dr. OZ, and USA Today, among others. 

Please register for this free event at

Thu, 11 Oct 2018 10:07:40 -0700
4264:35787 <![CDATA[Loma Linda University Health achieves coveted Stage 7 status for electronic medical record adoption model]]> Loma Linda University Health recently achieved Stage 7 status for the electronic medical record adoption model of HIMSS Analytics for both inpatient and outpatient sites. The organization achieved inpatient status in November 2017, and outpatient status on Sept. 25 of this year.

Stage 7 status is considered a rare, elite achievement. Global healthcare advisor HIMSS Analytics says Loma Linda University Health is one of only 43 healthcare organizations in the nation that have achieved Stage 7 status on both the inpatient and outpatient electronic medical record adoption models. 

John H. Daniels, global vice president at HIMSS Analytics, said the Stage 7 status validations are good for three years.

“Loma Linda University Health continues to demonstrate its commitment to effectively using health information and technology to transform healthcare in their community,” Daniels said.

Francis Chan, MD, interim chief medical information officer for Loma Linda University Health, said the status is awarded to institutions that advance patient care and operational efficiencies through information technology. “At the end of the site visit, the reviewer summarized their overall impression by stating that it was very clear that we met the criteria for Stage 7,” Chan said.

Mark Zirkelbach, MPA, chief information officer for Loma Linda University Health, said the achievement is the result of a continuous-improvement team effort led by operations and quality.

“We’re delighted to learn of this awesome achievement,” Zirkelbach said. “It is great to see the recognition of the long-standing focus on improving quality supported by automation.”

More information is available on a One Portal page dedicated to Stage 7 status. 

Thu, 11 Oct 2018 10:25:49 -0700
4264:35788 <![CDATA[New Hall of Hope photos unveiled in NICU]]> The Hall of Hope, featuring 25 photos of previous neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) patients, was unveiled in an intimate ceremony Monday evening. Those who were featured in the photos, along with their families, were invited to a small celebration reception. Hugs, smiles and laughter were in abundance as each family walked the hall.

Kathy McMillan, MA, RN, director for Employee Spiritual Care and co-chair of the Aesthetics Committee, says the desire of NICU leadership to provide an avenue for hope was instrumental in prompting the Hall of Hope update.

“When a baby ends up in the NICU, no matter the seriousness of the diagnosis, it’s a crisis for the parents,” McMillan said. “It’s heartbreaking. It wasn’t the ideal scenario any parent had in mind for their child’s birth.” 

The Hall of Hope, first installed in the 1990s, is located on the third floor of Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital (LLUCH) NICU. It featured pictures of infants who had been treated in the NICU and were now grown and thriving.

The update of the photos began in May. McMillan and her team worked closely with NICU nurse managers to connect with previous patients. Children, teens and young adults of various ethnicities, ages and diagnosis were chosen to represent as many possible scenarios and outcomes. The team working on the project wanted to give hope and comfort to as many struggling parents as possible.

“This hallway provides a place of hope for them,” McMillan says. “To see that other families have faced something similar, to see children from toddlers to late twenties who are now thriving, is a reminder that life, growth and a future await beyond the confines of the hospital. We want this space to provide the hope for a brighter future.”

Employees are encouraged to visit the Hall of Hope located on the third floor of LLUCH NICU by entering through the doors near the nursery. Badge access is required.  

Thu, 11 Oct 2018 10:26:06 -0700
4264:35728 <![CDATA[Wisdom calls]]> By Kathy McMillan Does not wisdom call out?
    Does not understanding raise her voice?
 At the highest point along the way,
    where the paths meet, she takes her stand;
beside the gate leading into the city,
    at the entrance, she cries aloud:
“To you, O people, I call out;
    I raise my voice to all mankind.
You who are simple, gain prudence;
    you who are foolish, set your hearts on it.
Listen, for I have trustworthy things to say;
    I open my lips to speak what is right.

                                    –Proverbs 8:1-6

The summer before my junior year of high school, I joined a church-sponsored bike ride through the San Juan Islands in the Pacific Northwest. For one glorious week, 18 high school students and three adults pedaled around the islands, stood on the deck of ferries as the wind whipped through our hair, and struggled to eat enough calories to keep us fueled. The highlight of the trip was biking up Mount Constitution, the second highest mountain on an island in the United States. Familiar with the flat roads we had enjoyed for most of the trip, my legs ached as I neared the top. 

“Come on! You have to see this!” my friend called to me. She had just arrived at the summit and was clearly excited. Her words brought renewed energy as I pushed to the top where she stood, still panting from the long climb. “Look at that!” she said, pointing to the view. Below me, I could see the road I had just ascended, then Cascade Lake beyond, and finally dozens of islands for as far as I could see.   

When someone calls out to us, it’s often because they want to share something important with us. My friend’s excitement was contagious; she wanted to share the beauty she had discovered, and from the sound of her voice, I knew that the climb was going to be worth it.

In Proverbs 8, we read that wisdom personified calls out. She takes her place by the gate into the city where she is certain to be noticed, and she raises her voice as she proclaims, “Listen, for I have trustworthy things to say.” (Proverbs 8:6) 

I am encouraged by the location where wisdom is found in this chapter. The gate to the city was accessible to all. Whether someone was young or old, poor or privileged, wise or naïve, the gate was their access to the city. It was common ground.

Wisdom isn’t found only in the synagogue or local church. It isn’t just for the devout. Wisdom is for ordinary people; it is available in the most common places. Wisdom comes to us, calling out with the good news that the wisdom of God is relevant to all!

—Kathy McMillan is director for Employee Spiritual Care at Loma Linda University Medical Center.

Thu, 04 Oct 2018 09:10:48 -0700
4264:35729 <![CDATA[Are you cyber secure?]]> Loma Linda University Health is marking the 15th National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, an annual event each October that aims to ensure all Americans have the resources to stay safer and more secure online and to increase the country’s resilience against cyber-threats. The 2018 awareness month is a collaboration between government and industry.

Information Security Services at Loma Linda University Health is promoting to employees the 2018 theme — Cybersecurity is our shared responsibility and we all must work together to improve our nation’s cybersecurity.

“This October, and every day, follow these simple online safety tips provided by the Department of Homeland Security’s Stop.Think.Connect. campaign,” said Patrick Voon, chief information security officer at Loma Linda University Health. “We hope these tips will help keep you and your personal information safe and secure online.” 

  • Enable stronger authentication. Always enable stronger authentication for an extra layer of security beyond the password that is available on most major email, social media and financial accounts. Stronger authentication — for example, multi-factor authentication that texts a one-time code to a mobile device — helps verify that a user has authorized access to an online account. For more information about authentication, visit the Lock Down Your Login Campaign.
  • Make your passwords long and strong. Use complex passwords with a combination of numbers, symbols and letters. Use unique passwords for different accounts, particularly between personal and work accounts. Change your passwords regularly, especially if you believe they have been compromised.
  • Keep a clean machine. Update the security software, operating system and web browser on all of your Internet-connected devices. Keeping your security software up to date will prevent attackers from taking advantage of known technical flaws. 
  • When in doubt, throw it out. Links in email and online posts are often the method cybercriminals use to compromise your computer. If a link looks suspicious (even if you know the source), delete it.

                       Helpful infographic: Phishing Decision Tree.

  • Share with care. Limit the amount of personal information you share online and use privacy settings to avoid sharing information widely. 
  • Secure your wi-fi network. Your home’s wireless router is the primary entrance for cybercriminals to access all of your connected devices. Secure your wi-fi network, and your digital devices, by changing the factory-set default password and username.

Learn more about the services provided by Information Security at Loma Linda University by reading this FAQ on One Portal. 

Thu, 04 Oct 2018 09:13:18 -0700
4264:35730 <![CDATA[Support behavioral health patients through Seeds of Hope]]> The 11th annual Seeds of Hope dinner for the Behavioral Medicine Center at Loma Linda University Health aims to break down stigma about mental illness and provide hope for individuals struggling with mental health and addiction. 

The event will take place on Thursday, Oct. 11, providing an inspirational evening where attendees will hear from past patients at the Behavioral Medicine Center as well as award-winning writer, speaker and consultant Natasha Tracy. 

After arriving, guests will be invited to walk through a youth patient art exhibit that provides a glimmer into what young patients experience as they go through treatment and as they resume a healthy life afterward. 

The program and dinner will begin at 6 p.m. with opportunity drawings and a chance to win the grand prize trip to the Caribbean.

Proceeds from ticket sales and on-site donations will go toward providing scholarships to patients in need as well as the development of the new youth playground for children receiving care at the Behavioral Medicine Center. Those interested in attending can purchase individual tickets or entire tables.

“This mission-driven event will focus on educating the community on mental illness and addiction, as well as raising support for programs and services available at the Behavioral Medicine Center,” says Edward Field, MBA, vice president and administrator for the Behavioral Medicine Center.

The Oct. 11 event will be held in the fourth-floor conference room at Centennial Complex, located at 24760 Stewart Street in Loma Linda, California 92354. 

Register today at

Thu, 04 Oct 2018 09:15:34 -0700
4264:35731 <![CDATA[Easier, faster staff recruitment/employee management is on the way]]> Loma Linda University Health is implementing a new cloud-based human resource management solution called LLEAD (Loma Linda Employee Access Destination). LLEAD will be implemented in three phases: talent acquisition, performance/compensation, and payroll. 

A key benefit of phase one — talent acquisition— will be a shortened timeline between recruiting top candidates and new employee onboarding requirements. This will ensure a quality experience for both hiring managers and potential candidates.

Phases two and three will empower managers and payroll/human resources staff with better workflow for annual performance evaluations, compensation and payroll.

The target go-live date for the first phase, using Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud (OTAC), is February 2019. 

For more information about phase one implementation, visit One Portal and search for “LLEAD.” Questions about LLEAD or OTAC may be emailed to

Thu, 04 Oct 2018 09:16:38 -0700
4264:35732 <![CDATA[Health fair calls for Healthy Heroes — and volunteers]]> All are invited to the 2018 Family Health Fair and free 5K at Loma Linda University Health’s Drayson Center on Sunday, Oct. 28. 

The annual community event will offer more than 40 booths, providing free health screenings, flu shots for those ages 3 and over, a kid’s fun zone, live demonstrations, food and more. Full details about the day’s offerings, schedule and registering for the 5K walk/run are available at the fair's website

Providing this community benefit is only possible with the help of volunteers. Employees and students of Loma Linda University Health are invited to help make the day a success by registering to volunteer. Thank you.

Thu, 04 Oct 2018 09:18:10 -0700
4264:35733 <![CDATA[TB test clinic dates — October]]>  

Employee Health Services is offering a TB test clinic during the third week of October for staff who require an annual tuberculosis clearance. For employee convenience, the clinics will take place in Children’s Hospital rooms 1830/1832.

TB test placement will take place Monday, Oct. 15, from 7:30–10:30 a.m. in Children’s Hospital room 1832, with test reads offered Wednesday, Oct. 17, from 1:30–3:30 p.m. in room 1830.

These dates are available for employees who are within 30 days of their test due date.  

All TB tests that are placed must be read within 48-72 hours, either at the return clinic date or in Employee Health Services. Failure to have the TB test read will necessitate another TB test at the employee’s own expense. 

These clinics are offered in addition to the regular office hours of Employee Health Services. For more information, call Employee Health Services at ext. 88797, option 3.

Thu, 04 Oct 2018 09:19:31 -0700
4264:35726 <![CDATA[Notes from the President — One Loma Linda]]> By Richard Hart, MD, DrPH   October 2018
One Loma Linda

A decade of progress toward this important destination 


The impact of significant decisions is often realized only when looking back some years later. Loma Linda University Health has had a series of these throughout its history. I want to share a recent one that is now delivering results.

Since its beginning, Loma Linda University Health has sought to balance its various functions. Some of the first board minutes record discussions on whether the organization was to be a college or a hospital. The answer was usually YES, it needed to be both, but that debate has gone back and forth through the years.

Now look back with me just a decade ago — 2008. Barack Obama had just been elected president, the economy was tanking, and a national discussion had started about a whole new healthcare system for the country. In that uncertainty, we were also facing a major decision. Along with many older hospitals in California, we had to construct a new hospital building to meet the state seismic requirements. It was a mandate, not a choice. Like others, we had been given a deadline — December, 2014 — just six short years ahead. Our initial plans to retrofit our current building, opened in 1967, became impractical. We started talking about a new pediatric/maternity hospital west of Loma Linda Academy, but the complications of having a new hospital on the other side of the railroad tracks from our current hospital was too expensive, with many unknowns.

So as the future of government healthcare — through the Affordable Care Act, dealing with Medicare and Medicaid — were being debated in Washington, we were trying to decide where and how to build a new hospital. We examined everything: how much it would cost, where funding would come from, size and scope of the project, services it would offer, new technologies being developed, what healthcare would look like in 20 or 30 years, as well as who would be paying for the many patients we would be expected to care for and at what reimbursement levels.

Quite apart from the challenges of a new building was a parallel set of concerns. How should Loma Linda University Health organize itself for the future? Was our current model, with four separate governing boards, adequate to handle the new realities? How closely should we be tied together — a tree trunk with three major, sometimes competing, branches — the university, the hospitals, and the physician practices? Or should our relationships be different? If something threatened the hospital viability in this uncertain period, could the university or physicians survive on their own?  


In this period of both external and internal uncertainties, we did a lot of soul-searching.  These were big decisions with implications for generations to come. We needed to get it right. It was in that context that the idea of One Loma Linda came up. Rather than separating our entities completely, as many academic health science centers were doing, should we come together more tightly?   

In times like these, I am always encouraged by reviewing our history — the many tough questions that those before us have faced with God’s help. One of my biggest concerns was how we could maintain our mission most effectively. How could we keep an expanded, united entity singularly focused on the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ?    

We use a consensus model of decision-making on this campus, so the idea of One Loma Linda was discussed many times in various forums. One of our biggest concerns was how to get our doctors and hospitals to collaborate more effectively. Typically, in America, they compete for limited funds, but we needed more efficiencies — better quality for less money — to remain competitive.  

Over several years, the momentum gradually built, enthusiasm replaced doubt, and actual plans to make One Loma Linda operative were developed. With that commitment, the decisions about the organization and funding of the new hospital became clearer. Plans were finalized, systems put in place, and a timeline for construction was developed. State deadlines were eventually pushed back, funding was secured, and the building project is now well underway.

I am deeply grateful for all my colleagues who have helped actualize this One Loma Linda strategy, with a shared governing board. Collaboration is at an all-time high across the campus and efficiencies have been realized. A report from the Advisory Board shows that we are now the most cost-effective teaching hospital in California. New student learning opportunities have opened up throughout our system. Finally, a merger into a combined financial system on the same fiscal year, with one audit, has been accomplished. We have truly moved to a shared governance and management model.

So once again, are we a hospital or a university? The answer is still YES, and we intend to stay that way. As the new hospital goes up, our physician groups continue to expand and the university is conducting its research and educational programs. We are keenly aware of the opportunities and responsibilities of being One Loma Linda — together. While the journey is not over, we’re on the right track.




Richard Hart, MD, DrPH
Loma Linda University Health


Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow

Office of the President, Loma Linda University Health, Loma Linda, CA 92350

Copyright © 2018 by Loma Linda University Health

Thu, 04 Oct 2018 09:03:47 -0700
4264:35627 <![CDATA[Trusting is Finding — a devotional]]> By Terry Swenson When I was a boy, one of the things that amazed me about my father was the way he always knew how to find places. I was too young to really understand the concept of a map (now a near bygone in the era of GPS).

All I knew was that once we hopped in the car, all you had to do was tell Dad where you wanted to go, and you’d get there. Now, whether due to growing up, today’s dependence on technology or something else, my days of just trusting I will end up where I need to be have long passed. 

You can’t even trust navigation apps all the time. Once I spent a day in downtown London, running all over the place because my app was redirecting me in all the wrong directions! 

I don’t think I am the only one who feels unsure about reaching my destination. It feels somewhat like being the man who wears suspenders and a belt. What does that say about us?

We don’t really trust our own instincts. We don’t really trust others trying to tell us how and where to go. We are uneasy about the accuracy of our techno-guidance. Yet, in the biblical book of Proverbs, we encounter these directives in chapter 3:5-6.

(5) Trust in the Lordwith all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.

(6) Seek His will in all you do,
and He will show you which path to take.

Verse 6 sounds fine to us. We can seek the will of God. We can read scripture. We can dice and parse and discuss what it says. We can discern the direction that God wants us to go. We can codify and indoctrinate beliefs and creeds. That’s fine with us. Why is that? 

Perhaps it is because we are in control of it. We do the seeking. We do the discerning. It feels safe and good to us. 

But verse 5! Verse 5 is way out of the comfort zone for many of us.

Just trust? Don’t depend on our understanding? Don’t depend on what we can know and see? Just let go of our control? 

That is the stuff of nightmares in the dark of night. How could that ever work?

Answer the following question honestly in the quiet of your thoughts: “How are things working out for you when you are in control?” 

The key word we need to focus on from our passage in Proverbs is the word “trust.” 

Trust is defined as “the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.” Trust is built upon experiences with someone. Trust grows as we perceive the caring, loving, trustful acts of another. We, as humans, make mistakes. We fall short. We break trust. A friend once told me, “I don’t trust anybody but me — and I’m still not sure about me!”

 It is crucial to note whom today’s passage asks us to trust — the Lord. 

Exploring requires us to leave where we are and go do something different. If where you are isn’t working for you or filling you, how about doing a little exploring to see who Jesus is and if He can be trusted? 

Who knows what you might find. And isn’t that what exploring is all about?

—Terry Swenson, DMin, is director of University Spiritual Care at Loma Linda University. 


Thu, 27 Sep 2018 08:50:38 -0700
4264:35628 <![CDATA[Discovering health policy: the high cost of pharmaceuticals, maternity leave policies and more]]> News of the Week presents the September 2018 monthly roundup of resources from the Institute for Health Policy and Leadership at Loma Linda University Health. 

In addition, previewed below is the next Spotlight on Health Policy event, taking place in October. 

The Institute for Health Policy and Leadership is an active player in analyzing current issues, bills and laws dealing with health; curating coverage of key national news regarding healthcare, public health and science; and assessing implications for Seventh-day Adventist health systems.

September 2018 policy resources 

Healthcare News at a Glance weekly briefs

Sept. 19 issue

Sept. 12 issue

Sept. 5 issue

Issue at a Glance monthly brief

September 2018 – “Outdoor Air Pollution in California

Policy at a Glance monthly brief

September 2018 – “State & Federal Policies for Maternity Leave

Health Policy Connection blog posts – September 2018

        Sept 12:What To Do About the High Cost of Pharmaceuticals? Part 1: Drug Importation

Sept 25: “What To Do About the High Cost of Pharmaceuticals? Part 2: Negotiating Drug Prices through Medicare & Becoming a Single-Payer System

Event: Spotlight on Health Policy

The next Spotlight on Health Policy event will take place Wednesday, Oct. 24, from noon to 1 p.m. at Loma Linda University Medical Center’s A-level Amphitheater.

Jayanth Kumar, DDS, MPH, state dental director with the California Department of Public Health, will discuss “Collaboration to Implement the California Oral Health Plan.”

Learn more: or ext. 87022



Thu, 27 Sep 2018 08:51:27 -0700
4264:35629 <![CDATA[Calling all photographers: Prayer Notes contest]]> Employees and students are invited to submit their nature or animal photographs for the annual contest at Loma Linda University Health to be featured on the patient care Prayer Notes.

Up to 10 photos per employee or student may be entered by the deadline of Friday, Oct. 12. Submissions must have been photographed by the entrant.

Similar to a postcard, each Prayer Note features a serene nature or animal photo on the front and an encouraging verse of scripture on the back. The cards say, “I prayed for you today and asked God to bless you.” 

To fit the format, photos must be inspirational, in color and of nature or animals, and they must be able to be cropped to 5.5 by 3.5 inches — either vertical or horizontal — without losing impact.

In addition to winners having their photos featured on the cards and online, prizes are as follows:

  • 1st place – $100 gift card 
  • 2nd place – $75 gift card 
  • 3rd place – $50 gift card 
  • Runners up  – $25 gift card 

Submit photographs on CD or flash drive to Kathy McMillan in the Department of Employee Spiritual Care, located in Medical Center room 6700H, or email them to

Full contest details

Or download this flyer:

Thu, 27 Sep 2018 08:51:42 -0700
4264:35630 <![CDATA[Supporting our millennials with Learning to Lead]]> Loma Linda University Health is launching a revamped initiative called Learning to Lead (L2L), a campus program that provides networking and growth opportunities for the organization’s millennial-aged professionals (born between 1981–1996).

The first event will be a lunch-and-learn Wednesday, Oct. 17, from noon to 1 p.m. in the Coleman Pavilion’s Brian and Maureen Bull School of Medicine Lounge, featuring speaker Scott Perryman, MBA, senior vice president for Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital. He will talk about emerging leadership styles within a changing demographic in the workforce. RSVP by Oct. 12.

About half of the employees at Loma Linda University Health are millennials, according to Human Resource Management.

Departments are encouraged to support their employees of this age group in taking time during work hours to participate in Learning to Lead programs and activities.

Learning to Lead began on campus a few years ago as a grassroots program helmed by millennial employees. Human Resource Management is now formalizing those early efforts to support Loma Linda University Health’s millennial team members.

“These employees are the future of our organization,” said David Conkerite II, MBA, director of management residency and business internship programs.  

Opportunities to learn and be mentored

Learning to Lead will offer a variety of opportunities for career development for millennials, such as:

• Leadership conversations—lunch & learns, development seminars, panel discussions.

• Small groups and clubs— public speaking, book clubs, cooking clubs, think tanks and more. 

• Networking and socializing— mixers, vespers, interactive events.

Discover more

Mentors and speakers for future L2L programs are needed; leaders and subject matter experts of all ages are welcome to sign-up to participate and share ideas.

To discover more about Learning to Lead, please email or contact Katie Heinrich at 909-651-4001 (or ext. 14001).

Thu, 27 Sep 2018 08:52:01 -0700
4264:35631 <![CDATA[Level I Trauma Center status validated at national level]]> Both Loma Linda University Medical Center and Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital were recently verified as Level I Trauma Centers by the American College of Surgeons (ACS). The new verification sets a gold standard, validating the hospitals’ commitment to providing the best possible trauma care at every stage of the patient experience, from the prehospital level to rehabilitation and beyond.

LLU Medical Center has been designated for more than three decades as a Level I Trauma Center by San Bernardino County and the state of California. 

That designation is now nationally verified by the ACS–Committee on Trauma. Although the state of California provides the trauma designation, it is increasingly relying upon the ACS for this verification to help evaluate and further improve trauma care within each hospital participating in the trauma system.

Under the leadership of David Turay, MD, Loma Linda University Medical Center was verified as a Level I Adult Trauma Center, and under the leadership of Donald Moores, MD, LLU Children’s Hospital was verified as a Level I Pediatric Trauma Center.  

These are the only Level I Adult and Pediatric Trauma Centers in the Inland Empire, with the Medical Center serving three counties and LLU Children’s Hospital serving four counties. 

Both hospitals were verified during a two-day inspection through the ACS Verification, Review and Consultation Program, which conducted an on-site assessment of both hospitals’ resources and performance. Some assessed features included level of commitment, readiness to provide care, availability of resources, comprehensive policies regarding trauma care, overall quality of patient care and the existence of a robust performance improvement program. 

Loma Linda University Medical Center’s ACS verification will last for one year. LLU Children’s Hospital’s verification will last for three years.

Thu, 27 Sep 2018 08:52:16 -0700
4264:35632 <![CDATA[New chief nursing officer joins LLU Medical Center]]> Denise Robinson, DNP, RN, MPH, WOCN, became the chief nursing officer for Loma Linda University Medical Center on Sept. 17.

Robinson takes over the position from Jan Kroetz, MN, RN, NE-BC, who was promoted last December to senior vice president of patient care services for Loma Linda University Health but continued to serve as CNO during the interim period.

Robinson comes to Loma Linda University Medical Center from BronxCare Health System in Bronx, New York, where she most recently served as executive nurse consultant to the chief nursing officer. Robinson’s previous nursing leadership roles include director of nursing at The Mount Sinai Hospital and patient care director at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center. Her 20 years of high-level nursing leadership experience have also included working with Magnet re-designation, nursing quality and patient safety, and best practice project valuation.

Robinson holds a doctorate in nursing practice from Case Western Reserve University and a master’s degree from Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.

Robinson said she affirms a commitment to continuing Loma Linda University Medical Center’s journey to Magnet Recognition from the American Nurses Credentialing Center. Guiding that journey, she believes, should be servant leadership and the Quality Caring Model  — a nursing practice Loma Linda University Medical Center follows, developed by Joanne R. Duffy.* 


*Duffy, J.R. Quality Caring in Nursing: Applying Theory to Clinical Practice, Education, and Leadership. Springer Publishing Company, New York. 2009.

Thu, 27 Sep 2018 08:52:29 -0700
4264:35633 <![CDATA[Influenza immunization requirements begin]]> Employee Health Services is now offering influenza immunizations for employees of Loma Linda University Health in preparation for the 2018-2019 flu season.

Employees must participate in the annual influenza vaccination campaign. All employees who enter clinical areas must either receive the influenza immunization or provide a written declination, as required by California Senate Bill 739, if they work a single day from Oct. 1, 2018, through March 31, 2019.

Employees who do not receive the immunization must wear a mask beginning Nov. 1 and continuing at least through March 2019, by order of the San Bernardino County Health Department. They must also complete their declination form by Dec. 31.

Staff members who receive the flu vaccine through Employee Health Services will be given an orange-and-white sticker for their badges, signifying their immunized status. 

The vaccinations are available by attending one of the mobile vaccination clinics around campus (schedule below). Badge required.

Employees may also receive their vaccination at another location and obtain the orange-and-white badge sticker by completing a “received elsewhere” form.


Find the “received elsewhere” and declination forms on One Portal.

Learn more

To learn more, visit the Employee Health Services page on One Portal, or call ext. 88797, or email

Thu, 27 Sep 2018 08:52:45 -0700
4264:35560 <![CDATA[Devotional — What's In It for Me? ]]> Proverbs 2:1–6

We often speak about how connected we are as a human society due to technology and various forms of communication — social media, walkie-talkie messaging, and video chats to name a few. The converse of that is equally true; we feel isolated in the midst of these virtual relationships and contrived communal spaces.

Within our Loma Linda University Health context, this feeling of aloneness may be exacerbated by the pursuit of academic excellence, by the pressure to meet deadlines, to raise satisfaction scores, to stay within the budget or to meet compliance regulations internally and externally.

We experience this together in a multicultural, multi-faith, multigenerational milieu. How can we effectively meet our organizational mission? Where can we glean wisdom to navigate this 2018–2019 academic year? I think one of the ways to accomplish this is to connect, listen and explore our shared human experiences.

A continuing source of wisdom for me has been the scriptures, especially the book of Proverbs. In the second chapter, we encounter words of prudence from a father to a son, imploring him to “receive my words and treasure my commandments within you, make your ear attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding.” —Proverbs 2:1-2

I remember as a teen and young adult receiving counsel from my mother, grandmother, aunt or any other adult. My automatic response was, “I know, I know.” 

On one occasion my Mom pointed out the importance of accepting the unsolicited wisdom because she said I didn’t know when it would come in handy. Those were indeed words to live by. Developing curiosity and seeking to learn from others creates a climate to receive and share wisdom. Those early experiences of listening to people who were older than I have contributed to the person I am today. Wisdom is something to be pursued, treasured, remembered and passed to others.

The person who intentionally seeks wisdom will not be disappointed. According to the father in Proverbs 2, there are so many dividends in searching for wisdom — a direct path to God, protection from temptation and evil, and a pleasant life.

While we grapple with how to provide quality healthcare, remain on mission, or prepare the next generation of healthcare professionals or researchers, it is my hope that we don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn from each other. There is much wisdom lurking in our classrooms, labs, offices and hallways. 

I hope you will join me in seeking it out. At a minimum, I am sure that we will discover together from the book of Proverbs that the father was right: “For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.” —Proverbs 2:6


—Dilys Brooks, MDiv, is campus chaplain for Loma Linda University.


Thu, 20 Sep 2018 08:54:01 -0700
4264:35562 <![CDATA[Wellness Live — the ABCs of vaccines]]> Communicating ideas, facts and falsehoods about vaccines helps people know the truth behind the commonly-debated subject. A free webinar, titled “ABCs of Vaccines: Facts vs. Myths,” will be live-streamed on Wednesday, Sept. 26, from 5:30–6 p.m.

Viewers will be able to ask questions and interact live with featured speaker Noreen Chan Tompkins, PharmD, about the important facts about vaccines. The live presentation will be hosted by Olivia Moses, DrPH, CWHC, director of Corporate Health and Wellness.

The webinar will be available at Loma Linda University Health’s Facebook page or at

For more information, call 909-651-4007.

Viewers who missed last month’s live broadcast on life’s legalities by Christian W. Johnston, JD, can view it on demand, along with numerous past presentations, in the Wellness Live archive.  

Thu, 20 Sep 2018 08:55:41 -0700
4264:35564 <![CDATA[University's fall chapel schedule released]]> The university chaplains invite one and all from Loma Linda University Health to attend Fall 2018’s University @ Worship, held Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. at Loma Linda University Church. This year’s theme, Explore, focuses on bringing students and faculty together to live, love, learn and lead. 

Chaplain Dilys Brooks explains the meaning behind this theme:

“One only has to read the news headlines, tweets or view video clips to surmise that we are becoming a more closed society. We are creating a culture of insiders and outsiders. Though we have access to information and technology to discover more about each other, we seem to spend more time finding fault, hurling insults or retreating to what is familiar. Would it make a difference if we practiced connecting, listening and exploring what we have in common as human beings? This is uncomfortable and difficult yet worthwhile work.”

This schoolyear’s chapel services will investigate this process as told from the perspective of a Greek historian, physician and world traveler. The services will explore living like Jesus, exploring like Jesus and loving like Jesus as revealed in the gospel of Luke.

“What we uncover will challenge and empower us to continue the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ at Loma Linda University Health,” Brooks said. “Get ready to be confronted, to be invited to move out of our comfort zones."

The fall quarter schedule of speakers is as follows:

Sept. 26 — School chapels
Oct. 3 — LLU Convocation
Oct. 8–12 — Week of Renewal with Terry Swenson and Dilys Brooks
Oct. 17 — Lt. Cmdr. Adrienne Benton
Oct. 24 — Randy Roberts
Oct. 31 — Carla Gober-Park
Nov. 7 — Carl Ricketts
Nov. 14 — Tyler Stewart
Nov. 28 — Isai Moran
Dec. 5 — Courtney Fadlin (all music)

Thu, 20 Sep 2018 08:56:31 -0700
4264:35567 <![CDATA[Nightly work at Schuman Pavilion Sept. 24-Oct. 5]]> Daart Engineering Company will begin working on campus Monday night, Sept. 24, to reroute fire safety lines at Schuman Pavilion. The work will continue nightly, from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m., starting Sept. 24 and ending on the evening of Oct. 5.

The majority of activity will occur outside Schuman Pavilion’s front entrance at the patient drop-off turnaround necessitating temporary sidewalk removal. These walkways will be covered with steel plates during daytime to minimize impact for pedestrians and valet services, and new concrete sidewalks will be poured after the construction.  

A portion of the work will also take place in the southeast stairwell of Schuman Pavilion. 

All construction activities have been coordinated with Environmental Health & Safety, Epidemiology, Facilities Management, Security Services and Hospitality Services. Interim Life Safety Measures in the Medical Center and additional fire watch will be enacted as needed.

Rerouting of the Schuman Pavilion fire lines will accommodate new construction to support building the new hospital complex. 

To learn more, email

Thu, 20 Sep 2018 08:58:09 -0700
4264:35570 <![CDATA[ Your guide to the Epic 2018 upgrade]]> The 2018 upgrade of the Epic electronic medical record system — known at Loma Linda University Health as LLEAP (Loma Linda Electronic Access Portal) — is almost here.

The key dates to know are as follows:

            • Sept. 21–Nov. 12 — Production "freeze"

Non-critical changes to LLEAP will be temporarily suspended to ensure technical stability prior to and following the upgrade.

            • Saturday, Oct. 20 — System downtime

LLEAP will be unavailable for four to six hours, beginning at 10 p.m.

            • Sunday, Oct. 21 — Go Live  

Epic’s 2018 upgrade will go live across Loma Linda University Health.*

Education and support

Super Users will be the first line of troubleshooting support for staff. Super Users will work with the Service Desk on any issues they are unable to resolve. Providers who seek technical support should contact the Service Desk directly, as they do not have Super Users.

Employees can stay current on important updates in tools and workflows by reviewing documentation in their Learning Home Dashboard in LLEAP (see example) and in OWL Portal.

In addition, the LLEAP “play” (PLY) environment has already been upgraded and allows employees to practice using the new system without impacting patient care.

For further information, visit One Portal’s Epic 2018 upgrade page or email

* With the exception of LLU Medical Center – Murrieta, which will adopt LLEAP as its electronic medical record system on Nov. 4.

Thu, 20 Sep 2018 08:59:39 -0700
4264:35515 <![CDATA[A Life in Harmony — a devotional]]> By Randy Roberts Proverbs 1:20–25

I love the Old Testament book of Proverbs. But it wasn’t always this way. There was a time when I didn’t find it to be of much use at all. 

It seemed to me to be a book filled with outmoded sayings my grandmother might have used to keep me in line. You know, maybe something warning me about the friends I chose — “Birds of a feather flock together” — or making certain I understood that there were consequences to my choices — “If you’re going to lie down with dogs, you’re going to get up with fleas.”

I certainly didn’t need a whole book like that!

But, as I got older, I started reading it more seriously, with some help to sort through the ancient language, metaphors and images, and I actually began to appreciate the points the writer was making. There was still a problem, though. 

I would read a proverb such as “Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are older, they will not depart from it”(see Proverbs 22:6), and I would think, “Life does not always work out that way. No matter how well a child is parented, it does not guarantee that the child will always make wise, godly choices.”

It was then that a point from a biblical scholar helped me. He said, “The book’s name is not Promises. The book’s name is Proverbs. In other words, this book is not made up of the ironclad guarantees of God. Rather, it is made up of statements and assertions that essentially say, ‘When you live life on God’s terms, this is the way that life usually tends to work out.’”

The book has a word for that, and that word is wisdom.

Simply put, then, wisdom is living life in a way that reflects the mind, will and thinking of God. And when we live lives of wisdom, life usually works out in sound and healthy ways.

Paul, in the New Testament, has his own way of saying that. He says, “Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. People reap what they sow” (Galatians 6:7).

So, with that background in mind, consider these words from the first chapter of the book of Proverbs:

Out in the open wisdom calls aloud,
she raises her voice in the public square;
on top of the wall she cries out,
at the city gate she makes her speech:
“How long will you who are simple love your simple ways?
How long will mockers delight in mockery
and fools hate knowledge?
Repent at my rebuke!
Then I will pour out my thoughts to you,
I will make known to you my teachings.

–Proverbs 1:20–23

Most of us recognize that eating a healthy diet, exercising, getting sufficient rest and nurturing a healthy emotional life will not guarantee that we live healthy to an old age, but it will increase the likelihood that such will happen. In fact, it may significantlyincrease that likelihood. 

It’s the same way with wisdom. Living wisely (in harmony with God’s principles) in the way He calls us to does not guarantee that all will work out well. But it certainly increases that likelihood.

So, pull out the book of Proverbs (in a contemporary translation) and read it today. Consider the ways and will of God. And realize that, through it, today, wisdom calls out to you: “Live life in a way that harmonizes with God’s desires, and just see how life turns out!”

Randy Roberts, DMin, is vice president for spiritual life and mission at Loma Linda University Health. 

Wed, 12 Sep 2018 17:32:13 -0700
4264:35516 <![CDATA[30-minute internet interruption at Medical Center to occur next week]]> Loma Linda University Medical Center will replace its internet firewalls to improve performance capability on Sunday, Sept. 16, from 4–8 a.m. During this replacement, internet access will be unavailable for 30 minutes, from 4:30–5 a.m. 

This will affect the following internet-based services: 

  • LLU Medical Center guest internet
  • External access to Epic Care Link
  • Epic Interconnect Services
  • One Portal
  • External access to Impaxmobile
  • Outpatient Pharmacy DMZ servers
  • Bomgar remote assistance
  • SPOK paging
  • API
  • Peoplesoft
  • Filet2 (secure file transfer)
  • Telemed
  • OWA
  • Jabber
  • Proofpoint
  • Agfa External
  • Alertus

Business VPN access will not be affected.

To address questions or concerns, please contact the Service Desk at ext. 48889.

Wed, 12 Sep 2018 17:33:41 -0700
4264:35517 <![CDATA[New dean for School of Pharmacy announced]]> Loma Linda University administrators announced last week that Michael D. Hogue, PharmD, will become the next dean of the School of Pharmacy on Jan. 1, 2019.

Hogue will take over for Marilyn Herrmann, PhD, who has served as interim dean of the school since June.

Hogue has served in various roles at the McWhorter School of Pharmacy at Samford University College of Health Sciences in Birmingham, Alabama, including interim dean, professor and pharmacy practice department chair. He currently serves as associate dean for the university’s Center for Faith and Health. 

Read the full story at

Wed, 12 Sep 2018 17:34:59 -0700
4264:35518 <![CDATA[Faculty Colloquium and University Blessing — Sept. 20]]> Ahead of the first day of autumn classes beginning Sept. 24, Loma Linda University will host Faculty Colloquium on Thursday, Sept. 20, featuring Duke University expert scholar Harold Koenig, MD, presenting on “Spirituality and Health.” The presentation will meet from 10–11 a.m. at University Church, and pick up again at 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Damazo Amphitheater at Centennial Complex. Read more or email for further information. 

In between, leadership will hold a University Blessing dedication service for the 2018–2019 academic year. It will take place at 11 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 20, at Loma Linda University Church. All LLU faculty and staff are invited. 

Wed, 12 Sep 2018 17:37:05 -0700
4264:35519 <![CDATA[Protocol for Cisco telephone interruptions next week]]> A software update to Cisco telephony will create brief, intermittent downtimes from Sunday, Sept. 16, at 9 a.m. through Monday, Sept. 17, at 6 a.m.

During this time, individual Cisco phones will freeze for a few seconds while the update is applied. Older Nortel phones will not be affected. 

If necessary, employees should follow backup procedures for Code Blue or urgent activation requests (use of emergency gray phones). Overhead announcements will be used for emergency activations during a service interruption.

Please contact the Service Desk at ext. 48889 to address any questions.

Wed, 12 Sep 2018 17:37:53 -0700
4264:35412 <![CDATA[Dare to Rideshare for a day — and win]]> The annual Inland Empire Rideshare Week is slated for Oct. 1–5, offering commuters a chance to win prizes when they are one of the first 1,000 individuals to pledge an earth-friendly commute for one day that week. The options are to carpool or vanpool, take public transportation, or bike or walk.

Loma Linda University Health employees are encouraged to participate by pledging online or picking up a paper form at the Department of Rideshare, Parking & Traffic Services. Pledges will be accepted through Oct. 22.

