October 29, 2015

Have your IACUC submission approved the very first time it is reviewed

Hello Researchers:

Research Affairs would like to invite you to the November 10 Lunch Seminar:

Have your IACUC submission approved the very first time it is reviewed

Why experience frustration and lose valuable time getting your project started?  By knowing exactly what information IACUC needs to approve your study, you can be sure all those elements are included and sufficiently developed in your application before submittal. Then, sit back and watch your first-time approval rate jump!  See attached flyer for more about this comprehensive presentation by Obed Rutebuka.

The seminar will be held in the Research Affairs main conference room from 12-1pm. Physicians attending this session will earn CME. 

You must register to receive credit and so we can have lunch ready for you. Seating is limited.

 Please click link Register    

Also, attendees who submit an evaluation form after the program will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card.  Congratulations to Julie Lacanlale for winning the drawing for a $25 gift card at the last seminar.  

Thank you for your attention. We look forward to seeing you there.
