Anually Community-Academic Partners in Service (CAPS) brings together Loma Linda University and the San Bernardino community to celebrate the true meaning of the season at its Christmas Fiesta.
Volunteers are needed from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 12, to help at the event at the SACHS Norton Clinic in San Bernardino.
One of the volunteers from last year's event shared why the event is so special: "It is rewarding because of how kids get to bond with their buddies at the event. Often, the children we are paired with do not have someone to look up to. As a volunteer you realize how much of a difference you are making, even if it is just for a couple of hours."
Sign up by going to Christmas Fiesta information page.
Last year, more than 330 children and more than 280 volunteers attended the fiesta. With your help, this year's Christmas Fiesta will be just as successful.