November 21, 2013

Fire Alarms: You Would Pull It... Or Would You?

In this week's post on the Speaking of Safety Blog, Preston Brown discusses fire alarm safety and the importance of pulling the fire alarm when appropriate

"We’ve all learned the fire plan during new employee orientation, through B.L.U.E. Book, via Fire Extinguisher Training, at Fire Drills, ad infinitum," writes Preston. "So it should be automatic to initiate R.A.C.E. (Rescue, Alarm, Contain, Extinguish/Evacuate), right?"

Preston goes on to explain that sometimes in the face of an emergency, sometimes we don't always do what we think we would do.

"During the past several years, three fires have occurred inside our buildings where the employee’s response hasn’t followed the R.A.C.E. fire plan," writes Preston.

You can practice fire safety through department safety drills. "We have several scenarios that you can use for your next drill here.  This encourages employees to give situational thought to the implementation of RACE," Preston continues.

Read all three cases and fire safety tips from Environmental Health & Safety here.
