February 4, 2016

Co-generation plant to provide campus power during temporary SCE service shutdown

Construction is underway and as plans continue to move forward for the new hospital, it is important for Loma Linda University Health staff, employees and students to be aware of campus construction projects.

Beginning at 6:00 a.m. Feb. 12, Southern California Edison (SCE) will be working on the main electrical feed for the entire Loma Linda University Health campus and will shut down their service for 83 consecutive hours.

The pathway of the current main electrical feed to the campus is in conflict with the footprint of the new hospital building project. SCE has been working for the last few months on the rerouting of that feed. This shutdown is required to complete the changeover from the existing feed to the new feed that is safely out of the building project’s parameters.

Due to Loma Linda University Health’s Central Utility Plant having co-generation engines that can sustain power on campus, no impact to normal power is expected during this time. However, there is an increased risk for loss of normal power and the Proton Accelerator will be unavailable during the duration of this work. 

This work has been scheduled during this time frame because the cool weather and weekend lower the energy demand of the campus, reducing the risk of any loss to normal power. 

For more information please contact Eric Schilt at eschilt@llu.edu or ext. 55692.
