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February 27, 2014

Sabbath School continues exploration of E.G. White with 'Theological Ideas of a Prophet' March 1

Fritz Guy, Ph.D., will explore "Theological Ideas of a Prophet," a presentation drawn from the chapter he wrote for Oxford University Press' "Ellen Harmon White: American Prophet," Sabbath, March 1. Dr. Guy says that the more he has studied Ellen White's writings, the more he has grown to appreciate her theological concepts.

Dr. Guy, professor of philosophical theology and former president of La Sierra University, was among the first Adventists to earn a Ph.D. in systematic theology. He has written many articles and books, the most recent co-written with Brian Bull, M.D., "Revisiting God, Sky and Land." He was one of the principal writers of the church's 28 fundamental beliefs and his name has been on the masthead of every issue of Spectrum.

The Roy Branson and Friends Sabbath School class meest from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Centennial Complex room 3111.

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