March 24, 2016

Code yellow: practice for the real thing

There is no doubt that we will ever forget the events of December 2. And let us not forget that an emergent situation, such as the bomb threats that occurred on that same day and again on December 8, were all very real scenarios that luckily did not amount to anything life threatening…at least not then.

On the morning of Wednesday, March 30, Loma Linda University Health will be conducting its quarterly campus wide drill. This is our way of allowing you – our staff and students – to practice so you will be prepared for an emergent situation. The scenario for next week’s drill will be a code yellow, which is labeled as a bomb threat, and in this case will also involve suspicious packages found on campus.

The two main focuses of the code yellow drill on Wednesday will be utilizing the bomb threat caller form and emergency notifications.

What to do if you receive a potential bomb threat

In the event you get a call from an individual claiming to have left a bomb on campus, it is imperative that you attempt to get as much information as possible, including location of the bomb, when it will go off, what will cause it to go off and what the bomb looks like. It is also important to make note of the characteristics of the caller, such as sex, voice traits, detectable accent, background noises and general attitude.

After your encounter with the caller ends, you must call security control by dialing 9-1-1. For a full rundown of what to do, see the attached document below.

Emergency notifications

Loma Linda University Health utilizes a tool called Send Word Now to send messaging to all students and staff – over 13,000 people – during drills and emergencies. Messaging is sent through LLU and personal email, cell phone text, 2-way pagers and voice phone calls. How you receive messaging is how you elect to do so in MyLLU.

Full instructions on how to update your information are available here.

The most reliable source of communication during drills and emergencies is through your cell phone. However, you will not receive cell phone notification unless you have provided that information in MyLLU.

For additional information on what to do in emergency situations, visit these links:

-       Emergency support and protocol resources

-       Find out the latest status on a current incident

If you have questions about the drill, you may contact environmental health & safety at 909-651-4018 or ext. 14018.




