January 13, 2020

Research Compliance Audit Schedule 2020

Beginning the first quarter of 2020, Human Research and Compliance will distribute the quarterly audit schedule via Researcher’s Alert so that Departments and Principal Investigators (PIs) will have adequate time to prepare for the reviews. The general department dates will be listed on the posted schedule; individual PIs and their Chairs will receive specific details through email notification at the start of each quarter. These routine types of audits are based on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) elements and Informed Consent Document (ICD) processes. The website for Research Affairs is currently a work in progress, but the audit schedule will also be posted there in the future.

Please feel welcome to contact Jerri Mendivel, Research Compliance Manager, at (909) 558-9408 or Ext. 49408 if you have any questions regarding the schedule.

Here is the schedule for First Quarter 2020:

Audits in January:

Otolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery (GCP)

Radiation Medicine (ICD)

Audits in February:

Dental Hygiene (GCP)

Surgery (ICD)

Radiology (ICD)

Audits in March:

Pharmacy (GCP)

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (GCP)

Basic Science (ICD)
