April 12, 2018

Learn about integrating behavioral health services with primary care April 18

Special guest Aaron Williams, MA, will speak next week at Loma Linda University Medical Center on “Integrated Care: Practice and Policy Implications in a Time of Uncertainty.” Williams is senior director for the Center for Integrated Health Solutionsat the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). 

Integrating behavioral health treatment with the primary care model is shown to improve health outcomes, yet it is underutilized. Williams will discuss national efforts to grow this integration movement.

The free seminar takes place Wednesday, April 18, from noon to 1 p.m. in the Medical Center’s A-level Amphitheater. It is part of the “Spotlight on Health Policy” lecture series sponsored by theInstitute for Health Policy and Leadershipat Loma Linda University Health.

Registration is not required. To learn more, contact the Institute for Health Policy and Leadership at ihpl@llu.eduor ext. 87022.
