November 30, 2017

Sunday tours of Embryology Museum now available

Guided educational tour opportunities are being expanded at the Alfred Q. Shryock Museum of Embryology in LLU School of Medicine. Tours are now available by request on the first Sunday of each month from 2–4 p.m., in addition to weekday tours on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Anatomy specialist and volunteer docent Paul McMillan, PhD, leads the tours for visiting student groups from schools and colleges in Southern California and is adding the Sunday option to expand the opportunities for groups from churches, retirement communities and youth groups.

Each tour consists of a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation through which McMillan orients groups about the museum’s holdings, time to browse and ask questions, and, if desired, various videos are available for viewing on embryonic and fetal development. Some of these conclude with a live birth.

Groups of up to 40 people can be accommodated. To schedule an educational guided tour, call Marjorie McPherson in the Division of Anatomy office at 909-558-7602 at least one week in advance. 
