June 14, 2018

Why Magnet status is important to Loma Linda University Health

Improved patient outcomes. A positive work environment with shared decision making on patient care issues. A culture where people like to work. Increased consumer confidence that Loma Linda University Health provides great care.

These are just a few of the goals for Loma Linda University Health as the organization has entered the documentation phase of seeking Magnet designation from the American Nurses Credentialing Center. Once the process is complete, Loma Linda University’s Children’s Hospital and Medical Center will join 475 healthcare organizations throughout the United States as Magnet facilities. California is home to 33 of those institutions.

The two-year documentation phase will be a time for nurses to help identify examples of Loma Linda University Health’s commitment to the components of the Magnet model — transformational leadership; structural empowerment; exemplary professional practices; new knowledge, innovations and improvements; and focus on outcomes.

The process of reaching Magnet status will challenge not only the nursing team, but will demand an increased focus on quality outcomes across the entire workforce including the interprofessional colleagues that work alongside our nurses. But the commitment to reaching Magnet status is a strong statement by hospital leadership of their belief that Loma Linda University Health staff and personnel are among the very best. 

There is much research confirming that Magnet organizations have favorable patient outcomes. Magnet organizations provide positive work environments for their employees, allowing for team members to work in an organization that is committed to shared decision-making and professional development. Once we achieve Magnet designation, our Inland Empire community will have another indication that LLUH provides high-quality care and patient satisfaction.

Information about Loma Linda University Health’s journey to Magnet status will be updated regularly on the One Portal’s Magnet page.

—Holly Yelorda, MSN, RN, is magnet coordinator for Loma Linda University Health.
