September 24, 2015

Part three: How right were you?

Last week brought part three of “What do you know about Loma Linda University Health?” Featuring questions from the 2015 General Conference Session of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, held in San Antonio July 2-11, the questions covered an array of topics from health, history, research, dentistry and the Adventist Health Study.

Today the answers are revealed below in bold.


The College of Medical Evangelist’s Los Angeles dispensary moved to its new location in 1918, several weeks before the Ellen G. White Memorial Hospital was dedicated.  Some predicted that the move would cause patronage to drop. Instead, the patient load doubled from 50 patients a day to 100.  How was this accomplished?

      A.   It became a free clinic.  They no longer charged for visits.
      B.   Medicines now were entirely free.
      C.   House calls.

Few medical colleges offered house calls — their patients came from referrals from hospitals. The College of Medical Evangelists (now Loma Linda University) didn’t have those connections in Los Angeles. But Dr. Larson, the medical director of the dispensary, developed other connections through what he called “out-call work.” The medical students and the medical evangelist classes made many friends for the institution and helped build an excellent reputation in the community.



Which of these are the most dangerous?

      A.   Single-rider all-terrain vehicles
      B.   Multi-rider all-terrain vehicles
      C.   Golf carts

Neither variety of ATV can be considered safe by any means, but the multi-rider units are far more dangerous. Despite looking more stable and secure, multi-rider all-terrain vehicles are 11 times more likely to be involved in accidents that require amputation than single-rider units. Avoid them like the plague!


Adventist Health Study:

In Adventist Health Study-1, what percentage of Adventist vegetarian females in California survived to 85 years of age?

      A.   60 percent
      B.   49 percent
      C.   41 percent 

Sixty percent of Adventist female vegetarians survived to 85 years. This was much higher than any other group survival rate in the world at that time. Vegetarian eating does make a difference to life expectancy. Increasing longevity of people in the world today is due in part to the discoveries made in the Adventist Health Studies.



Americans spend $100 billion per year on hair care products. How much do they spend on dental care products?

      A.   $36 billion
      B.   $9 billion
      C.   $2 billion 

Americans spend about $2 billion on dental care products annually, only 2 percent of what they spend on hair care products annually.



According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children and adolescents should do how many minutes of physical activity each day?

      A.   30 minutes
      B.   60 minutes
      C.   90 minutes 

Children and adolescents should do 60 minutes (1 hour) or more of physical activity each day.
