April 24, 2014

Employee Wellness Program awarded for building a healthier LLUH

This spring, the LLUH Employee Wellness Program added the LLU Shared Services Customer Service Excellence award to its collection of recent awards and accomplishments. The department was recognized during the March employee forums for its commitment to service.

A division of LLUH risk management, the Employee Wellness Program is led by Olivia Moses, DrPH, wellness program administrator, and seeks to make LLUH a healthier place to work. The program empowers employees to be their best selves and understands the importance of good health for a productive workplace.

The Employee Wellness Program has been particularly instrumental in facilitating the process for transitioning LLUH employees to the wholeness health plan. To date, the department has provided biometric screenings and health risk assessments for over 12,000 employees and their spouses.

During the past year, Dr. Moses and her team have implemented a variety of successful initiatives including the Step It Up pedometer program, which aided 1,650 employees in taking steps towards better health. The department also collaborated across the organization on healthy workplace strategies, qualifying LLUH as a American Heart Association Gold Level Fit-Friendly Employer. 

The Employee Wellness Program provides a variety of resources for employees seeking to invest in their health through Living Whole. Living Whole campus-wide programs include Wellness Wednesday webinars, A Recipe for Success, the Breathe Smoking Cessation Program, B.U.I.L.D. diabetes management program, Say N.O.W. weight loss program and others.

To learn more about the Employee Wellness Program, call (909) 651-4007, or e-mail livingwhole@llu.edu
