August 19, 2014

Research Affairs Assessment

To: Research Community

From: Rod Neal, Sr VP for Financial Affairs

Re: Research Affairs Assessment

The assessment on research activities to cover administrative and compliance activities is currently 7.5% of expenditures. In an attempt to more accurately reflect the effort and costs involved in managing the different types of awards, the Research Oversight Committee has recommended the following revised assessment schedule:

  • Internal, training and service awards -- 5%
  • Research, clinical trials and human study awards -- 8.5%

The proposed revision is revenue neutral and the position of the University has been to assess only at the level to cover direct research administrative costs. We are working with Research Affairs Financial Management to develop an implementation schedule that will cause the least amount of disruption.

We are excited about the direction of research and are actively engaged with CannonDesign to develop an academic research plan and formulate a case for a new research facility as part of Vision 2020.

Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of discovery and the contributions that you make to Loma Linda University Health.
