September 27, 2018

Discovering health policy: the high cost of pharmaceuticals, maternity leave policies and more

News of the Week presents the September 2018 monthly roundup of resources from the Institute for Health Policy and Leadership at Loma Linda University Health. 

In addition, previewed below is the next Spotlight on Health Policy event, taking place in October. 

The Institute for Health Policy and Leadership is an active player in analyzing current issues, bills and laws dealing with health; curating coverage of key national news regarding healthcare, public health and science; and assessing implications for Seventh-day Adventist health systems.

September 2018 policy resources 

Healthcare News at a Glance weekly briefs

Sept. 19 issue

Sept. 12 issue

Sept. 5 issue

Issue at a Glance monthly brief

September 2018 – “Outdoor Air Pollution in California

Policy at a Glance monthly brief

September 2018 – “State & Federal Policies for Maternity Leave

Health Policy Connection blog posts – September 2018

        Sept 12:What To Do About the High Cost of Pharmaceuticals? Part 1: Drug Importation

Sept 25: “What To Do About the High Cost of Pharmaceuticals? Part 2: Negotiating Drug Prices through Medicare & Becoming a Single-Payer System

Event: Spotlight on Health Policy

The next Spotlight on Health Policy event will take place Wednesday, Oct. 24, from noon to 1 p.m. at Loma Linda University Medical Center’s A-level Amphitheater.

Jayanth Kumar, DDS, MPH, state dental director with the California Department of Public Health, will discuss “Collaboration to Implement the California Oral Health Plan.”

Learn more: or ext. 87022


