June 13, 2013

Printing Services Offers E-forms, Mail Services delivers thousands

At least once per day, Mail Services delivery personnel pass through each office with a smile and a “Hello!” as they are on their way to their next stop. Each department is just one of over 450 stops that the Mail Services team delivers to each day, a feat that necessitates synchronization and focus for the ten person team.

Over the past several months, the Printing & Mail Services departments have been targeting innovative strategies to expand efficiency and innovation in processes such as delivery to the campus.

Since January alone, Mail Services has processed over 310,000 external pieces of mail, and nearly 400,000 internal pieces, including letters, large envelopes, and packages. To accommodate the estimated 12,500 total pieces processed each day, Mail Services recently evaluated and revised each of their routes and procedures for greater speed and accuracy. Even in handling everything from intercampus mail envelopes to patient records and hazmat items, Mail Services has received just five returned items since the beginning of the year.  

As Mail Services is implementing efficiency gains, Printing Services is increasing the speed and accuracy of processes on campus through their new electronic forms service. Partnering with Enterprise Content Solutions (ECS), Printing Services is taking the “printing” out of forms by designing forms that function online. Using Liquid Office, a software suite incorporating process automation and digital workflow, Printing Services and ECS have worked to digitize departmental paper forms, as well as create new e-forms to be used as part of revised business processes.

As Printing & Mail Services work together to increase efficiency and cost effectiveness, they also work to extend their influence to the surrounding community. This year, Mail Services played an integral role in distributing some of the organization’s charitable campaign materials, including the Grow Together campaign. Meanwhile, Printing Services has sponsored the Children’s Hospital Foundation Gala, local golf tournaments benefitting education and local organizations, the Redlands Bowl Association and more.

To learn more about Printing & Mail Services or the services they provide, contact Jennifer Rowland, Manager, at jirowland@llu.edu or ext. 44552.

