November 9, 2016

The World is Not Flat, But (NIH Commons) Status Is (or Can Be)

How many of you remember this little guy from your high school biology class? Oh, wait, look whom I’m asking!  But flatworms aren’t alone in being flat. Now your Status Results screen can be flat too!

You may remember that early this year, January 22, to be exact, we introduced a new view of the Status Results screen for Principal Investigators (PIs). This new design grouped applications and awards into families. These groups can be expanded with a click, or left collapsed, giving you a more concise view of your data. The design is responsive, adjusting to various window sizes, and recently color coded to provide the most recent status of an application.

And now a new feature has been added. A set of buttons in the upper right corner lets you toggle between the newer look (Grouped View) and a more traditional look (Flat View).  In the Flat View you will see all of your applications and awards listed, organized in the traditional manner of columns: Application ID, Tracking #, Proposal Title, etc.

So not only is the world round, but now you get the best of both of them…Well, in Status Results anyway!

How many of you remember this little guy from your high school biology class? Oh, wait, look whom I’m asking!  But flatworms aren’t alone in being flat. Now your Status Results screen can be flat too!

You may remember that early this year, January 22, to be exact, we introduced a new view of the Status Results screen for Principal Investigators (PIs). This new design grouped applications and awards into families. These groups can be expanded with a click, or left collapsed, giving you a more concise view of your data. The design is responsive, adjusting to various window sizes, and recently color coded to provide the most recent status of an application.

And now a new feature has been added. A set of buttons in the upper right corner lets you toggle between the newer look (Grouped View) and a more traditional look (Flat View).  In the Flat View you will see all of your applications and awards listed, organized in the traditional manner of columns: Application ID, Tracking #, Proposal Title, etc.

So not only is the world round, but now you get the best of both of them…Well, in Status Results anyway!

