October 15, 2015

Physicians honored through anonymous gift to Vision 2020

Roger Hadley, MD (right), dean of the School of Medicine, presents Murray Brandstater, MBBS, PhD, with a Healing Hands pin during an intimate dedication ceremony Sept. 22.

A recent generous gift from an anonymous donor toward Vision 2020: The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow resulted in special recognition for three Loma Linda University Health physicians.

The donor wished not to be recognized, but rather draw attention to professionals who exemplify the qualities the donor values: Leonard Bailey, MD; H. Roger Hadley, MD; and Murray Brandstater, MBBS, PhD.

As a result of the gift, each physician now has a part of campus named in his honor, and these were revealed during recent dedication ceremonies.

They are:

• The Brandstater Ambulatory Rehabilitation Center, located at Loma Linda University Medical Center East Campus

• The Hadley Urology Practice Suite at the Loma Linda University Faculty Medical Offices, and

• The Leonard L. Bailey Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital (unit 5800).

Hadley, who is board certified in urology and general surgery, earned his MD from LLU School of Medicine in 1975. He served as chair of the department of urology from 1990 until stepping into his current role as dean of the School of Medicine in 2003.

Bailey also graduated from LLU School of Medicine in 1969 and has been an attending cardiothoracic surgeon at Loma Linda University Medical Center since 1976. He pioneered infant heart transplantation in 1984 after he successfully transplanted the heart of Baby Fae with that of a baboon when she was just 12 days old. Soon after, he performed the first successful infant-to-infant heart transplant.

Brandstater came to Loma Linda University Health in 1983, established the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation at the School of Medicine, and served as chair for 30 years. Under his leadership the in- and outpatient rehabilitation programs were established.

The anonymous gift will go toward the $360 million capital campaign, Vision 2020, which is part of the construction of the new adult hospital and expanded Children’s Hospital. Beyond the Vision 2020 philanthropic campaign, additional funding for health care will come from state grants, bond financing, and cash flow from operations. Vision 2020 will also strengthen the future of education and research at Loma Linda University Health.
