June 21, 2018

New hospital complex passes major milestones in the construction timeline

Before a building as large as the new Loma Linda University Medical Center tower and Children’s Hospital tower can go up, the builders had to dig down. The foundation for these structures includes an innovative seismic safety system to keep the towers safe and in operation through large earthquakes.

The construction pit now contains the foundation, and all floors, with decking, have reached the original ground level grade or beyond. Although the pit is out of sight, it is doing its job containing all of the seismic reduction elements (dampers and isolators) along with 20 percent of the weight of the building in structural steel on the first layer only.

            Full story: Filling up a pit to support a new medical center

In another milestone, the podium section of the new Loma Linda University Medical Center and Children’s Hospital tower is also nearing completion, and that’s a big deal.

While work has slowed just a bit since the first of June due to a boom in the steel manufacturing industry, the good news is that this slowdown has allowed ironworkers to catch up on the south side’s construction. Once normal deliveries of steel resume, both cranes will operate full speed ahead. The goal is for the podium to be topped off by the end of June. When it happens, there will be a celebration. 

            Full story: Podium nears completion; hospital towers set for construction in early summer
