September 17, 2015

Join in 21 Days of Prayer

The summer quarter is at an end, and the fall quarter, which heralds the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year, is a mere two weeks away. The Loma Linda University chaplains would like to invite one and all to join with them for the next 21 days in praying for Loma Linda University Health, new faculty and staff members, and new and returning students.

This period of prayer serves as an opportunity to spend time as a corporate body in reflection and intercession for the hospitals, schools, departments, administrators, employees and all people who serve Loma Linda University Health.

“We have each accepted the call to serve our patients, students, local community and essentially the world as we continue to do the work that this university was founded to accomplish,” says Dilys Brooks, MDiv, associate campus chaplain,  “to continue the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ.

“There are many challenges that lay ahead of us this year, and is fitting that we prepare for the task, together in prayer,” she concludes.

This time of prayer begins today, Thursday, Sept. 17, and concludes on Wednesday, Oct. 7.

Each day the prayer focus will be appear on the MyLLU portal. On the 21st day, Oct. 7, a prayer will also be made during the annual fall convocation ceremony, which will take place from 11 to 11:50 a.m. at Loma Linda University Church.  

Day one’s focus states this:

Scripture: “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” –Psalm 51:10

Reflection: A heart that truly wants to change is a heart that is ready for the renewal that only God’s Spirit can bring. Only God can revive, renew and restore our souls as we embark upon this time of prayer.

Focus: Pray today for God to forgive your sins and give you a clean heart.

Intercession: Pray for our Loma Linda University Health community as we begin this fourteen days of prayer that we can remain committed to the process of growing and seeking God together.

