September 3, 2015

Web center begins new website rollouts

The new website of the East Campus of Loma Linda University Medical Center was one of the first to roll out.

Looking ahead, the websites for Loma Linda University Health will display a comprehensive new look. To get ready for this, the Web center is taking the interim step of switching to an improved content management system called Drupal.

This system will make the organization’s websites easier to maintain, allow for simplified user navigation and provide a mobile-friendly design update. At the same time, the Web center will engage business partners to assist in an initial cleansing of outdated and inaccurate information.

Follow the progress at the Web center’s new blog, found at

“We are excited about these changes and the positive impact it will have on our patients, students and community. Thank you for your patience and continued support as we improve our organizational Web presence,” says Jack Rose, executive director of the Web center. “I look forward to seeing you on the blog.”

He adds, “I’d also like to acknowledge the hard work of the Web center team in making this happen.” 

Below is the schedule of websites to be rolled out in the remainder of 2015.
