September 27, 2018

Level I Trauma Center status validated at national level

Both Loma Linda University Medical Center and Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital were recently verified as Level I Trauma Centers by the American College of Surgeons (ACS). The new verification sets a gold standard, validating the hospitals’ commitment to providing the best possible trauma care at every stage of the patient experience, from the prehospital level to rehabilitation and beyond.

LLU Medical Center has been designated for more than three decades as a Level I Trauma Center by San Bernardino County and the state of California. 

That designation is now nationally verified by the ACS–Committee on Trauma. Although the state of California provides the trauma designation, it is increasingly relying upon the ACS for this verification to help evaluate and further improve trauma care within each hospital participating in the trauma system.

Under the leadership of David Turay, MD, Loma Linda University Medical Center was verified as a Level I Adult Trauma Center, and under the leadership of Donald Moores, MD, LLU Children’s Hospital was verified as a Level I Pediatric Trauma Center.  

These are the only Level I Adult and Pediatric Trauma Centers in the Inland Empire, with the Medical Center serving three counties and LLU Children’s Hospital serving four counties. 

Both hospitals were verified during a two-day inspection through the ACS Verification, Review and Consultation Program, which conducted an on-site assessment of both hospitals’ resources and performance. Some assessed features included level of commitment, readiness to provide care, availability of resources, comprehensive policies regarding trauma care, overall quality of patient care and the existence of a robust performance improvement program. 

Loma Linda University Medical Center’s ACS verification will last for one year. LLU Children’s Hospital’s verification will last for three years.
