September 10, 2015

Tip for Living It -- Know your stress response

Recognition that there’s a problem is necessary before fixing it. In a rushed world, stress is part of most people’s lives, and it may be showing up in ways unrealized. 

To understand how stress might affect you, take this test in Loma Linda University Health’s online health library. The test is a checklist of symptoms that may be due to stress.

“Recognizing how you react to stress is an important step toward managing it,” notes the article.

In addition to common signs of stress such as a pounding heart or sweaty palms, lesser-known symptoms of stress exist, such as driving recklessly, feeling confused or making errors.

After going through the checklist, see the tips that follow for lowering stress. The article also recommends keeping a log to note symptoms of stress and any possible causes. 

These symptoms could also be the result of other conditions, and this assessment does not replace a visit with a health care professional. However, the checklist may make you aware of a problem, thus creating a starting point for its solution.