Learn more:

Wed, 05 Sep 2018 09:46:27 -0700
4264:35411 <![CDATA[Words to Live By — a devotional]]> By Dilys Brooks “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction.” –Proverbs 1:7

I celebrated the anniversary of my birth recently, and one of the hallmarks of getting older is taking stock of where you have been and looking toward the future. Often I catch myself reflecting on sayings from Scriptures, such as “There is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:7), or sayings from my mother, such as “Hard of hearing people never live half of their days.” 

I have found both comfort and inspiration from these reflections. At other times, I have been challenged, even corrected, as I considered the wisdom of these statements.

Wisdom sayings have played a huge part in my life, whether through memorizing Scripture or hearing my mother repeat an adage when she tried to teach me a lesson that she hoped would stick. To my chagrin, as I have matured I, also, use some of these proverbs from my Afro-Caribbean-American culture — as well as some I’ve picked up from other people groups and reading Scripture.  

As an organization, we have mission and vision statements, benchmarks and outcomes that serve as guiding principles for the work we do as a healthcare corporation. Now, as we begin the fourth quarter of the year and prepare to welcome new and returning students in a few weeks, we would like to spend the next 52 Thursdays in News of the Week exploring wisdom. 

It is wisdom that will help us know as a community how to connect, listen with empathy and discover the gifts of all who make up our one Loma Linda University Health family.

The biblical Book of Proverbs, or “words to the wise” (Proverbs 22:17), will serve as our instruction manual as we embark on this journey of exploration. This body of literature will help us to integrate our faith and everyday life. Proverbs 1:7 invites us to place our reverence for God as the foundation for any learning that we hope to begin. I truly believe that there is no need to repeat negative actions from the past, hoping for new results.  

Wisdom requires us to look back, learn from the past and press forward with bold faith that God indeed is our foundation and source of power.  

The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel:
To know wisdom and instruction,
To discern the sayings of understanding,
To receive instruction in wise behavior,
Righteousness, justice and equity;
To give prudence to the naive,
To the youth knowledge and discretion,
A wise man will hear and increase in learning,
And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel,
To understand a proverb and a figure,
The words of the wise and their riddles. 

–Proverbs 1:1-6

These are indeed words to live by. 

—Dilys Brooks, MDiv, is the chaplain for University Spiritual Care at Loma Linda University.

Wed, 05 Sep 2018 09:46:15 -0700
4264:35414 <![CDATA[Site visit scheduled with HIMSS Analytics for outpatient areas]]> Loma Linda University Health is nearing the finish line in achieving Stage 7 status for the Outpatient Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (O-EMRAM) from HIMSS Analyticsa healthcare industry organization that promotes best practices for optimizing patient care.

Site visitors from HIMSS Analytics will come to campus Tuesday, Sept. 25, to validate Loma Linda University Health’s outpatient care sites’ achievement of Stage 7 — the highest level of the adoption model, held by less than 11 percent of outpatient facilities in the United States (as of fourth quarter 2017). 

The three-person team will visit the following locations.

• Outpatient Surgery Center

• Pediatric Clinic (at Meridian Loma Linda Professional Center)

• Faculty Medical Offices:

• Endocrinology
• Gastroenterology
• Primary Care

Employees in these departments and general areas may be approached by the HIMSS team, who are evaluating our organization’s use of technology to support patient care. Things to keep in mind: reducing paper use, understanding downtime procedures, and using tools for reporting and analytics.

Learn more about this initiative and how to prepare for the visit on the One Portal page.

Loma Linda University Health has previously earned Stage 7 status of HIMSS Analytics’ Inpatient Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model for LLU Medical Center, including East Campus and Surgical Hospital, LLU Children’s Hospital and LLU Behavioral Medicine Center. 

Fewer than 5 percent of organizations have achieved Stage 7 on both the Inpatient and Outpatient EMRAMs.

Wed, 05 Sep 2018 09:46:57 -0700
4264:35413 <![CDATA[TB test clinic dates — September]]> Employee Health Services is offering a TB test clinic during the last week of September for staff who require an annual tuberculosis clearance. For employee convenience, the clinics will take place in Children’s Hospital room 1832.

TB test placement will take place Tuesday, Sept. 25, from 7:30–10:30 a.m., with test reads offered Thursday, Sept. 27, from 1:30–3:30 p.m. 

These dates are available for employees who are within 30 days of their test due date.  

All TB tests that are placed must be read within 48-72 hours, either at the return clinic date or in Employee Health Services. Failure to have the TB test read will necessitate another TB test at the employee’s own expense. 

An additional test placement opportunity will take place Oct. 15 from 7:30–10:30 a.m. in room 1832 at Children’s Hospital, with reads on Oct. 17 from 1:30–3:30 p.m. in room 1830.

These clinics are offered in addition to the regular office hours of Employee Health Services. For more information, call Employee Health Services at ext. 88797, option 3.

Wed, 05 Sep 2018 09:46:40 -0700
4264:35417 <![CDATA[Payroll survey seeks employee feedback]]> The Payroll department at Loma Linda University Health has launched its annual survey, inviting employee feedback about the services it provides. The brief survey closes Friday, Sept. 28.

Those who take the survey will be entered to win a $100 Visa gift card if they include their name and employee ID number. Otherwise, the survey is anonymous. The winner will be notified Oct. 4 and be featured in the upcoming 2018 Payroll Newsletter along with the survey results.

The survey provides valuable feedback to the Department of Payroll about how it serves employees and the needs of Loma Linda University, Loma Linda University Medical Center, LLU Children’s Hospital, LLU Behavioral Medicine Center, LLU Medical Center – Murrieta, Loma Linda University Health Care, LLU Shared Services and Loma Linda University Health Education Consortium.

Wed, 05 Sep 2018 09:47:42 -0700
4264:35418 <![CDATA['Freeze' coming for LLEAP production requests]]> Information Services at Loma Linda University Health will hold all discretionary production requests related to LLEAP (Loma Linda Electronic Access Portal) for the duration of Sept. 21–Nov. 12. 

The suspension will ensure technical stability prior to and following the Epic 2018 upgrade, which will go live Sunday, Oct. 21. 

The Information Services team offers its thanks to users impacted by the freeze.

Wed, 05 Sep 2018 09:48:02 -0700
4264:35416 <![CDATA[Notes from the President — Educational challenges ahead]]> By Richard Hart, MD, DrPH   September 2018
Educational challenges ahead

The Seventh-day Adventist school system is part of this nation’s trend for parochial schools


I recognize that many of you who read these notes are not Loma Linda University alumni, nor did you come from an Adventist background or attend Adventist schools. But I invite you to look over my shoulder as I reflect on my concerns for an incredible educational system that is now struggling in some quarters. The Adventist school system is a reflection of this country’s numerous parochial school systems, so there is perhaps a message here for us all.

First, a few stats. The Seventh-day Adventist Church has one of the largest educational systems in the world, with over 8,000 schools, including 113 colleges and universities, serving 1.8 million students each day. Many of those are in countries desperate for education and may be in a city or rural village. Here in the United States we have 13 colleges and universities with a total of nearly 24,000 students. The Adventist Church also has 854 primary and secondary schools in the U.S., which is impressive by any standard.

My own educational journey is a classic example of this system. I grew up in Troy, Idaho, where our little church of 65 members supported Big Meadow church school, a two-room, two teacher school in the country, with 25 students in all eight grades. While expensive labs were non-existent, we learned from each other and the nature around us. I went on to Upper Columbia Academy near Spokane, Washington, where we worked hard, at 40 cents an hour as I recall, studied even harder, and prepared ourselves for our individual futures. It was an insulated, controlled environment to be sure. But we survived, met future spouses, including mine, and marched into the working world or on to college.

Those schools provided a unique experience that nurtured service to others, cemented core values, provided lifelong friends, developed unknown musical talents, and truly became a home away from home. But times have changed, and the Adventist Church has closed 248 primary and secondary schools in this country in the last 15 years: that’s 19 percent of them. The Adventist Church has closed one of its colleges — Atlantic Union College outside Boston — and several more are creatively fighting to survive. While Loma Linda University itself is somewhat insulated from these struggles, we feel the effect, with fewer Adventist students coming up through our traditional “feeder” system.  

There are many reasons for these transitions. Affordability often tops the list. In the old days, I witnessed Adventist families sacrifice to keep their kids in church schools. Some of our schools are blessed with committed alumni who are developing endowment funds to provide scholarships for worthy students. But many do not have those resources. Other schools have expanded their identity to the broader Christian community, successfully marketing their educational brand to other Christian families. Still others are tapping into the wealthy international student movement, often from China, who want their children learning English in a safe environment.

These changes raise some very basic questions I invite you to consider. In a country with growing social problems and concerns, is there still a place for a sheltered school setting with carefully thought-out values and mores? Or is this an outdated concept that no longer provides value for the cost? Are there other ways to maintain a culture of service and commitment for our young people? Would it be possible to once again develop campus industries that could provide a way for kids to earn much of their tuition while still benefiting from living and studying together under Christian tutelage? While our public educational system has many good characteristics, it exposes young minds to influences we may want to avoid.

The ultimate question is measuring the relative value of our educational system in providing young people with the orientation, values, and skills necessary to not only compete but provide meaning in their future lives. Loma Linda University’s own alumni, many of whom came from the Adventist system, reported the highest rating in a recent national survey when asked if they were making the world a better place. Finding this meaning in life by following one’s dream of serving others would seem to be the ultimate goal of education.  

As Loma Linda University has watched our own “pipeline” get smaller, we have launched several initiatives that may help. With support from Tom and Vi Zapara, we have been offering a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) enhancement program for elementary and high school science teachers for the last seven years, called EXSEED. Nearly a thousand teachers have spent a week on our campus with our scientists and educators learning new methodologies for teaching science and refilling their motivational cup. This past year, in collaboration with classroom teachers, we have also developed an online series of interactive science labs that can be used by any elementary teacher interested in enhancing their science curriculum. We feel this is an important role for Loma Linda University — using our talents and commitment to share our skills and reputation with others.

Will it be enough to save a church school system? Not by itself! We need both a horizontal strategy for collaboration among our colleges and universities and a vertical strategy for our elementary and secondary schools. Many on this campus believe the value of Christian education is needed now more than ever. Loma Linda University is determined to do what we can while we can! 

I recently heard a compelling sequence of progressive steps about education for life that is so true:

                        Thoughts → Words → Actions → Habits → Character → Destiny.  

We will keep you informed as new strategies develop. And kudos to those thousands of committed teachers who continue to provide their best for our children, often despite challenging circumstances.  





Richard H. Hart

Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow

Wed, 05 Sep 2018 09:47:32 -0700
4264:35365 <![CDATA[Last words — a devotional]]> By Carla Gober-Park 2 Samuel 23:1-7 

In 2016, Dr. Wil Alexander, a patriarch of Loma Linda University Health, lay dying. At 95 years old, this seemed inevitable — but not to him. He had a whole world of expectation for the future, even though his body could no longer keep up with him. Since life had brought him near death several times, he had many “last conversations,” but they were never “last,” nor did he intend them to be. Throughout our time together, he often asked, “Are we done?” It was his obligatory offer to step back, fully expecting that I would respond (as I always did), “No, Wil, not yet.” It gave him permission to do what he was going to do anyway — keep teaching young physicians how to give whole person care until he could no longer make it to work.

But there came a point when that moment arrived.

The night before he died, he and I had a “last conversation.” At the end of it, with eyes more piercing and serious than usual, he asked, “Are we done?” He searched my face for the answer — the real answer. I knew he would not return to work again, so I hesitated.  

Then the answer came to me — the real answer. “Wil, you know what I’m going to say, and you know it is the truth. No, we are not done yet.” He laughed out loud. “I knew you would say that! The Lord will continue to bless, won’t He?”  

David’s last words were similar to Wil’s — expressing a deep knowledge of what God had done and would continue to do because of His “everlasting covenant” (2 Samuel 23:5). 

When the “Rock of Israel” speaks, He means what He says, and that Voice changes everything. And that Voice states that “The one who rules in the fear of God is like the gleaming of the sun on new grass after rain” (verses 3-4, paraphrase).  

Have you ever seen that? It is easier to see at night. One night I awoke suddenly by the sound of rain that had just stopped. Uncharacteristic of California rain, it had come down hard, then suddenly, without tapering, stopped, like a flash of lightning disappeared. The absence of sound startled me, and I wondered at the silence. Jumping out of bed, I ran to the front door and flung it open. 

There was gold everywhere, flowing down the street, like it was the book of Revelation. I gasped. The light from the street lamps was illuminating every drop and trickle of water, giving the whole landscape a gold hue through the reflection. “Can you believe that?!” I said out loud to nobody who was listening. It was 2 a.m. I waited for someone else to come outside their house and see what I was seeing, but the street was empty, except for the gold.

After a long time, and with reluctance, I closed the door again, still looking through the window. Had I imagined it? No, there it was, gold everywhere, still gleaming under the lights from the streetlamps.

Still gleaming.

David’s last words assure us that death is not the end. Last words are simply the announcement of what began long before we were born and continues long after we stop coming to work. It is an “everlasting covenant.” 

The sun continues to gleam on new grass after rain. 

And it is spectacular.

—Carla Gober-Park, PhD, is assistant vice president of Spiritual Life and Mission at Loma Linda University Health.

Wed, 29 Aug 2018 10:58:50 -0700
4264:35366 <![CDATA[Discovering health policy: new CA ballot measures, opioid-use recovery and more]]> News of the Week presents the August 2018 monthly roundup of resources from the Institute for Health Policy and Leadership at Loma Linda University Health. 

The Institute for Health Policy and Leadership is an active player in analyzing current issues, bills and laws dealing with health; curating coverage of key national news regarding healthcare, public health and science; and assessing implications for Seventh-day Adventist health systems.

August 2018 policy resources 


Healthcare News at a Glance weekly briefs

August 29

August 22 

August 15

August 8

August 1


Issue at a Glance monthly brief

August 2018: “Telehealth in California


Policy at a Glance monthly brief

August 2018: “New State Ballot Measures that Affect Health in the November 2018 General Election


Health Policy Connection blog posts

August 28: “Doing Our Part. National Immunization Awareness Month

August 20: “Sugary Beverages: To Tax or Not to Tax? In California, that is the Question

August 7: “Cyberbullying, a Growing Public Health Concern

Wed, 29 Aug 2018 11:02:30 -0700
4264:35367 <![CDATA[New issue of 'The Compliance Code' now available]]> Loma Linda University Health’s Department of Corporate Compliance has published the summer 2018 issue of The Compliance Code, an original newsletter that features hot-topic articles about corporate compliance. 

The summer edition discusses medical student documentation, ‘Incident-To’ billing, and when to involve the California Department of Public Health in changes to service lines. Read the new issue on One Portal.

Wed, 29 Aug 2018 11:02:56 -0700
4264:35368 <![CDATA[Closures and re-routings at Taylor Street/Court ]]> Loma Linda University Health is conducting a sewer line replacement under Taylor Court that is expected to last through mid-September. The construction has caused temporary changes to vehicle traffic and shuttle service.

Taylor Court, which runs north to south between Taylor Street and Prospect Avenue, is closed to all vehicle traffic except construction and emergency vehicles. 

As a result, two-way traffic is temporarily allowed on Taylor Street. Temporary road striping, signage and parking restrictions are in place for the duration of the construction.

An additional change is the temporary shifting of the shuttle stop on Prospect Avenue (between Taylor Court and Anderson Street) to the OmniTrans/SBX bus stop at the southwest corner of Prospect Avenue and Anderson Street.

Questions? Email

Wed, 29 Aug 2018 11:03:17 -0700
4264:35369 <![CDATA[API upgrade is now live]]> Loma Linda University Health’s API system upgrade, live as of Aug. 30, brings enhanced functionalities:

Time and attendance enhancements

  • New editor and approver icons
  • Updated supervisor bookmarks
  • New feature: “Supervisor Hours by Pay Code” report
  • Updated employee search screen
  • Updated “transaction list actions” section

Staffing and scheduling enhancements

  • “My Schedule” Report update
  • “My Schedule” card added to home screen
  • Updated scheduler bookmarks
  • Update to “current staffing overview” compare screen
  • Open-shift notifications (broadcasts) update

Full details about the changes to API are available on One Portal. 

Wed, 29 Aug 2018 11:03:29 -0700
4264:35370 <![CDATA[LLU Medical Center ranks 33rd nationwide for consumer loyalty ]]> Loma Linda University Medical Center was ranked 33rd in the Top 100 for consumer loyalty nationwide and No. 1 in the Inland Empire by National Research Corporation (NRC) Health, recognizing the hospital’s ability to serve and earn the longstanding trust of its patients.  

The ranking was part of NRC Health’s presentation to LLU Medical Center for the 2017-2018 NRC Health Consumer Loyalty Award. Hospitals were selected based on results from NRC Health’s Market Insights survey, the largest database of healthcare consumer responses in the country. 

“These outstanding healthcare organizations are setting a new standard for elevating the entire patient and consumer experience,” said Brian Wynne, vice president and general manager at NRC Health.

Read the full story at


Wed, 29 Aug 2018 11:03:42 -0700
4264:35286 <![CDATA[OWL Portal update]]> Loma Linda University Health’s Organization-Wide Learning (OWL) Portal is undergoing technical structure work.

OWL is one of three online destinations for staff training at Loma Linda University Health. The other two are the Continuing Education (CE) Portal and the Online Classroom (Moodle). Comprising all three, the Learning Management System at Loma Linda University Health has undergone a replacement of its core technical design. 

Improvements to Learning Management System 

Users will note major changes in the Learning Management System’s functionality for managing symposia, conferences and other events, such as the annual One Homecoming, the biannual Global Healthcare Conference and more. One conference that is currently utilizing the new capabilities is the 21st Pediatric Critical Care Symposium.

More major changes can also be seen in the now-available new CE Portal. Users who log in will be able to see their education history, certificates of completion, continuing education classes, education schedule and more educational information. 

Learn more

For more information about changes to the Learning Management System, employees may contact the Service Desk at ext. 48889 or Staff Development at ext. 33500.

Thu, 23 Aug 2018 09:08:25 -0700
4264:35268 <![CDATA['Total Rewards Statement' identifies total compensation, benefits]]> The Department of Human Resource Management has unveiled the Total Rewards Statement for calendar year 2017, allowing employees to view a graphical breakdown of employer-provided compensation and benefits from the prior calendar year. 

The feature, located within PeoplePortal, also allows employees to see benefits to which they contribute, such as health plans and supplemental life insurance. 

The statement has sections for compensation, benefits, retirement and work/life. 

The retirement section of the Total Rewards Statement focuses on the employer basic and matching contributions that an employee may receive. The “employee paid” value represents an employee’s deferral of earnings to a tax-sheltered annuity. 

The work/life section of the statement includes the value of items provided by the employer that the employee may or may not be utilizing such as Drayson Center membership, SmartDollarAllClear IDEmployee Assistance Program, cafeteria and gift shop discounts, and more.  

“We feel our comprehensive compensation and benefit package allows us to attract and retain top talent, and the Total Rewards Statement is a tool that will raise employee awareness regarding the total value of the rewards provided by their employer,” said Lizette Norton, vice president of Human Resource Management.

Although the statement is new to Loma Linda University Medical Center – Murrieta this year, it is the second annual publication for Loma Linda University, LLU Medical Center, LLU Children’s Hospital, LLU Behavioral Medicine Center, LLU Shared Services, LLU Health Care and LLU Health Education Consortium.  

Accessing your statement

Your Total Rewards Statement is now available online through PeoplePortal. The statements are located in the “Employee Self Service” section under “My Total Rewards.”

For more information, view the FAQ and outline of benefits on the PeoplePortal homepage after signing in, or contact Human Resource Management at ext. 14001 or for questions.

Wed, 22 Aug 2018 10:16:57 -0700
4264:35285 <![CDATA[You talked, we listened — a survey]]> Over the past few years, Human Resource Management at Loma Linda University Health has created multiple avenues for employees to provide feedback, ideas and recommendations as part of its “You talked, we listened … together we value” initiative.

Through this process, Human Resource Management has implemented several employee suggestions, including enhanced CEU reimbursements, virtual benefit fairs, virtual recognition via “I APP U” and more. 

In addition, to address concerns regarding transferred and dropped phone calls, the Human Resources Service Center was opened. Employees can call onephone number, 909-651-4001, or emailoneemail address —— to receive answers to their questions. 

To seek feedback about its customer service during the past year, Human Resource Management invites employees to complete this survey by Tuesday, Sept. 11. 

For continued updates and changes based on employee feedback, watch for announcements with the graphic (shown above) stating “You talked, we listened … together we value.”

Thu, 23 Aug 2018 09:08:15 -0700
4264:35287 <![CDATA[Life's legalities — a free webinar]]> The Living Whole Wellness Program will host a free live-streamed presentation on Wednesday, August 29, from 5:30–6 p.m. about life’s legalities — wills, trusts, advance directives for healthcare, guardianship, conservatorships and powers of attorney.  

Viewers will be able to ask questions and interact live with featured speaker Christian W. Johnston, JD, about the complexity of legalities involved in making important life decisions that will affect those we care about the most. The live presentation will be hosted by Olivia Moses, DrPH, CWHC, director of Corporate Health and Wellness at Loma Linda University Health.

Watch the free livestream at Loma Linda University Health’s Facebook page or at

For more information, call 909-651-4007.

Viewers who missed last month’s live broadcast on the well woman exam by Courtney Martin, DO, can view it on demand, along with numerous past presentations, in the Wellness Live archive.

Thu, 23 Aug 2018 09:08:37 -0700
4264:35288 <![CDATA[Soothing words for itchy ears — a devotional]]> By Terry Swenson 2 Samuel

We hear many things on any given day. Voices that try to tell us how to live our lives. Voices offering surefire, three-step methods that will allow us to achieve anything — wealth, health, beauty, you name it. There are voices of wisdom that teach us hard-earned life lessons and how we can avoid the pitfalls. 

My father was one of those sages in my life. I wish I would have listened to all that he had to share! Fortunately, I listened to many of his wisdoms, and they have helped to form and guide my life. One of those wise nuggets was this: “Life is about making choices, and choices have consequences.”

It is always amazing to me how, when we make a wrong choice, we become frustrated and upset when the natural consequences come to be. How many times do we hearwords of wisdom and truth, yet we refuse to listento what they say? 

We like to hear words that we like. 

As we continue through the book of 2 Samuel and the stories of David and his family, it is readily apparent that they followed a pattern just like ours today. 

In 2 Samuel 15, King David’s son, Absalom, breaks into open rebellion against his father. The root of this trouble goes all the way back to David’s affair with Bathsheba. David’s indiscretions, deceits and act of murder reaped a harvest of turmoil and dysfunction within his family. 

Choices have consequences. David listened to the wrong voice. Because of that, Absalom sews his seeds of rebellion. 

After this, Absalom bought a chariot and horses, and he hired fifty bodyguards to run ahead of him. He got up early every morning and went out to the gate of the city. When people brought a case to the king for judgment, Absalom would ask where in Israel they were from, and they would tell him their tribe. 

“Then Absalom would say, ‘You’ve really got a strong case here! It’s too bad the king doesn’t have anyone to hear it.  I wish I were the judge. Then everyone could bring their cases to me for judgment, and I would give them justice!’

“When people tried to bow before him, Absalom wouldn’t let them. Instead, he took them by the hand and kissed them.  Absalom did this with everyone who came to the king for judgment, and so he stole the hearts of all the people of Israel.” 

-2 Samuel 15:1-5 (New Living Translation)

Absalom knew just the right words that would soothe itching ears. He told the people what they wanted to hear rather than what they needed to hear, and it sounded good to them. Then Absalom schmoozed them, acting like he was one of them. His actions made it seem as if David was distant, removed and only interested in pomp and power. The people listened to what they, and Absalom, wanted to hear. But they didn’t really hear or see what the consequences would be.

Perhaps we shouldn’t be too hard on those itchy-eared people. Haven’t we done the same thing? We curry favor with higher-ups by saying what we think they want to hear, instead of speaking what is true and needed. We act one way with our fellow employees. We say the “right” thing to some, but when they leave the room, we then say the “truth” to others. 

Listening — true listening — is a gift to the speaker of our time, our presence and our engagement. It should also be a gift of the wisdom life experience has given us. It should be a gift of truth, love and caring, just like Jesus did. 

“Life is about making choices, and choices have consequences.” What will you choose to listen to today?

—Terry Swenson, DMin, is director of University Spiritual Care at Loma Linda University. 

Thu, 23 Aug 2018 09:09:04 -0700
4264:35202 <![CDATA[LLU Medical Center ranked No. 1 in area by U.S. News & World Report]]> Loma Linda University Medical Center has been recognized as a Best Hospital for 2018–2019 by U.S. News & World Report.

Ranked as the No. 1 hospital in the Riverside and San Bernardino metro area, the Medical Center was also recognized as “high performing” in seven other areas.

In addition, the Medical Center was ranked in the top 30 Best Hospitals for Gynecology in the nation. The gynecology department received this ranking for excellence in care and its services working with a significant number of high-risk cases.

More than 4,500 hospitals were considered in the rankings. 

Released earlier this week, the annual rankings are designed to assist patients and their doctors in making informed decisions about where to receive care for challenging health conditions or common elective procedures.

“The U.S. News recognition is a testament to our entire team, who every day live out our mission of ‘Continuing the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ’ through providing the highest quality care to our patients,” said Kerry Heinrich, CEO of Loma Linda University Medical Center. “More importantly, I believe the communities we serve will feel incredible pride in these honors as well. Families across the Inland Empire and from around the world have trusted Loma Linda University Health to be ready when their need is the greatest.”

Read the full story at

Thu, 16 Aug 2018 10:25:06 -0700
4264:35201 <![CDATA['Top Workplaces' survey from Inland News Group]]> Loma Linda University Health has been nominated by an employee as an “Inland Empire Top Workplace” for 2018. The annual awards program is presented by the Inland News Group (The Press-Enterprise, The Sun, The Facts and Inland Valley Daily Bulletin).

Employees will be invited to take a survey, conducted by research firm Energage, that measures workplace culture and employee engagement levels. The data will help Loma Linda University Health continue creating the best workplace possible.

The survey will run from Monday, Aug. 20, through Friday, Aug. 31. All full- and part-time employees hired prior to July 27, 2018, should expect to receive a survey invitation from or Each employee will receive unique access information that can only be used once. If an employee accidentally deletes the survey email, reminder emails will be sent.

The confidential survey contains 24 questions and will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Employees may complete the survey at home or at work.

Questions? Contact Human Resource Management at Loma Linda University Health.

Thu, 16 Aug 2018 10:24:19 -0700
4264:35200 <![CDATA[August through October TB test clinic schedule]]> Employee Health Services is offering additional TB test clinics for staff who require an annual tuberculosis clearance. The clinics will take place in Children’s Hospital rooms 1830 and 1832, located across from the Children’s Hospital cafeteria.

Below is the schedule of TB placement and test reads. 

TB placement

Tuesday, Aug. 21

CH 1832

1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

TB reads

Thursday, Aug. 23

CH 1832

1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

TB placement

Tuesday, Sept. 4

CH 1832

7:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

TB reads

Thursday, Sept. 6

CH 1830

7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

TB placement

Tuesday, Sept. 25

CH 1832

7:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

TB reads

Thursday, Sept. 27

CH 1832

1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

TB placement

Monday, Oct. 15

CH 1832

7:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

TB reads

Wednesday, Oct. 17

CH 1830

1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

These dates are available for employees who are within 30 days of their test due date.  

All TB tests that are placed must be read within 48-72 hours, either at the return clinic date or in Employee Health Services. Failure to have the TB test read will necessitate another TB test at the employee’s own expense. 

These clinics are offered in addition to the regular office hours of Employee Health Services. For more information, call Employee Health Services at ext. 88797, option 3. 

Thu, 16 Aug 2018 10:23:46 -0700
4264:35199 <![CDATA[Office closures for Labor Day]]> Labor Day weekend will be a four-day holiday for many administrative and support offices of Loma Linda University Health.

This means that on Friday, Aug. 31, a number of offices will be closed in addition to the normal Monday holiday on Sept. 3.

This applies to administrative and support offices for Loma Linda University Medical Center (including East Campus and Surgical Hospital), Children’s Hospital, Behavioral Medicine Center and Shared Services.

Impacted services include shuttles and mail pickup and delivery. Shuttles will not run on the Friday before or on Labor Day. They will resume their regular schedule on Tuesday, Sept. 4. However, security officers will still patrol.

Clinical departments will retain their normal holiday schedules and staffing. 

Best wishes for a meaningful and safe holiday weekend from Loma Linda University Health.

Thu, 16 Aug 2018 10:22:30 -0700
4264:35198 <![CDATA[Breaking the pattern — a devotional]]> By Randy Roberts 2 Samuel 14

In Dennis Guernsey’s book The Family Covenant, he writes of what he calls “transitional people.” According to him, transitional people are those who look at the reality of the intergenerational characteristics of their families, determine where any dysfunctions have been present, and then say, “It stops with me. I will not pass this kind of dysfunction on to the next generation.” Then they take the steps necessary to change. 

It is a courageous and transformative choice to make.

Underlining the importance of such a step, family theorists suggest that if you are able to look at three generations of a family — considering that family’s relationships, conflicts, secrets, addictions and so forth — you will be able to predict where the coming generations of that family are heading.

During my graduate studies in the field of marriage and family therapy, a professor gave us a quarter-long assignment of constructing our family genogram. That assignment led me to have important conversations with my family. It was the kind of exercise that led to the discovery of things I had known and forgotten, and the discovery of things I’d never known. 

It ultimately led to insight followed by change. It brought me face-to-face with the kinds of decisions that a transitional person has to make.

Intergenerational family patterns jump off the page from the words of 2 Samuel 14.

The story of David and Absalom has become rancid. Rape, incest and murder have already elbowed their way into this family’s story. The entanglements and consequences of such have led a father (David) to banish a son (Absalom) from his presence.

Then, in an attempt to once again gain favor with his father the king, Absalom colluded with a friend to lie to King David and set up a scenario through which he could get back into the king’s favor.

That’s just the beginning! In the next chapter, the story reallyturns sour. In the midst of all the grime of their family, one reality grabs me: this family’s unhealthy dynamics are being passed from one generation to the next.

Ultimately, God’s grace is rich and free to that family, just as it is to our families. But the pain that was passed on might have been avoided if someone had said, “It stops with me.”

What about your family? Every family has difficulties, dysfunctions and secrets. Every family passes these on to the next generation — unless there’s a transitional person. 

Will you be that person in your family? 

If your answer is yes, then consider the following steps.

  1. Be very honest in assessing your family’s health.
  2. Be willing to reach out for help. A Christian counselor can be of enormous help.
  3. Be willing to read and learn.
  4. Pray for God’s insight, wisdom, guidance and grace.

You can be a transitional person and help change your family. You can create a healthier future.

—Randy Roberts, DMin, is vice president for spiritual life and mission at Loma Linda University Health.

Thu, 16 Aug 2018 10:21:11 -0700
4264:35137 <![CDATA[Silence Is Not Always Golden — a devotional]]> By Dilys Brooks 2 Samuel 13

“Silence is golden” is a proverbial statement that communicates the value of quietude over incessant babble. I remember my mother telling me a few other proverbs that communicated clearly that silence was preferable to the never-ending chatter of young children. Is there ever a time when this adage should be upended? Our passage for consideration in our devotional series this week is 2 Samuel 13. It is a difficult chapter to read, understand and accept. Yet it is in our Holy Scriptures. It can’t be avoided or overlooked. 

Last week’s postinvited us to reflect on what happens when we don’t listen to God. David’s misstep with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, had a ripple effect that he did not foresee. When we read 2 Samuel 12, we uncover the “care-fronting” conversation that Nathan the prophet had with David about his actions. 

God’s messenger made it very clear to David that his arrangements did not go unnoticed by the God who had anointed him king. Psalm 51 is David’s confession and repentant response. Too often, we behave like David did — thinking and acting on how we feel in response to our short-term wants, desires or anxiety. What we don’t often consider is the ripple effect these actions have on our families, departments, communities, counties, state, country or world.

In 2 Samuel 13, we see one of those undulations in the story of a sister who was assaulted by one of her brothers. Her father who was angry, but he did nothing. Another brother committed murder to avenge his sister. What can we learn from this story as an organization? 

We can see firsthand the consequences of our slip-ups or blunders. 

In the minds of others, it creates the assumption that they too can act on their feelings, desires, fears or convictions without thought of the repercussions. The scriptures tell us that Amnon desired his sister. He plotted with the aid of a cousin how to assault her. After the dastardly deed was done, that same desire was turned to loathing and he rejected her, the object of his desire. 

This is a perfect example of when silence is not golden. 

Like David’s actions with Bathsheba, Amnon’s behavior was no secret. David was angry, yet silent. Absalom, her brother, was angry and silent. Tamar was traumatized and silent. It also appears as if God was also silent. The truth of the matter is God had already told David that his actions had given the enemies of God an opportunity to reject or spurn God’s commandments. 

I wonder what would have happened if David had applied the same principle that God had used with him to his sons? What would have happened if David had comforted his daughter and actually meted out justice on her behalf? David Augsburger coined the term “care-fronting” to describe a method for addressing conflict responsibly.  

David’s failure to respond to injustice bred more injustice. 

Each of us, as employees and students at Loma Linda University Health, has a responsibility to act in ways that exemplify our mission and values. While we are not responsible for everyone’s choices, we do influence each other. May we learn from this difficult story that silence in the face of injustice does not reflect the character of God. May we also learn how to be care-fronting individuals who acknowledge our own propensity to sin when we speak to each other. 

My prayer for each of us this week is simply “Create in us a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit with in us.” Help us to speak up for those who are hurting or to those who have hurt others. 


—Dilys Brooks, MDiv, is campus chaplain for Loma Linda University.


Wed, 08 Aug 2018 19:04:11 -0700
4264:35138 <![CDATA[Children's Hospital towers up]]> The steel columns for the future Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital tower continue to rise after workers set the first ones in place July 30, the latest milestone for the new hospital’s construction. 

Ultimately the new Children’s Hospital tower will be nine stories, next to a 16-story new Medical Center for adults. The two new hospitals will share a common pedestal of five stories.

See the full story at

Wed, 08 Aug 2018 19:04:20 -0700
4264:35139 <![CDATA[Neurosurgeons urge State Assembly to invest in innovative treatments ]]> Loma Linda University Health neurosurgeons told a group of state officials and lawmakers that the impact of treating neurological disorders in the state of California is increasing, and they stressed the imperative need to invest in innovative treatments.

Warren Boling, MD, chair of the Department of Neurosurgery at Loma Linda University Health, and Venkatraman Sadanand, MD, PhD, associate professor at Loma Linda University School of Medicine and attending pediatric neurosurgeon, made their remarks to the California State Assembly on Aug. 7. The two were among 12 presenters at the Brain Mapping Day held at the State Capitol in Sacramento. 

Boling and Sadanand highlighted the economic risks for treating neurological disorders, including epilepsy, Parkinson’s and dementia.  

According to Sadanand, the prevalence of Parkinson’s disease is expected to increase two times over the next 12 years, while dementia is expected to increase three times over the next 30 years. In the last 25 years, a 37 percent increase in the number of deaths has occurred in individuals living with a neurological disease. It’s the highest increase in any group of diseases, Sadanand said. 

According to Boling, there are approximately 140,000 individuals living with intractable epilepsy in the state of California alone. The economic burden of intractable epilepsy in California is $1.2 billion annually, according to CE Begley’s “The Direct Cost of Epilepsy in the United States” (Epilepsia, 2015).

Despite 16 different FDA-approved medications to treat patients with epilepsy, over 30 percent of patients will continue living with frequent seizures, Boling said. The goal is to better define the seizure focus as a way to open more opportunities for a cure. Both physicians urged the State Assembly to analyze the data presented and invest in new treatments.  

Loma Linda University Health representatives have participated in previous Brain Mapping Days on the national level. Boling presented at Brain Mapping Day on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., last year. In March, Sadanand and Daniel J. DiLorenzo, MD, PhD, MBA, assistant professor at LLU School of Medicine, presented at this year’s Brain Mapping Day in Washington, D.C.

Wed, 08 Aug 2018 19:04:31 -0700
4264:35140 <![CDATA[Security report for 2nd quarter]]> Loma Linda University Health works diligently to provide a safe and secure learning, working and healing environment. As part of ongoing engagement to ensure a safe and well-informed campus, listed below are the crimes reported for Loma Linda University Health during the second quarter (April through June) of 2018. The detailed report is available on One Portal.

LocationsNon-Violent CrimesViolent CrimesVehicle CrimesTrespassingArrests
LLU Medical Center 23 3 4 35 2
LLU Children's Hospital 2 0 0 3 0
Loma Linda University 7 0 9 20 2
Miscellaneous areas 5 2 1 49 2
Mountain View Plaza 3 0 1 10 0
Professional Plaza 0 1 0 0 0
Outpatient Rehab Center 1 0 0 2 0
East Campus 0 0 1 5 0
Faculty Medical Offices 0 0 0 4 0
Behavioral Medicine Center 0 0 1 2 0
Surgical Hospital 0 0 0 2 0
West campus (Club Center Drive/Caroline Street buildings) 1 0 5 15 0
San Bernardino campus 1 0 0 3 0
Beaumont - Banning 0 0 0 0 0
Murrieta 0 1 0 3 0


Security tips: campus emergencies

Loma Linda University Health’s Department of Security Services provides these tips to follow in the event of a critical event on campus.

Should you witness or be involved in an event, remember these few simple things to help keep you and others around you safe: 

1)   Remain calm

2)   Get yourself to safety (run or hide).

3)   Follow the appropriate emergency plan, such as Loma Linda University Health’s fire plan: RACE

  • Rescue others if it is safe for you to do so.
  • Alarm: Activate a fire alarm pull station nearest to the fire. Call for help by dialing 911. Help is on the way!
  • Contain: Close doors and windows.
  • Extinguish (if safe to do so)/ Evacuate

4)   Follow instructions from authorities. Your life may depend on it.

5)   Adhere to Loma Linda University Health’s no-photography policy and social media policy by not taking pictures of events or people and by not posting or sharing information on social media sites. Not only could you be violating someone’s privacy, but you could also compromise the safety and tactical response of the emergency first responders.

How to contact Security Services

Loma Linda University Health encourages individuals to report emergencies or suspicious behavior immediately by contacting the Security Control Center at 909-558-4320 or ext. 911 from on-campus phones. You may also use the blue-lighted emergency call boxes located throughout the campus and healthcare facilities. 

For non-emergency business, call 909-558-5419 or ext. 55419 from on-campus phones.

Wed, 08 Aug 2018 19:04:43 -0700
4264:35100 <![CDATA[Notes from the President — Transforming a vision into reality]]> By Richard Hart, MD, DrPH   August 2018
Transforming a vision into reality


Last year we celebrated the golden 50th anniversary of our iconic hospital towers by remembering the challenges we faced back then and how we overcame them with God’s blessing. Necessitating the need for a new hospital at that time was a push from the Council on Medical Education of the American Medical Association and the Executive Council of the Association of American Medical Colleges requiring all medical schools to consolidate classroom and clinical teaching facilities into a single location. A few years later, we met the requirement.

I remember well that day in 1967 when I joined so many others to carefully move patients from the old Nichol Hall hospital to our new beautiful clover leaf building. I’m now struck by the parallels of that moment in our history and where we are today. 

