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March 26, 2014

'The Future of Adventist History': Sabbath School concludes White series March 29

Six of the lecturers in the Roy Branson and Friends Sabbath School class series devoted to the soon-to-be-published book, "Ellen Harmon White: American Prophet," will gather Sabbath, March 29, to discuss "The Future of Adventist History."

The conclusion to the series that has run through February and March will conjecture as to the kinds of history that are likely to be written about Adventists--biographies, studies of Adventist thought, or analyses of Adventism as a social phenomenon? Will Ellen White continue to be the focus of historians, or will the church as a movement or institution take center stage?

Roy Branson, director of the Center for Christian Bioethics, will be joined by five authors of chapters in "Ellen Harmon White: American Prophet": Jonathan Butler, Fritz Guy, Ron Graybill, Bert Haloviak and Gilbert Valentine.

The Roy Branson and Friends Sabbath School class meets from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Centennial Complex room 3111.

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