November 9, 2017

Is evolutionary creation an oxymoron? — Panel to discuss

The School of Religion’s Humanities Program is sponsoring an event Saturday, Nov. 11, at 3 p.m. at Centennial Complex titled “Evolutionary Creation — An Oxymoron?”

Biology professor April Maskiewicz, PhD, of Point Loma Nazarene University will make the case for the compatibility of a high view of scripture and biological evolution.

A three-person panel will be respond: Kerby Oberg, MD, PhD, a Loma Linda University medical researcher; Ronny Nalín, PhD, a Geoscience Research Institute researcher; and Marlene Ferreras, MA, MS, a La Sierra University theologian. The panel will be moderated by Jim Walters, PhD, professor at LLU School of Religion and director of the Humanities Program.

Audience Q&A will follow the panel discussion.

The event takes place in Centennial Complex’s Damazo Amphitheater, 24760 Stewart St., Loma Linda. 
