Almost 100 home countries are represented in the student population at Loma Linda University Health, as well as numerous more among employees.
Imagine this diversity illustrated in a majestic parade of flags to open the Sabbath morning church service, March 4, during the One Homecoming weekend. The service will take place at 9 a.m. at Drayson Center, featuring stirring stories, music and messages from students, alumni and guest speakers.
International students, as well as employees from any part of Loma Linda University Health, are invited to participate in the parade of flags, with the gratitude of President Richard Hart, MD, DrPH, who envisioned this living display of global cooperation and mutual fealty toward all humankind.
Individuals who have served overseas are also invited to march with a flag.
Dress from each individual’s home country would be welcome but is not mandatory.
If willing to volunteer, please contact Martin Aguirre at ext. 44560 or no later than 12 noon on Friday, Feb. 24, and indicate the country you represent. He will provide all the necessary information.