November 16, 2017

Lopers' Holiday Classic 5K/half marathon — and Elves Trot — to hit the streets Dec. 10

Employees Juan Carlos and Stacey Belliard at the finish line of the Los Angeles Marathon

The city of Loma Linda and the Lopers Club will host the 28th annual Holiday Classic 5K, half marathon and Elves Trot on Sunday, Dec. 10. Learn more about the event.

Many Lopers members — known locally for their Sunday morning walks and jogs in hot pink attire — are also employees and students of Loma Linda University Health, whose Living Whole Wellness Program sponsors the club. 

The first 250 employees and students of Loma Linda University Health who sign up for the Holiday Classic, or the Lopers’ training clinics, will receive a $20 discount on their fees. Act fast to secure your discount.

The following interview describes how being a Loper has helped one employee at Loma Linda University Health: Juan Carlos Belliard, PhD, MPH, assistant vice president for community partnerships and diversity.

Belliard will run the Holiday Classic along with his wife, Stacey; their daughter and his sister. “I get to run with three Belliard women at this Holiday Classic,” he said, “or at least start the race together … all three are faster than me.”

Why did you join the Lopers Club?

I had been trying to get to my optimal weight for a couple of years and had lost some by changing my eating habits and eating more plant-based. But I couldn’t shed those last 10 pounds. When my wife encouraged me to join the Lopers after our youngest left for college, I figured I might as well give it a try.

How do you describe your experience with the Lopers Club?

Very motivating. I joined a pace group that became my support group. Seeing people up and eager to run every Sunday morning was inspiring. … you are held accountable and encouraged by your group, and you go through the training together. The Lopers provide great speakers and advice before each run, water stations, snacks — it’s a great support system.

Has being a Loper helped your fitness goals?

It’s like my metabolism kicked back into gear. This is my college weight!

 What specific changes have you made that are working for you?

A great diet full of greens, beans and other non-processed foods. A regular exercise program — running and mountain biking with a game of soccer once a week. I also try not to eat after 6 p.m., or at least [have] just a fruit smoothie. I have also started fasting one day a week, and feel like that’s really been beneficial.

What motivates you to continue with this lifestyle?

I like how healthy feels. I’ve lost several friends and relatives to lifestyle diseases in the last year; it’s been a real wakeup call.

Have you been inspired to run or walk any races?

My wife and I completed the L.A. Marathon with the Lopers this year. It was a first for both of us, and just an amazing, empowering feeling. We’ve also done multiple half marathons. It’s kind of addicting!

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about joining the Lopers Club?

Find what motivates you. If you are social, join with a friend or make friends within your running group. Start small; don’t think 26.2 miles. Begin with 1, then a 5K, etc. If you like to eat like I do, I can eat as much as I want now — I just need to make sure it’s healthy and that I continue to burn those calories. The Lopers are an amazing resource here at Loma Linda. We are lucky to have them.

