July 6, 2017

'Praying for the Critically Ill' seminars to be offered

Clinicians, non-clinicians and students at Loma Linda University Health are invited to learn more about praying for patients during a seminar series taking place during the noon hour Monday, July 10; Tuesday, July 18; and Monday, July 24.

The seminars are organized by Laren Tan, MD, pulmonary and critical care attending physician. Tan said he felt inspired to do so after returning to practice at Loma Linda University Health following his fellowship training at UC Davis Medical Center.

“I realized how critical prayer is for seriously ill or dying patients,” he said. “Practicing at a non-Christian hospital reminded me of the importance of prayer for patients and their families who are receptive to it.”

The agenda of the three-part series is as follows:

Monday, July 10
Presented by guest speaker Eric Walsh, MD
• What is prayer?
• The importance of prayer
• The power of prayer 

Tuesday, July 18
Presented by guest speaker Rodney Bowes
• The evidence behind prayer and healing
• The need for a personal relationship with God

Monday, July 24
Presented by staff physicians Laren Tan, MD; and Dafne Moretta, MD
• Practical tips on praying for those who are ill
• Break-out groups to pray for current patients

All sessions, offered free of charge, take place from noon to 1 p.m. at LLU Medical Center’s A-Level Amphitheater. For more information, call ext. 82962 or email LATan@llu.edu