We are now five years into the Vision 2020 campaign and the associated goal of creating One Loma Linda with our updated name — Loma Linda University Health — and our integrated organizational structure. This entire strategy was designed to enable us to effectively meet the challenges of the future. Necessitating the need for this was a California state mandate to build a new hospital that met and exceeded California’s newest seismic standards. That construction began nearly two years ago and is well underway, with the steel infrastructure now starting to give shape to the common pedestal and the two towers. Construction is running on schedule, and you can expect to see the steel frame of all 16 stories of the new Medical Center and all nine stories of the new Children’s Hospital in place by the end of the year. 


Our “One Loma Linda” strategy has performed beyond our expectations. It has brought renewed collaboration between our physicians and hospitals and opened up enhanced educational opportunities for our students. While the university enrollment has dipped down a bit the last four years, following national trends, this autumn shows promise of bouncing back strongly. Additionally, our hospital network and Faculty Medical Group have each had their strongest financial year ever, with continued growth in both capacity and revenue. Sometimes expansion can happen too fast, and now with around 16,000 employees altogether, we have asked each campus entity to limit their expenses so we remain both lean and strong.

Vision 2020 began with a transformative gift of $100 million from Dennis and Carol Troesh. Our total philanthropy goal has actually expanded twice since then from the original $350 million — first with a $10 million gift from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians for our San Bernardino campus, and more recently with a nearly completely raised $6 million for our Indio clinic. Numerous other gifts and pledges, both large and small, have now carried the campaign to nearly $300 million of our revised $366 million goal. 

But philanthropy was only part of the financial plans for the new hospital, as well as the other projects outlined in Vision 2020, which include scholarships, a research building, and wholeness strategies. The entire hospital building project — including the three new parking structures recently built — will reach a total of around $1.4 billion. The resources for this amount were carefully calculated to come from four main sources — bond financing, two state grants to pay a portion of costs of construction of children’s hospitals, philanthropy and operating gains from our hospitals.  

Each of those strategies has performed well to date, with the exception of disbursements of the children’s hospital grant funds. We continue to believe that we are entitled to the full grant amounts, but the state has delayed disbursements. There have also been some cost overruns on additional steel now being required by the state since the original plan was developed. Fortunately, all our steel has been paid for before the recent steel tariffs were implemented, so that isn’t hurting us. But with the extra steel required and the uncertain timing of receiving the state grant monies, we have decided to take out another bond offering to assure completion of the building on time. This new borrowing will ease the pressure on cash flow by financing the costs of the extra steel and by covering certain routine capital purchases that historically have been budgeted and funded out of operations. 

The building completion is now scheduled for the fall of 2020, with actual occupancy in early 2021. This is a bit past the state statutory deadline of Dec. 31, 2019, but we believe the deadline will be further extended by legislation that is currently pending before the California State Legislature.

To have come so far along in our philanthropy goals is truly amazing and we are deeply grateful to our many donors for making this happen. Our hope now is to far exceed our original goals and maintain the momentum that has been generated so we can better fulfill our mission through clinical care, education, research, and wholeness. A Wholeness Institute will focus and share our traditional commitment to improving health practices, and a new research building is still greatly needed to let us expand our growing network of investigators. These will complement the Comprehensive Cancer Center we are planning. 

In this context, I frequently get asked if I am worried, confident or scared. The answer is probably some combination of all of those. I often step outside my office at Magan Hall to the Founders Plaza and read again the story of Loma Linda University Health’s beginning. I am sure that our founder John Burden and his colleagues had many of the same concerns we do now. But the overpowering sentiment in my heart and on our campus is that this is a special place, endowed for a purpose by God Himself. That assurance is enough to keep us focused and moving forward. Thank you for your confidence in Loma Linda University Health. We invite you to watch the construction live at and prepare to join us for a grand opening in the future! 





Richard Hart, MD, DrPH
Loma Linda University Health


Office of the President, Loma Linda University Health

Copyright © 2018

Thu, 02 Aug 2018 10:10:00 -0700
4264:35102 <![CDATA['Thank you' for quick action by employees during power reduction]]> Employees on duty this past Saturday night at Loma Linda University Medical Center and LLU Children’s Hospital faced the challenge of operating at minimal power for approximately three hours, beginning around 5:30 p.m. 

The incident began when utility provider Southern California Edison was unable to supply power. While the outage with Southern California Edison only lasted four minutes, it shut down operations at the Central Utilities Plant. The main breaker was not re-engaging, which would not allow power to flow to the campus. Both hospitals activated emergency generators, which supplied minimum lighting, five working elevators out of 21, and power for necessary medical equipment. Emergency power was directed to all outlets required for lifesaving medical equipment, such as ventilators, medical air compressors, medication dispensers as well as emergency egress lighting and fire alarm systems. Power service was restored at approximately 8:40 p.m.

Hospital administration would like to thank the teams that went into immediate action to fix the problems experienced when the outage occurred, as well as those of you who worked hard to provide excellent patient care. There were undoubtedly frustrations and inconveniences during this time, but special thanks goes to each of you for your team effort and commitment to excellence. Thank you again for putting our patients first, and for living our mission, even in unique circumstances.

Thu, 02 Aug 2018 10:10:26 -0700
4264:35103 <![CDATA[Outpatient treatment added at Behavioral Medicine Center]]> Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center launched an outpatient therapy program on Aug. 1, adding another layer of service to the center’s mission to provide behavioral health and substance use care. The program’s offices are located in the Behavioral Health Institute building, 1686 Barton Road, across the street from the main Behavioral Medicine Center facility. 

The Behavioral Medicine Center currently offers inpatient treatment, partial hospitalization (PHP) step down services, and intensive outpatient (IOP) services for children, teens and adults. The current PHP and IOP programs offer therapy in group settings, meeting for several hours per day, multiple days per week. 

Mental health outpatient services have been provided by Loma Linda University School of Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry; however, the addition of the Behavioral Medicine Center’s new outpatient therapy program will add additional capacity to serve this growing patient population. 

“Our Behavioral Medicine Center outpatient services program will offer a safety net for patients who are stable, but still need some support,” said Dragana Pitargue, LCSW, MBA, director of outpatient services for the Behavioral Medicine Center. Sessions will occur on a weekly or biweekly schedule, providing mental health care for people who do not require hospitalization. Individual therapy, couples and family therapy, and support groups will be offered.

“We know there is strong community interest in this type of mental health service,” said Edward Field, MBA, Behavioral Medicine Center vice president/administrator. “Every member of the outpatient services team looks forward to making a significant difference in the lives of the patients they will see.” Field added that while many people find it easier to talk about heart disease or cancer, treating mental illness is a key component of healthcare Loma Linda University Health makes available to the public.

The outpatient therapy services will also offer a number of programs to meet the unique needs of children and teens who are struggling with emotional challenges. This includes attention deficit disorder, anxiety, depression, anger management, alcohol and substance use, as well as obsessive-compulsive disorder.

An initial assessment visit will allow the therapist to determine if a patient needs psychotherapy, medications or both. Continuing therapy will seek to address underlying issues that are causing a person’s mental health issue and teach coping skills that will lead to emotional wellness. The Department of Psychiatry, also headquartered in the Behavioral Health Institute building, will partner with Behavioral Medicine Center's outpatient program to prescribe and monitor needed medications.

According to Pitargue, there remains some social stigma to suffering from mental health issues, which may keep a person from acknowledging the problem or seeking treatment. 

“Someone may say ‘snap out of it’ to a person dealing with a mental health problem,” Pitargue said. “We would never say that to a cancer patient. I see courage and strength in a person who comes in to get help. Stigma is a cultural myth.”

For more information about the Behavioral Medicine Center’s outpatient therapy services, contact 909-558-9500.

Thu, 02 Aug 2018 10:10:39 -0700
4264:35101 <![CDATA[Entitlement — a devotional]]> By Kathy McMillan I have three stories to tell. Listen carefully.

There were two faculty members in a university. One was experienced, the other just out of graduate school. The experienced professor had taught many classes on campus and was well-versed in a variety of topics in her field. The new instructor was assigned a class and worked for weeks doing research, preparing the lectures and finding creative ways to teach the material. The quarter went splendidly. The students loved the class and gave it high reviews. But when the next year’s academic calendar was being prepared, the experienced professor asked to teach the course that the new teacher had developed, causing the new teacher to be assigned to a different course.

There were two respiratory therapists. One was at the peak of his career; his professional life was thriving. He was charismatic, efficient and told animated stories, much to the delight of his colleagues. The other therapist was quiet and thoughtful. She was a little unsure of herself and was struggling with family and health issues. Each day required determined effort to choose a positive attitude and serve her patients with compassion. She worked with integrity and was loved by all the staff on the three units where she was assigned. She developed personal relationships with the team and truly connected with them and her patients. But the charismatic therapist, looking on, couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of how she was loved. He thought that perhaps if he worked on those units, he too would experience the kinds of deep connections she had. So because he had seniority, he requested to be transferred to the pediatric areas, causing her to be transferred. 

There were two men in a certain town. One was rich, and one was poor. The rich man owned a great many sheep and cattle. The poor man owned nothing but one little lamb he had bought. He raised that little lamb, and it grew up with his children. It ate from the man’s own plate and drank from his cup. He cuddled it in his arms like a baby daughter. One day a guest arrived at the home of the rich man. But instead of killing an animal from his own flock or herd, he took the poor man’s lamb and killed it and prepared it for his guest. – 2 Samuel 12:1-4, New International Version

Sometimes, while protecting ourselves, we end up hurting other people. We don’t do it intentionally, but our instinctual desire to look out for ourselves blinds us to the way we affect others.  

What do you hear as you read these stories? Might there be another version of this parable that God wishes you to hear? 

How would you finish the story? “There were. . .”

—Kathy McMillan is director of Employee Spiritual Care at Loma Linda University Medical Center.

Thu, 02 Aug 2018 10:10:15 -0700
4264:35039 <![CDATA[If I Had Only Listened]]> By Terry Swenson Summer days were long and full of fun and adventure for young boys like me. Every day after I finished my chores, I was free to roam and play with my neighborhood friends. We would only return home for meals and when the street lights came on in the evening. On occasion, we were allowed to ride our bikes to the store and get candy with our allowance or money we earned. It was always amazing to see all of those delicious sweets, and even more amazing were to eat. One day before going to go to the store, I went to get money out of my piggy bank. It was empty. Searching my pockets and drawers didn't turn up any coins either. What was I going to do?

As I walked out of my room, I passed the door to my parent’s bedroom. That’s when I saw it. The answer to my problem: a dollar bill on my mother’s nightstand. But an inner voice told me not to take it. It wasn’t my money. It would be stealing. Did I listen? No. I looked around, ran in and grabbed it. Then I rode away for my good times and delicious treat. When I bit into my favorite candy bar, it didn’t taste as it should. In fact, my adventure was far from satisfying. I felt ashamed. I felt remorse. If I had only listened to that voice, how much better would I have felt?

King David was in a time of his glory. With Goliath and the Philistines subdued and Saul dead, David ruled Israel. Things were going great! But as we read the first verse of 2 Samuel 11, David is entering a dangerous territory:

“In the spring of the year, when kings normally go out to war, David sent Joab and the Israelite army to fight the Ammonites. They destroyed the Ammonite army and laid siege to the city of Rabbah. However, David stayed behind in Jerusalem.”

If a nation was going to launch a military campaign, they did it in spring when the conditions were best for logistics. That’s when kings went to war. That’s when kings led their armies. David launches a military strike on the Ammonite city of Rabbah, but he “stayed behind in Jerusalem.” David didn’t listen to God. David sent his general Joab to mop things up. In fact, this chapter in 2 Samuel reveals that David had decided to kick back, relax and enjoy, saying "late one afternoon, after his midday rest, David got out of bed and was walking on the roof of the palace. As he looked out over the city, he noticed a woman of unusual beauty taking a bath.”

David is napping late in the day. He takes a leisurely stroll on the palace roof — the tallest building in the city — and starts looking around. David didn’t listen to the rules of decency. He knew that was the time of day that women would go on their roofs for privacy to bathe. David sees Bathsheba. David lusts. David listens to his desires over his conscience. David takes. Bathsheba gets pregnant. David tries to cover up his sin by bringing Uriah — Bathsheba's husband — home from battle, where David should have been. He hoped Uriah would sleep with his wife, setting David free of his sin. But Uriah wouldn’t. Uriah listened to God and his conscience, so David had him killed.

David eventually repented of his wrong. God forgave him, but for the rest of David’s reign, this misdeed haunted his family and his kingdom.

Whether in David’s life or ours, God speaks to us. It’s up to us to listen. Pray that as you serve others, as you interact with your colleagues and live your life, that you will both hear God’s whispers and live them out in your lives. 

—Terry Swenson, DMin, is director of University Spiritual Care.


Thu, 26 Jul 2018 11:24:31 -0700
4264:35042 <![CDATA[Discover policy related to substance use-disorder, opioid dependence]]> News of the Week is beginning a series of periodic updates about resources produced by the Institute for Health Policy and Leadership at Loma Linda University Health. 

The Institute for Health Policy and Leadership is an active player in analyzing current issues, bills and laws dealing with health; curating coverage of key national news regarding healthcare, public health and science; and assessing implications for Seventh-day Adventist health systems.

July’s policy resources 

Healthcare News at a Glance

·         July 25 issue

·         July 18 issue

·         July 11 issue

·         July 5 issue

July issue brief: “Maternal Mortality in the United States

July policy brief: “The Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment (SUPPORT) for Patients and Communities Act (H.R. 6)”  

July blog posts — Health Policy Connection

·         To Separate an Opioid Dependent Baby from Its Mother or Not To Separate? 

·         Social Media: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Thu, 26 Jul 2018 11:27:04 -0700
4264:35043 <![CDATA[World Affairs Council to host event examining social media persuasion in Middle East]]> Loma Linda University Health is co-sponsoring the August 29 World Affairs Council Inland Southern California event “Fighting for Cyber Supremacy in an Age of Extremism” on August 29. 

The event will be held at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, August 29, in room 3111 at the Centennial Complex, 24760 Stewart St., Loma Linda.

Haroon K. Ullah, PhD, a social media authority in the Mideast, will present how social media has dominated the discourse of recent events in the Muslim world — from the “Arab Spring” to ISIS’s online recruitment. He will discuss the roles of social media in these events and will identify key trends across the Muslim world that can teach us about regional and international politics and diplomacy.

A former senior advisor to three U.S. Secretaries of State, with a special portfolio on digital transmedia strategy and countering violent extremism, Ullah is an award-winning author, a Peabody TV Award recipient, an adjunct professor at Georgetown University, and a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations. 

Program and admission

The event includes both a reception and presentation. Admission to both is free for students with ID. The cost is $20 for World Affairs Council members who preregister and $25 for non-members who preregister. 

The general admission door price will be $30, space permitting. 

Register or learn more, or call 909-558-7446, or email

Thu, 26 Jul 2018 11:27:57 -0700
4264:35044 <![CDATA[18th Annual Health Disparities Research Symposium set for August 1]]> By Kristen Hwang  The Center for Health Disparities and Molecular Medicine’s annual research symposium will take place on Wednesday, August 1 from noon to 7:30 p.m. in Wong Kerlee International Conference Center. The symposium will highlight research conducted by students during a poster session from 2:30 – 5:30 p.m.

Keynote speaker Edwin I. Hernández, PhD, president and CEO of Adventist University of Health Sciences, will speak from 5:30 – 7 p.m. on "Moral Communities as Health Havens: The Role of Religion in Modulating the Impact of Health Disparities." After earning his Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology from Loma Linda University, Dr. Hernández earned his Master of Divinity (MDiv) at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. He also holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Notre Dame, with a specialty in the Sociology of Religion.

Thu, 26 Jul 2018 11:28:42 -0700
4264:35045 <![CDATA[A message from the CEO: Construction update]]> Janelle Ringer A message from Medical Center Chief Executive Officer Kerry Heinrich, JD

We’ve talked about, planned for, and prayed over the idea of a new Loma Linda University Medical Center for some time now. In some ways, it seemed so far off. But we have reached some very exciting milestones as a team during the past few weeks, and I want to share them with you.

On July 16, the first vertical steel beams for the new Adult Tower were secured into place. That morning was one that I have dreamed about for years. Some of you have commented that there has been a break in crane operations recently. This break was scheduled into our construction plan and allowed the work crew to safely perform the thousands of critical welds necessary to secure the podium portion of the building.

Our hospital construction site will begin looking very different over the next few months. As we move into August, you will start seeing the steel scaffolding for both the Adult Hospital and the Children’s Hospital Tower begin rapid ascents. By the end of the year, the full frame of the building should be in place. Loma Linda’s new skyline will be a reality.

Our project is on schedule. The reality of a new hospital has always seemed like a dream. Those vertical steel beams rising to the sky prove we’ll have a new hospital sooner than we think. We don’t just have a super-sized hole in the ground anymore. There’s a steel superstructure rising into the sky. I hope you’re excited about what you see. There are some great photos of our recent progress here. I have asked our communication department to make a priority of posting frequent construction updates on our LLUH News website, so please check there for bi-monthly updates and photos on the project.

Finally, a special thank you from the bottom of my heart to each of you. The last few years have been a continuous journey of improvement. I am proud to report that each of you has contributed to our successfully reaching our financial, quality and performance improvement targets. Our focused commitment to these items continues, but I want to take a moment to just say thank you. Our performance plays a key role in how we are able to position ourselves as we continue with our building project. Every day, every week we all have learned how to do things smarter and better. And I am the one who has the privilege to report on your amazing work and commitment to those improvements to our stakeholders. 

It is because of your efforts that we are where we are with this project, and I am so honored to represent all of you. 

Recently I had a family member need care here, and during that time I was able to watch what happens here from the perspective of a family member. I was so impressed with the personal touch with which our health care is delivered. Thank you to each one of you for what you do to make this place work every day.

Thu, 26 Jul 2018 11:29:26 -0700
4264:34995 <![CDATA[Loma Linda University — a 'Great College to Work For']]> Loma Linda University has been honored as a 2018 “Great College to Work For” by the Chronicle of Higher Education, a leading trade publication for colleges and universities, in partnership with Modern Think. 

The results were released on July 16 in The Chronicle of Higher Education’s 11th Annual Report on The Academic Workplace and are based on a survey of more than 50,000 people from 253 academic institutions. Of that number, 84 institutions made the list as one of the “Great Colleges to Work For.” 

Loma Linda University won honors in seven of the 12 recognition categories.

Read the full story at

Thu, 19 Jul 2018 08:36:45 -0700
4264:34993 <![CDATA[MyChart helps patients take charge of their health]]> MyChart, the medical record portal for patients at Loma Linda University Health, puts your health at your fingertips. Available both via web and mobile app, MyChart helps patients take charge of their health. 

The ease and convenience of accessing health resources on the go allows patients to:

            • Manage appointments.
            • Use the waitlistto get notification of earlier appointments.
            • Communicatewith providers
            • View test results
Requestprescription refills
            • Pay 
            • Check in online (where available)

To get started, request your secure activation code by calling 877-558-0090 or by following the directions on your after-visit summary. 

Learn more on the MyChart webpage.

Thu, 19 Jul 2018 08:36:11 -0700
4264:34994 <![CDATA[Celebration of music and health slated for Redlands Bowl on July 31]]> Loma Linda University Health will join with the community for “Harmony of Wellness,” an evening celebrating the connection between music and health, on Tuesday, July 31, at 8 p.m. as part of the Redlands Bowl Summer Music Festival.

Brass Transit, a tribute band to the music of iconic pop/rock group Chicago, will provide the evening entertainment. 

Learn more

Harmony of Wellness at the Redlands Bowl

Thu, 19 Jul 2018 08:36:26 -0700
4264:34992 <![CDATA[August TB test clinic announced]]> Employee Health Services is offering another TB test clinic for staff who require an annual tuberculosis clearance.The clinic will take place in Children’s Hospital room 1832. 

The TB test placements will be offered Tuesday, Aug. 21, from 1:30–4:30 p.m., and test reading will take place Thursday, Aug. 23, from 1:30–3:30 p.m. Employees must bring their badge. 

These dates are available for employees who are within 30 days of their test due date.  

All TB tests that are placed must be read within 48-72 hours, either at the Aug. 23 return clinic date or in Employee Health Services. Failure to have the TB test read will necessitate another TB test at the employee’s own expense.

This clinic is offered in addition to the regular office hours of Employee Health Services. For more information, call Employee Health Services at ext. 88797, option 3. 

Thu, 19 Jul 2018 08:35:56 -0700
4264:34991 <![CDATA[The history behind every wound — a devotional]]> 2 Samuel 10

A fake apology is offensive, manipulative and unkind. Why would someone take advantage of another’s vulnerability? 

But what if it seems fake when it isn’t?

A middle-aged woman wearing a bright green dress stands on the sidewalk. A square white 1970s purse hangs over her left arm, and a small hat sits tilted on her head. She seems oddly dressed up as she waits for the bus. It is Sunday. Perhaps she is going to church. A white slip hangs one inch below the hem of her dress in the back where she can’t see it. She probably isn’t aware of it and would be embarrassed to walk around all day like that. “Ma’am, excuse me, your slip is showing. I thought you would want to know.” She glares back, fire in her eyes. “I’m so sorry!” I manage, as she swings the white purse. It hits me on the back, leaving me more stunned than hurt. 

I reallywas sorry. But it didn’t matter. I had invaded her space and she didn’t like it. Felt threatened by it. She was paranoid schizophrenic. There were reasons she was afraid. But between being struck by her purse and discovering her diagnosis, I was completely dazed. What had I done wrong?

Sometimes it is not this clear. We reach out to someone in grief and, after struggling for the ”right” words, we say something, anything. The person in grief turns away and we wonder, “Did I say the right thing? Did I inadvertently cause pain? Am I misunderstood?”

Misunderstandings are common in times of stress, whether between individuals or groups. Even nations become allies or enemies over “small” misunderstandings — the U.S. and Great Britain conflict over a slaughtered hog (the Pig War of 1859), or the Greek and Bulgarian conflict in 1925, triggered by a Greek man shot while chasing his runaway dog over the Bulgarian border.

In 2 Samuel 10, there is a misunderstanding between leaders of two kingdoms. Nahash, King of the Ammonites, has just died. While alive, King Nahash had shown much kindness to David during a time when he was running from Saul. Now King David wants to return that kindness by honoring the news of Nahash’s death, showing sympathy to the son, Hanun. But Hanun can’t afford to trust David, or believe that his motives are pure. To his detriment, he concludes that David’s messengers are spying to overthrow the kingdom. 

The rest of the story is bloody and R-rated.

Sometimes an apology, no matter how sincere, is not, or cannot, be accepted. The fallout can get complicated. Everything we do, no matter the motive, has a consequence. Sometimes it is not the one we expect. An apology can unveil secrets, hurt other people, create a wound that lasts a lifetime or even hurt the one apologizing. An apology is not the quick fix that we sometimes want it to be. Behind every wound is a history, and within every history there are unknowns.

A woman struggling with paranoia and schizophrenia had managed to create for herself a safe space while waiting for the bus. I unknowingly shattered that. A simple “I’m so sorry” is not going to fix it.

—Carla Gober-Park, PhD, is assistant vice president for Spiritual Life and Mission at Loma Linda University Health, as well as director of the Center for Spiritual Life and Wholeness.


Thu, 19 Jul 2018 08:35:31 -0700
4264:34955 <![CDATA[Quality of resuscitation care for inpatient cardiac arrests recognized by American Heart Association]]> Loma Linda University Medical Center and LLU Children’s Hospital have received four 2018 Silver Awards from the “Get With The Guidelines – Resuscitation” program at the American Heart Association.

More than 200,000 adults and children have an in-hospital cardiac arrest each year, according to the American Heart Association.

Read the full story at

Thu, 12 Jul 2018 12:00:51 -0700
4264:34954 <![CDATA[Notes from the President — Thoughts from the road]]> By Richard Hart, MD, DrPH   July 2018
Thoughts from the road


Reflecting on what’s going on in the world and here at home

As I write, I am in transit from Angola, where I have spent a week with a large group of students and colleagues on a challenging mission trip, and now on to Trinidad, to speak at the graduation events for the University of the Southern Caribbean. I have just finished presidential historian Jon Meacham’s new book The Soul of America, in which he chronicles the periodic challenges throughout our national history along with what Abraham Lincoln called “the better angels of our nature.” Even as I pick up occasional news in foreign hotels, it seems the polarizing events of our times continue unabated. From the fate of migrants, whether in Europe or America, to frustrating racial and cultural divides, to brutal civil wars bringing economic challenges and grinding poverty, the news cycles are unendingly similar.

It seems that the new order of the day is “disruption,” often fed by “identity politics,” all designed to pull us apart. The stability of the past is now viewed as a liability, not a foundation. It is into this world that our millennials are asked to navigate their futures.  And it is expected to get even more problematic as artificial intelligence and the digital revolution continue their steady advance, seemingly almost on autopilot, seeking their own ends. Where is the North Star for our young professionals graduating today, their anchor for what is right and good?

Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever, the Anglo-Dutch consumer goods giant, asks it this way: “Who are the leaders who are going to be successful tomorrow?” They are “the leaders who don’t work for their own interest, but work for the common good; the leaders who can have a longer term vision; the leaders who are driven by a deeper purpose so that they can take some more risks in doing so. So those are the ones that we need to nurture.” Are we doing that effectively enough?

We have just celebrated another 4th of July, commemorating America’s great contribution to the world as a self-proclaimed bastion of equality, justice and commitment to the rights of all humans. It is in this context that we must motivate and prepare this next generation of leaders, encouraging them to understand, discern and commit to their own “better angels.” Are we falsely living a dream, a mirage of hope that will never arrive? Or is it possible to make a difference, even in the lives of a few, in one corner of the earth — one community, one family, one child?

Please pardon my frustration as I watch bureaucracies, ostentatious officials and cumbersome regulations prevent what is right and good in many countries. Part of me does want disruption, but for noble reasons, not personal or political gain. An old African saying — “When the elephants fight, it’s the grass that suffers” — has never seemed more self-evident. I’m hoping that we can be better angels and that whatever we do will be disruptive for noble reasons.

Now that I have vented, let me turn to some updates on the home front.

We don’t talk often enough about those who keep our lives balanced and focused — particularly our spouses. We have recently lost several who played a large part in our university family through the years. Patti Shryock Wallace, Carlton’s wife, who proudly wore a campus name of renown; Carolyn Thompson, standing by her surgeon husband Ralph during the early days of this organization’s clinical consolidation and a woman of influence in her own right; Patty Hansen, the wife of our longtime legal counsel, Kent; and Clara Rock, Oakwood University’s first archivist — her husband Calvin served us so well as our board chair during the 1990s. I had the privilege of knowing each of them personally and can vouch for the critical role they often played in the lives of individuals central to this institution. They are the ones who tolerate our long hours, frequent absences and hearing our burdens of the day. My condolences to these families and appreciation to spouses who carry this unsung role so faithfully for so many years, including my own wife, Judy.

Lastly, I would like to let you know of a major change in our SAC Health System. Since shortly after SAC’s moving into the Norton Air Force Base clinic in 1995, Nancy Young has been our administrator. She has led SAC through many changes, including obtaining Federally Qualified Health Center status, moving into the new Loma Linda University Health – San Bernardino campus building, and growing the entire enterprise by many fold. Her transition on June 30 is the end of an era, and she will be missed. Her passion and guidance were essential through those years to create the kind of programs and people that make the SAC Health System so special, and provided the model of compassion and service so crucial for our students to learn today. 

Thank you to each of you who make Loma Linda University Health a place of compassion and service.

Richard Hart, MD, DrPH




Loma Linda University Health

Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow

Thu, 12 Jul 2018 12:00:04 -0700
4264:34953 <![CDATA[From inflight movie to real-life hero: new grad saves life over Atlantic Ocean]]> Finding something to do on an airplane has a new meaning for Dean LaBarba, MD. While traveling in June from Zurich to Los Angeles on a 12-hour flight, he ended up saving the life of a fellow passenger after she abruptly collapsed. 

The new 2018 graduate from LLU School of Medicine was returning home with his wife, Ivy, after a celebratory trip to Sicily.

Approximately two hours into the Swiss International Airlines flight, LaBarba was watching a movie when a nearby female passenger lost consciousness.

It didn’t take more than seconds for LaBarba to put on his new MD hat and leap into action. He could find no pulse, and her body was cold to the touch. …

Read the full heroic tale at

Thu, 12 Jul 2018 11:59:15 -0700
4264:34952 <![CDATA[Introducing: Speakers Bureau and Community Conversations]]> Loma Linda University Health announces its new Speakers Bureau and Community Conversations series as a way to share the organization’s expertise in living a life of wholeness, health and well-being.

Learn more in the words of President Richard Hart, MD, DrPH:

The vital role that Loma Linda University Health plays in the health and well-being of the inhabitants of the Inland Empire is indisputable. Rather than seeing this as an issue of pride, we view it much more with a sense of responsibility. We constantly ask ourselves what we can do that we are not doing to move the dial of vitality upward for ourselves and for those within our reach.

We acknowledge that our hospitals and clinics are a refuge for those facing critical moments in their health journey, whether it be the birth of a child or the discovery of a serious illness. But we must be more than a refuge in the eyes of our community. We must be seen as a resource for those who want to live their best life. 

The most valuable assets that we have are not restricted to the classrooms, office buildings or surgical suites that our campuses comprise. The dedicated, mission-driven professionals who provide the human touch that the faithful understand as the healing hand of Christ and those who give voice to the teaching ministry referenced in our mission statement are always seeking new avenues of expression. 

It is with the desire in mind — to become a resource for our community — that we are launching the Loma Linda University Health Speakers Bureau. The Speakers Bureau will promote and deploy our expertise in wholeness, health and well-being. The Speakers Bureau will be a resource to individuals, groups and organizations who want to understand the science of vitality and learn techniques for personal and corporate change.

Ambassadors of wholeness

Through the Speakers Bureau we will go into the community to serve as ambassadors of wholeness and vitality. The Speakers Bureau will promote our researchers and clinicians to media outlets as resources on a wide range of areas with which we have expertise. The Speakers Bureau will also host events that offer the unique perspective that grows out of a worldview where faith, science, healing and the arts are complementary disciplines, each reflecting ways to understand our Creator.

The first event in our on-campus series Community Conversations will take up the topic of depression and suicide. While the nation continues to discuss the dramatic increase in suicide rates in recent years, brought to light after several celebrity deaths, we want to bring together our behavioral health experts and our community to talk about what often goes unspoken until it is too late.

We will look at this important public health issue from many perspectives, including the perspectives of those who attempt, those who treat and those who survive loved ones lost by suicide.

You are invited to join us in this inaugural event of what will become a regular series on wide-ranging topics — each offering insight, inspiration and meaning. You will certainly be enriched by joining us.


Richard Hart

Stay tuned to News of the Week and other campus communications to learn about future Community Conversations and activities of the Speakers Bureau.

Thu, 12 Jul 2018 11:58:33 -0700
4264:34951 <![CDATA[Suicide awareness is topic of first Community Conversation]]> Loma Linda University Health will highlight mental illness and suicide in its inaugural Community Conversation, bringing together researchers, therapists, clergy, family and friends for an open panel discussion.

This free event will be held on July 24 at 5:30 p.m. in the Damazo Amphitheater of the Centennial Complex, 24760 Stewart St., Loma Linda, CA 92354.

Admission is free; seating is limited. Register and learn more at the Community Conversations website.

This event is the first of Loma Linda University Health’s new Community Conversations series, an initiative of the organization’s Speakers Bureau.

Learn more

Thu, 12 Jul 2018 11:57:49 -0700
4264:34950 <![CDATA[An emotional reuniting of kidney recipients and donors in historic transplant chain ]]> The Transplant Institute recently held a ceremony bringing together the members of the longest paired-donation kidney organ exchange ever performed entirely in-house at Loma Linda University Health.

The four organ donors and four recipients shared their stories and offered their thanks to each other and the transplant team during the June 29 reunion. The members of the donation chain sat in a row of eight chairs.

At far left: Tracy Newton, who signed up to donate a kidney altruistically, without personally knowing anyone who needed one.

At far right:  Maria Gomez, who needed a kidney but didn’t know anyone able to donate.

In between: Thya Broadway, who wanted to donate to her sister, Asia Khem; Melody Save, who wanted to donate to her mother, Josephine Save; and Luis Jara, who wanted to donate to his son, Mauricio Reyes Valdes.

Sisters Thya and Asia were not compatibly matched. Neither were mother Josephine and daughter Melody. This is where the hopeful work of transplant coordinators begins to create a chain of swapped donation pairs through which everyone’s life is saved.

Father and son Mauricio were a match. So why did they participate in the swap? To help others.

Stories from the donation chain

Over two days of surgeries April 23 and 24, Tracy Newton donated her kidney to Asia Khem, whose sister Thya Broadway donated her kidney to Mauricio Reyes Valdes, whose father Luis Jara donated his kidney to Josephine Save, whose daughter Melody Save donated her kidney to Maria Gomez.

Several news organizations broadcasted stories filmed at the reunion. Click to check out a few of the clips: 

            ABC 7 Eyewitness News: “Eight-person kidney exchange”

            KESQ-TV: “Sherriff deputy’s altruistic kidney donation helps many” 

            NBC 4 News: “Kidney Donors are Reunited with Their Recipients”


Thu, 12 Jul 2018 11:56:42 -0700
4264:34949 <![CDATA[Kindness, Even When ... a devotional]]> By Carl Ricketts Jr. Then David said, “Is there yet anyone left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?”

–2 Samuel 9:1

If you’ve been watching the national news or listening to the world events of today on your car radio, it’s easy to learn that many live by the motto “What have you done for me lately?”

Politicians vote according to party lines. Business men and women give gifts to those who give them gifts or promise to do so. Lobbyists financially support government representatives who “respect” the lobby’s best interest. And sometimes in the church we only invite to eat with us those who invited us before.

Many scratch the backs of those who have scratched their back.

Yet can you imagine showing kindness to someone simply according to the kindness you have received from another? Can you imagine showing kindness not according to how a person made you feel, or what they did for you — not even for what they could potentially offer you — but rather because kindness was given to you by others?

In the Bible, David models this through upholding a covenant he made with Jonathan, the son of King Saul — the same Saul who desired to kill David.

1 Samuel 20:15-16 records their covenant. Jonathan said: 

            “You shall not cut off your lovingkindness from my house forever, not even when the Lord cuts off every one of the enemies of David from the face of the earth.”

            So Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David, saying, “May the Lord require it at the hands of David’s enemies.”

As a result, when David gained power, he showed kindness toward the defenseless Mephibosheth — grandson of King Saul, son of Jonathan — because Jonathan was kind toward David.

Mephibosheth was crippled physically, as well as socially and economically because he was a descendant of the defeated King Saul. David restores to Mephibosheth the land of his grandfather and gives him a seat at the royal table — signifying “You are valued economically and socially, but also personally.”

Personal. Kindness that is subjective, not objective. Kindness by which David welcomes Mephiboshethinto into his circle, getting to know him beyond identifying labels of group, culture or family. Kindness that turns clouds of historical pain and fear into a united future.

David chooses kindness instead of toeing the party line.
David chooses kindness instead of revenge.
David chooses kindness instead of bitterness.

When considering, “How should I treat people I don’t know?” remember the kindness of others toward you. If that doesn’t totally move you toward showing them kindness, consider the kindness that God has shown you.

Pause right there …

That is the same kindness God is asking for you to share, whether or not people have been kind to you.

—Carl Ricketts Jr., MDiv, BCC, is director of Chaplain Services for Loma Linda University Medical Center.

Thu, 12 Jul 2018 11:55:41 -0700
4264:34888 <![CDATA[Photo gallery: LLU Children's Health ad campaign]]> Loma Linda University Health is launching a new campaign to affirm the organization’s commitment to caring for children in our region.

Loma Linda University Children’s Health is the name that unites maternal and pediatric services across the full spectrum of Loma Linda University Health including teaching, research and clinical care. The Children’s Hospital name will continue for hospital services.

A new brand awareness campaign will use the name Loma Linda University Children’s Health and highlight our expansion of pediatric services. 

This video shows how our employees bring the tagline “Healing. Healthy. Happy.” to life and express what that means to them.

Thu, 28 Jun 2018 10:03:49 -0700
4264:34886 <![CDATA[Solutions for whole, equitable health — at your fingertips]]> News of the Week is beginning a series of periodic updates about resources produced by the Institute for Health Policy and Leadership at Loma Linda University Health. 

The Institute for Health Policy and Leadership is an active player in analyzing current issues, bills and laws dealing with health; curating coverage of key national news regarding healthcare, public health and science; and assessing implications for Seventh-day Adventist health systems.

Message from the Director: Wonha Kim

Hello! As the director of the Institute for Health Policy and Leadership, I am delighted to share who we are, what we do and why we exist with News of the Week readers. The institute’s visionis to provide education, leadership and research regarding policies aimed at preventing disease, promoting wellness and restoring human wholeness. 

To address policy issues facing vulnerable populations while building on the strengths of Loma Linda University Health, we have carefully chosen our strategic priority areas to be 1) mental health, 2) oral health and 3) hunger as a health issue. 

The institute has been fulfilling its vision through a variety of activities including quarterly Spotlight on Health Policy events on campus, relevant policy briefs and issue briefs, the weekly Healthcare News At A Glance newsletter, the Health Policy Connection blog, the Faculty Scholars Program, collaborative projects and major conferences. 

Founded in 2013 by Gerald Winslow, PhD, the institute team includes Helen Jung, DrPH, as senior health policy analyst, and Priya Vedula, MPH, as health policy analyst. The institute also brings together professionals with diverse expertise, including our Advisory Council, to generate innovative ideas regarding non-partisan policy solutions for whole, equitable health.

We are committed to developing proactive solutions to the health challenges facing our region, our nation and our world. By educating diverse stakeholders, including health professionals, policymakers and the public, we provide leadership on health policy for the 21st century. 

—Wonha Kim, MD, MPH, is director of the Institute for Health Policy and Leadership and an assistant professor at Loma Linda University in the schools of Medicine and Public Health.

June policy resources

Healthcare News at a Glance

June 27 issue

June 20 issue

June 13 issue

June 6 issue

Subscribe to stay up to date with this weekly installment of healthcare news from around the nation. Email subscription requests to

June issue brief

Medical Care for the Aging Prisoners in California

June policy briefs

Hospital Patient Discharge Process: Homeless Patients” (SB 1152)

The Creating and Restoring Equal Access to Equivalent Samples Act of 2017” (S. 974/H.R 2212)

June blog posts — Health Policy Connection

Is this the end of the "End of Life Option Act'?

Shackling: The Story of Pregnant Incarcerated Women

Learn more


Thu, 28 Jun 2018 10:02:53 -0700
4264:34884 <![CDATA[When God Speaks — a devotional]]> By Dilys Brooks 2 Samuel 7

The running has been over for several years. David rules from Jerusalem in a newly completed cedar palace. It was a much-needed period of rest after years of exile, hiding and warfare. I imagine David, in a moment of silence and reflection, coming to the realization that God had been the source of his triumphs, his success and this season of rest. His gratitude begets immediate action to do something for God. He talks with Nathan, the prophet, and shares his desire to move the ark of God from a tent into a more permanent structure. Later that night, God speaks to Nathan with a message for David. Although David’s plan was well-intentioned, it was not God’s plan and was not to be.

