February 16, 2017

Dealing with outside media

Media trucks line Campus Street in December 2015, when gunshot victims from the terrorist attack in San Bernardino were brought to Loma Linda University Medical Center.

Have you ever seen a news truck parked near campus and wondered why it was here? Or maybe you’ve seen a reporter interviewing someone on campus with a camera and microphone. It is likely you have, because Loma Linda University Health is often in the news for stories related to patient care, cutting edge research, events and in times of crisis. 

However, members of the media are not always easily identified by the presence of a news van or big TV camera. They can often be inconspicuous. Stay on your guard. 

The office of public relations would like to take an opportunity to remind you about protocol when it comes to outside media, such as TV stations, newspapers and film crews.

Follow these guidelines

  1. If contacted by media, please refer them to media relations, ext. 44111. The media relations team will vet every request that comes through.
  2. A media relations representative must be present for all interviews conducted by outside media.
  3. If you notice a reporter on campus without a media relations representative present, call media relations at ext. 44111 or security at ext. 44320.
  4. If a film crew wants to film on campus, they must submit a formal request through media relations.

The main thing to remember is this: a media relations specialist must always be involved when an outside source such as news or another organization wants to speak with or film Loma Linda University Health patients, students, faculty and staff.

Why is this important?

These guidelines ensure the protection of patients, students and employees and ensure the organization is well represented when opting to appear in the spotlight.

Who is the media relations team?

The media relations team is an arm of the office of public relations. The team consists of:

Garrett Caldwell, executive director, public affairs
Briana Pastorino, senior media relations specialist
Susan Onuma, media relations specialist.

To learn more or raise concerns related to outside media, please contact any member of the media relations team.

They are here to support you.

During business hours, call (909) 558-4111 or ext. 44111. After hours, call (909) 558-4000 and ask the operator to page the media specialist on call.

From left to right: Briana Pastorino, Susan Onuma and Garrett Caldwell
