July 12, 2018

Introducing: Speakers Bureau and Community Conversations

Loma Linda University Health announces its new Speakers Bureau and Community Conversations series as a way to share the organization’s expertise in living a life of wholeness, health and well-being.

Learn more in the words of President Richard Hart, MD, DrPH:

The vital role that Loma Linda University Health plays in the health and well-being of the inhabitants of the Inland Empire is indisputable. Rather than seeing this as an issue of pride, we view it much more with a sense of responsibility. We constantly ask ourselves what we can do that we are not doing to move the dial of vitality upward for ourselves and for those within our reach.

We acknowledge that our hospitals and clinics are a refuge for those facing critical moments in their health journey, whether it be the birth of a child or the discovery of a serious illness. But we must be more than a refuge in the eyes of our community. We must be seen as a resource for those who want to live their best life. 

The most valuable assets that we have are not restricted to the classrooms, office buildings or surgical suites that our campuses comprise. The dedicated, mission-driven professionals who provide the human touch that the faithful understand as the healing hand of Christ and those who give voice to the teaching ministry referenced in our mission statement are always seeking new avenues of expression. 

It is with the desire in mind — to become a resource for our community — that we are launching the Loma Linda University Health Speakers Bureau. The Speakers Bureau will promote and deploy our expertise in wholeness, health and well-being. The Speakers Bureau will be a resource to individuals, groups and organizations who want to understand the science of vitality and learn techniques for personal and corporate change.

Ambassadors of wholeness

Through the Speakers Bureau we will go into the community to serve as ambassadors of wholeness and vitality. The Speakers Bureau will promote our researchers and clinicians to media outlets as resources on a wide range of areas with which we have expertise. The Speakers Bureau will also host events that offer the unique perspective that grows out of a worldview where faith, science, healing and the arts are complementary disciplines, each reflecting ways to understand our Creator.

The first event in our on-campus series Community Conversations will take up the topic of depression and suicide. While the nation continues to discuss the dramatic increase in suicide rates in recent years, brought to light after several celebrity deaths, we want to bring together our behavioral health experts and our community to talk about what often goes unspoken until it is too late.

We will look at this important public health issue from many perspectives, including the perspectives of those who attempt, those who treat and those who survive loved ones lost by suicide.

You are invited to join us in this inaugural event of what will become a regular series on wide-ranging topics — each offering insight, inspiration and meaning. You will certainly be enriched by joining us.


Richard Hart

Stay tuned to News of the Week and other campus communications to learn about future Community Conversations and activities of the Speakers Bureau.
