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May 27, 2015

Reversals of fortune in Luke's parables: Sabbath School May 30

Ivan Blazen, PhD, will study in depth "Lost and Found: The Parables of Luke 16" in the Roy Branson and Friends Sabbath School class Sabbath, May 30. Dr. Blazen will recount Luke's stories of reversals--particularly the reversal in God's community of the rich and privileged who find themselves outcasts, while the poor and marginal discover that Christ has raised them to prominence.

Dr. Blazen earned his undergraduate degree at Andrews University and a graduate degree from the SDA Theological Seminary. After studying for a year at Tubingen University in Germany, he earned a doctorate in New Testament studies from Princeton University. Dr. Blazen has taught at the SDA Theological Seminary, where he chaired the department of New Testament; at Pacific Union College; and finally, for many years, at the Loma Linda University School of Religion where many medical students have benefited from Dr. Blazen's sharp intellect and dedicated wit.

The Roy Branson and Friends Sabbath School class meets from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Sabbaths in Centennial Complex room 3111.

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