June 28, 2017

Devotional: The First Bite

What mealtime etiquette can teach us -- a devotional

 So my brothers and sisters, when you come together to eat, wait for each other.

~1 Corinthians 11:33

It was a firm rule in our home: when dessert was served, no one could take a bite until the hostess had taken a bite. Our family often had guests over for dinner and I remember, as a young child, looking at the delicious creation on the plate in front of me and sitting on my hands so I wouldn’t forget and sneak a bite. It taught me the value of showing respect to others. My mother had worked hard to prepare the meal and now, we would wait and enjoy eating it with her.

Paul, in his message to the church in Corinth, reminds them of the same thing. Be aware of others; show deference to them. Treat them with respect and care. When you gather for a meal, don’t dive in and start eating. Pay attention to others and make sure everyone has something to eat.

The principle is broader than simple mealtime etiquette and is something we can bring to work on a daily basis. It’s not just behavior that matters; the attitude of our hearts is critical. We can look for ways to be inclusive and respectful in our dealings with others.

In committee meetings, we can ensure that each voice is heard; we can advocate for a staff member’s viewpoint. As we work on implementing projects, it is our responsibility to make sure that all are invited to give input. We can provide an opportunity for diverse opinions to be represented. All of these help us to be an institution that is filled with respect for others.

And just maybe we’ll all be able to enjoy dessert together!

—Kathy McMillan, MA, is director of employee spiritual care at Loma Linda University Medical Center
