March 16, 2018

Employees invited to study marine biology to prepare for Honduras field vacation

A tropical nudibranch, Glossodoris atromarginata, as captured by Professor Stephen Dunbar in Bunaken, Indonesia.

Eligible employees hearing the call of Honduras may apply their tuition benefits to take a spring quarter class offering an introduction to field tropical marine biology (course code NSCI 286).

Professor of Biology Stephen G. Dunbar, PhD, offers the class to employees and community members interested in the topic. It will meet Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 6–8 p.m., from April 3 through May 31.

Course participants will learn about marine organisms in tropical habitats around the world.

The class is required for a vacation field course to Roatan, Honduras, later this year (minimum of five participants required for the trip to take place). The tentative trip dates are Sept. 2-9; no tuition benefit applies to the trip.

Registration is now open. To learn more, contact Dunbar at or ext. 48903.


Biology professor Stephen Dunbar, PhD, in Thailand.
