September 28, 2017

Try a new commute method during Rideshare Week

Employees of Loma Linda University Health who pledge to try a more earth-friendly mode of commute at least one day next week, Oct. 2-6, will be entered to win items from a long list of contest prizes.

“Go Green and Save Green” is this year’s Rideshare Week theme, giving nod to the potential cash savings to employees who walk, bike, carpool, take the bus, or vanpool to work. 

Loma Linda University Health offers monthly cash or gasoline subsidies to employees who commute greenly instead of driving alone to work. They also reap the satisfaction of knowing they are helping reduce traffic and air pollution.

“Many people have found they like the alternate commute mode once they gave it try,” said Patricia Ibarra, employee transportation coordinator at Loma Linda University Health.

Matching service is available to help employees find commute partners who live near each other and have similar work hours.

For more information, email or call ext. 53033.
