August 31, 2017

Pre-award support offered by Research Affairs for grant opportunities

The Office of Research Affairs at Loma Linda University Health has assembled an experienced pre-award team to serve as a central resource for all research investigators, or potential investigators, throughout the organization.

Pre-award personnel will manage and assist with proposal submissions, planning and development for domestic and international research, training and technical support for electronic research administration.

Support is available for both extramural and intramural grant opportunities.

Proposal submissions

The pre-award team proactively assists in identifying funding opportunities, assists with proposal development, and helps guide the application process, including budget planning and ensuring all submission criteria are met.

Planning and development for domestic and global research

The pre-award team promotes domestic and global collaborative research by helping conceptualize projects and connecting investigators with common interest. Promotional support includes educational training, research exhibitions and poster displays at institutional events.

Electronic Research Administration (eRA) tech support

The pre-award team provides training and technical support for proposal development, tracking modules and sponsor websites.

Learn more/contact the pre-award team

For more information, call 909-558-4589 or ext. 44589, email or visit the pre-award webpage.

Additionally, download these PDFs for detailed description of pre-award services and biographies of the pre-award team:

