November 12, 2015

Stay alert: maintaining crosswalk safety

Crosswalk safety is of the utmost concern as students and staff are busily moving around campus. With dusk now falling before 5 p.m., drivers and pedestrians both need to pay extra attention at intersections and be aware that visibility is lower during this time. 

As a pedestrian, some things to remember are:

• Do not use cell phones while in the crosswalk.

• Refrain from jaywalking and always be sure to maintain eye contact with drivers preparing to enter the intersection.

• To safely cross, stop at the curb and look left and right. Ensure all traffic has stopped prior to walking and if possible, cross the street at the same time as other pedestrians.

Drivers must give the right of way to pedestrians. Stay vigilant with these tips.

• Motorists should not drive through the crosswalk until pedestrian(s) reach the opposite curb.

• Drivers should also refrain from using their cell phone while at the wheel.

• As the driver, be alert to those entering the crosswalk and acknowledge that when eye contact is made, the pedestrian is ready to cross.

Either as a pedestrian or a driver, it is essential to stay alert and make Loma Linda University Health’s campus a safe area for people walking.

For more information about how to maintain crosswalk safety, click here
