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May 2, 2013

Sabbath school poet-prophet series wraps up May 4

The Roy Branson and Friends Sabbath School Class will conclude its ongoing series, Prophets: Poets Aflame with God’s Passion, Sabbath, May 4, with a wrap-up of weeks studying the Minor Prophets of the Old Testament: "The Fire This Time: Two Centuries of Hebrew Prophets."

Gathered to share impressions with each other will be those who led weeks of analyzing some of the greatest of the Hebrew poets: Melissa Brotton, Ph.D, from the La Sierra University (LSU) department of English (Haggai); Peter Cimpoeru, Ph.D, a former LSU professor of history (Habakkuk); David Larson, Ph.D, LLU professor of religion (Hosea); and Roy Branson, Ph.D, associate dean of the LLU School of Religion (Amos & Zechariah).

Among the topics they will discuss will be how did the experience of exile to, and life within, some of the greatest empires of the time affect these Hebrew poets? What are some of the significant metaphors that seemed to persist through many of these writers? Which of these metaphors continued to ignite the Hebrews who followed Jesus?

The Roy Branson and Friends Sabbath School class meets from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Centennial Complex room 3111.

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