May 15, 2014

Ellen G. White Branch Office: 'Keeping the Vision Alive'

Ellen White

The Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office’s purpose is to preserve and promote the writings and the legacy of Ellen White, a visionary leader of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The center houses White’s unpublished letters and manuscripts, her published works, document files, family photographs, and other helpful resources related to her life and ministry. Ellen G. White is one of the founders of Loma Linda University and helped develop its early philosophy of Christian medical education. The office is located in the Del E. Webb Memorial Library’s Vernier Radcliffe wing.

While the center is open to the public, most of her writings are also available online. The main webpage of the White Estate, with a vast amount of valuable information related to White, her writings, and ministry is located at

The section “Who Was Ellen G. White” describes, in brief, her life experiences, visions, and role within the development of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. Another helpful link is “Issues and Answers.” It contains some of the more challenging and controversial subjects related to White and her prophetic work.

In addition, a new web reference contains a searchable database of White’s published works in more than 50 languages. The site,, also provides some of her books in an audio format. It is regularly updated to add new features and languages. 

Books written by White may also be accessed on iPhone and Android phones and tablet devices through a free app: EGW Writings.

The Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office at Loma Linda University is an extension of the Ellen G. White Estate Main Office of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Loma Linda University Health welcomes Theodore Levterov, PhD, as the new director of the Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office. He is also an assistant professor in the School of Religion. 
