August 12, 2015

HOW WOULD an EXTRA HAND help push your research project forward?

HOW WOULD you like an EXTRA HAND to help push your research project forward? Did you know that well-qualified volunteers with a passion for research are looking for placements right now?

You probably have ancillary tasks that need to get done to keep your research on-track.  A volunteer can do some of those for free, and be enthusiastic about it even if the tasks are very basic, just for the opportunities to be in a research environment, make contacts, and to contribute to projects of value.

At this moment,  we have a foreign medical graduate seeking volunteer work with research.  She has been through the vetting process through our Loma Linda Volunteer Services. That means she is background-checked and badged, ready-to-go and very motivated to do whatever tasks in support of your study with which she could help.  What do you have to lose by calling?

Contact information: 

Christina Elzahaby

FMG currently seeking residency match
(No research experience, but enthusiastic. )

