June 22, 2017

Loma Linda University Health employees honored for service

Earnest Daniel, far right, is recognized by administrators for his 60 years of service. He is senior lab animal technician in the Animal Care Department at Loma Linda University.

In a series of seven employee recognition banquets, Loma Linda University Health honored employees celebrating service milestones.

The banquets honored staff from each Loma Linda University Health entity who had reached employment anniversaries of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 60 years.

“Loma Linda University Health’s leadership team is deeply grateful for the excellence and commitment to mission each of our employees demonstrate every day,” said Mark Hubbard, senior vice president for Risk Management and Human Resource Management. “As we look to our future, it is our employees who will continue to play key roles in our success as an organization.”

Three employees completed 50 years of service: James Ingold, food service worker at Loma Linda University Medical Center; Leonard Brand, PhD, professor of earth and biological sciences at Loma Linda University; and Ann Ekroth Yukl, MS, RN, assistant professor of nursing at Loma Linda University.

This year Earnest Daniel, senior lab animal technician in the Animal Care Department at Loma Linda University, was the longest-term employee and was recognized for his 60 years of service. Read Daniel’s story here.

During each banquet, employees who were nominated for representing one of Loma Linda University Health’s core values of compassion, integrity, excellence, teamwork and wholeness were given Values Exemplar Awards.

The 2017 Values Exemplar Awards award recipients are:

Crystal Akers, Loma Linda University Children's Hospital
Dottie Berk, Loma Linda University Health Care
Amy Browning, Loma Linda University Medical Center – Murrieta
Janelle Carillo, Loma Linda University
Aramis Cherrington, Loma Linda University Shared Services
Adela Diaz, Loma Linda University Medical Center
Araceli Mora, Loma Linda University Health Care
Annette Moses, Loma Linda University Medical Center – Murrieta
Johnny Nolfe, Loma Linda University Medical Center
Vivian Perez, Loma Linda University Medical Center – Murrieta
Keturah Reed, Loma Linda University Shared Services
Erin Seheult, Loma Linda University
Robert Trujillo, Loma Linda University Medical Center
Melissa Wright, Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center 

Employee portraits taken at the banquets will soon be available via a banner on the One Portal homepage. Email HumanResourceMgt@llu.edu for more information.
