"Girl Rising," a feature film about the strength of the human spirit and the power of education to transform societies, presents the remarkable stories of nine girls around the world, told by celebrated writers and voiced by renowned actors. Join the Loma Linda University Campus Chaplains for a free screening of "Girl Rising" and panel discussion Thursday, Nov. 14.
The importance of education to the individual is inestimable, and the effects on society are similarly immense. Education contributes to a nation's economic stability by increasing the income of the poor. Indeed, research has shown that no country has continual reliable economic growth without a significant national literacy rate. And beyond economic stability, education promotes civil and international peace, as well as cultural tolerance and understanding.
A panel discussion will follow the screening, exploring the implications for health care professionals interacting with parents and communities whose adolescent girls pursue education and face issues like HIV, child labor, trafficking, early marriage, natural disasters, gender violence, conflict and insufficient access to health care.
The screening will be held from 5:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. in the Councilors Student Pavilion and is sponsored by the Campus Chaplains, the School of Public Health, the School of Behavioral Health, the Domestic Violence Task Force and the Human Trafficking Task Force. This event is the first in a series planned by the chaplains providing opportunities for students and employees to participate in local, national and international service.