February 1, 2018

New York Times reporter Kolata to speak at Loma Linda University Health

The Center for Christian Bioethics will host New York Times science reporter and best-selling author Gina Kolata in the upcoming program, “Genetic Testing: Would You Want to Know.” The event will take place at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 10 in the Damazo Amphitheater in Centennial Complex, 24760 Stewart St., Loma Linda. 

Kolata will address attendees on the topic of genetic testing for gene mutation, which is a focal point of her latest book Mercies in Disguise. The book is a non-fiction work on the subject of hope through science. Kolata is a senior medical writer with the Times, the author of nine books, and a two-time Pulitzer finalist.

The Center for Christian Bioethics was founded in 1984 by physician and professor of religion and Christian ethics Jack W. Provonsha and has developed a tradition of bringing key thinkers, scholars and public figures to Loma Linda University Health to preserve the heritage of thinking about ethics and medicine in the subject of faith.

For more information about the Feb. 10 event, visit https://religion.llu.edu/bioethics/upcoming-events or call 909-558-4956.