Over the years I have encountered many individuals who desire to hear from God to gain clarity on career choices, a life partner or understanding during a tough time. They often say, “I keep praying, but I can’t hear God speaking.” Other comments indicate that while they believe God does speak, they haven’t had a tangible encounter or remain unsure of what to do. 

This particular story in 2 Samuel 7 depicts access and response from God that may seem elusive in our scheduled, clinical, pragmatic, transitory, postmodern age. Could it really be that simple? Does God still speak in clear, concise language? 

It may be tempting to look at this specific instance and determine that since we don’t have “prophets” as part of our inner circle, we can’t have a similar experience. Instead, I would posit that we can have these types of occurrences if we connect and listen.

Summer is perhaps a great time to incorporate these holy habits more intentionally in our daily routines. Make time to stop and smell the roses; observe a sunrise or sunset; take a leisurely stroll or commit to have device-free time when first waking or falling asleep. These times allow us to become comfortable with silence while focusing on listening to God’s voice. 

When did you last spent time with your “Nathan”? You know — that person who encourages, supports, challenges, holds you accountable and cultivates his or her own relationship with God. We all need these connections to assist in staying on course in our personal and professional lives. Our responsibilities, as well as our triumphs, require that we make time to connect and listen to God. 

Like David, we have been invited to partner with God to serve our students, patients/clients, local community, county, state, nation and world. 

Like David, we too may create plans to do things for God that are noble and honorable, yet not in His will. It is through our active practice of connecting and listening to God and each other that we can respond affirmatively to His leading.

Join me in reading and reflecting on this chapter, 2 Samuel 7. God is still speaking.

Are we listening?

—Dilys Brooks, MDiv, is campus chaplain for Loma Linda University

Thu, 28 Jun 2018 10:01:14 -0700
4264:34885 <![CDATA[Family cooking class offered for employees]]> The Living Whole Wellness Program is offering a special cooking class for employees and their families, free of charge, on Wednesday, July 25, from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

Employees will have the opportunity to get their children involved in the kitchen with simple, kid-friendly fruit and vegetable recipes and ideas. Attendees will enjoy samples and leave with take-home recipes. 

The food demonstration is suitable for kids age 5 and up. Children must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian.

Seating is limited for the event, which will take place in the Nichol Hall kitchen. 

RSVP by calling ext. 14007.

Thu, 28 Jun 2018 10:01:48 -0700
4264:34889 <![CDATA[Esteemed research accreditation earned]]> Loma Linda University Health recently became one of five research organizations in the U.S. that has newly attained accreditation from the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP), joining the elite list of institutions accredited around the world. 

To earn AAHRPP accreditation, organizations must show that they have built extensive safeguards into every level of their research operation and that they adhere to high standards for research, beyond that which is required by the U.S. government.

Michael R. Samardzija, PhD, JD, vice president for Research Affairs, says this accreditation marks an important milestone for Loma Linda University Health.

“As an organization we strive to promote, support and manage research activities and opportunities with a commitment to high ethical standards, and this acknowledgment is a testament to that,” Samardzija said.

Samardzijacredits Linda Halstead, director of responsible research, for her diligence in coordinating the requirements necessary for the accreditation. 

This accreditation puts Loma Linda University Health in an elite category of 250 organizations around the world committed to AAHRPP's high standards for ethical research that prioritizes the safety and welfare of participants.

Thu, 28 Jun 2018 10:04:13 -0700
4264:34887 <![CDATA[New class of medical residents welcomed]]> Four charter buses with more than 170 new resident physicians aboard rolled out of campus on June 25 — day one of orientation for the new class of medical residents beginning their service at Loma Linda University Health — for the organization’s first “See the City You Serve” tour.

The tour introduced the new residents to San Bernardino and the branch locations where they will serve, including SAC Health System at Loma Linda University Health – San Bernardino.

The tour offered resident physicians a unique glimpse into the health disparities of one of the largest counties in the U.S. and a better understanding of social determinants their patients face. 

Read the full story at

Thu, 28 Jun 2018 10:03:25 -0700
4264:34805 <![CDATA[Judge Not — a devotional]]> By Kathy McMillan The Ark of the Covenant headed toward Jerusalem, carried by priests at the front of a joyful procession. Thousands of Israelites followed, celebrating loudly. King David led the crowd, dancing before the Lord “with all his might,” grateful for God’s care.

Everyone joined in the festivities except for one. As the crowd moved into the city, David’s wife, Michal, watched from a window. When she saw the king leaping and dancing, scripture says “she despised him in her heart.” Later that evening, she met him with scathing sarcasm, saying “How the king of Israel has distinguished himself today.” David had nothing to hide. He explained that he was simply expressing his devotion and worship to God.

Were David’s actions disrespectful, or were they an appropriate gift of worship? Who gets to decide? 

Different temperaments and personalities express themselves in various ways. All too often, we are annoyed or offended by another person’s style or expressions. With “righteous” indignation, we hurl accusations and judgment on them. 

We cannot know a person’s heart. None can judge motives other than God.

Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7:1, shared a better way: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged." He continues by asking why we look at the speck of sawdust in another’s eye and pay no attention to the plank that is in our own. It’s a question worth contemplating.

—Kathy McMillan is director of Employee Spiritual Care at Loma Linda University Medical Center.

Thu, 21 Jun 2018 10:35:51 -0700
4264:34806 <![CDATA[Timing of birth – webinar]]> The Living Whole Wellness Program will host a free live-streamed presentation on Wednesday, June 27, from 5:30–6 p.m. to answers to questions about the timing of birth.

Viewers will be able to ask questions and interact live with featured speaker Steven Yellon, PhD. Olivia Moses, DrPH, CWHC, director of corporate health and wellness, will host the live presentation.

The livestream will be available at Loma Linda University Health’s Facebook page or on the Wellness Live webpage.

For more information, call 909-651-4007.

Viewers who missed last month’s live broadcast on maximizing visual potential with Michael Rauser, MD, can view it, along with numerous past presentations, in Wellness Live On Demand.  

Thu, 21 Jun 2018 10:36:43 -0700
4264:34807 <![CDATA[New hospital complex passes major milestones in the construction timeline]]> Before a building as large as the new Loma Linda University Medical Center tower and Children’s Hospital tower can go up, the builders had to dig down. The foundation for these structures includes an innovative seismic safety system to keep the towers safe and in operation through large earthquakes.

The construction pit now contains the foundation, and all floors, with decking, have reached the original ground level grade or beyond. Although the pit is out of sight, it is doing its job containing all of the seismic reduction elements (dampers and isolators) along with 20 percent of the weight of the building in structural steel on the first layer only.

            Full story: Filling up a pit to support a new medical center

In another milestone, the podium section of the new Loma Linda University Medical Center and Children’s Hospital tower is also nearing completion, and that’s a big deal.

While work has slowed just a bit since the first of June due to a boom in the steel manufacturing industry, the good news is that this slowdown has allowed ironworkers to catch up on the south side’s construction. Once normal deliveries of steel resume, both cranes will operate full speed ahead. The goal is for the podium to be topped off by the end of June. When it happens, there will be a celebration. 

            Full story: Podium nears completion; hospital towers set for construction in early summer

Thu, 21 Jun 2018 10:37:26 -0700
4264:34808 <![CDATA[Effective conversations about suicide and other mental health issues]]> By Janelle Ringer Melissa J. Pereau, MD, has a passion for helping people during a critical point in their lives, which is why the psychiatrist spends her days working with patients thinking about or who have attempted suicide. As a medical director and psychiatrist at the Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center, Pereau is faced daily with the realities of suicide and how the topic — and other topics around mental health — impact nearly every community in some way.

Despite the prevalence of mental health issues, discussions about it are often rebuffed due to the sensitivities surrounding it. Although recent high-profile suicides in the U.S. stirred questions that have prompted people to confront the issue, the problem is wider than many realize. Nationally, the rate of suicide has increased by 30 percent since the mid-1990s, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. On average, there are 123 suicides per day in the United States, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Pereau’s work with patients and their support groups has inspired her to be a voice for mental health awareness. Her work has exposed her to many questions from patients and their friends and families about mental health and suicide. Pereau sat down for an interview to discuss mental health issues, including seeking support, help and tools. Here are some edited excerpts.

How should a friend or family member of someone suffering from mental health issues approach the conversation in a non-harmful way?

Make sure you’re not approaching the person with judgment. Go into the conversation being willing to show your own vulnerabilities and your own weaknesses. Coming from a place of love and care can best help you address the topic of thoughts of suicide or feelings of depression or anxiety.

If someone is avoiding seeing a physician because they believe they’re likely to receive a diagnosis, how can they mitigate the fear of the label?

Someone not wanting to see a mental health professional because they’re afraid of being labeled with “mental illness” makes sense, but it doesn’t help the root issue. It’s also the same as not seeing a doctor for fear of being labeled with diabetes. It still means you have the illness. It still means you need help, and it’s important for you to get the help you need.

What if someone’s circumstances are largely contributing to their emotional pain? How can they know what is caused by their situation and what is due to an underlying mental illness?

Life circumstances can definitely contribute to thoughts about suicide, and a person can become trapped and isolated by those circumstances. Having support and having people to reach out to is more important than anything else in those situations. Not being alone can help in both situations, whether suffering from mental illness or circumstances. 

Are there any words or phrases you would advise people to stay away from when talking about mental health?

It’s important to stay away from things that sensationalize mental illness, mental health, details of suicide or details of illness. These things can be highly triggering. Instead, ask what someone is struggling with or what is causing them pain. These questions provide a lot more comfort than going into specifics. 

What is a mental health assessment?

An assessment can be done by a variety of different providers, and it looks at current ongoing stressors and ways of dealing with those stressors. Sometimes, it looks at previous life experience, but often it looks at day-to-day experiences, and how far off you might be from your ideal baseline. You can talk to a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a social worker, a counselor or even your primary care doctor.

Should patients have concerns that antidepressants or psychiatric medications will change them as an individual? 

Medications that treat mental illness are not designed to turn you into a different person. They are to help get you back to who you were before there was illness. Often, people are afraid to give the medication enough time to work. Some antidepressants can take up to six weeks or longer to work, so talk to your doctor to know what you should expect. 

Is it better for someone with a mental illness to be treated by medication or by therapy?

The best management strategy involves medications in combination with counseling and therapies. This “whole person” approach to treatment works to both get you to the root of the issue and balance the chemicals in the brain.

How can a person even begin to cope with the suicide of a loved one?

Stay involved with other people, either by joining a support group, or a small group of people you trust. There will often be a tendency to pull away from others, but without distractions, you are more likely to trigger painful memories about the loss. Work toward nourishing and regular eating habits and try to both exercise and rest. Both can help with the pain.

To continue the conversation, watch excerpts of Melissa J. Pereau’s Facebook Live segment, "SUICIDE: Know the Signs. Take Action."

If you, or someone you know is struggling with depression or thoughts of suicide, please make sure they know about the resources and after-hours phone numbers available 24/7, including the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and the Crisis Text Line at 741-741. Employees and students of Loma Linda University Health may utilize the Employee & Student Assistance Program by calling 909-558-6050.

Thu, 21 Jun 2018 10:38:56 -0700
4264:34809 <![CDATA[Parking Lot P reassigned to valet services]]> The valet ADA parking lot, located in front of the Schuman Pavilion, will close in July for construction of the Campus Transformation Project’s Schuman Bridge. This closure will be in place from July 2, 2018–Nov. 23, 2020. 

Valet services provides parking support to nearly 300 patients per day. To maintain these services for the International Heart Institute, Cancer Center and James M. Slater, MD Proton Treatment & Research Center, Lot P will be reassigned as valet patient parking.

Employees who park in Lot P are requested to contact Parking Services for permit reassignment. Parking options include Lot N, Lot J and the employee parking structures, P1 and P2. 

Loma Linda University Health administrators offer their thanks to employees for their compassion and assistance in fulfilling the mission for our patients.

For questions, please contact Parking & Traffic Services at 909-651-3025 or

Thu, 21 Jun 2018 10:39:29 -0700
4264:34810 <![CDATA[25,000+ years of employee service celebrated — story and photos ]]> The 2018 Employee Service Recognition Banquets on May 30–31 and June 6–7 honored long-serving staff and faculty who have achieved milestone work anniversaries at Loma Linda University Health ranging from five to 65 years. 

The combined service represented by the 1,826 invited employees is 25,055 years. About 1,470 were able to attend the banquets.

For the first time this year, the events were open rather than organized by entity, allowing employees to choose which of the six banquets to attend. This brought together employees from across different parts of the organization as members of a collective Loma Linda University Health. 

Another enhancement this year was the inclusion of clinical faculty members employed by Faculty Medical Group (a legally distinct body) and LLU voluntary faculty.

Impressive service and values exemplars

Among the many employee milestones celebrated, six individuals had the special distinction of serving the organization for a half century or more:

50 years

Jere Chrispens (LLU voluntary faculty)
Elena O. Aguilar
Janel Stellhorn
Stanley Crispin 

60 years

John Scharffenberg (LLU voluntary faculty)

65 years

George Wiesseman (LLU voluntary faculty)

In addition, 22 employees were honored with Values Exemplar Awards. The awardees are selected from nominations for exemplifying the core values of Loma Linda University Health — compassion, integrity, excellence, teamwork and wholeness — and of Loma Linda University: compassion, integrity, excellence, freedom, justice, purity/self-control and humility. 

The Values Exemplars were:

Loma Linda University

Janelle Pyke, 40 years of service
Jamie (Speed) Meert, 15 years of service
Martin Aguirre, 30 years of service
Sylvia Stewart, 40 years of service
John Wical, 30 years of service

LLU Behavioral Medicine Center

Irene Saldana, 25 years of service

LLU Children’s Hospital

Valorie Adams, 45 years of service
Jelyn Bacani, 10 years of service
Rachell Heramil, 40 years of service
Tamara Hitchcock, 10 years of service
Arden Maranan, 30 years of service 

LLU Health Care

Anna M. Smith, 15 years of service
Susannah Hundley, 15 years of service
Mignon Mosley, 20 years of service 

LLU Medical Center

Faye Hoff, 35 years of service
Glenn Robinson, 40 years of service 

LLU Medical Center – Murrieta

Lauren Federico, 5years of service
Bobbi Connor, 5 years of service
Matt Davidson, 5 years of service 

LLU Shared Services

Mary Clement, 20 years of service
Gary Mansfield, 15 years of service
Iris Ram, 15 years of service

Photos for viewing or download

Photographers captured many special moments of the six banquets. 

Event galleries:

Loma Linda campus

Murrieta campus

To download pictures from the galleries:

  • Click on the thumbnail to view full-size image.
  • Right-click on the full-size image and select "Save image (picture) as ..."
Thu, 21 Jun 2018 10:40:18 -0700
4264:34718 <![CDATA[July means All Star Appreciation]]> Employees, volunteers and students — it’s time to reserve your free tickets to the annual Loma Linda University Health baseball nights.

There are two games to choose from:

• Wednesday, July 11, at 6 p.m. — Lake Elsinore Storm (home) vs. Inland Empire 66ers
• Wednesday, July 25, at 7 p.m. — Inland Empire 66ers (home) vs. Visalia Rawhide

Each employee, volunteer or student may reserve up to six complimentary tickets for one of these two Minor League games. Reserve them online or stop by the respective stadium in person for the tickets. 

Prizes will be given via opportunity drawings, including the annual Hawaii vacation package. Tickets for the opportunity drawings were mailed via the U.S. Post office to people’s homes this week. Must be present to win the vacation and some other prizes, with the exception of employees scheduled to work that evening. They can call 1-877-LLUMC-4U to be entered in the contest.

Visit the All-Star Appreciation page on One Portal for more information.

Thu, 07 Jun 2018 00:00:00 -0700
4264:34777 <![CDATA[Second commencement weekend for 5 schools included milestone 10,000th graduate of the School of Nursing, LLU's eldest school]]> Commencement June 10 crowned the educational achievements of the class of 2018 for the schools of Allied Health Professions, Behavioral Health, Nursing, Public Health and Religion.

Five schools, 986 graduates

School of Allied Health Professions

The day’s first two ceremonies celebrated the 543 graduates of the School of Allied Health Professions, the largest school at Loma Linda University.

Full stories and photos: School of Allied Health Professions commencement

School of Behavioral Health

108 master’s and doctoral students graduated from the School of Behavioral Health in a ceremony that honored students, alumni and longtime faculty/staff.

Full stories and photos: School of Behavioral Health commencement

School of Nursing

The112th graduating class of LLU’s eldest school included alumni number 10,000 — Alyssa Vega. 

Full stories and photos: School of Nursing commencement

School of Public Health

The 120 public health graduates included students from 25 different nations, a diversity that enhances the richness of the learning environment, according to LLU President Richard Hart, MD, DrPH, also a former dean of the School of Public Health.

Full stories and photos: School of Public Health commencement

School of Religion

Five School of Religion students graduated with a Master of Arts in Bioethics. Additionally, the School of Religion plays a role in the success of every graduate from Loma Linda University’s seven other schools by providing religious and spiritual education to all students.

Full stories and photos: School of Religion commencement

Students win the President’s Award

Every year one student from each of Loma Linda University’s schools (two for Allied Health Professions, the largest school at LLU) is presented with the President’s Award, the highest honor a school can bestow upon a student.

Click to read their stories:

Bates Moses, regional leader in ethical medicine, earns President’s Award from School of Religion

Marissa Lee named 2018 President’s Award winner for School of Public Health

Compassionate service distinguishes Lauren Ochs, winner of the President’s Award from the School of Nursing

Lobo receives 2018 School of Behavioral Health President’s Award

Newcombe honored for signifying high scholastic achievement, service in student community

Physical therapy student Claire Nguyen receives 2018 Loma Linda University Allied Health Professions President’s Award

That’s a wrap — commencement 2018

The June 10 ceremonies for five schools wrapped up commencement season 2018, which began Memorial Day weekend with the ceremonies for the schools of Dentistry, Medicine and Pharmacy.

Thu, 14 Jun 2018 11:25:20 -0700
4264:34781 <![CDATA[Why Magnet status is important to Loma Linda University Health]]> By Holly Yelorda Improved patient outcomes. A positive work environment with shared decision making on patient care issues. A culture where people like to work. Increased consumer confidence that Loma Linda University Health provides great care.

These are just a few of the goals for Loma Linda University Health as the organization has entered the documentation phase of seeking Magnet designation from the American Nurses Credentialing Center. Once the process is complete, Loma Linda University’s Children’s Hospital and Medical Center will join 475 healthcare organizations throughout the United States as Magnet facilities. California is home to 33 of those institutions.

The two-year documentation phase will be a time for nurses to help identify examples of Loma Linda University Health’s commitment to the components of the Magnet model — transformational leadership; structural empowerment; exemplary professional practices; new knowledge, innovations and improvements; and focus on outcomes.

The process of reaching Magnet status will challenge not only the nursing team, but will demand an increased focus on quality outcomes across the entire workforce including the interprofessional colleagues that work alongside our nurses. But the commitment to reaching Magnet status is a strong statement by hospital leadership of their belief that Loma Linda University Health staff and personnel are among the very best. 

There is much research confirming that Magnet organizations have favorable patient outcomes. Magnet organizations provide positive work environments for their employees, allowing for team members to work in an organization that is committed to shared decision-making and professional development. Once we achieve Magnet designation, our Inland Empire community will have another indication that LLUH provides high-quality care and patient satisfaction.

Information about Loma Linda University Health’s journey to Magnet status will be updated regularly on the One Portal’s Magnet page.

—Holly Yelorda, MSN, RN, is magnet coordinator for Loma Linda University Health.

Thu, 14 Jun 2018 11:31:06 -0700
4264:34779 <![CDATA[A view from all sides — employee, patient, community member, donor]]> Growing up, Tanisha Ware put Loma Linda University Health in top position on her list of dream employers. The Grand Terrace native has fulfilled that dream as an employee of the organization for almost seven years. 

She is a senior administrative assistant in managed care contracting. Ware also experienced the organization as a patient when she delivered her now 4-year-old twins at the Children’s Hospital. 

“My nurses were so fantastic,” she said. “I want to carry their pictures with me like I carry pictures of my kids, because they were so good to me.”

Family is Ware’s priority. In addition to the twins, she is mother of an 11-year-old. To the delight of her co-workers, she also carries on her grandmother’s legacy of baking the best banana bread around. 

When Ware wanted to give back, the Family Fund for employees of Loma Linda University Health was the right fit. Ware is now a regular contributor to the Grow Together Employee Giving Campaign.

Read Ware’s full story on the Grow Together website. 

What is Grow Together?

Whatever your position at Loma Linda University Health, employees’ commitment to the mission “to continue the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ” helps save lives and educate the next generations of teachers and healers.

Now more than ever, your help is needed to transform the way we teach, heal and serve through Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow. Through Grow Together, you can invest in the future of healthcare and education in the Inland Empire. Visit to learn more.

Thu, 14 Jun 2018 11:27:48 -0700
4264:34782 <![CDATA[Whose Voice Should You Listen To?]]> By Terry Swenson As a young man, I heard the call of God to go into the ministry. I felt the stirrings of the Holy Spirit directing me. Spiritual mentors spoke words of encouragement and agreed that I should follow that pathway. My family and friends told me that they had seen my walk with the Lord and felt that ministry should be the direction for my professional life. I listened to these voices and enrolled in ministerial training. As part of the degree track, during our sophomore year we were each to be interviewed and tested to see if we had the right stuff to be ministers. If it was deemed that we had it, we could proceed in our program.

I took my tests, filled out my psychological surveys, etc. Now came the day of my interview. My professor poured over the results. He paused momentarily. Then, leaning back in his chair, he looked at me for what seemed an eternity. Finally, he spoke. 

The words that came out of his mouth stunned me. 

In his estimation, I wouldn’t be successful in a career as a minister. It would be his recommendation that I not continue in the program. I was devastated. Interesting. His one voice had drowned out all of the others that had spoken positively to proceed. I headed home to tell my bride that I was going to change my career. How could I proceed when the voice of the professional had spoken against me?

King David faced the same quandary in 2 Samuel 5. He had finally ascended to the throne of Israel. And, now, he came face to face with his first major challenge. David and his men had come to Jerusalem, which was then under the control of the Jebusites. It was a formidable fortress. David and his men held no fear for the Jebusites! In verse 6 we read: “The Jebusites taunted David, saying ‘You’ll never get in here! Even the blind and lame could keep you out!’ For the Jebusites thought they were safe.”

For the most part, their taunt was true. David could have listened to their voices and turned away, but David had learned over his lifetime to listen to another voice — God’s. When the prophet Samuel sought God’s replacement for King Saul, even he couldn’t believe that God would choose a young shepherd boy — but God did! When he went up against the giant mighty Philistine warrior Goliath, Goliath thought it was an insult for Israel to send such a “little worm” to fight him. Once again, David listened to God and prevailed. 

So when the Jebusites called out to convince David he was inadequate he ignored them. He listened to God. What was the result? “So David made the fortress his home, and he called it the City of David. He extended the city, starting at the supporting terracesand working inward. And David became more and more powerful, because the LordGod of Heaven’s Armies was with him.” (2 Samuel 5:9-10)

What are the voices saying to you? That you aren’t good enough? That you don’t have what it takes? That you don’t matter? God says otherwise! You are His beloved. You are His son/daughter. What about the challenges that are facing your job, your department, or, for that matter all of Loma Linda University Health? 

God is saying that nothing is impossible for Him! And, through Him, nothing is impossible for us! “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37) 

Each day, we must choose which voices we will listen to. I’m not sure why one negative or contrary statement has the ability to upend the many positive ones. What I do know is this: I choose to listen to and follow that same God that David did. Won’t you join me in doing the same?

—Terry Swenson, DMin, is director of University Spiritual Care.


Thu, 14 Jun 2018 11:33:05 -0700
4264:34711 <![CDATA[Murder or victory — that is the question]]> By Carla Gober-Park A devotional on 2 Samuel 4

It is a bloody sight. Two brothers rush victorious to King David, lugging a severed head. They stand before King David with their repulsive remittance, hearts beating excitedly. David looks at them curiously. He has stood where they now stand — in front of a king holding a head — after he killed Goliath. Murder and victory sometimes come together in one dissevering act.  

But is this murder or is it victory? 

We face this question a lot. Every time we speak about another person, whether in our thoughts or in conversation with others, or when we make choices about how to treat our bodies or the bodies of others, we face it: Is this murder or is it victory? Is it right to do what I am doing at this moment? Is it right to say what I am saying?

As it happens, David is not amused. Nor was he amused the last time a messenger brought “good news” to him about the death of “an enemy.” David killed that messenger because that messenger killed King Saul, who was God’s anointed. Not good. David spoke clearly to that messenger: While it may be easier that Saul is dead, it should not have been your hand that killed him!

With this in mind, David now looks at the two brothers in front of him — messengers who bring “good news.” They have killed Ish-Bosheth (Saul’s son). They stand before David with his head in their hands, blood trickling from their gruesome gift, expecting congratulations. 

Finally, David speaks.

“When someone told me, ‘Saul is dead’ and thought he was bringing good news, I seized him and put him to death. … That was the reward I gave him for his news! How much more — when wicked men have killed an innocent man in his own house and on his own bed — shall I not now demand his blood from your hand and rid the earth of you.”  

In others words:

You are wicked men.
You went into a man’s house where he was defenseless.
The man you killed was innocent.

Put into one sentence: You had no right to destroy this life!  

Sometimes we are proud to get the best of our “enemies.” We stand unafraid with their heads in our hands. Through gossip, insinuation or even the sharing of true facts that hurt others’ reputations or decrease their effectiveness, we move with misplaced courage. We often do the same with the bodies of others, pushing them to take action (or accept it) when it is not in their best interest. We must consider:

Do I act out of “wicked” intent?
Do I act against the defenseless?
Do I act against the innocent? 

Will God say to me what David said to the two messengers?

You had no right to destroy this life!


—Carla Gober-Park, PhD, is assistant vice president for Spiritual Life and Mission at Loma Linda University Health, as well as director of the Center for Spiritual Life and Wholeness.



Thu, 07 Jun 2018 10:59:33 -0700
4264:34713 <![CDATA[Detoxing: Health or Hype?]]> The Living Whole Wellness Program and Loma Linda University Cancer Center will present a free cooking demonstration themed “Detox: Health or Hype” on Wednesday, June 13, from 6–7:30 p.m. at the Nichol Hall kitchen.

The Cancer Center’s Chef Tamie Vasquez, CLM, CLMC, will lead the demonstration followed by a discussion of the featured recipes’ nutrition content. Attendees will enjoy samples and leave with take-home recipes.  

Seating is limited. Please RSVP by calling ext. 14007.

This event is part of Loma Linda University Health’s 2018 series of cancer-fighting foods demonstrations.

Thu, 07 Jun 2018 11:01:25 -0700
4264:34714 <![CDATA[Why do NAFTA and U.S.-Mexico relations matter?]]> Loma Linda University Health is co-sponsoring the June 25 World Affairs Council Inland Southern California event “Why NAFTA & U.S. Mexico Relations Are Important to You.”

The Hon. Earl Anthony Wayne, American ambassador to Mexico from 2011 to 2015, will present on how the upcoming elections in Mexico could impact the United States. He will also share his insights on the North American Free Trade Agreement based on years working with Mexican government leaders and nationals.

The event will be held at 6 p.m., Monday, June 25, at the Garden Room at San Manuel Gateway College, 250 S. G St., San Bernardino.

Program and admission

The event includes both a buffet reception and the presentation, and admission to both is free for students with ID. The cost of both is $30 for World Affairs Council members who preregister and $40 for non-members who preregister. 

General admission for those who wish to attend only the discussion portion of the program at 6:40 p.m. is $20. The door price will be $25, space permitting. 

Register or learn more, or call 909-558-7446, or email

Thu, 07 Jun 2018 11:08:27 -0700
4264:34715 <![CDATA['Building something together' — celebrating 10 years of maternal-fetal medicine ]]> Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital celebrated the 10-year anniversary of maternal-fetal medicine at the Perinatal Institute with an event on Friday, June 1.

LLU Children’s Hospital has had a longstanding reputation for the care it provides to mothers and babies. However, prior to 2008 there was an opportunity to do more to address the health concerns of the mother and fetus before, during and shortly after pregnancy.

In May 2008, maternal-fetal medicine services became available to expectant mothers with the opening of the Perinatal Institute at Children’s Hospital. A group of clinicians led by Bryan Oshiro, MD, high-risk gynecology and obstetrics researcher, then the medical director of the Perinatal Institute, joined forces to create a multi-disciplinary center to treat expectant mothers and fetuses who required specialized care. 

“We needed to bring together all aspects of perinatal care so patients would only have to come to one place,” Oshiro said. “It was an exciting time, and everyone wanted to work together to make it happen. We were building something together.”

Also working in tandem with the group was the late Lawrence D. Longo, MD, founder and director emeritus of the Center for Perinatal Biology at LLU. An internationally known researcher, Longo’s research in the field of developmental physiology greatly influenced and made possible the care Children’s Hospital provides to families treated at the institute. His daughter, Elisabeth Longo, attended the anniversary event and was presented with a plaque in his honor. 

The Perinatal Institute includes the Total Care Birth Center, neonatal ICU, Birth & Beyond Center, and the Comprehensive Tobacco Treatment Program.

Kevin Balli, MD, chair of gynecology and obstetrics, says the future of maternal-fetal medicine at the institute is bright. 

“We want to provide excellent obstetrical care for patients who have high-risk issues,” Balli said. “We have grown, and we have a department of physicians who are really passionate about giving their all to help patients in this area.”

For more information on maternal-fetal medicine or the Perinatal Institute visit their website or call 1-800-825-KIDS.


 Watch: Video about the Perinatal Institute's 10 years

Thu, 07 Jun 2018 11:22:09 -0700
4264:34705 <![CDATA[Notes from the President — Passing of the Torch ]]> By Richard Hart, MD, DrPH   June 2018
Passing of the Torch


My Mom passed away recently, two days after Mother’s Day and a month after her 97th birthday. What a flood of memories I have been reliving. It was time — she was ready. But it is still a painful transition.  

It was good Mom had two boys, as she understood and could keep up with us most of our lives. Her own stories as a child always made me jealous of all they did on the family ranch outside Fallon, Nevada. Her parents, Oscar and Betty Swanson, had both come from Sweden as teenagers, met, married and homesteaded an 80 acre piece of desert. 

I can still vividly remember visiting Grandpa and Grandma’s place, with its old workshop, barns, fences, dairy herd, chicken house and never-ending chores. I earned my first real money trapping gophers at age 6, as the county paid a 10-cent bounty for every gopher tail you brought in. Grandpa also paid 1 cent for each bailing wire we picked up around the ranch. Mom’s handshake remained strong to the end from those early days of milking cows and working on the ranch. 

Mom and her friends made their own fun in those early days, swimming in the canals and skating on them in the winter, making a group swing out of an old car frame hoisted into a tree, and driving over the top of sage brush that would lift the entire car. She and her older sister, Ella Swanson Bishop, made accommodations between their Adventist religious practices and their high school friends. 

Mom went off to La Sierra for college, but then was convinced by friends to transfer to Walla Walla College, in Washington. It was there this freckle-faced cowgirl from Nevada caught my Dad’s eye and they married the summer he graduated. With WWII raging, Dad’s earlier polio gave him a medical deferment, so he took a job teaching science at Campion Academy in Loveland, Colorado. It was there my brother Ken was born at the old Boulder Sanitarium. From then on, Mom’s life was dedicated to her boys.

Two years later, Dad was accepted at what was then the College of Medical Evangelists in Loma Linda and started medical school in 1944, where I was born a year later. We lived in a remodeled garage and Dad would ride us to the market on his bike, with me in the front basket and Ken riding on back, where he could buy a large bag of broken Ruskets for a month of breakfasts. Then an internship in Spokane, Washington, several years in Rockford, Washington, and then back to Dad’s old stomping grounds in Troy, Idaho. It was there we really grew up, thoroughly blessed by wandering the fields and woods, working on the local farms, and attending a two-room church school with never more than 25 students. 

Dad was a true country doctor, practicing with a college friend, Omer Drury, and anchoring that corner of northern Idaho. As “doc’s” wife, Mom initiated, organized and hosted a never-ending sequence of activities — from Saturday night parties to church campouts for huckleberry and mushroom picking, Fourth of July ball games, and sifting for arrowheads along the Snake River. It was a good life and one we were always eager to return to even after we headed off to academy and college. 


Though neither had traveled abroad, Mom and Dad had a deep sense of adventure and a calling to serve others, and they started responding to short term mission needs, first in Ecuador and Jamaica. After Dad completed an anesthesiology residency at Loma Linda University Health — and saw Ken and me through medical school — they accepted a full-time call to serve as missionaries in Blantyre, Malawi. We followed them and for a few years all of us were in Africa — Mom and Dad in Malawi, Ken and Dee in Zambia, and Judy and me in Tanzania. After a second stint in Nairobi, Dad returned to join the anesthesiology department at Loma Linda, followed by retirement to Roseburg, Oregon, then College Place, Washington, and finally back here to Loma Linda.

As their sunset years progressed, they had many friends from different countries come by to visit, while Mom kept up her garden and flowers, always driven by a need to remain active. I noticed their covering for each other’s growing limitations — Dad’s decreasing mobility and hearing, and Mom’s fading memory. Dad died three and a half years ago at 94 and now Mom at 97. But their memory will live on through their two children, five grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Mom’s tough Swedish heritage, quest for adventure and strong work ethic, coupled with Dad’s curiosity and intellect, flows through our veins.  

They never completely understood the social issues of today with changing behaviors and mores. And while they asked the usual questions about their church, their loyalty never wavered. Generous in giving and living, they led a less complicated life than now, anchored in a bedrock belief and commitment to core values they inherently knew and understood, long before we spelled them out in more recent years. 

I am deeply grateful for a family — though often separated by miles and oceans — who was consistently loyal to each other, without drama, and for a wife and sister-in-law who seamlessly joined that family. While we were private without a lot of visible emotions, the feelings ran deep and Mom leaves a huge void. Now we are the oldest generation, living with our own stories and making our own memories. But I am acutely aware that my own life and history are molded by an incredible heritage that I owe to my parents. Thank you, Mom and Dad. See you soon.

On this graduation weekend, may we all remember our own unique heritage and value what we have been given by those who have gone before. Thank you, graduates, for sharing a part of that journey with Loma Linda University Health.

Richard Hart, MD, DrPH





Loma Linda University Health


Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow

Thu, 07 Jun 2018 09:40:52 -0700
4264:34619 <![CDATA[Surgical Hospital is a top workplace, says Modern Healthcare]]> Loma Linda University Surgical Hospital has been named a top workplace in healthcare by Modern Healthcare, a leading source of healthcare business news, research and data. 

The Surgical Hospital will be honored at the 2018 Best Places to Work Gala on Sept. 27. in Dallas, Texas. The recognition program, now in its 11th year, honors workplaces throughout the healthcare industry that empower employees to provide patients with the best possible care, service and products. 

“What a blessing to have an incredible team of dedicated physicians, nurses and staff who tirelessly go above and beyond for patient care,” said Kerry Henrich, JD, CEO of Loma Linda University Medical Center. “Their dedication to a workplace filled with compassion and teamwork exemplifies this top honor.” 

See the full story at

Thu, 31 May 2018 09:32:03 -0700
4264:34618 <![CDATA[The sights, the sounds — 457 dentists, pharmacists and physicians graduate]]> Commencement May 27 crowned the educational achievements of the class of 2018 for the schools of Dentistry, Medicine and Pharmacy at Loma Linda University. 

School of Dentistry

Graduates totaling 188 now represent the School of Dentistry as they go into the world after completing the programs of doctor of dental surgery, dental hygiene, international dentist program or advanced education. 

See more: Full story and photos of School of Dentistry commencement

School of Medicine

The School of Medicine’s commencement service honored the academic excellence of a new generation of 189 physicians and medical researchers who completed this phase of their academic journey. 

Loma Linda University also presented a Lifetime Service Award to alumnus Leonard Bailey, MD, an iconic surgeon, for his four decades of leadership and research in infant heart transplantation.

See more: Full story and photos of School of Medicine commencement

School of Pharmacy

It was the moment 80 students had been looking forward to since they first embarked on their journey at Loma Linda University in 2014, all with one common goal in mind — to devote themselves to a lifetime of service to others through the profession of pharmacy.

See more: Full story and photos of School of Pharmacy commencement


Students win the President’s Award

Every year one student from each of Loma Linda University’s schools is presented with the President’s Award, the highest honor a school can bestow upon a student.

Click to read their stories:

Alison Perez awarded School of Dentistry’s 2018 President’s Award

The dental student inspired her peers as president of the American Student Dental Association.

Shawnee Daniel – ‘a proven leader’ – presented with President’s Award for School of Pharmacy

The 2018 graduate was recognized for her scholastic achievement, participation in her student community and her commitment to the mission of Loma Linda University.

Academic powerhouse Ethan Frank awarded 2018 School of Medicine President’s Award

He was one of five students inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society during junior year.


Upcoming commencement ceremonies

Degrees for Loma Linda University’s other five schools — Allied Health Professions, Behavioral Health, Nursing, Public Health and Religion — will be conferred Sunday, June 10, in Drayson Center. 

See the schedule of full commencement activities throughout the weekend of June 8–10.

Thu, 31 May 2018 09:31:20 -0700
4264:34617 <![CDATA[Help for anxiety and depression]]> The Employee & Student Assistance Program is beginning a new support group in June to help campus members cope with depression and anxiety. 

The free group will provide a forum for confidential discussion guided by facilitators Belinda Gutierrez, MS, LMFT, and Marion Swenson, MS. Principles of cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness will be incorporated.

Topics will include environmental stressors, personal triggers, relaxation techniques, assertive communication and positive cognitions.

The first meeting is Tuesday, June 12, at 6 p.m. Thereafter the group will meet the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.

For more information, call the Employee & Student Assistance Program at 909-558-6050.


11360 Mountain View Avenue
Hartford Building, Ste. A
Loma Linda, CA 92354

Thu, 31 May 2018 09:30:32 -0700
4264:34616 <![CDATA[The Pain is Real — a devotional]]> By Carl A. Ricketts Jr. “The war between the house of Saul and the house of David dragged on and on.”

                                                                                    –2 Samuel 3:1

Most of us are cool, calm and collected when experiencing the best of times, but when pain strikes, it is challenging to remain this way. Pain will cause the most volatile and unpredictable of responses, especially when the pain comes from the people closest to us.

In 2 Samuel 3, Abner, the son of King Saul’s military commander, is taking advantage of the war between Saul and David to gain more power for himself. When Saul’s son Ish-Bosheth confronts Abner for taking Saul’s concubine, the scheming Abner feels insulted and loses his temper. He flies into a rant full of self-virtue and threats. 

When pain hit Abner, it brought out what was on his inside — pride and desire for recognition.

So Abner reaches out to David and creates an alliance. Joab, the commander of David’s army, is troubled by the deal because Abner is his brother’s murderer. Joab searches for Abner and exacts revenge by taking his life. 

When pain hit Joab, it brought out what was on the inside — grief and revenge.

