October 24, 2017

Geoscience Research Institute to host open house for Creation Sabbath

The Geoscience Research Institute will showcase new fossil displays and short films during an open house to mark Creation Sabbath 2017, an initiative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The open house will take place from 3–5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 28.                  

In addition to guided tours by staff scientists, films will be shown that explore topics such as our understanding of the European Alps, how fossil whales are studied and an illustration of the Gospel using a marvel from nature. Additionally, see the world premiere of a new film about X-ray crystallographer Isabel de Moraes and her work at the Diamond Light Source near Oxford, England.

3:05 p.m. — The Hole (5 min)

The Hole illustrates the Gospel using the lens of creation to understand what it means to be born again.

3:30 p.m. — Seeking Understanding: Isabel de Moraes (24 min)
This documentary, produced by the Geoscience Research Institute, is being released specially for Creation Sabbath.

4 p.m. — Orígenes (en Español) (28 min)
Orígenes es una serie documental exclusiva de TV Nuevo Tiempo, que busca develar el misterio del origen de la especie humana y de nuestro mundo.

4:30 p.m. — Clash of Ideas (7 min)
Is it true that worldview influences the way people interpret data from the natural world? Is it also possible that observations from the natural world trigger revolutions in thinking?

For more information, call 909-558-4548. The Geoscience Research Institute is located at 11060 Campus St. in Loma Linda.
