Stress. We all know it, understand it and experience it on a daily basis. Even the word itself conjures up a feeling of unease that can feel, quite frankly, stressful.
Every situation in life has the ability to lead to stress, but our stress level in part depends on how we approach those situations. Stress is a normal part of life and can be caused by physical and emotional factors, such as not getting enough sleep, having an illness, worrying about money or the death of a loved one. In addition to these, it can also be caused by the everyday responsibilities and pressures that we face, be it at work or home.
I am new to the working world and newly married, and let me tell you, I have been stressed. Within the last 10 months I have experienced stress to the max. I moved across the country away from everyone I knew in North Carolina for a job that I was not sure I would fit into, all while attempting to plan the wedding of my dreams. Experts say these big life changes are some of the most stressful situations humans face. Looking back on this time, I realized one very important thing. We create stress for ourselves simply because it is in our human nature to worry.
But, according to the Loma Linda University Medical Center health library, there are things we can do to help decrease stress. Follow these steps and see if you notice a difference in your stress levels.
• Get plenty of exercise. Exercise can help to counteract the harmful effects that stress can have on your body. Not only does regular exercise act as a de-stressor, it also strengthens your heart, helps control weight and lowers blood pressure. And it is proven that people who participate in regular exercise have reduced blood pressure numbers and their heart rates do not go as high as those under stress who do not exercise.
• Build a strong support system. Having a strong support system is essential to remaining calm. A strong support network, like being married, having close family relations, or having good friendships allows you to have a confidant you can trust and talk with. This helps to move the stressors outside of your mind, which in turn lowers stress levels.
• Seek treatment for constant depression or anxiety. Sometimes stress leads to more serious problems like anxiety or depression. To reduce negative feelings, try activities that are shown to reduce stress while keeping you active. These activities can range from yoga, walking meditation, traditional meditation, and guided imagery to any number of other methods. Sometimes the help of a professional is required in a stressful situation, and there is no shame in needing it.
• Reduce stress from work. Studies have shown that having a challenging job with limited opportunities to make decisions and receiving little reward can increase the risk for heart disease. But most people cannot just up and quit their jobs, so here are a few solutions. Try to take time every day away from work to do something you enjoy, something that you find to be relaxing and calming. For many people that may be reading, going for a long walk or even meditative deep breathing.
Life is stressful, that is the gospel truth, but the things that stress us out do not define who we are. We are strong, intelligent individuals who are loved and cherished. So get out there and exercise, spend time with loved ones, and for goodness sake, don’t let work define your life. There are so many things in life more important than the little stressors.
Have a stress-free day everyone!
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