The war between the house of Saul and the house of David could very well speak to the many wars being dragged on within our lives today. Today, someone may cause me pain. Tomorrow, I may cause someone pain. And when we hurt, we respond in ways others, and ourselves, do not expect.

The pain is real.

When we are hurt by those closest to us, the pain causes us to hear things differently. It causes us to see what’s not real. We respond to pain by changing loyalties, seeking revenge or even by creating stories that are not real. We may even believe that the absence of our wrongdoer will bring relief. 

Yet God’s solution for healing the pain is patience. 

The unresolved feelings inside of us do not give license to respond negatively when we are hurt. “Count it all joy when you fall into different trials and tribulations, knowing that the trying of your faith worketh patience. Let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” (James 1:2-4)

God’s perspective is always greater than our pain. And if we will seek relief in His care, in His time and in His way, we will see that the pain is always temporary.

In our patient response to hurt and pain, let us listen to God’s voice providing us healing.

—Carl Ricketts Jr., MDiv, is director of Chaplain Services for Loma Linda University Medical Center.

Thu, 31 May 2018 09:29:02 -0700
4264:34548 <![CDATA[Maximize your vision — webinar]]> The Living Whole Wellness Program will host a free live-streamed presentation on Wednesday, May 30, from 5:30–6 p.m. about healthy vision.

Learn practical tips and how cutting-edge technology can maximize your visual potential, not only now, but also for many decades to come. 

Viewers will be able to ask questions and interact live with featured speaker Michael Rauser, MD, director of the Loma Linda Eye Institute and chair of ophthalmology. The live presentation will be hosted by Olivia Moses, DrPH, CWHC, director of corporate health and wellness. 

The live stream will be available at Loma Linda University Health’s Facebook page or on the Wellness Live webpage.

Viewers who missed last month’s live broadcast on advance directives can view it on demand, along with numerous past presentations, in the Wellness Live archive.

For more information, call 909-651-4007.

Thu, 24 May 2018 10:17:50 -0700
4264:34546 <![CDATA[Honoring your foes — a devotional]]> By Randy Roberts 2 Samuel 2

Polarized is the order of the day. It doesn’t much matter where your look: the world, the country, the church — on every hand strident voices dominate. Extreme views prevail. Finger-pointing seems to have become the national pastime. In such an environment, foes multiply. And those who are foes attack and demonize each other, painting their opposition in the worst possible light.

And then we come to 2 Samuel 2. Can something written three thousand years ago speak into our current situation? Can a man who lived during that time speak a timely word of wisdom to us today?I think so …

First, two reminders. One, remember that King Saul, for an extended period of time, had been intent on doing away with David. David, Saul knew, was a threat to his kingly power, so he wanted him gone. Two, it was now Saul who was gone, dead and buried, killed in battle with the Philistines. And David has been elevated to the throne of Judah, with the rest of the tribes of Israel yet to come under his kingship. He is seeking to extend the reach of his throne to include the other tribes, when, in the midst of that process, he makes a discovery.

“When David was told that it was the men of Jabesh Gilead who had buried Saul, he sent messengers to them to say to them, ‘The Lord bless you for showing this kindness to Saul your master by burying him. May the Lord now show you kindness and faithfulness, and I too will show you the same favor because you have done this’”(2 Samuel 2:4b–6, TNIV). 

As would have been common at the time, the bodies of fallen enemy leaders would have been desecrated, treated with the ultimate disrespect. The men of Jabesh Gilead, at cost to themselves, no doubt, had stepped up and given Saul’s body an honorable burial. And now David — the man Saul had been trying to kill — wants to show them favor for that act of respect toward his foe!

What if we moderns were to conduct ourselves in such a manner? What if, when given the opportunity, we were to honorpeople with whom we disagree? What if we were to treat them with respect, with dignity? What if, rather than striking back, we were to offer a hand of friendship?

In fact, what if we were to live out the similar but very pointed directives of the apostle Paul, another ancient biblical figure with timely wisdom? He wrote: “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse … Do not repay anyone evil for evil … If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone … Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:14, 17, 18, 21, TNIV).

Can you imagine how such an approach would change our relationships with one another? Can you imagine how surprised our “foes” would be if we responded in this fashion? Can you imagine how the love of Jesus would work to unify those who are currently so divided?

It’s worth a try … Today … In your circle.

—Randy Roberts, DMin, is vice president for spiritual life and mission at Loma Linda University Health.


Thu, 24 May 2018 10:17:18 -0700
4264:34547 <![CDATA[Reading day camp early bird price lasts through May 30]]> The School of Allied Health Professions department of communication sciences and disorders is holding an intensive phonological awareness and literacy day camp June 18 through June 29.

The program is designed for incoming kindergarten through third-grade students who are either having difficulty in beginning reading and language or who are at risk for difficulty with reading and language.

“Participants will have fun while focusing on the building blocks of reading: literature awareness, syllable awareness, rhyme awareness, segmenting and blending,” said Jennifer St. Clair, MS, assistant professor and director of clinical education for the department of communication sciences and disorders. 

The early-bird cost is $80 per child for the two-week-long camp if registered before May 30. Register online. Starting May 31, the price rises to $100 per child.

Morning sessions run from 9 a.m. to noon, with afternoon sessions taking place from 1 to 4 p.m.

For more information, e-mail

Thu, 24 May 2018 10:17:34 -0700
4264:34549 <![CDATA[Celebration of Life to encourage cancer survivors to live in full bloom]]> The Loma Linda University Cancer Center will host the 27th annual Celebration of Life on June 3 in the Centennial Complex. The lunch will celebrate those who have battled with cancer and the families and friends who have battled alongside them.

Mark Reeves, MD, PhD, director of the Loma Linda University Cancer Center, will share what the center is doing to advance the future of cancer care. Other speakers will include Judy Chatigny, MSN, executive director of Loma Linda University Cancer Center, and Carl Ricketts, MDiv, BCC, director of chaplain services for Loma Linda University Medical Center.

This free event is open to Loma Linda University Health students, staff and local community members who have been affected by cancer.

To register for this event, call 1-877-LLUMC-4U by Tuesday, May 29.

Thu, 24 May 2018 10:18:07 -0700
4264:34550 <![CDATA[April 2018 campus security report + summer travel tips]]> The Jeanne Clery Act of 2008 requires colleges and universities across the United States to publish interim reports on campus crime activities. Listed below are the crimes reported for Loma Linda University Health for the month of April 2018. The detailed report is available atLLUH Monthly Security Report.

LocationsNon-Violent CrimesViolent CrimesVehicle CrimesTrespassingArrests
LLU Medical Center 10 2 2 12 1
LLU Children's Hospital 1 0 0 0 0
Loma Linda University 3 0 5 6 0
Miscellaneous areas 3 2 0 11 2
Mountain View Plaza 0 0 0 3 0
Professional Plaza 0 0 0 0 0
Outpatient Rehab Center 0 0 0 0 0
East Campus 0 0 0 2 0
Faculty Medical Offices 0 0 0 0 0
Behavioral Medicine Center 0 0 0 1 0
Surgical Hospital 0 0 0 1 0
West campus (Club Center Drive/Caroline Street buildings) 0 0 1 7 0
San Bernardino campus 1 0 0 0 0
Beaumont/Banning 0 0 0 0 0
Murrieta 0 0 0 0 0

Security tips of the month: summer travel

As we near the end of the school year and summer approaches, many are making plans to travel both locally and internationally. The personal safety and security of you and your family can be challenging in another country or on the road. Below are a few security tips to stay safe.

  • Stop your home mail delivery or make arrangements to have someone clear out your mailbox at least three times a week. 
  • Email your itinerary to family and friends. Make sure someone knows where you are.
  • Keep valuables close or on your person at all times; use your front and not your back pocket to store cash, credit cards and identification.
  • Remember your medications. They should be transported in their original labeled container and stowed in your carry-on if traveling by air. 
  • Make copies or use your phone to photograph important travel documents such as passports, IDs, itineraries and prescriptions in case they should become lost or stolen.
  • Maintain situational awareness. Be aware of what’s happening around you. Keep your head up, make eye contact, keep children close and walk with confidence.
  • Trust your instincts to alert you when something is wrong.

Find additional travel information and warnings through:

How to contact Security Services

Loma Linda University Health encourages that all crimes be reported to the Department of Security Services. To report an emergency, in-progress crime occurring on campus, or past crime or incident, immediately contact the Security Control Center at 909-558-4320 or ext. 911 from on-campus phones. You may also use the blue-lighted emergency call boxes located throughout the campus and healthcare facilities. For non-emergency business, call 909-558-5419 or ext. 55419 from on-campus phones.

Thu, 24 May 2018 10:18:22 -0700
4264:34551 <![CDATA[Epic upgrade coming in October]]> The 2018 upgrade for Loma Linda University Health’s Epic electronic medical record system will bring refinements and new features when it goes live Oct. 21.

The Epic team is working hard to prepare for the upgrade, which will offer broadened mobile processing, new patient care and patient self-care tools, more direct access to key process management information and greater self-service reporting.

More details will be forthcoming over the summer and early fall. Questions? Email

Thu, 24 May 2018 10:18:38 -0700
4264:34552 <![CDATA[Commute survey is mandatory and updated for 2018]]> The annual government-mandated South Coast Air Quality Management District commute survey is here, and there are important changes for 2018.

First, the survey is now completed through the Owl Portal. (Initial technical issues with the changeover to OWL have now been resolved.) Second, there is now one survey for employees of Loma Linda University, Medical Center, Children’s Hospital, East Campus, Surgical Hospital, Health Care, Shared Services and LLUHEC (LLIECHE). Prior to 2018, LLU was surveyed separately.

All employees of these entities should have received an enrollment email from Owl Portal on Friday, April 27. 

All employees are required to complete the survey — even those who may have telecommuted, worked only part of the week, were sick, or were on vacation during the week under survey (April 23–27). 

You can help Loma Linda University Health maintain or beat its average vehicle ridership number (AVR) of 1.22 persons per vehicle that arrives on campus. We are currently at a 1.10 AVR with those who have completed the survey thus far.

 The Rideshare Services department offers raffle prizes to randomly chosen individuals who complete the survey. In 2017, Karen from the School of Dentistry and Renee from the Medical Center Pharmacy both won 40-inch Vizio TVs.

Will you be this year’s winner?

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Rideshare Services at 909-651-3033 or ext. 53033, or


Thu, 24 May 2018 10:18:53 -0700
4264:34553 <![CDATA[Trevor Wright — a great leader in healthcare, says Becker's Hospital Review ]]> Loma Linda University Health chief operating officer Trevor Wright, MHA, has been recognized as one of the 100 great leaders in healthcare for 2018 by Becker’s Hospital Review, a leading publication highlighting business, legal news and analysis for the hospital industry.

The list includes individuals who serve at the helm of large health systems and nationwide organizations, taking the lead in transforming healthcare in the U.S. It recognizes physicians, hospital and health system executives and healthcare company innovators. Becker’sprofiled individuals who work to improve the quality of care and solve the toughest problems in healthcare.

Loma Linda University Medical Center chief executive officer Kerry Heinrich, JD, said he is thrilled that Wright is being honored for the reputation of high-quality work that he has built.

“With so many changes in healthcare occurring, it takes an individual who is truly willing to immerse themselves in the field to lead a hospital system to success,” Heinrich said. “His dedication to this organization shows in the work he does.”

The Becker's Hospital Review editorial team accepted nominations and conducted an internal review process to select members of this year’s list. The list seeks to highlight the important roles of healthcare workers who impact their communities by working tirelessly to advance healthcare.

Wright said he is deeply honored to have been nominated and selected for this list of healthcare leaders. 

“Loma Linda University Health continues to open doors to new advances in healthcare and by doing so, advances the quality of care offered to patients,” he said. “I’m excited to continue working with our Loma Linda University Health leadership in bringing positive change to our communities.”

Prior to becoming chief operating officer, Wright served Loma Linda University Health as senior vice president and administrator of LLU Medical Center. As COO, he has responsibility for operational oversight of Loma Linda University Health’s six hospitals. He began this position in December 2015.

Wright has over 25 years of hospital operations experience and was also a consultant with The Studer Group. His previous healthcare administrative positions include service at Adventist Health System, Providence Health and Services, and Adventist Health.

An active member of the American College of Healthcare Executives, Wright brings significant expertise in fiscal leadership, strategic planning, business development and healthcare operations to his role as COO.

Thu, 24 May 2018 10:19:07 -0700
4264:34554 <![CDATA[Board appoints Michael Samardzija VP of research]]> The Loma Linda University Board of Trustees this week appointed Michael Samardzija, JD, PhD, as the organization’s vice president of research affairs, a move that expands his role from an associate vice president position. 

Samardzija, who joined Loma Linda University Health in 2016, has pushed for innovation and gaining greater publicity for the institution. Last year he established Loma Linda University Health’s new business incubator — n3eight — to form several companies, which will move innovation from the university’s labs to products into the marketplace.

Samardzija is an experienced life sciences intellectual property attorney who previously served as a partner at Dentons, the world’s largest law firm by number of lawyers. Among other posts, he also served as a partner at Bracewell & Giuliani, director of intellectual property at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and as a postdoctoral fellow at the Bockus Research Institute, which was affiliated with the Department of Physiology at University of Pennsylvania. 

Samardzija holds a law degree from the University of San Diego School of Law, a PhD in physiology and a master’s degree in exercise physiology from Loma Linda University, and a bachelor’s degree in athletic training and sports medicine from Brooklyn College.

Thu, 24 May 2018 10:19:21 -0700
4264:34555 <![CDATA[Angela Lalas appointed CFO of Loma Linda University Health]]> Loma Linda University Health’s Board of Trustees this week appointed Angela Lalas, MBA, CPA, as the organization’s new CFO.

Lalas, who has served as senior vice president of finance since 2015, replaces former CFO Kevin Lang, who recently retired after nearly 14 years in the role.

In her post as senior vice president of finance, Lalas oversaw financial operations for the system’s six hospitals and Loma Linda University Shared Services. She previously served as vice president of finance for the system and director of the Loma Linda University Foundation. She joined Loma Linda University Health in 2006 as director of internal audit after working as a senior tax consultant for Deloitte.

“Angela has demonstrated world-class expertise as a finance professional, and we are so pleased to have her in this role as Loma Linda University Health grows to serve our communities in increasingly broader ways over the next few years,” said Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH, president of Loma Linda University Health.

Lalas was recognized for the past two years as a “Rising Star in Healthcare” and one among the “CFOs to Know in Healthcare” by Becker’s Hospital Review, and one of the 15 “Up and Comer Award” recipients by Modern Healthcarein 2017 — all leading publications highlighting business, legal news and analysis for the hospital industry.

She holds an MBA from Claremont Graduate University and a bachelor’s degree in accountancy from the Adventist University of the Philippines. She is married to Serafin T. Lalas, Jr., a child psychiatrist at Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center, and they have been blessed with two children, Anna Sophia and Serafin Alexander III.

Thu, 24 May 2018 10:19:37 -0700
4264:34442 <![CDATA[Mourning like God]]> By Dilys Brooks How beloved and gracious were Saul and Jonathan! They were together in life and in death. (2 Samuel 1:23)

King Saul and Jonathan are dead. This is the news that the disheveled Amalekite messenger shared with David in Ziklag. It was war season, and he and his men had just returned from fighting Amalekites in the Negev Desert. Israel was at war with the Philistines. The messenger is questioned to determine the credibility of his news. Can he be trusted?

The young man claims to have ended Saul’s life in a mercy killing. He presents David with the crown and armband that had belonged to the fallen leader of Israel. The crown and armband are real. David’s response is a deep lament. He tears his clothing, as do his companions. They weep loudly, fasting until evening as a community because Saul and Jonathan are dead.

I imagine the messenger must have been thoroughly confused. This was not the reception that he had expected. Everyone knew that David was anointed to be king and Saul had attempted to take David’s life on multiple occasions. The messenger must have wondered why there was rejoicing at this news.

At sunset, David sends for the young man and cross-examines him once more. In this round of questions, the presumptive king inquires, “How was it you were not afraid to put forth your hand to destroy the Lord’s anointed?” The messenger is judged and found guilty of taking the life of the king. This act shows that David would not and did not steal the kingdom. Instead, David continued to mourn the death of the King and Jonathan, and the countless others who died on Mount Gilboa defending the kingdom of Israel. 

Why is David in deep mourning when King Saul had sought to take his life on countless occasions? Grieving for Jonathan makes sense because of their friendship and covenants, but why mourn for Saul? Perhaps he mourns because he recognizes how much more they could have accomplished if Saul hadn’t been jealous. Maybe he mourns because he comprehends the consequences of war. Possibly he mourns because death steals life and leaves sorrow in its wake. 

From David, we learn that each of us must determine how we will respond when someone repeatedly treats us unkindly. We can retaliate or forgive. We also learn that trusting God to defend us or fight on our behalf is better than trying to do it ourselves. We learn the importance of mourning and acknowledging our pain in community. We are indeed invited to bear each other’s burdens (Galatians 6:2). Most importantly we learn to be careful to whom we listen.

I am determined to be like David, choosing to listen to the voice of God more than men. 

—Dilys Brooks, MDiv, is campus chaplain for Loma Linda University.

Thu, 17 May 2018 11:41:05 -0700
4264:34441 <![CDATA[National Bike to Work Day: Loma Linda University Health celebrates with prizes]]> National Bike to Work Day is coming Friday, and Loma Linda University Health will provide a way for cyclists to celebrate with a special raffle for a $25 Stater Bros gift card.

Visit the new website — a great source for commuting needs — at By creating an account, members can start logging the days they bike to work to earn points redeemable for prizes and/or a generous $60 quarterly incentive. Contact Rideshare for further details.

As an added bonus, staff members who rode a bike to work today, Thursday, May 17th, can send a selfie on their bike to to be entered into a special raffle for a $25 Stater Bros gift card.

For more information on biking to work or our other rideshare incentives, contact the Rideshare department at extension 53033 or at

Thu, 17 May 2018 11:40:50 -0700
4264:34440 <![CDATA[Nursing students celebrate the unit voted best for student experience ]]> Nursing students delivered dinner and an award to unit 4700 — which was voted as the best unit for student experience. The award and meal came during Nurses Week, May 6-12, as a special thank you to the nurses who provide hands-on experience and memorable experiences for Loma Linda University Nursing Students who rotate through the unit.

The mentorship provided by the nursing staff in unit 4700 — the Medical Intensive Care Unit — has been invaluable to the students, said Andreia Lofthouse, executive director of student & alumni relations at the school of nursing.

In addition to the best clinical rotation unit, students also celebrated the nurse voted preceptor of the year, Christina Biama. Biama is a nurse on unit 5300 — Acute Care Pediatrics.

“The heartfelt comments that were presented to the nurses that day were meaningful. Student nurses expressing gratitude to their mentors for the amazing experiences they shared is something we will not forget,” said Susan Markovich RN, MSN, CCRN, executive director of Critical Care & Comprehensive Stroke.

“It is moments such as this, recognition and expression of thanks that supports the amazing nurses we have.”

Thu, 17 May 2018 11:40:36 -0700
4264:34439 <![CDATA[Case Managers of Behavioral Medicine Center named winners]]> Case managers from Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center are celebrating their win after their selfie — submitted by Brianna Valdivia — won the selfie contest that was part of Loma Linda University Health celebrations of National Hospital Week.

Employees were invited to take selfies showing teamwork, and nearly 100 entries were submitted from departments across campus during National Hospital Week, May 6 to 12. Employees were then encouraged to vote on the picture they felt best represented the weeks theme. Valdivia‘s winning selfie — titled “Happy Nurses Feet” — illustrated the week’s theme of “employees’ commitment to teamwork”, showing the team’s closeness and cohesion.


Thu, 17 May 2018 11:40:26 -0700
4264:34438 <![CDATA[Loma Linda University to graduate nearly 1,500 students in eight ceremonies]]> A total of 1,489 students are preparing to graduate from Loma Linda University in eight ceremonies on three upcoming dates. Three of the university’s eight schools will hold services on Sunday, May 27. Students from the remaining five schools will graduate on Sunday, June 10, while the newest member of the university family, San Manuel Gateway College, will host graduation services on Thursday, June 14.

Here is an overview of 2018 commencement plans for the eight schools and for San Manuel Gateway College: 

School of Allied Health Professions 

This school graduates the largest number of students of any Loma Linda University school. This year, it will graduate 543 students in two separate commencement ceremonies at Drayson Center on Sunday, June 10 at 8 a.m. and at 10:30 a.m. Timothy J. Gillespie, DMin, lead pastor of the Crosswalk Church in Redlands, California, and assistant clinical professor at the School of Public Health, will deliver the commencement addresses on the topic, “The Hope of Beginnings.”

School of Behavioral Health 

The school will graduate 115 students this year in a joint ceremony with the School of Religion. The ceremony will be held Sunday, June 10, at 4 p.m. in Drayson Center. The commencement address will be delivered by Daniel R. Jackson, MA, president of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, who will speak on the topic of, “Just Do It.”

School of Dentistry

The school will graduate 187 students this year on Sunday, May 27, at 5 p.m. on the campus mall. Kent Hansen, JD, LLD, general counsel for Loma Linda University Health and assistant professor of dental education services at the school, will deliver the commencement address. Hansen will speak on the topic, “Becoming a Beloved Professional.” 

School of Medicine

The school will graduate 192 students on Sunday, May 27, at 8:30 a.m. on the campus mall. The commencement address will be delivered by Nephtali R. Gomez, MD, director of undergraduate surgical education and assistant professor of surgery at the school. Gomez will speak on the topic of, “Doctors, Superheroes and the World of Tomorrow.”

School of Nursing

The school will graduate 205 students on Sunday, June 10, at 6 p.m. in Drayson Center. The commencement address will be delivered by Betty Ferrell, PhD, RN, director of nursing research and education and a professor at the City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte, California. Ferrell will speak on the topic of “The Science, Art and Sacred Practice of Nursing.”

School of Pharmacy

The school will graduate 80 students on Sunday, May 27, at 1:30 p.m. on the campus mall. Joseph L. Kuti, PharmD, associate director of clinical and economic studies at the Center for Anti-Infective Research and Development at Hartford Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut, will deliver the commencement address. His topic is “Finding Your Balance.”

School of Public Health

The School of Public Health will graduate 120 students on Sunday, June 10, at 1:30 p.m. in Drayson Center. The commencement address will be delivered by Michael Kelly, II, MDiv, lead pastor of Mt. Rubidoux Seventh-day Adventist Church in Riverside, California. Kelly will speak on the topic of “What a Difference a Day Makes.” 

School of Religion

The school will graduate five students in a joint ceremony with the School of Behavioral Health. The ceremony will be held on Sunday, June 10, at 4 p.m. in Drayson Center. The commencement address will be delivered by Daniel R. Jackson, MA, president of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, who will speak on the topic of, “Just Do It.” 

San Manuel Gateway College

San Manuel Gateway College will graduate 42 students on Thursday, June 14, at 6 p.m. on the campus mall of Loma Linda University Health.

Additional information about the 2018 graduation services for Loma Linda University Health is available online here.

Thu, 17 May 2018 11:39:54 -0700
4264:34390 <![CDATA[CEO's words in honor of National Hospital Week]]> By Kerry Heinrich Each day people come to our hospitals to seek healing. We represent hope and health to those who live near us, and to people around the world. 

We have faced some amazing challenges during the past year. The 2018 flu epidemic is just one example. We were tested daily as demand for our services reached record levels. National news media focused their attention on us, seeking answers to how we were addressing the crisis. Yet every day, I saw each of you renew your commitment to our patients and their families. And I was awed by your professionalism and skills, no matter what position you fill.

Loma Linda University Health works best when we work as a team. We are truly a community that provides treatment and comfort to the sick. We welcome new lives into the world. And each day, this amazing team provides hope or solace to people facing trying times. Miracles happen here every day. 

National Hospital Week is May 6–12, and this year we celebrate our employees’ commitment to teamwork. During this special week, we offer our deep gratitude to each of you — physicians, nurses, therapists, engineers, food service workers, housekeepers, volunteers and so many more. Your commitment to teamwork strengthens every aspect of this healing place. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do. I know I speak for each member of our leadership team when I say that it’s a privilege and honor for us to be part of your team.

Please enjoy the short video below in honor of National Hospital Week.  

Best regards,

Kerry L. Heinrich, JD
Chief Executive Officer
Loma Linda University Medical Center

Wed, 09 May 2018 17:38:17 -0700
4264:34389 <![CDATA[Improve your life with help from Employee & Student Assistance Program]]> The Employee & Student Assistance Program is a free benefit to employees and students at Loma Linda University Health offering psychotherapy and related services. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, read on to learn how the program may be able to help you.

Services include short-term counseling, assessments and referrals, and crisis intervention. The licensed or master’s level therapists on staff work with individuals on life concerns — whether personal, family, work-related or academic — to create plans for healthy transformation. 

The program can help with concerns and issues including stress, depression, grief and loss, eating disorders and many more.

Learn more at the Employee & Student Assistance Program’s website or by calling 909-558-6050.

Wed, 09 May 2018 17:38:04 -0700
4264:34388 <![CDATA[Do you have a colleague who inspires wholeness?]]> The Living Whole Wellness Program recognizes employees who demonstrate a commitment to their personal wellness and who inspire wellness in people around them through the annual Living Whole Honors. 

Employees are invited to nominate coworkers or colleagues who advocate for wellness on campus or who have made healthy behavior changes in their own lives.  

Nominations for the 2018 honors are now open through June 30. Learn more about the Living Whole Honors nominations on the Living Whole website.

Wed, 09 May 2018 17:37:51 -0700
4264:34387 <![CDATA[Discover the latest in earthquake science and early warning]]> Geophysicist Glenn Biasi, PhD, will speak at Loma Linda University Health on Wednesday, May 30, about current science regarding earthquakes. The free event runs from 2–3 p.m. at Wong Kerlee International Conference Center. 

Biasi, of the U.S. Geological Survey, will discuss local fault lines, developments in scientific knowledge about earthquakes and plans for early warning systems.

Please register for the free event at OWL Portal. To learn more, call Environmental Health and Safety at ext. 14019.

Wed, 09 May 2018 17:37:32 -0700
4264:34386 <![CDATA[Spots open for Brazil mission trip to the Amazon]]> Loma Linda University Students for International Service (SIMS) invites students and staff to participate in a two-week summer mission service trip to Brazil. The “Extreme Connections Brazil” trip, co-sponsored by ADRA Connections, runs July 6–22 and will be the largest Seventh-day Adventist collegiate mission trip to date. 

Trip participants will travel by boat to a remote village along the Amazon River to help complete construction of the Massauari Adventist Technical School — a new boarding school that will provide education and skills training to hundreds of young people from rural areas. 

To register or learn more about the trip, contact SIMS by calling 909-558-8089, emailing or visiting

Need inspiration? View the promo video

Wed, 09 May 2018 17:37:21 -0700
4264:34385 <![CDATA[Running Scared — a devotional]]> By Kathy McMillan Now the Philistines fought against Israel; the Israelites fled before them …

–1 Samuel 31:1

What is it that grips your heart with fear? It may be something very tangible such as public speaking or spiders. Perhaps it’s harder to define, and your fears center around what might happen to you financially or relationally in the future. No matter the source of your fear, it can debilitate. 

Responses to fear vary according to the individual and the circumstances. We’ve all likely had experiences where we were afraid of an interaction with someone and went to great lengths to avoid them. Or maybe we didn’t participate in an event because we were afraid. Sometimes our fears cause us to be more aggressive or irritable; other times, we are paralyzed and unable to respond at all. 

At the end of 1 Samuel, we read of the final battle in Saul’s life, a king who ended his reign trusting in himself more than God. As he and his sons were fighting on Mount Gilboa, word got back to his people that things were not going well. The Philistines were in pursuit and the Israelites were terrified, fleeing from their enemies. They ran for their lives, not having time to grab anything of value. 

David knew about fear; he understood what it was like to have people pursuing him. He had run from Saul for years, but he steadfastly relied on God for guidance and wisdom. When he failed, he repented; when he doubted, he recounted the way God had led him in the past.

We face fear on a daily basis. As an institution in the midst of a gigantic building project, it is easy to get distracted or paralyzed by fear. For our students, stress may build as the end of the academic year draws closer. As staff, we face daily pressures to perform well and make a difference. For some, there may even be temptation to turn and run the other way.  

David offers a comforting antidote for fear: 

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise — in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”

 –Psalm 56:3-4

—Kathy McMillan is director of Employee Spiritual Care at Loma Linda University Medical Center.



Wed, 09 May 2018 17:37:12 -0700
4264:34316 <![CDATA[Thank a nurse during Nurses Week]]> Loma Linda University Health is celebrating Nurses Week May 6 through 12 to thank our nurses for their lifesaving service to others. The 2018 celebration appropriately focuses on how nurses inspire, innovate and influence. 

Many patients choose to give back to honor their caregivers for going above and beyond to provide exceptional care. One way to give back is through the Healing Hands program, which makes it possible for grateful patients and families to easily honor their caregivers.

Since the Healing Hands grateful patient program began four years ago at Loma Linda University Health, patients have honored hundreds of medical staff members for their excellent care by making a donation to the organization in the caregiver’s name. Honorees range from healthcare providers to environmental health workers. All staff members make an impact.

Nurses Week provides an opportunity to recognize nurses —or any caregivers —who have exceeded expectations. Visit to learn more. The website also reveals the full list of honorees whose life-changing care has inspired a donation in their honor.

Thu, 03 May 2018 11:59:06 -0700
4264:34307 <![CDATA[When Everything Goes Wrong — a devotional]]> By Terry Swenson 1 Samuel 30

In our journey through the life of David, we’ve seen the highs of his being anointed by the prophet, Samuel, to be the next king and his victory over the giant Goliath. We have seen his lows of running for his life from the vengeful King Saul. David, the national hero of the battle between Israel and Philistia, is now a fugitive and exile living in Philistia under the tentative mercy of his enemies. 

Things are looking dark for David. 

They are about to get darker. 

In 1 Samuel 30, we reconnect with the events of David’s life. David and his band of warriors had just been told to return to their homes because the Philistine generals didn’t trust them to fight alongside them. After a three-day journey, David and his band return to their refugee camp in Ziklag, but the town is gone. Instead of their waving wives and dancing children, they were greeted by destruction, devastation and charred remains. No loved ones. No friends. Just the ashes of their homes and dreams in the dust. The last thing David had to hold on to was now about to turn on him to destroy him. His men, bitter with pain and grief, were talking about stoning him to death.

Has your life ever looked like “Ziklag”? Have your dreams dissolved before your eyes? Have you lost a loved one or the love of your life? Does it seem like everything that could go wrong in your life has done just that? What have you done in response? What did David do in response? Well, he didn’t run for his life. He didn’t draw his sword to fight his men. David didn’t despair and doubt God and all the promises that God had made to him. 

What did David do? “But David found strength in the Lord his God.” (1 Samuel 30:6)

And what did that do for David? It gave him hope. God hadn’t let him down before and wouldn’t let him down now. It gave him courage. If God could empower him to take down a giant, he could depend on God to empower him to face this “giant” problem in his life. It gave him the ability to act on his faith in God’s love and faithfulness. He rallied his men to chase the Amalekites and — though vastly outnumbered — totally defeated them and recovered their loved ones andall of the plunder.

“Nothing was missing: small or great, son or daughter, nor anything else that had been taken. David brought everything back.” (1 Samuel 30:19)

Look past your pain. Look past your problems. Listen to the stories of how God acts. Re-tell the stories of how God has blessed and led you in the past. 

Listen to the promises of God to your heart. And believe. He willsee you through! He willact on your behalf! He is faithful! And He loves you!

—Terry Swenson, DMin, is director of University Spiritual Care.

Thu, 03 May 2018 11:28:47 -0700
4264:34314 <![CDATA[Innovative nurses like Erin Hoch create solutions to common problems]]> The 2018 celebration of Nurses Week at Loma Linda University Health, May 6–12, focuses on how nurses inspire, innovate and influence. Erin Hoch, a nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Loma Linda University Children's Hospital, exemplifies these qualities — especially innovation.

Hoch got her start in nursing at Children’s Hospital more than 12 years ago, when she was hired into the nursing residency program. She now has experience in the pediatric intermediate ICU, nursing research and the NICU. 

Last September, Hoch said she found herself thinking about the feeding process and how it could be more efficient, less wasteful and better for bonding. 

“The tiniest of our patients at Children’s Hospital need a specific amount of milk each feeding,” Hoch said. “But often, the babies aren’t ready to take an entire bottle. They tire out and need enteral feedings to get the milk they need.”

At that point, the nurse has to take a syringe, draw out the leftover milk from the bottle, and hook up the syringe to a machine that pumps the milk into the child’s nasogastric (NG) tube.

The process is time-consuming and costly, because each feeding requires not just the bottle with a nipple, but the syringe and tubing as well. In addition, the process can waste precious milk that the baby’s mother has pumped.

“I couldn’t help but wonder if there was a more efficient way to provide these feedings, and after some sleepless nights at home, I came up with an idea,” Hoch said. 

Hoch’s new process will allow bottles to be converted to a container that delivers the food to the NG tube. It will not only save costs, but will allow a parent who is feeding their baby uninterrupted bonding time. With this new invention, the feeder will be able to change the nipple out and attach it to the NG, allowing a gravity-fed system of feeding. 

Hoch’s manager encouraged her to talk to Loma Linda University Health’s n³eight department — an innovative center designed to take research breakthroughs from Loma Linda University Health to the patient bedside. Erik Gosink, manager of Technology Transfer at the center, worked with Hoch to help her obtain a patent lawyer. A prototype was built, and the idea was shared with a manufacturer who will be making a decision in the next few weeks.  

Hoch, just one of the many innovative nurses at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital, encourages her colleagues on a daily basis, saying, “If you have a thought, don’t just leave it as a thought. Do something about it.”

Thu, 03 May 2018 11:53:35 -0700
4264:34311 <![CDATA[Activities will kick off Sunday for Hospital Week]]> Loma Linda University Health will celebrate National Hospital Week from Sunday, May 6, through Saturday, May 12. Events and activities are scheduled throughout the week to create a spirit of teamwork and celebrate our employees for their dedication to those we serve. 

Learn more in the flyer below or visit the Hospital Week page on One Portal

Thu, 03 May 2018 11:44:02 -0700
4264:34308 <![CDATA[Manage your timecard on the go]]> Timecard management is now available via mobile for API users. The app, “Centricity Workforce” can be downloaded from the Apple iOS App Store or Google Play.

Visit the One Portal for the full details and instructions about the API mobile app for both employees and managers.

Thu, 03 May 2018 11:31:10 -0700
4264:34304 <![CDATA[Preventing suicide at Loma Linda University Health]]> By Jana Boyd, director of Employee & Student Assistance Program Suicide is a topic that is hard to talk about but can directly impact our lives in heartbreaking ways. The statistics on the rates of suicides in the United States are sobering. In 2016, an American died of suicide every 12.3 minutes, with over one million attempts annually. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States.*

We live and work in a stressful environment where both employees and students are dealing with a lot of expectations and encountering tragedies and suffering on a daily basis. With the additional stressors that we may be experiencing in our home lives, our mental health can be vulnerable. 

During the month of May, which is Mental Health Awareness Month, we are encouraged to take stock of our own mental health as well as be aware of how those we interact with may be doing. 

Suicide is 100 percent preventable and the most important protective factors are connection and support. Are we paying attention to ourselves and reaching out for help when we need it? Are we noticing how those around us are doing and offering connection and support? Do we even know what to look for and how to talk about suicide with those who may be at risk? Do we know what resources are available?

What to watch for

First of all, how do we know if ourselves or others may be at risk for suicide or depression? There are several things to watch for, including: 

  1. Changes in mood or behavior — more angry, anxious, withdrawn, reckless
  2. Feeling hopeless, desperate, trapped
  3. Thinking about wanting to die
  4. Missing work or school frequently
  5. Reporting increased stress
  6. Increased drug or alcohol use

Any significant changes in functioning or behavior are signs that tend to indicate that the person is experiencing distress and would likely benefit from connection and support.

How to talk about it

It is important to ask questions directly if you have concerns because you have noticed some of the signs listed above. A good example of how to open the discussion is: “I have noticed you have been feeling hopeless a lot lately (give examples of what you have observed). Sometimes when people are feeling this way they think about committing suicide. I wonder if you have been thinking about suicide?”

You will not be putting an idea into someone’s head by talking directly about suicide, and usually if someone has had suicidal thoughts it is a relief to be able to talk about it. If the person admits to these thoughts, the immediate response should be “Thank you,” closely followed by “We will figure this out together. I have some ideas that can help.”

Do not ask questions in a way that indicate you want “no” as an answer, such as: “You aren’t thinking of hurting yourself, are you?” or “You’re not thinking about doing something stupid, are you?” Also don’t promise to keep anything a secret. A person’s life is more important than keeping secrets or not wanting to upset them. 

What to do next

Once a person is talking about their suicidal thoughts, it is important to develop a plan with them. First assess whether they have a specific plan of how they would kill themselves and whether they have the means to do so (“How have you thought of killing yourself?” “Do you have any weapons or prescription medications in the house?”). Next, ask if they have a support system to reach out to if they become actively suicidal (“Is there someone you could talk to if you were actively suicidal?”).

Discourage them from using alcohol or drugs, as this can exacerbate the likelihood of committing suicide. And finally, encourage them to seek professional help. A great place for both employees and students to start seeking help is with the Employee & Student Assistance Program (909-558-6050, or ext. 66050). The team can provide free and confidential emergency assessment and interventions and ongoing support to help in the recovery process from depression and suicidal thoughts. Another important resource is the National Suicide Prevention Hotline (1-800-273-8255), which is available 24/7.

Additional resources

There are a number of online and app-based resources available including: 

-      SAMHSA’s Suicide Safe App (

  • Free app designed for healthcare providers on how to talk with patients who may be suicidal.
  • Resources for locating treatment options and filtering by type/distance for referrals.

-      Virtual Hope Box App (available for both Apple iOS and Android)

  • Provides help with emotional regulation and coping with stress via personalized supportive audio, video, pictures, games, mindfulness exercises, positive messages, activity planning and other tools.

-      Suicide Prevention Awareness Website (

  • Guidance on what to look for, how to ask questions and provide help.

Besides providing direct support, the Employee & Student Assistance Program is also able to provide on-site trainings for staff on suicide prevention. Feel free to call to schedule a training in your department (909-558-6050, or ext. 66050).

We have the capacity to ensure that suicide never happens again in our community. By paying attention to our own mental health and the mental health of those around us, by reaching out to each other and seeking and offering support and connection, we can attain this goal of never losing one of our own to suicide again.

Jana Boyd, PhD, LMFT, is director of the Employee & Student Assistance Program at Loma Linda University Health. 


American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) (2016). “Suicide statistics.” Retrieved from:  

Thu, 03 May 2018 11:19:07 -0700
4264:34302 <![CDATA[Notes from the President — A Moment of Pride ]]> By Richard Hart, MD, DrPH  

May 2018
A Moment of Pride


Two new programs are yielding big results in fulfilling human need, writes Dr. Richard Hart

I know I just wrote about humility, so please forgive me for having a moment of pride. Or perhaps I can call it a sense of satisfaction, or mission accomplished. It happened twice this past week, and both times caused me to pause, reflect and recognize, as we too often fail to do, on the results of plans laid years ago and now bearing fruit.

