May 18, 2017

Accreditors to review residency and fellowship programs

A sought-after teaching hospital for medical residents and fellows, Loma Linda University Health trains physicians to the highest standards of whole person patient care.

Loma Linda University Health is gearing up for a routine review of its residency and fellowship programs by the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education. The council accredits 56 residencies and fellowships offered at Loma Linda University Health.

Site visitors will be at LLU Medical Center and Children’s Hospital May 23-25 to conduct a “Clinical Learning Environment Review” (often shortened to CLER). They will hold group sessions with more than 180 physicians and conduct walking rounds during which they interview nurses and other hospital staff.

“We appreciate your help should a site visitor ask you any questions,” said Daniel Giang, MD, vice president for graduate medical education at Loma Linda University Health. 

The review process focuses on six areas: patient safety, healthcare quality, care transitions (transfer of patient responsibility between residents), supervision, physician well-being, and professionalism.

“The site visitors are looking at how well we integrate residents and fellows into the quality and patient safety processes of the hospital,” Giang said. “Ensuring that is our daily focus, which translates to the best patient care and the best-trained physicians.”

Learn more about CLER site visits from the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education.  
