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April 22, 2015

Religion, Public Health faculty reflect on 'Adventist Faith and Public Health' April 25

Faculty from the Loma Linda University schools of Religion and Public Health will return to the Roy Branson and Friends Sabbath School class to share what they learned from each other during the class' recent Adventist Faith and Public Health series.

During this series of exchanges, a faculty member from the School of Religion related an important Adventist affirmation to public health followed by a response from a faculty member of the School of Public Health. Presenters touched on redemption, community, the Sabbath, creation, and the Second Coming.

Among the faculty returning to the class to suggest possible directions for future discussions of religion and public health are J.C. Belliard, David Larson, Michael Orlich, Joan Sabate, Sigve Tonstad and Roy Branson.

The Roy Branson and Friends Sabbath School class meets Sabbaths from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Centennial Complex room 3111.

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