I was late entering the large classroom on the third floor of our new San Bernardino campus. The room was nearly full as I quickly found a seat on the front row as the presentation continued. Four young ladies were presenting a case at our monthly Community Grand Rounds. What made this so special as I listened were the presenters — Carmaila Gozo is an RN case manager; Jessica Sanchez is a behavioral health clinician; Silvia Duarte is a care coordinator; and Alejandra Morales Martinez is a patient navigator/community health worker and a recent graduate from our San Manuel Gateway College. Our clinical pharmacist, LaDonna Oelschlaeger, could not be there, but was involved as well. Our residents and faculty physicians were sitting on the front row listening to this case presentation, rather than their usual role of presenting the case.   

They were talking about a 59-year-old patient they were all involved with — José, who had advanced diabetes, had now gone blind and was being gradually abandoned by his family and community. He had slipped into depression and was failing to take his medications or make his appointments. Their presentation was aided by their PowerPoint slides — how they were doing home visits, making sure he came to his appointments, monitoring that he took his insulin appropriately, and giving him hope for the future.  

Then they brought José forward, who had been quietly sitting in the corner of the room. He was guided to a seat and told his own story in Spanish. He shared how these “señoritas,” as he called them, had given him new hope. The highlight for me was his comment that he hoped once again to get a job and be productive.  

This is interprofessional education at its best and what we had always hoped and planned for at the San Bernardino campus. This is both vertical and horizontal integration, covering all health professional disciplines horizontally, and three different levels of education vertically — residents, professional students and certificate students. Each was learning from the others and the patients were clearly benefitting. What a glorious moment! Enjoy a short video of one of our San Manuel Gateway College student’s personal stories at


The second moment of satisfaction was the simple signing of 15 diplomas — but these were special. Over 20 years ago, I was contacted by a surgeon, David Thompson, who worked for an evangelical mission hospital in Gabon, Africa. Dave had a common story of gradually being overwhelmed by the surgical load at his hospital. He had conceived of an idea to train surgeons in Africa at the larger mission hospitals and had come to Loma Linda University Health asking if we could provide the academic credentials for this program. Training fully qualified Christian surgeons in a full five-year residency program on the African continent was very appealing, as we recognize that unmet surgical needs are a major crisis in many areas of the world. 

After some consideration, Loma Linda University agreed to become the academic partner in this interdenominational effort, now called the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS). There are now 10 large mission hospitals across Africa with these training programs, including our own Malamulo Adventist Hospital in Malawi. PAACS has set a goal of training 100 Christian surgeons by the year 2020 and is well on the way to surpass that goal. 


We send out a team of our own surgeons from Loma Linda University Health every other year to visit each site and validate the quality of education they are providing. It is impressive. They have now graduated over 40 surgeons who have returned to their respective mission hospitals and are providing top-level care in some of the most basic settings. It was my privilege last week to sign 15 more diplomas of new PAACS grads, all with typical African names I enjoyed trying to sort by language and country. The amazing part of this story is that all graduates over the past 20 years are still working in Africa, defying years of “brain drain” of highly trained professionals leaving the continent.

So two simple events, listening to a Community Grand Rounds and signing diplomas, but both representing long-term planning and investments in causes that are right. It just made me pause and feel good!    





Richard Hart, MD, DrPH
Loma Linda University Health

Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow

Thu, 03 May 2018 11:06:06 -0700
4264:34217 <![CDATA[Discover the latest in treatment, prevention and rehabilitation at 2018 Stroke Symposium]]> As part of Stroke Awareness Month, Loma Linda University Medical Center’s Stroke Center invites healthcare providers to the 2018 Stroke Symposium on Friday, May 18. 

Earn 6 CE credits or 6.75 CME credits while learning about the rapidly evolving science and technology of stroke care from the experts at our Joint Commission accredited Comprehensive Stroke Center. 

Download the flyer below for the full conference details and agenda. 

Wed, 25 Apr 2018 17:58:53 -0700
4264:34222 <![CDATA[Be heard; share feedback on your employee experience]]> Submitting feedback about your employee experience is easier than ever with the extension of the “You Talked, We Listened ... together we value” initiative to One Portal. 

This new feature builds on the work Human Resource Management implemented in 2016 with the creation of several Employee Engagement Committees representing the hospitals, clinics and university, leading to valuable ideas and suggestions about enhancing the employee experience.

Now, all employees are invited to submit their feedback via the online form on One Portal.

The Employee Engagement Committees will continue to meet and discuss ongoing improvement of the employee experience, using suggestions voiced from employees, who are the foundation of Loma Linda University Health. 

For updates and changes based on employee feedback, look for announcements with the icon “You talked, we listened … together we value.”

Wed, 25 Apr 2018 18:00:44 -0700
4264:34221 <![CDATA[Support mental health through 'Stand Up to Stigma' 5K ]]> The “Stand Up to Stigma” 5K, sponsored by the Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center, will let runners and walkers of all ages show their support for those dealing with mental health issues, and raise their awareness of available mental health services. This second annual race is scheduled for Sunday, May 20, at 7:45 a.m. Registration and starting line will be across the street from the Behavioral Medicine Center, at 1686 Barton Road in Redlands.

Race entry fees and sponsorships will aid in the construction of playground facilities for the Behavioral Medicine Center’s youth patients, a part of Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow. Registration fees include a goodie bag, runner’s bib and a t-shirt (shirt limited to first 500 entries). Racers will also enjoy a “Post Race Bash” featuring lunch, refreshments, photo booth and mental health information.

“We want to raise awareness of issues surrounding mental health,” said Edward Field, MBA, vice president of the Behavioral Medicine Center. “We have found there is a lot of stigma surrounding mental health, so people are nervous to talk about it. Many find it’s easier to talk about heart disease or cancer. The disease of mental illness is no different. It’s all part of healthcare.”

Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center has provided a full spectrum of mental health services for more than 25 years. The center’s services and programs cover issues such as substance use, eating disorders, anxiety and depression, for all ages, ranging from children to senior adults. 

May is national Mental Health Month, a time when events like the 5K help spread the word that mental health is something everyone should care about. One in five adults and children experience a mental illness at some point in their lifetime. More than 16 million American adults live with major depression. 

Join Loma Linda University Health and runners from throughout the Inland Empire to stand up to the stigma that surrounds mental illness. Race entry fees are $15 per person, $10 for students, with ages 7 and under free. Enter online until May 20 at Registration is also available onsite beginning at 7 a.m. on race day. 

For information about the range of services available at the Behavioral Medicine Center, go to

Wed, 25 Apr 2018 18:00:26 -0700
4264:34220 <![CDATA[March 2018 campus security report]]>  

The Jeanne Clery Act of 2008 requires colleges and universities across the United States to publish interim reports on campus crime activities. Listed below are the crimes reported for Loma Linda University Health for the month of March 2018. 


LocationsNon-Violent CrimesViolent CrimesVehicle CrimesTrespassingArrests
LLU Medical Center 7 0 0 11 0
LLU Children's Hospital 1 0 0 0 0
Loma Linda University 5 1 0 7 0
Miscellaneous areas 0 0 0 17 0
Mountain View Plaza 0 0 0 2 0
Professional Plaza 0 0 0 0 0
Outpatient Rehab Center 0 0 0 0 0
East Campus 2 0 0 1 1
Faculty Medical Offices 0 0 1 0 0
Behavioral Medicine Center 0 0 0 1 0
Surgical Hospital 0 0 0 1 0
West campus (Club Center Drive/Caroline Street buildings) 1 0 0 4 1
San Bernardino campus 1 0 0 0 0
Beaumont/Banning 0 0 0 0 0
Murrieta 1 0 1 0 0


Tips of the month: prevent thefts from your motor vehicle

  • Roll up windows and lock all doors.
  • Park in well-lit areas.
  • Always be aware of the area you are parking in.
  • Hide all valuables out of view. If you can see them from outside the vehicle, so can thieves.
  • The trunk of your car is a great spot to place valuables before you arrive at your destination.

How to contact Security Services

Loma Linda University Health encourages that all crimes be reported to the Department of Security Services. To report an emergency, in-progress crime occurring on campus, or past crime or incident, immediately contact the Security Control Center at 909-558-4320 or ext. 9-1-1 from on-campus phones. You may also use the blue-lighted emergency call boxes located throughout the campus and healthcare facilities. For non-emergency business, call 909-558-5419 or ext. 55419 from on-campus phones.

Wed, 25 Apr 2018 18:00:08 -0700
4264:34219 <![CDATA[Get a running start on annual compliance training]]> The 2018 annual compliance training period for employees and physicians of all Loma Linda University Health entities is now open. 

Look for emails from containing links to your individual required courses, or log on directly to

This year’s training period runs through the deadline of Oct. 31, 2018 (for residents, the deadline is June 30).

Download the memorandum below for full details.

Wed, 25 Apr 2018 17:59:56 -0700
4264:34218 <![CDATA[Better your financial wellness using free tools]]> The Living Whole Wellness Program provides all employees with the opportunity to join Dave Ramsey’s online SmartDollar program free of charge, and right now is the time to use SmartDollar to best manage your tax refund. 

The SmartDollar employee benefit provides a more than $100 valued tool at no cost to employees and spouses.

SmartDollar uses motivating content, budgeting tools and expert advice to help employees get out of debt, create and follow a spending plan, and save for future needs such as retirement.

Learn more:

Wed, 25 Apr 2018 17:59:18 -0700
4264:34216 <![CDATA[Join in National Day of Prayer on May 3]]> Loma Linda University Health will join the country in petitioning and seeking God on Thursday, May 3, for National Day of Prayer. 

All are welcome and invited to the following events:


Wed, 25 Apr 2018 17:58:34 -0700
4264:34215 <![CDATA[The Chase — a devotional]]> By Carla Gober-Park I Samuel 29 

Do you like being chased? Personally, I hate it. The game of tag is not my favorite. Though I can run fast, the feeling of being chased causes my heart to rush into my throat where it does not belong. You know the feeling. You’ve experienced it in dreams. Running, running, running. Then waking in a sweat, assuring yourself that everything is OK. But what if it isn’t? What if the chase is real? Then what? 

I experienced it once when I was a child. All four of us were traveling at night and my mother was driving while my father slept, seat laid back. An unknown vehicle followed behind, too consistently and too close for comfort. “Honey, wake up!” My mother sounded afraid. My father woke up and sized the situation immediately. “They think you are alone and are taking advantage of that,” he stated, looking into the side mirror. “Stay steady,” he warned, “and don’t let them get in front of you.” My sister and I stared wide-eyed from the backseat. Who would help us in the middle of the night on this deserted road? Would we be OK? My heartrate increased, then pounded so loud I could hear the beat. Boom. Boom. Boom.

“There! Pull off the road under that light at the gas station so they can see me!” My commander father was sure and calm. 

The vehicle behind us slowed, pulled to the right side of our car, saw my father, then sped off. Ba-boom. Ba-boom. Ba-boom. My heart beat faster as the danger of the situation came into full view. The vehicle really was chasing us! 

This lasted only minutes. Imagine being chased for longer. 

David had been running from Saul for a long time — from the time Saul placed him over the army after killing Goliath (1 Samuel 18:5-8). The women shouldn’t have sung the song they sang: “Saul has killed his thousands, and David his ten thousands.” After that little song, there was no going back. “Saul was very angry” (1 Samuel 18:8). The chase was on.

David becomes tired of running from Saul and seeks refuge among his enemies, the Philistines. And by doing this, David gets himself into a real pickle. He earns their trust, promises to join them in battle, and then marches valiantly at the rear of their army. Marching with the Philistines against the Israelites! He is about to fight in the very battle in which Saul and his son Jonathan will both die.

King Achish, the Philistine king, trusts David and truly believes David has switched sides. 

Meanwhile, Saul temporarily gives up the chase until a medium tells him that the kingdom will be “torn” out of his hand and given to David. Saul heads out to battle again. He has been so obsessed with killing David that he leaves his own territory weak. 

Everybody is in the wrong place.

David is aligned with the enemy, and Saul is about to die from his own sword in battle. King Achish is, well, naive.

Nobody is thinking straight except the commanders of the Philistine army. They can’t believe King Achish is so foolish and trusting, finding “no fault in him [David] ...” No fault? This is the man who killed Goliath! 

“Send him back! ... Is this not David, of whom they sing to one another in dances, ‘Saul has killed his thousands, and David his ten thousands’?”

There’s that song again. And it doesn’t help this situation any more than it helped the first one. 

The Philistine commanders see the whole situation as crazy and refuse to let David fight with them. They force King Achish to send David back to Ziklag, land given to him by King Achish. 

The moral of this story? The Philistines prevent David from fighting against his own people. 

His enemies protect David … from himself.

Have you been here? In this place where everything seems crazy and you have forgotten just whose side you are on or what you should do next? And just as you are about to make the biggest misstep of your life, some annoying person demands that you get back to Ziklag?

Sometimes you think it is too late. You have gone too far. 

Not true. 

Turn back. 

Go home where you belong.

The chase is over.

—Carla Gober-Park, PhD, is assistant vice president for Spiritual Life and Mission at Loma Linda University Health, as well as director of the Center for Spiritual Life and Wholeness.



Wed, 25 Apr 2018 17:58:11 -0700
4264:34158 <![CDATA[April Wellness Live Webinar: Advance Directives — The Best Gift You Can Give Your Family ]]> The Living Whole Wellness Program is hosting a free live-streamed presentation on advance directives from 5:30 p.m.-6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 25 at Tune in to learn why having a conversation with your loved ones and completing an advance directive is important to ensure you get the type of care you desire when it matters most.

Viewers will be able to ask questions and interact live with featured speaker Gina Mohr, MD.

The live stream will be available at LLUH’s Facebook page or on

For more information, call 909-651-4007. 

Viewers who missed last month’s live broadcast on Diet & Cancer Risk in the Adventist Health Study – 2 can view it on demand, along with numerous past presentations, in the Wellness Live archive.

Wed, 18 Apr 2018 16:54:54 -0700
4264:34160 <![CDATA[Social Security 101: maximize your benefits]]> Employees can learn about Social Security benefits during “Social Security 101: everything you wanted to know,” a free workshop for Loma Linda University Health faculty and staff presented by the Social Security Administration.

The following sessions will take place for employees of any entity to choose from:

• Tuesday, May 1 at LLU Children’s Hospital room 1832, 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

• Friday, May 4 at Coleman Pavilion room 11121R, 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The workshops will be led by Teresa Campbell, California inland area public affairs specialist for the Social Security Administration. She has worked with the agency for more than 25 years in both technical and supervisory roles.

During the workshops, which are offered to Loma Linda University Health employees at no charge, participants will learn:

  • When they will be eligible to receive retirement benefits
  • How early retirement will affect their benefits
  • Whether they qualify for disability, survivors or spouse benefits
  • How to maximize their benefits
  • When to file for Medicare
  • The future of Social Security

Prior to attending the workshop, employees should create a My Social Security account and print out their Social Security Statement

No reservations are required for the workshops, but space is limited and offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

To learn more, email Laura Reddix in Human Resource Management at

Wed, 18 Apr 2018 16:57:00 -0700
4264:34163 <![CDATA[Institute for Community Partnerships to examine Human Trafficking in May 1 forum]]> The Institute for Community Partnerships at Loma Linda University Health and the World Affairs Council Inland Southern California will host an event to understand and help end human trafficking in our community.

"Human Trafficking: Understanding & Ending Trafficking in Our Community," will be held at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 1, in the Small Amphitheater in Centennial Complex, 24760 Stewart Street, Loma Linda.

The presentation will be led by the Open Door advocacy group and will be followed by a panel discussion led by Dr. Richard Hart, president of Loma Linda University Health, along with local law enforcement representatives, Loma Linda University students, healthcare professionals and community advocates.

Human Trafficking is a form modern-day slavery, where people profit from the control and sexual exploitation of others — and it’s happening in our community. 

For more information about the event, contact the Institute for Community Partnerships by calling 909-558-7754 or emailing

Wed, 18 Apr 2018 16:59:36 -0700
4264:34164 <![CDATA[Loma Linda University Medical Center Comprehensive Epilepsy Center re-accredited highest designation by the NAEC]]> Loma Linda University Medical Center Comprehensive Epilepsy Center has been re-accredited by the National Association of Epilepsy Centers (NAEC) as a level 4 epilepsy center, which is the highest-level designation from the NAEC.

Level 4 epilepsy centers have the professional expertise and facilities to provide the highest level of medical and surgical evaluation and treatment for patients with complex epilepsy.

The Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at LLUMC is the leading center for epilepsy care in Southeastern California and is the only institution in the Inland Empire with the level 4 designation.

The center offers a full spectrum of diagnostic services, including inpatient video EEG monitoring, outpatient EEG, MRI, PET, ictal spect and neuropsychological testing. Treatment plans are tailored to the needs of individual patients and may include expert medication management, surgical therapy and collaboration with behavioral health professionals.

"This re-accreditation is the result of the continued hard work of a highly dedicated team of healthcare professionals and I am very excited that we are able to offer patients of all ages a wide range of treatment options to treat their seizures,” said Travis Losey, MD, medical director for adult neurology at the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center.

Since 2006, the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center has been recognized by the NAEC for its comprehensive epilepsy care as a level 4 center. 

The NAEC accreditation process is designed to define and incentivize standards of care for comprehensive epilepsy care and serve as an avenue to collect data on the types and volume of services provided by epilepsy centers. 

For more information on Loma Linda University Medical Center Comprehensive Epilepsy Center visit, or call 909-558-2880.

Wed, 18 Apr 2018 17:00:41 -0700
4264:34166 <![CDATA[New healthcare website launched]]> Loma Linda University Health's newly redesigned healthcare website launched Tuesday at The site is centered on helping patients and families find what they’re looking for as quickly and conveniently as possible. 

Patients can access what they need online through the website's enhanced function, content and design. The website provides easy navigation for Loma Linda University Health’s network of six hospital campuses, more than 800 physicians, dozens of outpatient clinics, and key service areas including behavioral health, heart and vascular, cancer care, neurology, neurosurgery, orthopedics, primary care, transplant and rehabilitation.

“Today’s healthcare consumers are using digital technology to search for and access care. The new website design was intentionally done with this in mind, enabling consumers to easily find what they need,” said Heather Valentine, assistant vice president of marketing and digital strategy. 

“This is a great step forward that we will continue to build upon with enhancements such as customized online scheduling, blog and social media features, and further integration with our MyChart patient portal,” she added. 

The site is mobile-friendly and responsive to viewing on various phones, tablets and devices. Navigation is simple for the site’s updated content with a standardized look and feel. The new healthcare website is part of the organization's visual rebrand of its web presence and follows a redesign of its academic sites at last fall.

Healthcare practitioners at Loma Linda University Health are excited about how the new web experience serves patients.

“The site matches who we are and will connect our patients to the care they need,” said David Dai, PT, MBA, executive director of rehabilitation services.

Tell us what you think

What do you think about the new website? Visit the new and take a brief survey about the experience.

Wed, 18 Apr 2018 17:02:15 -0700
4264:34122 <![CDATA[Behavioral Medicine Center now 3rd hospital at Loma Linda University Health holding elite Stage 7 status for electronic medical records]]> The industry’s highest level of achievement for maximizing electronic medical record usage to improve patient care is now held by Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center. 

The recognition makes Behavioral Medicine Center part of a select group of just 6.4 percent of U.S. hospitals holding the pinnacle Stage 7 designation of the inpatient Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model. The designation comes from HIMSS Analytics.

Also among the 6.4 percent nationwide are LLU Children’s Hospital and LLU Medical Center, the latter of which also includes the Surgical Hospital and East Campus locations.

“Our patients benefit with our advanced use of technology and minimal dependence on paper,” said Brenda Taylor, MS, RHIA, CCS, executive director of Health Information Management. “This effort across organizations nationwide is demonstrating improved patient outcomes, patient safety and operational efficiencies.”

Loma Linda University Health is also focusing on an achieving HIMSS Stage 7 recognition for outpatient clinics later this year, to be followed next year with securing inpatient Stage 7 for LLU Medical Center – Murrieta.

Thu, 12 Apr 2018 11:06:18 -0700
4264:34121 <![CDATA[PossAbilities & Kids Triathlon designed for individuals of all ages and abilities]]> Inland Empire athletes of all ages and abilities are invited to participate in the 16th annual PossAbilities & Kids Triathlon, which will be held at 7 a.m. on Sunday, April 29, at Drayson Center.

In addition to the two triathlons — one each for adults and children — the event will also feature a 5K run and lots of fun activities and games.

For more information, read the full story at

Thu, 12 Apr 2018 11:05:16 -0700
4264:34123 <![CDATA[Thank our volunteers for making a difference]]> Volunteers help make Loma Linda University Health the great organization that it is, and Volunteer Recognition Week, April 16–20, provides an opportunity to thank them for their help.

In 2017, volunteers donated more than 151,000 hours of time serving in areas including the Emergency Department, Child Life Services, the Gift Shop, patient units and Hospitality Services. They also assist with clerical duties and research.

The testimonies below describe the impact made by volunteers at Loma Linda University Health. 

Learn more: Volunteer Services


Thu, 12 Apr 2018 11:07:41 -0700
4264:34120 <![CDATA[Panel to address primary healthcare shortage in Inland Empire ]]> You are invited to the free panel discussion “Standing in the Gap: Mitigating the Primary Healthcare Shortage in Southern California,” an event on Monday, April 16, at 6 p.m. featuring experts in healthcare delivery, education and policy who will address how their organizations are working to mitigate the local primary healthcare shortage and consider ways to build upon each other’s work.

Meet and join the dialogue with the panel of experts:

• Richard Hart, MD, DrPH, president of Loma Linda University Health
• Eileen Fry-Bowers, PhD, JD, RN, CPNP-PC, associate professor at University of San Diego
• Tyler Jung, MD, chief medical officer for Molina Healthcare of California
• Jennifer Sayles, MD, MPH, chief medical officer of Inland Empire Health Plan 

The free event will take place at SAC Health System, located at Loma Linda University Health – San Bernardino. To RSVP or inquire about continuing education credit, please email Refreshments will be served.

The event is co-sponsored by SAC Health System and LLU School of Nursing. 

The School of Nursing is in year three of a $2.05 million HRSA grant to prepare nurse practitioners to work in medically underserved areassuch as many parts of San Bernardino and Riverside counties. Nurse practitioners are one type of healthcare professionals that can help fill the local primary care gap, along with physician assistants and medical doctors. 

Thu, 12 Apr 2018 11:04:35 -0700
4264:34118 <![CDATA[Learn about integrating behavioral health services with primary care April 18]]> Heather Reifsnyder Special guest Aaron Williams, MA, will speak next week at Loma Linda University Medical Center on “Integrated Care: Practice and Policy Implications in a Time of Uncertainty.” Williams is senior director for the Center for Integrated Health Solutionsat the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). 

Integrating behavioral health treatment with the primary care model is shown to improve health outcomes, yet it is underutilized. Williams will discuss national efforts to grow this integration movement.

The free seminar takes place Wednesday, April 18, from noon to 1 p.m. in the Medical Center’s A-level Amphitheater. It is part of the “Spotlight on Health Policy” lecture series sponsored by theInstitute for Health Policy and Leadershipat Loma Linda University Health.

Registration is not required. To learn more, contact the Institute for Health Policy and Leadership at ihpl@llu.eduor ext. 87022.

Thu, 12 Apr 2018 11:03:07 -0700
4264:34119 <![CDATA[School of Religion to explore faith through lenses of theatre and journalism ]]> The Humanities Program at the School of Religion invites the campus and community to its free events over the next two weekends.

Theatre performance: God’s Favorite, a comedy by Neil Simon

This contemporary morality tale, which draws inspiration from the biblical book of Job, will be performed Saturdays, April 14 and 21, at 7:30 p.m., and Sundays, April 15 and 22, at 2 p.m., in Damazo Amphitheater at the Centennial Complex. Admission is free to this Wright–Huffman Production.

The Role of Independent Journalism in a Faith Community

Former editor of Christianity Todayand HIS magazine David Neff will speak about his observations regarding Seventh-day Adventism in relations to the wider Christian community. The presentation will take place Saturday, April 21, at 3 p.m. at Damazo Amphitheater in the Centennial Complex. It is co-sponsored by Adventist Today, which is celebrating its 25thanniversary this year.

For more information, call 909-558-5925 or email

Thu, 12 Apr 2018 11:03:42 -0700
4264:34116 <![CDATA[Free cooking demo: fighting cancer with Brazilian cuisine ]]> A cooking demonstration offered by the Living Whole Wellness Program and Loma Linda University Cancer Center will feature Chef Maggie Carneiro, MPH, RDN, CDE, teaching about cancer-fighting foods with a Brazilian theme.

Chef Carneiro will follow her demonstration with a discussion of nutrient content and taste-testing. Attendees will enjoy samples and leave with take-home recipes.  

The free event takes place from 6 – 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 18, in the kitchen at Nichol Hall. Seating is limited. Please RSVP by calling ext. 14007.

This event is part of the 2018 series of cancer-fighting foods demonstrations.  

Thu, 12 Apr 2018 11:00:58 -0700
4264:34117 <![CDATA[Saving ourselves vs. God's grace — a devotional]]> By Randy Roberts 1 Samuel 27

David was a remarkably resilient person. The relentless persecution he faced from King Saul would have caused a lesser person to wilt in defeat. But David persevered all the way onto the throne of Israel. It is a remarkable statement about the strength of his character.

When our son, Austin, was a student at Walla Walla University, I noticed a poster on the wall of the hallway outside his door. It showed the picture of a canyon cut into the rock of a wilderness scene. The canyon was deep, and, at the bottom of the canyon, a river flowed. At the bottom of the picture, the caption read: “In the confrontation between the river and the rock, the river always wins … not by strength, but by perseverance.”

In a sense, David was like that. As King Saul persisted in trying to finish David off, David was doggedly persistent in his fight to stay one step ahead of Saul and stay alive. In fact, he was so focused on staying alive that 1 Samuel 27 tells the story of his choice to do something that does not cast a particularly good light on David.

The Philistines and the Israelites were mortal enemies. To get a flavor of their hostility, just remember the name Goliath. He was the giant Philistine champion David had slain. David’s act in doing so had, no doubt, ensconced him in the hallway of Philistia’s mortal enemies. One can imagine that many Philistine warriors would have just loved to get their hands on David!

But, suddenly, David moves into the neighborhood. A Philistine neighborhood. He takes up residence in Philistia!He becomes — for all practical purposes — a naturalized Philistine!Such a choice begs the question “Why?!”

The text answers that question quite frankly. It says: “But David thought to himself, ‘One of these days I will be destroyed by the hand of Saul. The best thing I can do is to escape to the land of the Philistines. Then Saul will give up searching for me anywhere in Israel, and I will slip out of his hand” (1 Samuel 27:1, TNIV).

David uses an alliance with the Philistines as his escape plan. But he does more than that. He ultimately is willing to go to war with the Philistines against Israel

Kind of sets you back, doesn’t it? Kind of takes some of the shine off David’s character, doesn’t it? And … it kind of makes mewonder to what lengths you and I would go to “save ourskin.”

It’s quite different than what we find in the life of Jesus — the Jesus who willinglystepped into the path of danger for the good of others; the Jesus who said, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13, TNIV); the Jesus who gave himself rather than saving himself.

But, I actually take comfort in David. Or, maybe better stated, I take comfort in David’s God. Because David’s God is a God who will take those of us who are a mixed bag of realities — good and bad, beautiful and ugly, kind and mean, altruistic and selfish — and still love us, care for us and slowly change us until we become more and more like him. I don’t know what you call that, but call that grace. In fact, it’s the kind of grace that we sometimes experience when we failto be resilient like David was.

I am very, very thankful for that God.

—Randy Roberts, DMin, is vice president for spiritual life and mission at Loma Linda University Health.

Thu, 12 Apr 2018 11:02:02 -0700
4264:34056 <![CDATA[Notes from the President — Loma Linda's Own Icon]]> By Richard Hart, MD, DrPH   April 2018
Loma Linda's Own Icon


Other descriptors could be used, but let me stick with icon. When applied to a human, it includes someone who is both successful and greatly admired. And by any account, Leonard L. Bailey, MD, LLUSM class of 1969, would be considered an icon. And now that my friend and colleague, Len, is fighting the battle of his life with recurrent throat cancer, it is time we talk about his impact on Loma Linda University Health and the world beyond.

By his own telling, Len has had a few wake-up moments in his life, beginning as a sophomore college student. Walter Clark, our Dean of Admissions at Loma Linda University at the time, confronted this eager young student with the caution — “if you think you are going to be a doctor, you’ve got to do better than you’re doing now.” As with many of us at that age, Len was enjoying life, including dating his future wife, Nancy, who, according to others, had eyes only for this tall, handsome upperclassman.

Len tried to buckle down at Columbia Union College, but his second wake-up call came when he was not accepted into Loma Linda University School of Medicine on his first application. As most of us know, self-doubt can creep in at moments like this. Do I really want this? Is it worth trying again? Len dug deep into his own soul and determined to keep trying, to overcome any questions by refocusing and trying harder. These developing characteristics would pay dividends later in his career.

With his acceptance a year later finally in hand, Len and Nancy moved to Loma Linda to begin medical school. But three weeks in, facing his first major test, he was again plagued with that ultimate question — can I make it? Is this for me? He drove that evening slowly through Loma Linda, finally parking in a random driveway to wrestle with God. After a few minutes, a gentleman noticed this strange car in his driveway and came out to ask how he could help. Len mumbled an apology and took courage from that kind offer to continue his studies. 

During his second year in medicine, in 1967, Dr. Louis Smith performed the first transplant at Loma Linda University Health, a successful kidney transplant. This inspired all of us at the time, and set the wheels turning in Len’s brain about a potential career. After graduating in 1969, he stayed here for a surgery residency followed by a fellowship in pediatric cardio-thoracic surgery at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. It was during his residency years that Len caught his lifelong vision as he watched children born with congenital heart diseases being sent home to die. With mechanical hearts still years away, and our ability to provide immunosuppression in its infancy, he knew the challenges, but insisted on nurturing the dream.                                          


Upon returning to Loma Linda, he found Lou Smith’s lab largely empty due to his growing clinical load, and convinced the chair of surgery, Dr. David Hinshaw, to give him some time to reactivate the lab and begin the long journey toward possible infant heart transplantation. He began experimenting with goats, sheep and monkeys, trying various techniques. The issue was not primarily the mechanical ones encountered in surgery, but the ability to manage rejection in cross-species matches. 

With the introduction of cyclosporines, and after performing 150 experimental transplants, Len sensed the time was coming closer to try this on infants. They had switched to baboons as the best animal option, and had a cohort of potential donors available in the lab when the call came from another hospital where a baby had been born with hypo-plastic left heart syndrome, leaving it only days to live. So they invited Teresa Beauclair to bring her infant daughter, Stephanie Fae, down to Loma Linda to discuss this experimental option.  Len had assembled a full team by that time, including Sandra Nehlsen-Cannarella, an immunologist, and they felt ready to make this historic step toward saving lives. They had only an inkling of the media response and degree of coverage, both positive and negative, that would come from that fateful surgery on October 26, 1984.

Those final 21 days of Baby Fae’s life were intense for all of them. Literally living in the NICU, they watched each bodily function, and were eventually dismayed when her body started to fail, even though the heart was strong. In the end, the cause of her death remains uncertain. When Len finally faced the press with this heart-breaking news that was heard around the world, his voice broke with emotion and many reporters’ and TV crews’ eyes filled with tears, even as he vowed to move on in his effort to save these babies.

It was a year later that Len received a call from a hospital in the Bay Area with a potential donor heart from a baby that had asphyxiated. The doctor and family wondered if they could use it. They sure could! Baby Moses was waiting, and received that first successful infant-to-infant heart transplant and is alive and well today. And with that came the development of a donor system for infants and a growing transplant program at Loma Linda, with hundreds of recipients now living successful lives. While other teaching hospitals have taken up this challenging service, Loma Linda has still done more infant heart transplants than anywhere else in the world.


Dr. Bailey moved on to become Chair of our Department of Surgery, staying clinically active for the next 30 plus years. And it was perhaps during these later years, as fame and calls for scientific and motivational talks poured in, that Len has served us best. With his self-deprecating humor and humble demeanor, telling his own life journey, he has inspired countless students to strive for their best. He has become a senior statesman, a known figure on this campus and community, representing the best of Loma Linda. He has also trained countless heart surgeons around the world on these special techniques. It will be our privilege to bestow on him the Lifetime Service Award, our highest honor, at graduation in May. 

Most major events in the life of an institution unfold slowly, usually over months or even years. This one happened in a few hours and suddenly catapulted Loma Linda into national and international prominence. While that was not Len’s goal, he gave this institution a confidence to take on bigger challenges, even while saving the lives of the least of these.  Thank you, Len, for what you have meant to Loma Linda University Health and the world, now and into the future.





Richard Hart, MD, DrPH
Loma Linda University Health




Thu, 05 Apr 2018 10:53:40 -0700
4264:34041 <![CDATA[Do the Right Thing ... Always]]> By Dilys Brooks The stories recorded in 1st and 2nd Samuel are fascinating to this reader no matter how many times I read them. It is intriguing to learn about the challenges endured by David — shepherd, anointed king of Israel, giant killer, psalmist, fighter, fugitive and future leader. It is safe to say, as we follow this story, that it takes a high level of faith, integrity and grit to withstand the temptation to take matters into his own hands.

King Saul and David had arrived at a tenuous truce after their encounter in the wilderness of Engedi (1 Samuel 24). The former had promised to discontinue seeking the life of the latter. I can only imagine David’s disbelief when he learned that the king had returned to seek his life, this time with 3,000 men and General Abner.

The fugitive David visits the enemy camp along with Abishai, a member of his band who was also David’s nephew. They proceed through the camp unnoticed until they find Saul and his companions asleep around a campfire. The young officer Abishai interprets the moment as a gift from God to avenge David’s honor, which David quickly refutes. David’s response invites our prayerful and thoughtful reflection.

How do we accept the will of God in our lives when there is no timeframe or when our safety is being threatened? Was it weak leadership on David’s part to allow Saul to live, knowing that the king had come to Engedi with the express purpose of ending his life? Why does it take God so long to fulfill promises that He makes? When opportunities arise that seem fortuitous, do we have the right people around us to help us make sound decisions?

Instead of taking Saul’s life, David tells his companion to pick up the spear and jar of water. By taking these two items, the future king serves as an example of integrity, wisdom and grace. They leave the camp as quietly as they came. After getting a safe distance away, David verbally engages with the sleeping men. His banter reveals the careless failure of the general to protect King Saul and once more refutes the notion that he, David, had any plans to take the kingdom by force.

 In fact, David’s words say it all:

The Lord rewards every man for his righteousness and his faithfulness, for the Lord gave you into my hand today, and I would not put out my hand against the Lord's anointed.”

 –1 Samuel 26:23

Each of us who works for Loma Linda University Health or attend classes is being prepared to be a leader like David. At times, it seems as if people who are unscrupulous don’t suffer the consequences of their actions. On other occasions, we are tempted to take matters in our own hands. Perhaps we chafe under the delays of God’s plans or promises. Let’s all take a moment to truly listen to David’s words and behold his actions.

It is God who rewards us. Let us therefore strive to live with integrity, grace and honor, no matter what! 

—Dilys Brooks, MDiv, is campus chaplain for Loma Linda University.

Thu, 05 Apr 2018 09:45:31 -0700
4264:34042 <![CDATA[Enjoy tax-free Mac and iPad purchases April 17]]> Shop local — employees and students at Loma Linda University Health have the advantage of an Apple-authorized educational reseller at iLLUTech, located right here at the Campus Store.

iLLUTech will hold a faculty and staff appreciation day this month offering tax-free purchases of iPads and Mac computers. Students are also eligible for the savings. The event takes place Tuesday, April 17, from 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.

The tax-free offer applies to in-store purchases while supplies last. Download the flyer below this story for full details.

"We are having a tax-free day to provide greater benefits to all Loma Linda University Health employees and students that only iLLUTech can offer," said Vincent Garcia, manager.

To learn more, email iLLUtechstore@llu.eduor call 909-558-4129.

The Campus Store is located at 11161 Anderson St., Suite 110, adjacent to Loma Linda Market.

Discover more about iLLUTech on its Facebook page or



Thu, 05 Apr 2018 09:46:15 -0700
4264:34044 <![CDATA[San Bernardino campus achieves LEED Silver Certification from U.S. Green Building Council]]> Loma Linda University Health’s San Bernardino campus holds distinction as the organization’s first LEED-certified facility, signifying commitment to environmentally sustainable new construction. LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. 

The LEED Silver Certification comes from the United States Green Building Council, which provides a guiding framework for energy efficient construction via its LEED points-based rating system. Sustainable construction practices include measures such as sourcing local materials and optimizing energy and water conservation.

“Choosing LEED-recognized green construction for our San Bernardino campus is part of our commitment to partner with our neighbors for long-term service to the community in a sustainably built environment,” said Rod Neal, MBA, senior vice president of finance for Loma Linda University Health.

Loma Linda University Health – San Bernardino houses San Manuel Gateway College and SAC Health System, which offer the community affordable options for, respectively, education in entry-level healthcare careers and a comprehensive healthcare clinic

Thu, 05 Apr 2018 09:47:50 -0700
4264:34049 <![CDATA[Your best workplace — we're listening]]> Share your thoughts and make a difference. It’s time for Modern Healthcare’s “Best Places to Work” survey.   

All employees of LLU Medical Center, Health Care, Behavioral Medicine Center, Children’s Hospital, Medical Center – Murrieta and Shared Services who were hired before Feb. 23, 2018, have an opportunity April 2–13 to share feedback about their work environment and help improve Loma Linda University Health.

This confidential survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. 

Modern Healthcare – Best Places to Work is a national program designed to recognize outstanding places of employment. In 2017, the Behavioral Medicine Center was the only facility at Loma Linda University Health with a high enough participation rate to be considered for the recognition, and it was consequently selected as one of the top 150 “Best Places to Work” in healthcare. This year, all of our facilities will participate. Please encourage participation among your departments and colleagues. 

A high response rate helps ensure an accurate representation of our community.  Regardless of whether Loma Linda University Health is recognized, the data gathered will help continue the process of creating the best workplace possible. 

If eligible to participate, you should have received an email invitation from Best Companies Group with the subject line “Best Places to Work in Healthcare – Employee Survey” on April 2.  The email contains unique access information and link to the survey for each employee. The survey can be completed at home or at work on any computer with internet access. 

 “You are the heart of this institution,” said President Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH. He invites all employees of Loma Linda University Health to participate in the survey. 

“It is the individuals who make the uniqueness, the specialness, of Loma Linda University Health,” Hart said.

Through sharing their ideas and perceptions, employees can play a positive role in making Loma Linda University Health a great place to work.

If you are eligible to participate in the survey and did not receive an email, please contact Best Companies Group via email at  For more information about the survey, please ask your direct supervisor.

LLU staff and faculty are taking a similar survey during this time period. Read the previous News of the Week story about the university survey.

Thu, 05 Apr 2018 09:57:36 -0700
4264:34048 <![CDATA[eCheck-in available for outpatient hospital-based services ]]> Patients of 66 hospital-based outpatient service departments may now use eCheck-in through MyChart.

