November 9, 2017

'Nurse Leader' showcases Loma Linda banners sent to Orlando Health after nightclub shooting

Personnel of Orlando Regional Medical Center view banners of support sent by Loma Linda University Health. (Photo reprinted with permission of Elsevier.)

When Loma Linda University Health recently sent densely signed banners to hospitals in Las Vegas who treated victims of the Oct. 1 mass shooting in that city, it was unfortunately not the first time a mass shooting prompted sending such messages of solidarity to medical centers treating gunshot victims.

Employees of Loma Linda University Health signed and sent similar banners after a nightclub mass shooting on June 12, 2016, in Orlando.  

A feature this month in the journal Nurse Leader included the above photo of personnel of Orlando Regional Medical Center viewing the banners sent by Loma Linda University Health. The image was included with a story titled “Orlando Health Nurse Leaders Reflect on the Pulse Tragedy.”  

Loma Linda University Health was on the receiving end of such kindnesses when the Medical Center treated victims of the Dec. 2, 2015, mass shooting in San Bernardino.

The outpouring included a banner from employees of Medical Center of Aurora (Colorado), who were in turn following a similar gesture — sent to them when they treated the 2012 movie theater shooting victims — by a Virginia hospital that had cared for victims from the mass shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007.   
