January 23, 2024

OnCore Sprint 2 Go-Live

As communicated in previous Researcher’s Alerts, LLUH Research Affairs has been in the process of implementing Oncore, a new, enterprise-wide clinical trial management system that serves to support the LLUH community engaged in clinical research. The Sprint 2, and final go-live will take place Wednesday January 24, 2024. The purpose of this final go-live is to implement both financial and calendar integrations between Oncore and LLEAP, as well as some integration between InfoEd and Oncore as it pertains to IRB.  All affected clinical research coordinators have been contacted about any further required training for this go-live. The Oncore implementation effort has been time consuming for all parties involved and Research Affairs is thankful for the dedication of all involved. As a reminder, the following clinical research studies are REQUIRED to be entered into OnCore: 

1. All studies with billable items or services-regardless of sponsor/funder- requiring a coverage analysis

2. All studies that meet the NIH clinical trial definition regardless of billables

For any questions, please feel free to email the dedicated email box at: Oncore@llu.edu or feel free to reach out to Amy Casey, Executive Director at: acasey@llu.edu