The list comprises most outpatient services located at Loma Linda University Medical Center, including East Campus and Surgical Hospital; Children’s Hospital and its Specialty Team Centers; and a number of outpatient hospital services offered at Loma Linda University Health locations including Professional Plaza, the Faculty Medical Offices and Loma Linda University Health – Beaumont-Banning.

When eCheck-in is available for their scheduled service, patients will be notified by MyChart three days prior. eCheck-in is not available for walk-in departments, such as laboratories.

The time-saving features of eCheck-in with MyChart allow patients to input or verify their insurance; make payment and print a receipt; answer any screening questions; and e-sign necessary documents.

Depending on the information the patient provides, he or she will be green-lighted to go directly to their department on the day of service after stopping at the check-in greeter’s desk, or notified that they need to provide further information at registration.

To learn more or to request assistance, please contact the Access Center at 877-558-0090.

Thu, 05 Apr 2018 09:55:47 -0700
4264:33918 <![CDATA[Your engagement matters — we're listening ]]> LLU Engagement and "Great Colleges to Work For" Survey.]]> Share your thoughts; make a difference.

Loma Linda University employees (full-time and part-time faculty and staff hired before Feb. 23, 2018) will have an opportunity from April 2 to 13 to share feedback about their work environment and help improve Loma Linda University. This survey is confidential and should take approximately 15 minutes to respond.  

The survey serves two purposes. One, it will provide employee engagement feedback so the university can continue to grow and improve together. Two, the data collected through the survey will put Loma Linda University in contention for The Chronicle of Higher Education’s “2018 Great Colleges to Work For” recognition.

Loma Linda University received this distinction in 2017, being honored in five categories, from work/life balance to professional/career development programs and job satisfaction. We hope to gain this recognition for a second year.

If you are eligible to participate, you will receive an email invitation from ModernThink containing a link to access the survey and unique login information.  The survey can be completed at home or at work on any computer with internet access. 

 “You are the heart of this institution,” said Richard Hart, MD, DrPH, president of Loma Linda University Health. He invites all employees of Loma Linda University to participate in the survey.

“It is the individuals who make the uniqueness, the specialness, of Loma Linda University Health,” he said.

Through sharing their ideas and perceptions, employees can play a positive role in making Loma Linda University a great place to work.

If you are eligible to participate and do not receive an email, please contact the ModernThink toll-free Help Desk at 1-888-684-4658. For more information about the survey, please ask your direct supervisor.

Thu, 29 Mar 2018 11:30:09 -0700
4264:33916 <![CDATA[LLU neurosurgeons urge congressional caucus to invest in neuroscience technologies]]> Two Loma Linda University neurosurgeons said the economic impact of treating patients with neurological disorders is greater than treating other conditions — such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases — and that more investment in treatment and easing regulations could yield large benefits to both patients and society’s healthcare costs.

Venkatraman Sadanand, MD, PhD, associate professor at LLU School of Medicine and attending pediatric neurosurgeon, and Daniel J. DiLorenzo, MD, PhD, MBA, assistant professor at LLU School of Medicine, made their remarks while presenting to the Congressional Neuroscience Caucus on March 21.

The two were among six presenters at the 7thAnnual Brain Mapping Day, held on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., this year in the Rayburn House Office Building.

Read the full story at

Thu, 29 Mar 2018 11:27:59 -0700
4264:33914 <![CDATA[Resurrection to be celebrated with Easter Sunday service]]> Loma Linda University Health will rejoice with an Easter service and communion this Sunday, April 1, from 11–11:40 a.m. in the Medical Center front lobby.

Tad Worku and Jo Cordero will perform music, and a message will be delivered by Carl Ricketts Jr., MDiv, director of Chaplain Services at Loma Linda University Medical Center.

“We want our patients, families, visitors and staff within our hospitals to experience the celebration of Christ’s resurrection, because many will be unable to attend their local church’s service,” Ricketts said. 

Thu, 29 Mar 2018 11:26:31 -0700
4264:33912 <![CDATA[Family Fitness Fun 5K and Expo slated for April 8 in Redlands]]> The 4th annual Family Fitness Fun 5K and Expo will bring a host of activities designed to help runners, walkers and other types of movers spring forward into health on Sunday, April 8. The event, which is hosted as a fundraiser for Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital by the Big Hearts for Little Hearts Loma Linda Guild, will be held at the historic Burrage Mansion, located at 1205 W. Crescent Avenue in Redlands. Registration begins at 7:15 a.m. and the festivities officially start at 8 a.m.

Read the full story at

For additional information or to register, visit the event website.

Thu, 29 Mar 2018 11:24:44 -0700
4264:33910 <![CDATA[The Art of a Gentle Reproof — a devotional]]> By Kathy McMillan David said to Abigail, "Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, who sent you today to meet me! May you be blessed for your good judgment and for keeping me from bloodshed this day and from avenging myself with my own hands. Otherwise, as surely as the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, who has kept me from harming you, if you had not come quickly to meet me, not one male belonging to Nabal would have been left alive by daybreak.”

–1 Samuel 25:32-34

It is alarming how easily revenge takes shape. Someone wrongs us and we immediately react. Whether we use hurtful words or destructive actions, human nature lends itself to repaying evil for evil.

After guarding Nabal’s flocks from invaders for some time, David sent word to Nabal, asking for some food for his troops. When Nabal refused, David was furious and decided to get even. Calling his men together, he vowed that not one male would be alive in Nabal’s territory by morning.

Enter Abigail, an intelligent and beautiful woman, according to scripture. When she gets wind of how her husband has treated David, she whips up a meal for 200 angry men. She hopes that her hospitality and care will disarm David’s anger and that her husband’s life will be spared. But she doesn’t stop there. She has the audacity to speak to David, gently reproving him for his plan.

“You don’t want to have needless bloodshed on your conscience,” she reminds him. “You must not think of how you can avenge yourself; God is going to protect you.”

Much to David’s credit, rather than getting defensive and being shamed by her words, he accepts them graciously and recognizes how closely he had come to a disastrous outcome. “Thank God for sending you here; thank you for your good judgment,” he commended Abigail.

Gracious confrontation is a scarce commodity in today’s culture. Abigail was bold enough to face a difficult situation head-on. She did not simply offer a gift of food to appease David’s anger; she called him out on his plans and reminded him of God’s providence.

In our roles at Loma Linda University Health, it is important for us to be listening to God’s voice so that we can discern when we need to speak the truth in love. In addition, it would be well for us to take wisdom from David, who was humble enough to listen and change his course of action.

—Kathy McMillan is director of Employee Spiritual Care at Loma Linda University Medical Center.

Thu, 29 Mar 2018 11:19:34 -0700
4264:33805 <![CDATA[Employees invited to study marine biology to prepare for Honduras field vacation]]> Eligible employees hearing the call of Honduras may apply their tuition benefits to take a spring quarter class offering an introduction to field tropical marine biology (course code NSCI 286).

Professor of Biology Stephen G. Dunbar, PhD, offers the class to employees and community members interested in the topic. It will meet Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 6–8 p.m., from April 3 through May 31.

Course participants will learn about marine organisms in tropical habitats around the world.

The class is required for a vacation field course to Roatan, Honduras, later this year (minimum of five participants required for the trip to take place). The tentative trip dates are Sept. 2-9; no tuition benefit applies to the trip.

Registration is now open. To learn more, contact Dunbar at or ext. 48903.


Biology professor Stephen Dunbar, PhD, in Thailand.

Glossodoris atromarginata, as captured by Professor Stephen Dunbar in Bunaken, Indonesia.]]> Fri, 16 Mar 2018 13:44:53 -0700
4264:33779 <![CDATA[LLU Children's Health – Indio celebrates grand opening]]> The Coachella Valley community is officially home to Loma Linda University Children’s Health – Indio, Jill and Barry Golden Pavilion, the largest pediatric clinic in the area. The grand opening was celebrated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and the All About Kids Health Expo, Sunday, March 11.

Nearly 400 individuals attended the private ribbon-cutting ceremony, including Michael Wilson, mayor of Indio, and Congressman Raul Ruiz, MD.

Richard Hart MD, DrPH, president of Loma Linda University Health, said, “We are committed to this valley. We are committed to you. We are committed to your children and the leaders they will become for this region.”

Read the full story at

Loma Linda University Children’s Health – Indio is one of many clinics included under the new “Children’s Health” umbrella. See a list of all the clinics.

Thu, 15 Mar 2018 11:16:28 -0700
4264:33778 <![CDATA[Patients can now schedule online for primary care and general pediatrics appointments]]> Loma Linda University Health has debuted new options for making appointments with the following primary care and pediatric outpatient clinics:

• Family Medicine at the Professional Plaza location
• General Medicine at the Faculty Medical Offices, suite 3600
• General Pediatrics and Adult Medicine at the Highland, Meridian, Moreno Valley and Redlands locations
• Primary Care at the Beaumont-Banning and Moreno Valley locations

For new patients

The most recent enhancement allows new patients to schedule appointments on the Loma Linda University Health website. New patients can either visit the online profile of their desired physician/clinician or go to the Find A Doc webpage to search for a healthcare provider.

Only those clinicians who are currently accepting new patients and have an available appointment within the next 30 days will display the option to schedule online. Patients can choose among the visit types “annual physical,” “sick visit” or “new patient” (preventive visit).

For established patients

Established patients have the additional option of making appointments via the MyChart online patient portal or the MyChart mobile app (available via Apple or Google Play). To set up a MyChart account, request access through your provider’s office.

Via MyChart, the appointment types to choose from are “annual physical,” “follow-up visit,” “well child check-up” and “sick visit.” Established patients can also use MyChart to schedule an appointment with a new clinician by clicking “Find a new provider.”

Customer support

Questions? Please call the Access Center at 877-558-0090.

Thu, 15 Mar 2018 11:15:40 -0700
4264:33776 <![CDATA[Winners of crane-naming contest visit hospital construction site, view Mac and Cheese]]> Employees Holly Bernardi, RN, and Shelly Moore came out winners of the naming contest for the two construction cranes over the new hospital site, edging out 165 other competing entries from students and employees.

Moore and Bernardi each separately thought of and submitted the names Mac and Cheese — Mac being the taller crane situated on the north of the construction pit. Moore is manager of internal communications in the Marketing Department, and Bernardi is a nurse clinician for Children’s Hospital Specialty Team Centers.

The two women joined Rachelle Bussell, senior vice president of Advancement, and other members of the Advancement team for a tour of the construction site by Erik Chessmore, project director with McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.  

Chessmore noted that construction is continuing with the steel installation phase — erecting, bolting and welding — for the first four floors of the new hospital complex. When that shared base is finished, work on the two clinical towers — one for children and one for adults — will begin.

Visit the Vision 2020 website for more information about the expansion of clinical care at Loma Linda University Health.

Thu, 15 Mar 2018 11:12:07 -0700
4264:33777 <![CDATA[LLU employees only: deadline extended; 14 days remain to complete Wholeness Health Plan wellness activities]]> Employees of Loma Linda University now have until March 28 to complete the Wholeness Health Plan A-B-C wellness activities. This is the final deadline.

Through the Wholeness Health Plan’s wellness discount,  university employees receive the most coverage for the least cost. To qualify for the Wholeness Health Plan’s wellness discount, LLU employees must complete the A-B-C requirements below by March 28, 2018.

Wholeness Health Plan’s wellness discount activities

A: Assessment and Account — Complete the online Health Risk Assessment and create a MyChart account if you do not already have one.

B: Biometric screening — Complete a biometric screening at one of the many locations on campus.

C: Care managementThis step only applies to employees or covered spouses who receive an invitation.


To get started on the activities, follow these three steps:

One: Visit

Two: Print out the Quick Guide for “Current University Health Plan Members.” This guide contains the instructions and the usernames and passwords needed for the biometric screening and Health Risk Assessment sites.

To ensure a convenient time for the biometric screening, make an appointment as soon as possible. Appointments fill up quickly.

Three: If you or your covered spouse were sent an invitation for care management in the past, you will need to complete the entire program or a series of appointments/activities by Wednesday, March 28, 2018. 

Thu, 15 Mar 2018 11:14:09 -0700
4264:33775 <![CDATA[Lopers Club offers four-month 'gap' season]]> Employees and students can discover if the Lopers Club is for them through a new opportunity to join the group for four months as opposed to the usual yearlong commitment.

This “gap” season will run from April 8 through Aug. 4 for the cost of $20. Loma Linda University Health will subsidize this cost for its first 200 employees and students who sign up. Use your EID badge number to receive the subsidy.

A marathon does not need to be the goal of every Lopers member. The club offers pace groups for every level of fitness, from walking to running or a combination of the two.

The Lopers Club meets Sunday mornings at 6:30 at Drayson Center. To join for the gap season, arrive by 6:15 a.m. on April 8 to register.

For questions about the club, email

Thu, 15 Mar 2018 11:11:10 -0700
4264:33774 <![CDATA[Overcome unhealthy patterns through the Unstuck Program]]> Employees feeling stuck in life can learn skills for making and reaching goals through joining the upcoming Unstuck Program at Loma Linda University Health.

The Unstuck Program is a cognitive educational group for people struggling to make healthy changes. It will help attendees set goals, make a plan and stay motivated.

The program begins Tuesday, May 8, and is free to employees and their covered spouses when attendance requirements are met. It will meet each Tuesday from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. for eight weeks at the LLUH 101 Building, 101 E. Redlands Blvd.

The program’s aim is to offer personalized services; therefore, a one-on-one appointment with the facilitator is required before the program start date. Appointments are now open.

Register by Friday, May 4. Space is limited. To sign up or learn more, call the Living Whole Wellness Program at ext. 14007.

Learn more about the Unstuck Program.


Thu, 15 Mar 2018 11:10:19 -0700
4264:33773 <![CDATA[Spring chapel lineup to focus on Mary]]> Loma Linda University chaplains invite members of the campus to the spring 2018 University @ Worship chapel services, meeting Wednesday mornings from 11 to 11:50 a.m. at Loma Linda University Church.

The spring lineup begins Wednesday, March 28, and continues weekly through May 16. During Week of Renewal, April 2-6, chapel will meet daily.

See the spring schedule of speakers in the poster above.

Thu, 15 Mar 2018 11:08:43 -0700
4264:33771 <![CDATA[Rock of Parting — a devotional]]> By Carla Gober-Park, PhD I Samuel 23

A young man and woman are dating until each is called “by God” to a different end — the young woman to marriage and the young man to breaking up with that same woman. Who hears the call of God correctly?

In I Samuel 23, David wonders if he should go to Keilah to fight the Philistines and, even though his men “are afraid,” he believes that the Lord tells him to “Go.”

Saul hears that David is in Keilah and is sure that “God has delivered him into my hands.”

David asks God, “Will Saul come to get me?”

“He will.”

“Will the citizens of Keilah surrender me and my men to him?”

“They will.” 

Which one hears God correctly? On whose side is God? 

Saul is king. According to Saul’s son, Jonathan, David is to be the next king. Is God moving from supporting one to another? Are both men correct? Neither?

From there it is a game of cat and mouse. Saul is determined to catch David, to “track him down among all the clans of Judah.” This is no small passion. Instead, it is the driving force of Saul’s life. He will find David and he will capture him. David is running, hiding. It is the nightmare of the worst sort, except there is no waking. David is the mouse, and the cat will not give up.

Strange that both men are trying to follow the will of God, or at least talk the talk. The larger picture is the same for both — the leadership of God’s people — but that seems to get lost in the chase.

David hides in the Desert of Maon (the Rock), and while he runs along one side of the mountain, Saul runs along the other side. How silly they look from above, but the consequences will not be silly if they meet. Nor will the future.

Just as the tension mounts, Saul is called away to a more consequential battle, leaving David, his men and the mountain that separated them from Saul. At this point, the narrator of the text says, “That is why they call this place Sela Hammahlekoth.” It means “rock of parting” or “rock of divisions.” It kept two people (two groups of people) from seeing and destroying each other.

Thank goodness for this “rock of parting.” Each will have to go home and think through this horrible game they are playing. Perhaps one is more right than the other. No matter. They have one more day to think about it. And that is always good.

Back to the scenario of the young man and woman: is it possible that they don’t really see each other? Might they, given the sight they each have, feel called by God toward a different end?

This does not mean that God is confused. There is something larger at stake, yes, larger even than their potential marriage to each other. Sometimes we simply need to “part” and focus on that for a while. 

—Carla Gober-Park, PhD, is assistant vice president for Spiritual Life and Mission at Loma Linda University Health, as well as director of the Center for Spiritual Life and Wholeness.


Thu, 15 Mar 2018 11:07:10 -0700
4264:33725 <![CDATA['Healing. Healthy. Happy.' — the new brand of Loma Linda University Children's Health ]]> Loma Linda University Health employees were invited to a sneak peek at the new brand awareness campaign for children’s services on Tuesday, March 6. The entities now under the umbrella of LLU Children’s Health are LLU Children’s Hospital, the Department of Pediatrics, and their clinics.

Scott Perryman, senior VP/administrator of LLU Children’s Hospital, delivered an overview of the research that went into creating the Loma Linda University Children’s Health brand. “We realized that we need to do a more effective job of sharing the story of all of our children’s services including our nationally recognized children’s hospital. We are committing ourselves today to creating awareness and recognition of every part of our system that keeps your children healing, healthy, and happy.”

Loma Linda University Children’s Health Services are available at:

  • Department of Pediatrics, Loma Linda clinic
  • Department of Pediatrics, Moreno Valley clinic
  • Loma Linda University Health – Beaumont-Banning, pediatric clinic
  • LLU Children’s Health – Indio, coming March 12
  • LLU Medical Center – Murrieta, expanded specialty suite now open with more services coming soon
  • Pediatric express care, Loma Linda clinic
  • Riverside University Health System

Video: The new tagline “Healing. Healthy. Happy.” was revealed and staff were invited to share what makes them happy.

Thu, 08 Mar 2018 12:13:37 -0800
4264:33712 <![CDATA[One Homecoming: a recap]]> Loma Linda University Health has concluded a successful second annual One Homecoming weekend, fueled by interprofessional continuing education programs and numerous alumni activities. A special thank you to everyone who participated in the 2018 One Homecoming. 

Thursday featured several programs. An all-school research poster presentation showcased the latest research from Loma Linda University's eight professional schools, LLU-La Sierra graduates and by current and former Medical Center and university staff members. At the 30th Annual Cardiology Symposium, which addressed updates in cardiology and adult congenital heart diseases, seventeen program directors and LLU faculty presented information on the newest therapies in adult congenital heart disease and arrhythmias.

Meanwhile, the Whole Notes Conference focused on bridging the gap in clinical communication, concentrating specifically on communication strategies relevant to all healthcare fields.

Friday morning, the School of Dentistry hosted a missions emphasis breakfast in the Wong Kerlee International Conference Center. Alumni and current students took time to renew friendships and share memories over a meal. Continuing education resumed with several schools providing learning opportunities. Meanwhile, tours of the construction area provided the most updated information on Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow.

Friday concluded with vespers in the Loma Linda University Church. The program began with an organ concert by Kimo Smith, followed by stories of Unsung Alumni Heroes featuring Yoshinobu Namihira, MD — "The Doctor on Crutches" — and Dilip Joseph, MD, MPH, who was "Taken By The Taliban: A Doctor's Story Of Captivity and Rescue." The program gave attention to extraordinary people who have changed lives and communities close to home and around the world. Two such people featured were Mary Ann and Steve Wells. As a nurse at LLU Children’s Hospital, Mary Ann encountered a baby girl named Sophia suffering from gastroschisis. The couple eventually adopted Sophia after she was removed from her biological mother.

Saturday began with a Prayer Walk during which alumni, current students and faculty had the opportunity to reflect on the institution's history and pray for the future. Sabbath services followed in the Drayson Center, starting with the Parade of Nations ceremony — a reminder of the courage of alumni who have served and of current students who participate in mission trips worldwide. Attendees also enjoyed music from the LLU Church Orchestra and Choir, and a sermon by Randy Roberts, DMin, vice president for spiritual life and mission.

The superfield played host to a haystack feed for lunch, where more than 1,600 people were fed in 30 minutes. The Association of International Mission Service hosted its annual symposium and the annual Mission Vespers, which spotlighted the institution’s history of outreach. To end the evening, Loma Linda University Health featured talented alumni from across all schools. Highlighting the evening was Kevin "K.O." Olusola, the beat boxer from vocal quintet Pentatonix. Olusola is the eldest son of Loma Linda University alumnae Curline Paul-Olusola and Oluwole Olusola, who met in the Del E. Webb Memorial Library. The performance was followed by a screening of Life on the Line – San Bernardino Strong.

Sunday morning began with the Homecoming 5K. This year, alumni and students came together to support the School of Nursing and the School of Pharmacy, which benefited from the event’s entrance fees. After the run, attendees enjoyed a pancake feed, a bouncy house and face painting. A unique highlight of the day was the Homecoming pickleball tournament. As the largest pickleball facility in all of California, the Drayson Center held a friendly pickleball competition between the eight schools. Alumni, family and friends joined in the fun for the inaugural event.

Janya Mekelburg, the director of alumni and donor relations, said the second One Homecoming was another success, both for its seamless logistics and its opportunities for reconnecting, fellowship and learning. "We hope everyone enjoyed the events surrounding this weekend, and we look forward to seeing everyone again next year,” Mekelburg said.

“Tremendous thanks to everyone involved for their amazing efforts and the legions of staff, departments and volunteers who worked tirelessly to make this weekend a success,” she said.

Thu, 08 Mar 2018 10:25:55 -0800
4264:33716 <![CDATA[Over $2 million raised for LLU Children's Hospital ]]> The 25th Anniversary Reflection Foundation Gala, presented by Walter’s Automotive Group, was an evening to remember, raising an unprecedented $2.35 million.

The theme, “Reflection,” celebrated the first 25 years of Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital and highlighted its bold plans for the future.

Funds raised will benefit Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow, which supports construction of the new Children’s Hospital tower and Loma Linda University Children’s Health – Indio, Jill and Barry Golden Pavilion. The latter is slated to open March 12.

Read the full story at

Thu, 08 Mar 2018 10:42:55 -0800
4264:33713 <![CDATA[Murrieta's Behavioral Medicine Center celebrates five years]]> Former patients, staff and their families, community officials and guest of honor Jonathan Ingram, mayor of Murrieta, celebrated the five-year anniversary of the Behavioral Medicine Center at Loma Linda University Medical Center – Murrieta during a Feb. 21 reception.

See the full story at, including remarks from former patients about their healing experience following the trauma of their horrific experience during the Las Vegas shooting.

Thu, 08 Mar 2018 10:28:39 -0800
4264:33711 <![CDATA[Physician's podcast highlights psychological level of patient care]]> David Puder, MD, wants every healthcare provider to know that whether they realize it or not, their interactions with a patient happen on a psychological level. His new podcast — “Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Podcast” —  is intended to educate and encourage providers to use that psychological connection to understand and improve patient outcomes and reduce the stigma of mental illness.

“There was a study done that looked at physicians treating patients with diabetes. Those who were more empathic were 40 percent less likely to have complications in their patients than physicians who were less empathic,”* Puder said. “There’s also a psychological component to getting patients to take their medication. If they feel connected to their physician, they’re more likely to take their meds.”

Light and conversational, the weekly podcast covers topics ranging from stress to women’s health, teen suicide and how pharmaceuticals interact with individual genetics.

“Any doctor is going to be interested in this because the topics bleed into every medical specialty,” Puder said.

Puder is collaborating with colleagues and students to produce the podcast. They spend weeks or months reviewing papers, asking questions and sharing notes. Once they’re finished, Puder and his collaborator record a conversation on the topic.

“A cool thing about a podcast is you can be motivational and encouraging,” he said. “The people whose podcasts I listen to a lot — you feel almost a camaraderie with them. It’s like they’re friends.”

Creating that friendly dialogue is something that’s important to him. When Puder researched existing psychology podcasts, he found that most were formal and stiff — in short, not conducive to learning.

“Think about PowerPoints. Your brain shuts down after a while. It’s one-way communication,” Puder explained. “People were built to learn in conversation. Our brains pick up information when it’s a dialogue.”

He hopes the podcast will create a dialogue that helps listeners come away with an understanding of the basic scientific principles that inform psychology — and he’s well on his way. Just one month after launching the podcast in mid-January, Puder had nearly 2,000 subscribers and was ranked as the No. 4 psychology podcast on iTunes.

“If people believe that the psychiatrist is not a big, bad, scary figure, and they believe they’re coming to a place where they are going to be treated by experts — which they are — they are more likely to seek treatment and get help and get better,” he said. “I think this could go a long way in educating people in that way.”

The show can be found on iTunesGoogle Play and other major podcast apps.

*Del Canale, S., Louis, D. Z., Maio, V., Wang, X., Rossi, G., Hojat, M., & Gonnella, J. S. (2012). The relationship between physician empathy and disease complications: an empirical study of primary care physicians and their diabetic patients in Parma, Italy. Academic Medicine, 87(9), 1243-1249.


Thu, 08 Mar 2018 10:23:56 -0800
4264:33710 <![CDATA[Developing in caves of challenge and controversy — a devotional]]> By Carl A. Ricketts Jr. David, the giant killer, is on the run from the jealous King Saul, causing the fleeing man to seek an alliance with Israel’s enemy in Gath. His need to secure safety is primary in his mind, but he cannot outrun his reputation.

When David presents himself within the king’s court in Gath, an observant servant informs King Achish:

“Is this not David the king of the land? Did they not sing of this one as they danced, saying,

            ‘Saul has slain his thousands,
            And David his ten thousands?’”

                        (1 Samuel 21:11)

David is neither the king of Israel nor a king of any land. At this moment he is a refugee on the run, but they recognize him as a dignitary.

When God is leading your life, He causes people to see you as He sees you. God’s view of you is greater than what you are going through!

Once David realizes that his identity has been made, he escapes by acting insane. Have you ever felt displaced from people, places and things familiar to you because of your honorable reputation? Have you ever tried to seek safety where God has not yet instructed you to go? Have you ever tried to downplay your honorable reputation in order to preserve yourself?

David is learning what life is like when one is chasing after the heart of God, experiencing the highs and lows. For every feeling of community, you may experience loneliness. For every feeling of trust, you may experience betrayal. For every feeling of serenity, you may experience anxiety. You may even wonder, “Where can I feel safe?” It is in these moments, in these highs and lows, that we must rely on God.

Where does David go? He withdraws to a to a cave (1 Samuel 22).

Caves are lonely, dark, frightening places to be. For David, the cave provides needed time to reflect.

In the cave, he has a promise but no pathway to its future.

In the cave, he has a weapon, but no one to fight.

In the cave, he is on the run, but God is with him.

What do you do when you find yourself in a cave?

Sometimes God must take us into the quiet, not to give us a restart or a reboot, but to install a new operating system. He guides us to community founded on Him, to trusting relationships built on Him, and to everlasting peace nurtured through Him.

God removes David from the palace court in order to begin developing him to fulfill His divine will in David’s life.

David’s exile is not spent entirely in solitude. His family, 400 men and the prophet Gad all show up when they hear that David is in the cave. None of these individuals would have been able to help David in his journey if he had remained in Israel.

Never despise your time in the cave of challenge and controversy. Know that God is developing you and your inner circle for something greater.

Hear God saying, “You are not alone.”

—Carl Ricketts Jr., MDiv, is director of Chaplain Services for Loma Linda University Medical Center.


Thu, 08 Mar 2018 10:21:29 -0800
4264:33657 <![CDATA[People Like Us — a devotional]]> By Randy Roberts 1 Samuel 21

I almost laugh out loud every time I read the story. But, first, the background: David is — as so often was the case for him — on the run from King Saul. His life, once again, is on the line. He flees to a town called Nob, where he has a conversation with Ahimelek the priest. David is frantic. He’s in desperate need of protection. In fact, he’s sopanicky that he lies to Ahimelek, telling him that he’s on a mission for King Saul. Ahimelek is doubtful, wondering why — if David is on a mission for the king — he has come alone. 

In the end, Ahimelek helps David, and David escapes — with the help of a little white lie — and all seems well for the moment. Except …

There is one little problem. David’s conversation with Ahimelek was overhead by Doeg the Edomite. Doeg was one of King Saul’s faithful servants. And what do faithful servants do? They report any perceived threat to the king. Which is precisely what Doeg did. And now David is in even deeper difficulty.

So now David not only flees; he actually flees to one of Israel’s mortal enemies, King Achish of Gath. Gath was hometown of Goliath. Remember him? Goliath of Gath! He was the giant David took down back in 1 Samuel 17. And now David is pleading for asylum in the belly of the beast.

And here’s where the story gets interesting. Achish apparently seems inclined to accept David, to help him. And it is then that his servants ask him: “Isn’t this David, the one the Israelites sing about in their dances?” And then they repeat this refrain:

Saul has slain his thousand,
and David his tens of thousands. 

It’s what the women sang after David slew Goliath. And the implied question on the part of the servants of Achish is, “Do you really want to forge an alliance with the soldier who killed the bestsoldier we’ve ever had?!”

David realizes that, without quick action, he’s history. So here’s how the text reports what he did next:

So [David] pretended to be insane in their presence; and while he was in their hands he acted like a madman, making marks on the doors of the gate and letting saliva run down his beard (1 Samuel 21:13).

Pretty ingenious, right? But it’s the next part that makes me laugh.

Achish said to his servants: 

“Look at the man! He is insane! Why bring him to me? Am I so short of madmen that you have to bring this fellow here to carry on like this in front me? Must this man come into my house?” (1 Samuel 21:14–15)

So, what are we to make of this tale? How might it apply to us? That sometimes a white lie is acceptable? That, at times, when life is at stake, we do whatever is necessary to survive? That nobody sane wants more madmen in their house? Or something else altogether? 

Here’s what encourages me. Recognizing that while God’s people are clearly called to high standards — standards of truth and justice and integrity — God was still willing to use people like David, people who often failed to reach that standard, failed to speak truth, to manifest integrity and to trust God. People who, rather than placing their lives into God’s hands, took things into their own hands.

After all these years of studying the Bible, it still amazes me just who it is that God is willing to use. People like David. People like you. People like me. 

—Randy Roberts, DMin, is vice president for spiritual life and mission at Loma Linda University Health.


Thu, 01 Mar 2018 11:00:10 -0800
4264:33658 <![CDATA[Global Health Institute announces new international volunteer opportunities for nursing staff]]> The Loma Linda University Health Global Health Institute has introduced opportunities for Loma Linda University Medical Center nursing staff to serve in overseas mission hospitals through the International Service Program.

The program was created in response to an increase in Medical Center nursing staff inquiring about mission service abroad, following observational visits from various international nursing professionals to Loma Linda.

Derek Hidalgo, MBA, RN, director of patient care for medical ICU/surgical ICU/neurosciences, believes that nursing staff will benefit from international service just as visiting nurses have benefited from observation and mentorship at LLU Medical Center.

“Learning how to teach and train in a hospital setting without emerging medical technology and advanced health care systems may allow staff to grow professionally and personally,” Hidalgo said. “They will likely return better nurses —  allowing us to provide our patients with the best care possible.”

In order to apply to participate in the program, nurses are required to have at least two years of RN hospital experience, a BS degree, an interest in teaching and mentoring, and a recommendation letter from their nurse manager.

Service trips are typically two weeks in length and have defined objectives, such as staff development, nurse leadership and management, and nurse education. Volunteer nurses may also assist with the implementation of Joint Commission International standards and patient safety goals.

Current opportunities at partner sites include Hospital Del Sureste in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico, and Dong'e People's Hospital in Dong'e County, Shandong, China.

To learn more about international nursing service opportunities through the Global Health Institute’s International Service Program, visit

Thu, 01 Mar 2018 11:01:58 -0800
4264:33660 <![CDATA[School of Religion conference to examine 'Facing Ethical Dilemmas with Faith' in context of bioethics and world religions]]> Loma Linda University School of Religion will present the program “Facing Ethical Dilemmas with Faith: Bioethics and World Religion Case Conference” on March 12 from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Centennial Complex.

The program will explore the nature of bioethics in a multicultural society where patients and health care professionals frequently come from different religious backgrounds and ethical understandings. Six case studies will be presented examining instances in which a patient has made a special request based on their religious beliefs that is at odds with the recommendations of the care team.

Scholars and professionals of various legal, medical, ethical and religious backgrounds will dialogue with the audience in the interactive case conference-style event.

All are welcome to join in this free event. Pre-registration is required; lunch will be served. Reserve your seat at

The event is co-sponsored by the Center for Understanding World Religions and Center for Christian Bioethics.

For more information call 909-558-8434 or email

Thu, 01 Mar 2018 11:09:21 -0800
4264:33662 <![CDATA[Employee guidelines for responding to news media]]> All members of the news media must work through the Department of Public Relations at Loma Linda University Health. The following guidelines are in place for Loma Linda University Health employees if approached by members of external news media.

1. Do not give any information out. There is no such thing as “off the record.”

2. Even if you feel that you are the appropriate person for the interview, do not answer any questions until you’ve completed the steps below.

3. Write down the caller’s name, media affiliation and phone number. 

4. Politely but firmly ask that the member of the news media wait until you have contacted the media relations team at Loma Linda University Health. Ask the operator (909-558-4000) to page the media relations specialist on-call. 

Suggested phrasing: “We want to make sure that the appropriate person speaks with you so that you get the most accurate information. The best person to arrange that for you is our media relations specialist.”

5. During normal business hours, you may also call the Office of Public Relations at 909-558-4111.

6. If you find a member of the news media on the premises unaccompanied by one of our public relations representatives or otherwise without authorization, politely but firmly escort him/her to an area where you can page the media relations specialist through our operator (step 4 above).

7. If necessary, call security 909-558-4320 or ext. 44320.

Thu, 01 Mar 2018 11:18:59 -0800
4264:33664 <![CDATA[Notes from the President: An ancient Chinese philosopher's thoughts on humility]]> By Richard H. Hart   March 2018
An ancient Chinese philosopher's thoughts on humility

Why it’s one of Loma Linda University Health’s core values

I last wrote about one of our “core values” at Loma Linda University Health — Compassion — two years ago. Following our acronym JCHIEFS, the next in line is Humility.


Many of our other values — Justice, Compassion, Integrity, Excellence, Freedom, and Self-Control — show up as core values in other organizations, but you rarely see Humility on anyone’s list (maybe they’re too humble to claim it?). Whenever we discuss modifying our list, this one always gets challenged by a few who wonder if it should be there, and others who fiercely defend it. 

So, what is humility? Can it be taught? Or shared? Or learned? 

It seems we live in a world today that wants credit for everything good and seeks to avoid blame for misfortune. A quote that comes to mind is from the late British journalist Charles Edward Montague: “There is no limit to what a man can do who does not care who gains the credit for it.” So certainly one aspect of humility is holding others up and giving them the credit for something they were involved with. That is certainly the mark of a true leader, a characteristic sadly missing in our world today.

I think humility, at its core, comes from a deep understanding of our relationship with God and the universe around us. If we see ourselves as a child of His — deeply dependent on Him for life, health, purpose and meaning — this automatically puts us into a subservient relationship. Our daily prayers — before meals, at the beginning of committee meetings, or at random — all remind us of that relationship, and that we are here for a greater purpose than our own. This certainly helps to avoid the counterpoint of humility — pride — that suggests it’s all about me. When you accept the idea that your accomplishments come from Him, and the circumstances He created around you, this certainly keeps a person’s ego in check.

Another term we increasingly use today is “Cultural Humility.” This embodies the concept that much of what we see and understand and value comes from our particular cultural background. But others may see the same event or action quite differently, interpreting from their own personal and worldview. The challenge is to recognize that my cultural biases do not make something right or wrong, just different. Seeking to see and understand from another’s perspective is one of the great lessons of life, one that needs repeating, time after time. Certainly that is one of our goals at Loma Linda University Health, for both students, faculty and staff to understand another’s journey and perspective, respect it as meaningful to them, and seek to build a relationship within that framework.

Somehow related to cultural humility is organizational humility. Can an organization, in particular an academic health sciences center, be humble? What does that look like? Can we own our own spots, perhaps difficult moments in our history, times when our values seemed to be clouded? Life brings these to all of us, and Loma Linda University Health is not immune to some of the current societal concerns, such as racial or cultural divides, sexual harassment, or hostile workplace relationships. My personal goal is not to deny or hide, but to own and confront these blemishes. We are human, part of a troubled world, and there are certainly behaviors we need to understand, correct and then seek forgiveness from those who have been wounded. 

Finally, when considering humility, I always turn to one of my favorite sayings, credited to Lao Tzu, author of the Tao. The quote refers to development and is at the core of leadership and the value of humility. It can apply to people, communities, or countries:

Go To The People,
     Live Among Them,
     Learn From Them,
     Love Them,
Start With What They Know
     Build on What They Have
And of The Greatest Leaders
     When Their Work Is Done,
The People Will All Say
     We Have Done It Ourselves

That is humility. That is empowerment. And that is why we espouse it as one of our core values.





Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH
Loma Linda University Health 

Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow


P.S.  Hope to see you at Homecoming this week.

P.P.S.  See a live update on the progress of our hospital construction at, or walk over to the site and look for yourself. 


Thu, 01 Mar 2018 11:29:32 -0800
4264:33666 <![CDATA[Loma Linda University Children's Health to host re-brand rollout party]]> Loma Linda University Health employees are invited to a sneak peek at the new brand awareness campaign for children’s services — now under the umbrella of LLU Children’s Health — at a come-and-go rollout event Tuesday, March 6, at Children’s Hospital rooms 1830-1832.

The rollout party will have two sessions: morning (6:45 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.) and afternoon/evening (3 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.). Executives will deliver remarks during the windows of 7 – 7:30 a.m., 3 – 3:30 p.m., and 6 – 6:30 p.m. 

Last fall, Loma Linda University Health embarked on a research process aimed at establishing improved brand awareness of Children’s Hospital services.

Attendees will learn about the history of the brand process, information about the tagline and logo, and how campaign advertising will roll out in mid-March.

In addition to a campaign sneak peek, the event will offer giveaways, refreshments and a chance to learn more about how employees can become brand ambassadors for Loma Linda University Children’s Health.

Employees unable to attend in person may watch livestreamed remarks via the One Portal at 3 p.m.

Thu, 01 Mar 2018 11:39:45 -0800
4264:33668 <![CDATA[Pentatonix vocalist to perform for Homecoming this weekend]]> This Saturday evening’s concert featuring Pentatonix vocalist Kevin “K.O.” Olusola will be one of several highlights during the One Homecoming weekend of March 1-5 at Loma Linda University Health.

Other major events of the weekend include spiritual programming Friday night and Saturday that will also be livestreamed at for those unable to attend in person: an “Unsung Heroes” Friday night vespers featuring alumni stories and organist Kimo Smith; a Parade of Nations service Saturday morning, to be followed by Sabbath church; and a Mission Vespers to close the Sabbath.

Also not to be missed will be the Saturday morning Prayer Walk beginning at 7:30 a.m. at the Mission Globe; this will not livestream.

Homecoming Concert Saturday night

Headlining the Homecoming Concert at 7 p.m. Saturday night at Drayson Center will be Kevin “K.O.” Olusola from Pentatonix.

