April 27, 2017

Yes, We Can!

“…teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Col 3:16

Loma Linda University Health hosted the 15th Annual PossAbilities Triathlon last Sunday. I, along with approximately 1,000 participants, walked, ran and rolled the 5K at 7 a.m.

This continues to be one of the most inspirational experiences that our organization sponsors. While we milled around waiting for the race to begin, I noticed there were two groups of people who wore T-shirts in support of someone who was participating in the event. Once the pre-race formalities were completed, we surged forward to cross the start line, signaling the beginning of the race. Those athletes who were actually competing for the prize were in the front of the pack, and we didn’t see them until they were making their way back to the finish line.

There were volunteers along the route who were not only committed to keeping us safe, they also spoke or shouted words of encouragement to each of us as we passed by. The participants themselves also called out affirmations to each other as we trudged along the route.

We were all committed to finish what we began. There were times when we observed someone’s strength waning, yet a reminder from someone along the way brought a smile or renewed energy which pushed them on.

This reminds me of the Paul’s statement about how we ought to live as members of the Loma Linda University family. We should be cheering each other onward, reminding each other that we will accomplish the tasks set before us. 

We can do all things through Christ who gives us strengthPhilippians 4:13

There is so much in the local, national and international news that causes discouragement, concern and fear. 

While we can’t change what is happening, we can teach and admonish each other that better days are yet to come. Our understanding of the word “admonish” has negative connotations unless we find ourselves feeling overwhelmed or afraid. During those times, we need someone who will cajole, encourage and challenge us to push ourselves beyond the boundaries that seem to impede our progress.

After I completed the race, I watched one of the teams cross the finish line together. They lined up behind one another with a young woman in a wheelchair at the head. They had all come out to support her. They worked together to accomplish the goal and shared in its accomplishment.

Regardless of which part of the enterprise we may find ourselves in today, each of us contributes to the attainment of our mission. Let’s remember to encourage, cajole, challenge and uplift each other as we work to continue the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ.

Dilys Brooks is an associate chaplain for Loma Linda University.
