March 27, 2015

IRB tips for researchers engaged in international research

As the academic year comes to a close, a number of students and faculty develop plans for travel and research abroad. We advise investigators to keep in mind some of the additional steps that factor into IRB approval of international research:

  • Investigators must provide the LLU IRB with some form of documentation that their planned research meets local ethical standards and will protect human subjects. Having a letter that addresses local/cultural sensitivities from an independent representative from a local university, non-governmental organization, or other appropriate institution indicates that the study design meets such standards.
  • In some instances (such as research in smaller tribal communities), investigators should provide the IRB with an explanation of how they will be invited into the community.
  • Propose any necessary changes to the consent document and/or process to be culturally appropriate.
  • When necessary, allow for extra time in getting translations for informed consent.