Olusola is best known as the beat boxer of the three-time Grammy Award-winning and multi-platinum-selling group vocal quintet Pentatonix. As a part of Pentatonix, Olusola has sold more than 6.5 million albums and performed for hundreds of thousands of fans at sold-out shows across the globe. The group’s YouTube channel boasts more than 13.8 million subscribers, yielding over 2.7 billion video views, and their 2015 self-titled album has been certified gold after debuting #1 on Billboard’s 200.

The Homecoming Concert will also feature seven performances from talented Loma Linda University students and alumni.

Register to reserve tickets for the concert.

Thu, 01 Mar 2018 11:45:49 -0800
4264:33572 <![CDATA[Make plans to attend One Homecoming weekend at Loma Linda University Health]]> By James Ponder Loma Linda University Health cordially invites alumni and current and former employees to attend One Homecoming, a campus-wide celebration for all eight schools and six hospitals of the organization. The event will be held Thursday, March 1, to Monday, March 5, at locations across the main Loma Linda campus.

This marks the second year of One Homecoming, a campus-wide alumni weekend, instead of separate homecomings for each school and hospital.

The word “One” underscores the unity the event is designed to foster, as people from multiple generations, disciplines, cultures and faiths come together to celebrate their shared experiences at Loma Linda University Health.

In his letter of invitation, President Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH, noted that feedback from guests who attended the first One Homecoming last year was overwhelmingly positive.

“It is our greatest pleasure to host this weekend and to celebrate you,” Hart said. “This has become another way to be One Loma Linda — to educate, motivate and support our many alumni and friends who anchor at least part of their identity around this place.”

The schedule reveals 15 special events open to all attendees as well as dozens of smaller occasions specific to each school or hospital. The open activities are:

  • The 7th International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition, which will precede One Homecoming from February 26 to 28. Registration information is available at
  • The Whole Notes Conference: Bridge the Gap — Clinical Communication, an interdisciplinary symposium on communication strategies relevant to all health care fields. The conference will be held Thursday, March 1, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Drayson Center. Information is available at
  • An All-School Research Poster Presentation at Drayson Center on Thursday, March 1, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Hospital Construction Tours will be available on Friday, March 2, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The tours will start at the shuttle stop on the north side of the Centennial Complex. The shuttle runs every 30 minutes.
  • Vespers with Stories of Unsung Heroes and Organist Kimo Smith on Friday, March 2, at 7 p.m. in the Loma Linda University Church sanctuary.
  • A Prayer Walk at the Mission Globe on the Centennial Pathway beginning at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 3.
  • Sabbath School/Parade of Flags on Saturday, March 3, at 9 a.m. in Drayson Center.
  • Church Service on Saturday, March 3, at 10:30 a.m. in Drayson Center.
  • Homecoming Haystacks, the quintessential Adventist meal, served in the large tent at Drayson Center Field on Saturday, March 3, at 12 noon.
  • The Mission Vespers at 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 3, in the Loma Linda University Church sanctuary.
  • A special Homecoming Concert featuring Kevin K.O. Olusola from the Grammy-winning vocal quintet, Pentatonix, and talented alumni of Loma Linda University. The concert takes place on Saturday, March 3, at 7 p.m. in Drayson Center.
  • 5K Fun Run/Walk on Sunday, March 4, at 8 a.m. at Drayson Center.
  • A Pancake Feed on Sunday, March 4, from 9 to 11 a.m. inside the tent at Drayson Center Field.
  • A Pickleball Tournament on Sunday, March 4, at 8:30 a.m. at the Drayson Center Pickleball Courts. Pickleball is one of the fastest-growing sports in North America. Open to players of all ages and abilities.
  • The inaugural One Homecoming Golf Tournament will be held on Sunday, March 4, at 9 a.m. at Tukwet Canyon Golf Course in Beaumont. For more information on the course, see

One Homecoming also features a wide variety of continuing education courses. For information on courses offered by the schools of Allied Health Professions, Behavioral Health, Dentistry, Nursing, Public Health, Pharmacy and Religion, visit For information on continuing education courses offered by the School of Medicine, visit

For information about One Homecoming, visit

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 16:10:41 -0800
4264:33568 <![CDATA[Health care leaders focus on future challenges and organization mission]]> By Larry Becker Approximately 125 top-level administrators from all six hospitals joined administration from Loma Linda University Health and the Faculty Medical Group to focus on the next wave of health care reform during a two-day retreat held January 18-19 in the Coachella Valley.

Fred Bayon, a representative from The Advisory Board, a national health care research and consulting firm, shared insights on how the delivery of health care is undergoing significant change. How Loma Linda University Health navigates these changes will determine the pathway to future success, he said.

The group also participated in a variety of team-building activities, culminating in a service project that served as a reminder of the real focal point of the organization’s mission.

The 13 administrative teams were assigned to assemble two bicycles, both a boy’s model and a girl’s model. One retreat attendee called this task “team building with a higher purpose.” The teams also ran the assembled bikes through an obstacle course to ensure each bike’s quality.

“We spent several hours learning about each other by working on creative challenges ending with a bicycle assembly project,” said Kerry Heinrich, JD, chief executive officer of Loma Linda University Medical Center. “This is part of growing together as a team, but it’s now our privilege to share the results of our efforts as we reconnect with former patients of our Children’s Hospital and give back to the community.”

The 26 bikes were intended for patients of Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital. Three Coachella Valley families were invited to the retreat, and the 12 children in those families were each invited to choose a bike. These children are former Children’s Hospital patients, and over the years their families spent many hours driving many miles to receive care at our facility. These children represent the many residents of the Coachella Valley who will benefit from the opening of the new Indio Outpatient Pavilion, which will begin serving the community in March.

The remaining bikes were brought back to Loma Linda, where they will be given to future Children’s Hospital patients.

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 16:09:26 -0800
4264:33566 <![CDATA[Good food for a good cause]]> Head out to BJ’s Restaurant in Corona tonight for an evening of good food for a good cause. Local California Highway Patrol officers will be serving dinner 4 to 9 p.m. All tips collected by the CHiPs will be donated to Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital. Bring in the attached flyer at any time during the day Thursday, Feb. 22, and BJ’s will donate 20 percent of your bill to the hospital.

BJ’s is located at 2520 Tuscany Street, Corona, 92881.

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 16:08:33 -0800
4264:33564 <![CDATA[Wholeness Health Plan wellness discount for university employees ]]> University employees wishing to qualify for the Wholeness Health Plan’s wellness discount must complete the A-B-C activities below by March 11, 2018. 

A: Assessment and Account — Complete the online Health Risk Assessment and create a MyChart account if you do not already have one.

B: Biometric screening — Complete a biometric screening at one of the many locations on campus.

C: Care managementThis step only applies to employees or covered spouses who receive an invitation.

To get started on the requirements, follow these three steps:

One: Visit

Two: Print out the Quick Guide for “Current University Health Plan Members.” This guide contains the instructions and the usernames and passwords needed for the biometric screening and Health Risk Assessment sites. To ensure a convenient time for the biometric screening, make an appointment as soon as possible. Appointments fill up quickly.

Three:  If an employee or a covered spouse was sent an invitation for care management in the past, they will need to complete the entire program or a series of appointments/activities by Sunday, March 11, 2018.  

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 16:07:52 -0800
4264:33562 <![CDATA[Ask the Expert: Cancer Screening and Prevention]]> Loma Linda University Health’s Living Whole Wellness Program is hosting a free live-streamed presentation on cancer screening and prevention on Wednesday, February 28th, from 5:30-6p.m. Tune in to learn more about the most important ways to prevent and screen for common cancers.

Viewers will be able to ask questions and interact with featured speaker Mark Reeves, MD, PhD, Loma Linda University Cancer Center director.

The live stream will be available at or on the LLUH’s Facebook page.

For more information, call 909-651-4007

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 16:06:54 -0800
4264:33560 <![CDATA[LLIFT Brings New Online Requisitioning Process for LLUH]]> In support of One LLUH, Loma Linda University Health (LLUH) is implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to manage both Supply Chain and Finance.  The LLIFT target go-live date is Monday, March 5, 2018.

One of the benefits of the new system is an online process for all purchase requisitions and capital requests. Online requisitioning allows requesters to have visibility into the status of their purchase requisition.  It also enables our suppliers to submit their invoices electronically, which streamlines our matching process and significantly reduces our processing time.

As a reminder, a purchase requisition is an authorized request for the purchase of goods and services through the LLUH Purchasing Department.  A purchase requisition is required when a purchase order (PO) needs to be issued to a supplier.  Based on the purchase requisitions’ dollar value, it will be automatically routed through the appropriate levels of required approval.  Once approved, a purchase order will be generated and the order will be placed.

Additional changes for invoicing and issued checks:

  • Suppliers will now send invoices directly to the Centralized AP Team (not to departments).
  • Checks will no longer be held for pick-up in our finance offices.  All checks will be mailed directly to the recipient, deposited via ACH, or paid by credit card.

Intercompany service requests:

  • We anticipate some changes to the Intercompany Service Requisition Process. Please look for the details in a future communication.

Employees who have been identified as needing purchase requisition access will receive an email with a link to the online training course in early March.  The LLIFT Project Team worked with LLUH Leadership and Management to identify the individuals across the organization who need to have Purchase Requisition access in the new system.

If your department has not yet designated an employee who will submit Purchase Requisitions:

  • Before March 2:  The department manager can submit an email to the LLIFT mailbox  The email must include the cost center number(s) and employee information (full name, user ID, and email address) for the employee who will submit departmental purchase requisitions. 


For example, a sample Requester email sent to would include:

Cost Center #:  123456  Employee Name:  John Doe  User ID:  jdoe  Email:


  • Starting March 5:  Enter a service request in ServiceNow or call the service desk at ext. 48889.  This will trigger the necessary steps to provide your department with the proper system access.

If you have questions about this process or the upcoming LLIFT implementation, visit our LLIFT OnePortal page, where you will find updated program FAQs, information about training, and a list of changes that will be implemented as of go-live. You can also email us directly:

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 16:06:16 -0800
4264:33558 <![CDATA[Dermoscopy workshop and skin screen free to LLUH faculty, residents and students]]> Loma Linda University Health employees are invited to a free skin screening Friday, March 2, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. During the screening, dermoscopy will be used to examine the appearance of the skin. Dermoscopy consists of using a handheld device to examine the skin and is useful for diagnosis of skin cancer.

The free skin screening is being offered in conjunction with the Basics of Dermoscopy, a hands-on workshop that is being held during the 86thAnnual Postgraduate Convention.

The Hands-on Basics of Dermoscopy Workshop, which offers 2.50 CME credits, is offered at no charge for Loma Linda University Health faculty, residents and medical students. To register as a participant in the workshop, visit Please note that space is limited to the first 48 to sign up for the hands-on workshop.

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 15:59:04 -0800
4264:33556 <![CDATA[School of Religion to examine Masterpiece Cakeshop in Feb. 24 forum]]> The Humanities Program at Loma Linda University School of Religion is sponsoring an event examining a U.S. Supreme Court case on freedom of religious belief and civil liberties in the marketplace.

Two prominent lawyers will address the Masterpiece Cakeshop case in the program “Masterpiece Cakeshop Case: Equality, Dignity, and Religious Liberty” on Saturday, Feb. 24, at 3 p.m., in Damazo Amphitheater in Centennial Complex, 24760 Stewart Street, Loma Linda.

The Masterpiece Cakeshop case involves Jack Philips, a baker in Lakewood, Colorado who refused to make a wedding cake for Charlie Craig and David Mullins because he felt their same-sex union violated his Christian beliefs. A series of lower courts have sided with Craig and Mullins, but the Supreme Court heard arguments on December 5. The Court’s decision is expected soon.

Two attorneys, David Cruz and Alan J. Reinach, will examine if creative businesses can refuse certain services due to their First Amendment rights of free speech and free exercise of religion in light of public accommodation laws. The duo will break down the case for a lay audience, explain the key arguments, and discuss the implications for the intersection of religion and law.

David Cruz, Professor of Law, University of Southern California, is a constitutional law expert focusing on civil rights and equality issues, including equal marriage rights for same-sex couples. Alan J. Reinach, JD, is Executive Director of the Church State Council, the religious liberty educational and advocacy arm of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, which represents five western states: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada and Utah. 

Loma Linda University is a Seventh-day Adventist educational institution that integrates health, science and Christian faith. Encouraging respect for diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds, the heritage and global mission of Loma Linda University is to encourage personal and professional growth through knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and lifestyle choices. 

For more information, contact the Humanities Program by calling 909-558-7478 or emailing

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 15:58:13 -0800
4264:33554 <![CDATA[Five tips to be heart healthy at work]]> By Dr. Ravi Mandapati Most people spend the work week stressed out, constantly hunched over computers and eating erratically. Ravi Mandapati, MD, director of the Loma Linda University International Heart Institute gives some tips on how to help avoid heart disease. Here are five ways to make your work life heart healthy.

Drink it in. Instead of grabbing a soda, drink water. Water helps you stay alert and refreshed, and helps your heart do its job.

Chew on this. Bring healthy snacks from home. Make sure to keep healthy snacks — like nuts, fruits and veggies — at your desk that you can munch on when hunger strikes.

Like to move it, move it. Make sure to get up and move hourly. Revitalize yourself by going outside and taking a refreshing walk around your office building.

Here comes the sun. Take breaks to get some fresh air and sunshine. Make sure to get your daily dose of vitamin D by getting outdoors every day.

Take time to unwind. To calm yourself from a hectic day, you could sit and meditate quietly for a few minutes, take time to pray or call a loved one for a word of encouragement.

Good heart health can't be achieved overnight, which is why it’s important to incorporate certain habits into your daily routine. Try adding one of the five tips above to your schedule every week, and before you know it, these few small changes can improve your heart health.

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 15:57:03 -0800
4264:33552 <![CDATA[When someone staggers, help steady the load — a devotional]]> By Dilys Brooks The phrase, "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" communicates the idea that we can improve our situation by our efforts. This phrase is synonymous with our culture in North America. However, I often wonder how well this adage stands up during times of crisis. Who can you rely on when there is a terminal diagnosis, problems in a marriage or when needing to care for aging parents? Where do you go for support when treatments do not work, funding falls through or if you face an uncertain future? Who can we trust to advocate on our behalf when we find ourselves between a rock and a hard place? 

In 1 Samuel 20, David becomes a fugitive striving to elude the King's plans to end his life. He does not attempt to navigate the uncertainty that looms if he leaves his wife Michal, and Saul's service. In this moment of crisis, David goes to Jonathan for help, guidance and support. I marvel at the friendship these two men shared. 

Jonathan was the heir apparent as the first-born son of King Saul. David was anointed heir to that same throne, chosen by God to establish the kingdom of Israel. Their roles and responsibility did not preclude them from being friends, "brothers from different mothers." At first, Jonathan finds it challenging to accept David's assessment of the King's actions towards him at Ramah (1 Samuel 19), but then Jonathan truly listens.

As crucial as it is during a crisis to have a friend, a friend who is able and willing to listen is invaluable. There are two benefits of good listening we can glean from the story that are pertinent to our context as staff and students of Loma Linda University Health.

The first is mutual trust. Authentic listening engenders respect and trust between “the speaker” and “the listener.” David could rely on his friend to be there for him in his time of need. He did not have to go it alone. 

The second benefit of good listening is problem-solving. When Jonathan grasped the deep concern of his friend, the two of them devised a plan to discern the king's true feelings toward David.

I have personally benefitted from having people in my life that I can rely on when I am facing tough decisions or encounter incapacitating circumstances. While it is true that I have my faith to rely on, I am equally thankful that I have individuals with whom I have developed mutual trust. They have also helped me to problem-solve and create new ways to diffuse conflict.

In the case of David and Jonathan, we see their commitment to being supportive of each other grow into a covenant that would benefit Jonathan's descendants for generations. As an organization determined to continue to the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ, we must learn to listen to each other, develop mutual trust, create solutions for problems we encounter and decide to support one another during hard times.

I'll swap the adage of pulling myself up by my bootstraps for Galatians 6:2; "Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ." Will you join me? 

— Dilys Brooks, MDiv is the associate campus chaplain at Loma Linda University


Wed, 21 Feb 2018 15:43:52 -0800
4264:33528 <![CDATA[LLIFT Brings New Online Requisitioning Process for LLUH]]> In support of One LLUH, Loma Linda University Health (LLUH) is implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to manage both Supply Chain and Finance.  The LLIFT target go-live date is Monday, March 5, 2018.

One of the benefits of the new system is an online process for all Purchase Requisitions and Capital Requests.  Online requisitioning allows Requesters to have visibility into the status of their Purchase Requisition.  It also enables our Suppliers to submit their invoices electronically, which streamlines our matching process and significantly reduces our processing time.

As a reminder, a Purchase Requisition is an authorized request for the purchase of goods and services through the LLUH Purchasing Department.  A Purchase Requisition is required when a Purchase Order (PO) needs to be issued to a Supplier.  Based on the Purchase Requisitions’ dollar value, it will be automatically routed through the appropriate levels of required approval.  Once approved, a Purchase Order will be generated and the order will be placed. 

Additional Changes for Invoicing and Issued Checks:

  • Suppliers will now send invoices directly to the Centralized AP Team (not to Departments).
  • Checks will no longer be held for pick-up in our finance offices.  All checks will be mailed directly to the recipient, deposited via ACH, or paid by credit card.

Intercompany Service Requests:

  • We anticipate some changes to the Intercompany Service Requisition Process. Please look for the details in a future communication.

Employees who have been identified as needing Purchase Requisition access will receive an email with a link to the online training course in early March.  The LLIFT Project Team worked with LLUH Leadership and Management to identify the individuals across the organization who need to have Purchase Requisition access in the new system.

If your department has not yet designated an employee who will submit Purchase Requisitions:

  • Before March 2nd:  The department manager can submit an email to the LLIFT mailbox  The email must include the cost center number(s) and employee information (full name, user ID, and email address) for the employee who will submit departmental Purchase Requisitions. 

For example, a sample Requester email sent to would include:

Cost Center #:  123456  Employee Name:  John Doe  User ID:  jdoe  Email:


  • Starting March 5th:  Enter a Service Request in ServiceNow or Call the Service Desk at ext. 48889.  This will trigger the necessary steps to provideyour departmentwith the proper system access.

If you have questions about this process or the upcoming LLIFT implementation, visit our LLIFT OnePortal page, where you will find updated program FAQs, information about training, and a list of changes that will be implemented as of go-live. You can also email us directly:

Thu, 15 Feb 2018 11:52:15 -0800
4264:33523 <![CDATA[Anderson Street to undergo construction, paving Feb. 22]]> By Janelle Ringer The city of Loma Linda will renovate a section of Anderson Street, between Barton Road and Lawton Avenue, beginning Thursday, Feb. 22.

The process will begin with grinding of the street, and be followed by paving on Friday, February 23.

The city will also install stripping on the same area between the March 1 and 2.

For any questions, please contact the City of Loma Linda by calling 909-799-2830.

Thu, 15 Feb 2018 11:48:56 -0800
4264:33521 <![CDATA[Student and community art sought for special exhibit during One Homecoming weekend]]> By James Ponder Loma Linda Cultural Arts Association has issued a call for entries for artworks to hang during a special art exhibit timed to coincide with Loma Linda University Health’s One Homecoming Weekend. The exhibit, which opens Feb. 27 and runs through April 3, is jointly sponsored by the Student Expressions of Art Society (SEAS) and LLCAA. 

“The exhibit is designed to showcase the wide variety of visual art in our community,” says Lenore Roth, acting president of LLCAA. “We want to give visiting alumni something to enjoy during One Homecoming, and to allow student and community artists from the Inland Empire to showcase their talent,” Roth said.

Roth said artworks in any two-dimensional media are welcome, including paintings, drawings, photography, lithography and quilts. No pieces depicting nudity or violence will be accepted. 

Roth also said there are two different deadlines for artists to submit work for the show: students must bring their work to the Office of Student Affairs for approval on or before Tuesday, Feb. 20, and must bring the Student Affairs acceptance form with them to Drayson Center on Feb. 27. All other artists must bring their work directly to Drayson Center any time between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Feb. 27. All pieces must be ready for hanging with a sturdy wire hanger.

“There are no prizes or awards for this show,” Roth added. “We just want to be able to share our gifts with our visitors and friends.” 

Thu, 15 Feb 2018 11:46:44 -0800
4264:33519 <![CDATA[No need to plead for support, the victory has been won]]> By Kathy McMillan Saul listened to Jonathan and took this oath: “As surely as the Lord lives, David will not be put to death.” 1 Samuel 19:6 

David was in serious trouble. King Saul, jealous of David's success, was determined to kill him. Everyone knew that it was useless to argue with the king; he always got what he wanted. Also, to counter Saul put one's own life in jeopardy. But there was one who was willing to risk his life: Jonathan, the king's son, advocated for his best friend, David.

“Father, don't try to harm David. He has benefited you greatly. He risked his own life when he fought Goliath. You were happy with the rest of us and realized that God had won a great victory for us. Why do you now want to kill an innocent man?” This plea from Jonathan worked for a time, and Saul promised that he would not kill David.

The abuse of power is common in popular culture today, just as it was back then. The one with the loudest voice, the strongest opinion or greatest financial means wins, leaving little room for those who are weak and defenseless. But that is not the environment that a Christian culture promotes.

Jonathan should have been the next in line for the throne of Israel. Yet he was willing to submit to God's choice of David as the next king. He risked being in the bad graces of his father to speak up for David.

Advocacy carries inherent risks. The advocate must often choose between being popular, loved and accepted or being ridiculed, black-listed and hated. It takes courage to advocate for the vulnerable.

I regularly hear stories of advocacy here at LLUH that warm my heart:

A student has been a victim of domestic violence. Several of her teachers show up at court to support her.

A brand-new employee loses everything in a house fire. The employee assistance fund provides help during a difficult time.

Colleagues of a medical assistant discover that she doesn't have money to celebrate Christmas with her young children. They pool their resources, buy a tree and surround it with wrapped gifts for her family. 

Jesus is our advocate. It is through His death that our sins have been forgiven.  The scriptures also teach us that He continues to be our advocate even now. We have the opportunity to extend the grace He's given to us — all across this campus, continuing the ministry of Jesus. May advocacy thrive in our midst!

—Kathy McMillan, MA, is the director of Employee spiritual care at Loma Linda University Medical Center

Thu, 15 Feb 2018 11:44:41 -0800
4264:33427 <![CDATA[Loma Linda University Children's Health to host internal rebranding rollout party]]> The research process on rebranding the current Loma Linda University Health Children’s Hospital (LLUCH) began last fall in an effort to bolster the LLUCH brand and connect all pediatric services. Now, leadership invites staff and employees to attend a come-and-go event at the Children’s Hospital, room 1830-1832, to give employees a sneak peek into the nearly completed campaign.

The rollout party will take place on Tuesday, March 6, from 6:45 a.m. — 8:30 a.m., and again from 3 p.m. — 7:45 p.m.

Attendees can learn about the history of the brand process, information on the tagline and logo, as well as where campaign advertising can expect to be seen when it rolls out in mid-March.

In addition to providing a sneak peek, the event will also include giveaways, refreshments and the chance to learn more about the brand ambassador opportunities. 

Thu, 08 Feb 2018 09:44:43 -0800
4264:33425 <![CDATA[Loma Linda University Health performs Southern California's first Vercise implant to treat Parkinson's disease]]> By Genesis Gonzalez A new, innovative deep brain stimulation (DBS) system, called Vercise, was successfully implanted in an 81-year-old patient with Parkinson’s Disease at Loma Linda University Health, the first such procedure in Southern California and the fourth in the nation to utilize the DBS device to treat Parkinson’s.

Loma Linda University Health neurologist Khashayar Dashtipour, MD, PhD, and neurosurgeon Miguel Lopez-Gonzalez, MD, FACS, performed the groundbreaking implant of the Vercise device last week.  

The procedure involves the implant of a thin wire — called a lead — into the patient’s targeted brain region. In this particular case, the patient received electrodes on each side of the brain, including the battery. Electrical stimulation is delivered via the lead, which helps control abnormal brain activity that causes tremors, stiffness or slow movement.

“This device opens more doors for Parkinson’s patients in need of deep brain stimulation,” Lopez-Gonzalez said. “With time, we will be able to monitor the device’s progress and hopefully determine if this is more beneficial.”

In December 2017, the FDA approved the Boston Scientific device, the third approved device in the United States for performing DBS.

The rechargeable device was first approved in Europe following various clinical trials. It has been used to increase precision and avoid common side effects of DBS therapy that affects the brain beyond the intended target. It offers a multi-source constant current, allowing flexible control of stimulation that adapts to individual physiologies, impedance variabilities, and disease progression.

“For the first time, the battery has a 15-year life,” Dashtipour said. “With the increasing risk of surgery after a certain age, our patient will not have to undergo surgery in three to five years as with other devices.”

Dashitpour was able to successfully turn on the device just three days following the procedure and will adjust the levels according to the patient’s comfortability. His goal is to keep the patient “on condition” meaning throughout the day. The patient will hopefully experience zero to minimal side effects, including tremors and stiffness. 

Patients who experience dystonia, or abnormal movement, suffer from consistent tremors and have been prescribed various medications are considered prime candidates for the Vercise implant.

The Vercise’s electrical system is designed to give both doctors and patients greater control over the current applied at the individual electrodes, regardless of the resistance at the end of the wire. DBS delivers targeted electrical stimulation to specific regions of the brain to help treat symptoms of Parkinson’s. 

According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, the neurodegenerative disorder affects approximately 1 million people in the U.S. and 10 million worldwide. The disease is a progressive movement disorder that primarily affects the dopamine-producing neurons in a specific area of the brain. Over time, the disease causes tremors, slowness of movement, limb rigidity and balance difficulties. 

The implant is currently covered by insurance. Loma Linda University Health Department of Neurology is accepting patients at this time.

For more information, visit or call 909-558-2880.Photo caption: Loma Linda University Health is the first in Southern California to perform a Vercise implant to treat Parkinson’s disease. Khashayar Dashtipour, MD, PhD and Miguel Lopez-Gonzalez, MD, FACS performed the procedure at Loma Linda University Medical Center last week.

Thu, 08 Feb 2018 09:42:53 -0800
4264:33423 <![CDATA[Thank You for Your Participation]]> By Heather Reifsnyder Thank you for your participation in the Employee Engagement Survey.

Employees hired prior to June 23, 2017, across LLUH (except LLU participating in spring 2018) were invited to participate in the survey and share their feedback. Of the 12,000 employees invited to participate, 73.6% responded.

Loma Linda University Health partnered with The Advisory Board Company to administer the survey.

Responses are completely confidential.

Every leader with access to survey results will spend time reviewing and analyzing the results. They will be asked to share the survey results with their teams. You will likely be asked to provide suggestions and feedback to guide post-survey actions. Combined with survey results, all suggestions and feedback will be used to create an action plan. The action plan is a tool that helps teams plan what steps will be taken to increase employee engagement. Teams will be asked to regularly follow up on the progress that has been made on that plan. Our hope is to keep employee engagement conversations at the center of all that we do to drive positive change and create a culture of engagement across Loma Linda University Health.  

Our employees are the heart of the organization. Creating an environment where employees are engaged and feel valued is a top priority for every leader across Loma Linda University Health. The feedback we receive from the survey provides guidance as we work to influence positive change across the organization. Your input is valued, and thank you for your participation in the 2017 Employee Engagement Survey.

For more information about the Employee Engagement Survey contact Human Resource Management at ext. 14001;

Thu, 08 Feb 2018 09:41:21 -0800
4264:33422 <![CDATA[Sometimes listening is seeing — a devotional]]> By Terry Swenson Sometimes listening is seeing. Does that seem counterintuitive? Actually, it is somewhat absurd. It mixes senses and metaphors. Listening is hearing. Seeing is-well, seeing! It's audio versus visual. Yet, sometimes listening is seeing. To illustrate what I'm trying to convey, let's look at two stories in 1 Samuel 18.

Our first story involves two young men who were prominent in the public scene. One was King Saul's son, Jonathan. The other was an up-and-coming warrior and hero to the nation of Israel. His name was David. The same David who had been anointed by God to replace Saul as king. You would think that would make Jonathan — the heir apparent — and David archenemies. However, according to 1 Samuel 18:1-4, this was not the case. Both men became kindred spirits.

“After David had finished talking with Saul, he met Jonathan, the king's son. There was an immediate bond between them, for Jonathan loved David. From that day on Saul kept David with him and wouldn't let him return home. And Jonathan made a solemn pact with David because he loved him as he loved himself. Jonathan sealed the pact by taking off his robe and giving it to David, together with his tunic, sword, bow, and belt.”

Jonathan doesn't just say they were friends; he makes a covenant with David. His actions clearly "speak" of that bond. Listening is seeing. Words are solidified through actions. This becomes even more evident when we read the rest of the chapter and look at the interactions between David and King Saul. 

Saul becomes jealous of David's popularity with the people. His jealousy exhibits itself in plots to bring about David's death. Not overtly, but through deception. What is ironic about Saul's actions are that his words of fidelity to God were not demonstrated in his behavior towards the people, Samuel or David. When we listen to Saul, we see that his words and actions do not match up.

“One day Saul said to David, 'I am ready to give you my older daughter, Merab, as your wife. But first, you must prove yourself to be a real warrior by fighting the Lord's battles.’ For Saul thought, ‘I’ll send him out against the Philistines and let them kill him rather than doing it myself.’” (1 Samuel 18:17)

Here again, we note that Saul says he loves David, but his actions bear a different witness. Sometimes listening is seeing!

Are there any implications for us as we work together at Loma Linda University Health? Our mission statement and values are the litmus test used by our students, patients and partners to see whether or not we are walking our talk. Here are a few questions that we can reflect on to see if we are listening. 

When patients interact with front office employees around our medical institutions, do courteous greetings only mask disengaged actions? We may hear words proclaimed that we are a caring academic environment, but do students see those words that they listened to lived out through the actions of their professors? When each of us encounters one another as we move about LLUH and ask, “How are you doing,” do we really want to know, or is it just a way of greeting and hastily moving on?

Remember as we strive “to continue the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ,” listening is seeing it reflected in our actions.

Thu, 08 Feb 2018 09:40:11 -0800
4264:33390 <![CDATA[Notes from the President — Feb. 1]]>   February 2018  
One Homecoming will build upon last year's success


Together was and is better; also, announcing an executive personnel change

I am not sure how many years it takes to create a tradition, but probably more than two. However, we are developing a tradition here at Loma Linda University Health with our second annual One Homecoming, in which all alumni gather to celebrate and reminisce during the same weekend.

One Homecoming starts on Sunday, Feb. 25, at our new San Bernardino campus, where we’ll host a “Community Plant Your Future” event from 1-4 p.m. This will feature vegetarian cooking classes, gardening techniques and other special educational and tasting activities.

The next day, Monday, Feb. 26, will start the 7th International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition. This has become a once-every-five-years event, drawing participants from around the world. From Monday through Wednesday, it will cover the latest research and useful information on a plant-based diet.

Thursday, March 1, will be a full day of interdisciplinary continuing education: Whole Notes Conference: Bridge the Gap — Clinical Communication, followed by continuing education classes starting on Friday, March 2. You can see the variety of topics on our website at

Friday also starts the mission-focused Homecoming activities at 7 p.m. in the University Church featuring some of our “Unsung Heroes.” Our alumni and staff do amazing things where they serve, and we have selected just a few of those stories to tell. I won’t spill the beans here, as that would not let them remain “Unsung!” The program will open with music from Kimo Smith on the pipe organ. 

All are welcome Saturday, March 3, in the Drayson Center starting at 9 a.m. Our traditional parade of flags will begin the program, followed by a feature on “Missions is a Family Affair.” The program will feature service in Africa, including stories told by the Netteburg / Bland families about their unique challenges of serving in Bere, Tchad. It demonstrates amazing commitment and sacrifice, surrounded by danger, with rewards that balance things out. We’ll also hear a report about a group of students back from a mission trip to Nigeria. Our church service will be given by Randy Roberts and will be streamed back into the middle service at the University Church for those who remain there.

Sabbath lunch will again be our trademark haystacks in the big tent, where last year we served more than 1,600 people in efficient, record time. The afternoon is a composite of class and school functions, visiting and walking the campus. At 4 p.m. in the University Church, we will have our Mission Vespers, coordinated by the Medical Auxiliary, where more adventures and future plans will be shared by alumni, faculty, residents and students.

Saturday night we’ll be back in Drayson at 7 p.m., with the first half of the program featuring the remarkable talent of our alumni and students. For the second half, we are privileged to have Kevin K.O. Olusola with us from Pentatonix. Kevin’s parents have roots here in Loma Linda and we are delighted they have agreed to come back and share his story and music with us. And for those with energy left, there is a morning 5k run on Sunday, March 4, followed by a pancake breakfast and later more continuing education classes. Several of our schools will have banquets during the weekend, and those times will be announced separately to alumni of those schools. The usual School of Medicine APC Gala will be held Sunday evening.

Last year some worried about crowding and capacity. We did fine and will welcome even more this year. We’re in an age where “tribalism” seems to be invading all cultures, separating us by our differences. It is time for Loma Linda University Health to continue celebrating our common commitment to serving this world. We have done this for 113 years, and people need our brand of caring more than ever before.

I look forward to seeing you here in a few weeks.

Finally, in an organization this large, personnel changes are inevitable, and we are losing one of our valued senior leaders. After 14 years as the CFO of the combined Loma Linda University Health enterprise, Kevin Lang, CPA, MBA, has decided it is time to move on. He would like to spend more time caring for his family businesses after the recent death of his father, relaxing with his new grandson and pursuing other opportunities. Kevin has been an invaluable part of our senior leadership team, pulling all our support services together into Loma Linda University Shared Services, helping to develop and place our bond offerings, and most recently, leading in the Loma Linda Integrated Financial Transformation project, which has unified our various financial systems on campus. Please join me in thanking him for a job very well done. He will be missed.

Our two Senior VP’s for Finance, Angela Lalas and Rod Neal, will carry the workload as we review our structures and conduct a formal search for a new CFO.

We’re off to a great start in 2018. Thank you for what you do to make this place a remarkable institution of teaching and healing.





Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH
Loma Linda University Health 

Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow


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Thu, 01 Feb 2018 11:11:02 -0800
4264:33383 <![CDATA[GHI to host seminar on global snakebite epidemic]]> By DonaJayne Potts The Loma Linda University Health Global Health Institute will host a Global Conversations seminar about the global snakebite health crisis from 6-8 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 15, at Damazo Amphitheater at Centennial Complex. The event will include a screening of the film “Minutes to Die, Snakebite: The World’s Ignored Health Crisis,” a panel discussion with snake venom researchers and experts, and a live snake exhibit.

Immediately following the program, the first 30 registrants may tour the on-campus Earth and Biological Sciences Laboratory, which houses venomous snakes from around the world.

Tickets for the event are free, but space is limited and pre-registration is required­ through the OWL PORTAL.

The event is worth 2.0 CE/1.0 CME. 

Panel Members scheduled to appear:

  • Matthew Lewin, MD, PhD, global leader in snake venom therapies, assistant professor at University of California, San Francisco
  • William Hayes, PhD, MS, professor of biology, Loma Linda University
  • Brian Wolk, MD, emergency medicine physician, Loma Linda University Medical Center

Snakebite is the cause of death globally for nearly 10,500 people each month — nearly 125,000 deaths a year. In addition, some 400,000 people each year will suffer from life-long health complications such as disfigured limbs or amputation. Victims are often shunned and marriage for young girls becomes unlikely. In nearly every snakebite endemic country, costs for treatment force families into years — or even a lifetime — of debt to pay for medicines, hospital bills or long-term care.

Snakebite is a constant fear among global citizens in rural areas — farmers, children and homemakers — because interactions with venomous snakes are inevitable as snakes seek food sources among crops and water inside thatched homes. In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) added snakebite to its list of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). WHO requires governments of snakebite-endemic countries to make snakebite a priority by providing their people with an available supply of quality, effective and affordable antivenom treatments.

For additional information about the event, call 909-558-9770 Ext. x49770 or email

Please register for the event here, or by visiting

Thu, 01 Feb 2018 09:42:59 -0800
4264:33382 <![CDATA[New York Times reporter Kolata to speak at Loma Linda University Health ]]> By Janelle Ringer The Center for Christian Bioethics will host New York Times science reporter and best-selling author Gina Kolata in the upcoming program, “Genetic Testing: Would You Want to Know.” The event will take place at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 10 in the Damazo Amphitheater in Centennial Complex, 24760 Stewart St., Loma Linda. 

Kolata will address attendees on the topic of genetic testing for gene mutation, which is a focal point of her latest book Mercies in Disguise. The book is a non-fiction work on the subject of hope through science. Kolata is a senior medical writer with the Times, the author of nine books, and a two-time Pulitzer finalist.

The Center for Christian Bioethics was founded in 1984 by physician and professor of religion and Christian ethics Jack W. Provonsha and has developed a tradition of bringing key thinkers, scholars and public figures to Loma Linda University Health to preserve the heritage of thinking about ethics and medicine in the subject of faith.

For more information about the Feb. 10 event, visit or call 909-558-4956.

Thu, 01 Feb 2018 09:41:03 -0800
4264:33381 <![CDATA[LLUH's Center for Restorative Neurology named ALS Association Certified Treatment Center of Excellence]]> By James Ponder The Center for Restorative Neurology at Loma Linda University Health has received recognition as a Certified Treatment Center of Excellence from the ALS Association, a designation that marks the Center as one of the select few in the nation that meets the highest standards of evidence-based, multidisciplinary care and services.

At the Center, ALS patients — people with suspected or definite diagnoses of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease — can see all their care providers in a single appointment, unlike most treatment programs, which require patients to visit different providers and locations.

Medical Director Jeffrey Rosenfeld, MD, PhD, says the center received notification of the designation last month.

Rosenfeld says the center is designed to make care simpler for patients with ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases. He notes that, “there are hopeful alternatives for patients at every stage of disease progression. One early goal of the program is to get the patients to embrace and expect that.”

Rosenfeld says the Center stands out in numerous significant ways. He says that at other centers, the care team may only get together once a month to focus on neurodegenerative diseases. But the Center for Restorative Neurology Team is full-time and available to patients five days a week. “Synergy is the core benefit of our center,” he says. “When your co-workers are all physically next to you, traditional work silos vanish. The brainstorming is phenomenal.”

Another benefit is having all the staff in one place so that patients have improved access to the staff, he says. “Sometimes a patient can’t find me because I’m treating another patient,” Rosenfeld says. “But if they tell one of the other team members that they are trying to get in touch with me, they only have to go down the hall to tell me.”

“Patients frequently come to us with fear, the most powerful of all disabilities,” Rosenfeld says. “The most important thing that happens from having so many resources in one place is the sense of hope that is conveyed, and hope is the most powerful treatment for fear.”

“They’re afraid of what’s going to happen to them next,” Rosenfeld says. “The only treatment for addressing their fear is hope, and that comes when patients experience the opportunity of getting help at a place like this.”

The Center is one of only 58 ALS Association Certified Treatment Centers of Excellence in the United States. The ALS Association is dedicated to fighting the disease, raising funds and promoting research, education, public awareness and appropriate public policy.

The Association’s clinical care and treatment standards are based on the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Practice Parameters. The association requires that centers desiring to be certified as a Center of Excellence must successfully complete a comprehensive site review. Achieving certification through successful completion of the program’s robust clinical and administrative reviews confirms to people living with ALS and their family members the valid